He Saved Her

By sally_alisia

165 12 2

--Shaley Ross is a senior and is having a hard time due to her fathers death. She blames herself. Her mother... More

He Saved Her
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six: Truth Or Dare 1

Chapter Four

7 1 0
By sally_alisia

"Shay, Shay... Baby can you hear me?" Te eighteen year old Christopher Morris asked an unconscious Shay.

"She's unconscious you idiot!" Caiden smacked the back of Chris' head.

"Ow! Well, how about this, you shut the fu--"

"What's going on here?" Shane shouted as he pulled up in the driveway to see two boys hovering over his sisters body.

"S-she fainted." Chris mumbled.

"Chris? What the hell are you doing here, and.... Who are you?" Shane asked both boys.

"I'm Caiden. I live across the street."

"And I came to see Shaley." Chris told Shane.

"Why is she... On the ground passed out?"

"She fainted, from shock?" Chris said unsure.

"No, that's not the only reason. You idiot! You know that she's been--" Shane cut himself off after his gaze wandered towards Caiden. Caiden rose an eyebrow.

"I know Shane. But I just needed to see her." Chris mumbled the last part out.

"Well, I understand that. Lets get we in the house." Shane walked up and before she could pick his sister up, Caiden did.

"Okay? Come on." Shane said and unlocked the door.

Shane stepped aside for Caiden to get through, he then led Caiden to their large living room area, where Caiden laid Shaley down.

"Now what?" Chris asked.

"Get me a glass of water, and.... Where's her bag at?" Shane asked.

"My car. Be back in a second." Caiden darted out and came back seconds later with Shay's bag in hand.

"Chris get me a glass of water." Shane snapped. Chris obliged as Shane went through Shay's bag.

He pulled out her pill bottle and pulled out one pill. He continued searching through her bag for her animateal epi-pen.

"What's that?" Caiden asked.

"Her pulse is low, where she hasn't been eating and she's weak, this.." Shane took off the lid, pointing at the needle....

"Goes into her chest." Shane yanked his arm in the air to stab it into her chest but Caiden's arm shot out and stopped him.

"Wait! What are you doing with that?"

"Like I said... I'm putting this into... Her... Chest." Shane said slowly as Chris came into the room with Shay's glass of water. Chris sat the glass onto the table an took a seat on the other couch.

He's seen Shane do this multiple times, so he's not worried.

"Does it hurt her?" Caiden asked.

"It doesn't at first, but it will soon after, now move your hand.. I need to do this." Shane said as he shoved Chris' hand away.

Shane raised his arm back and in one swift motion, Shane stabbed the needle point into her chest and pushed the dial.

"1... 2... 3..." Shane counted down and pulled the needle from her chest.

"Why isn't she... Waking up.?!." Caiden asked.

"Give it a minute." Chris said sounding aggravated.

All of a sudden, Shay shot up, taking deep breaths.

She grabbed her chest and fell back onto the couch, panting.

"Are you okay?" Shane brushed the hair from her face to behind her ear.

Nodding, shay sighed and closed her eye, by then something hit her---

"What the hell are you doing here?" Shay shot up and pointed at Chris.

"About that..." He chuckled nervously.

"Well..?" Shay urged him on.

"I just wanted to see how you were, I mean... After the break-up. How've you been? Are you doing good?" He asked searching the back of his neck.

"Do I look good?" Shay snapped. Chris eyes roamed over her pale face and bony body.

"Honestly, no. I heard that you haven't been eating? Is that true?" Chris asked as his voice grew angry.

"I lose my appetite every time I try to eat." Shay mumbled.

"Shay... You have to move on from this."

"I can't. Everybody can but I can't. Shane did, mom did, Jenna did, even Anna. But you wanna know why I can't?" Shay shouted the last as she stood up and walked away from the couch, crossing her arms over her chest. She didn't wait for anyone to answer.

"Because it was my damn fault." She yelled.

"It was my fault." She whispered as she took in her own words, tears spring free.

"No, Shay. It wasn't your fault, and he wouldn't want this for you." Shane stood up and walked towards her, Chris and Caiden just watched.

"It was. It was my fault, and now he hates me, and don't pretend that you don't hate me. I took away anna, jenna and your father, moms husband, I took away a great man, and for what?" Shay laughed bitterly.

"He's your father too!" Shane shouted at her as he grabbed her shoulders.

Everything grew quiet; all that was heard was Shane and Shay's breathing as they panted.

"He was. He WAS my father, and I took him away from all of us. You know you hate me, just tell me the truth for once. It was my fault and you know it!"

"No, Shay. It was the drunk drivers fault! Not yours and I don't hate you!" Shane said softly.

"Just tell me the damn truth!!" Shay yelled, not caring what he had just said as she punched his chest.

"You wanna know the truth? Do you really?" Shane asked harshly.

"That's what I just said." Shay stepped back.

"Fine, well here it is. Here is the fucking truth that you want so badly.:.:.You. Make. Me. Sick. What your doing to yourself. Not eating, nor sleeping. And yeah, I DID blame you. That why I said I had school. I did but not then. I was on break but I decided to go back to campus, because I couldn't look at you without thinking of, of why my father is dead! If you wouldn't have been bitching over a damn car, our father would still be alive. He would be working and laughing, we'd be in New York. But he's not and were not.

"Are you happy now? You lost a father, you lost your sisters, our own mother barely wants to be around you. You lost your friends, your boyfriends, and now.... You just lost me." And with that said Shane ran out of the house.

Shay stared at the door for a good three minutes before turning to the two boys in her living room, whose eyes were wide and their mouths were hanging open.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, shay cleared her throat.

"I think... Ahem.. I think you guys s-should leave." Shay rubbed her chest as it started to burn.

"Shay--" Chris began, but shay cut him.

"Just. Go." She sighed desperately.


"I said. GO!" She roared. Both boys stood and began walking towards the door. She followed them.

"Caiden." She stopped Caiden by grabbing onto the sleeve of his Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt,

"C-can you not mention, what you j-just witnessed to anyone?" She stuttered, frankly embarrassed.

"Sure." He sighed and walked across the street towards his own house. Chris have Shay one more look before he got into his truck and sped off.

The first thing shay did when she walked into her house and shut the door; was head to the kitchen.

She made cereal, ate four cookies, and gobbled up two cupcakes before going to shower.

Stepping out of the shower, she felt numb. She wrapped a towel around her and stared at her reflection.

"I will prove myself to them. I will be better." She promised herself.

With a sickening, chill boning laugh, she spoke aloud, "You disgust me." Meaning towards herself; And then trudged into her bedroom to put on yoga leggings and a sports bra.

She jogged downstairs and out the door.

"Time to start my old life up." She mumbled as she took off running down the streets.


Four hours later, she stepped into her house and into the kitchen, panting heavily.

She poured herself a half a cup of milk, and grabbed two candy bars.

She walked back into the living room, only to see Shane with his head in his hands on the couch. Shaley sat her milk and candy bars down onto the glass coffee table and crossed her arms over her chest, right when Shane looked up.

"Shay. I-I am so sorry." He started walking towards her and she met him half way as she threw her arms around his neck and his went around her small waist.

"Shaley, I am so terribly so-"

She cut him off.

"Don't. Don't apologize. It was the truth and its how you feel and I'm sorry I didn't take your feelings into consideration, I am. I didn't think that what I was doing to myself would affect you, or mom, or even the girls." Shay said sternly.

Shane nodded and watched as shay then turned and skipped into the kitchen.

Curiosity sparked him and he soon followed to see her opening the bread and grabbing the Nutella jar. He watched closely as she spread the chocolatey-goodness on the light white bread. He cleared his throat and she looked up at him.

"Yes?" She asked as he leant against the kitchen archway.

"Make me one?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Sure." She breathed and began making his. She poured him some milk and handed the sandwich an glass to him as she grabbed her sandwich and took a seat on the couch in the living room. She ate her two candy bars first then she ate her Nutella sandwich she then drank her milk.

"Whatcha wanna watch Lil sis?" Shane asked as he began flipping the channels.

Before she could speak, she opened her mouth, onto to let out an ear piercing scream as she doubled over, holding her lower right abdomen.

She stated cry as the pain was becoming unbearable.

"Shay! What's wrong!" Shane said as he tried to look at her face. She shook her head sobbing and that triggered something in Shane

"Mom!" He bellowed. Jenny came bounding down the stairs.

"Oh! Shay, where have you been young lady? I was so worr- oh my! What's wrong honey?" Jenny asked as she walked over to the couch as Shane picked her up bridal style. Shay balled up in his arms grasping his shirt as she cried out.

"Jenna! Anna!" Jenny yelled upstairs.

The two girls came down and took a look salt shay an Anna started to whimper at the sight of her bigger sister.

"She ate too much and se shouldn't have because she hasn't ate much these past few days. Her stomach may need flushed." Shane said as he grabbed his truck keys and walked out the front door with Shaley in his arm.

"Jenna, get your sister a shirt from her room, and Anna get her phone from the kitchen counter." Jenny ordered as she grabbed her coat and purse. The girls spilt ways an went to do as their mother ordered.

Soon they were in Shane's truck, Jenny in the back pushing hair from her daughters face, and Anna was rubbing her sisters arm. Ten year old Jenna was up front as Shane ape off to the local hospital.

Jenny tried putting the shirt over Shay's sports bra, but shay shoved the shirt and her mothers hands away.

After a ten minute drive, Shane had Shay in his arms once again as he rushed her into the emergency room. They immediately took her to a room and Shane laid her atop of the bed.

A female nurse came in pushing a cart.

"Okay, before I drawl blood, answer me some questions." The nurse said. Shane nodded as did Jenny.

"How old is she? What's wrong? How long has she been in pain. What's her full name and birthdate? Her blood type?" The nurse fired questions after questions as she pulled out her clipboard and pen.

"Seventeen. She hasn't been eating lately and my son told me that she had ate a lot today so.. She just started hurting about ten minutes before we left the house so about thirty minutes or so ago. Her full name is Shaley Raelynn Ross, January 21st, 1996, and 0-negative." Jenny answered over Shays's sobbing a Shay was bundled into a ball, hugging her knees chest.

Jenny was crying because her daughter was in pain, Jenna was crying because her mom and big sister was crying, and Anna was crying because she knew something was definitely wrong with her sister.

"Here, um.. Girls,. Lets to get some hot cocoa, eh?" Jenna asked Ed two youngest daughters. They nodded and both grabbed their mothers hands, and drug her from the small patient room.

"So.... The not-eating thing.. Is it a concern, like-- is she anorexic? Or does she self-harm?" The nurse asked after Jenny and the girls had left.

"What? Oh God. No. I-I mean... She USED to self harm, but not now, not never. And for the half being of her being anorexic is also a no. She just has a loss of appetite." Shane said quickly.

"Any medications that she is on?" The nurse nodded at him and then asked another question.

"Anti-depressants. Pristiq, I believe." Shane shrugged.

"Oh, t-that might explain her loss of appetite." The nurse stood stiff with wide eyes.

"A-are you okay?" Shane asked as he stood up.

The nurse seemed to snap out of her trance as she smiled softly up at him.

"Fine, j-just fine. The doctor will be in shortly. That will be all for now." The nurse walked out.

"Okay...?" Shane whispered. He turned back around and sat on the edge of Shaley's hospital bed. Shay was still sobbing, not as hard as before.

Shane began rubbing Shay's back, as she kept crying.

"Ahem." A deep voice cleared their throat. Shane snapped his gaze to the curtain that was now opened. There stood a doctor, tall dark and handsome.

"Yes?" Shane asked.

"This is... Shaley Ross, I assume?" The doctor said as he looked at the clipboard that was currently in his holding.

"Yes. Dr...." Shane trailed off.

"Dr. Manns." The doctor finally cracked a smile.

"Here Shane.. Anna insisted on getting you so--" Jenny stumbled in with the girls and they all three held cups if cocoa while Jenny held two cups.

"Oh, hey Jensen." Jenny smiled politely.

"Hey Jenny, I didn't know... These are you're kids?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes try are." Jenny looked over her kids with adoration and love.

"Oh, I should've picked up on that." He chuckled.

"Well, yes. I guess you should've." Jenny chuckled.

"Mom?" Shane said to get his mothers attention.


"What uh..." Shane trailed off as his eyes darted back and forth from her and to Dr. Manns.

"Oh, silly me! Jensen this is my oldest, Shane, Shaley was next, then Jenna, and then lastly but not least... Little Anna."

"It's nice to meet y'all." Jensen Manns smiled politely at them.

"It's nice to meet you and all, but Shaley is in quiet some pain and..." Shane interrupted.

"Oh, yes. Sorry." The Dr. Manns apologized and walked to the side of Shaley's bed. Shay was bawled into a ball, hugging her knees to her chest. The doctor leaned down and 'tsked' at her.

"Don't lay like that." The doctor said as he pulled Shaley's legs down and she rolled onto her back, her legs out straight.

"Pull up your shi-- oh, you dot have a shirt on." Te doctor chuckled to him self as he pulled a chair up as took a seat by the Ed. Shay had stopped her sobbing but now silent tears spilled from her eyes and rolled down into her hair line.

"Put your hand on my shoulder and squeeze when it hurts. It's best for you not to talk as of right now, when I push just squeeze. Don't worry about hurting me." Dr. Manns informed her. She meekly nodded with a painful sigh.

The doctor began to push on Shay's left side. Nothing hurt so he moved to the middle of her stomach. The pain was throbbing once again but not as much as wen he retch her right side and pushed, she squeezed his shoulder with all her might as she let out an ear piercing scream.

Anna started to cry as did Jenna. Jenny placed both girls on each of her knees, shops hung them.

"It hurts there." The doctor said more to himself. Shay although still nodded as more and more tears flowed.

"Okay, bend up your right leg. I'm going to push it into your chest, if It hurts, try not to scream but... Squeeze Shane's hand." The doctor stood as he took Shaley's leg and Shane took her hand. The doctor pushed he leg up and Shay started to grind her teeth in order to not scream and just squeeze Shane's hand.

"That hurt?" The doctor mused.

Shay nodded and he sighed as he grabbed his clipboard and eased her leg down.

He jotted down some things before turning back to Shay.

"I'll have you in for testing and then we'll see. Nurse Janie said that she hasn't eaten. That may not be the cause. Her appendix seems to be swollen, and her probably not eating triggered it. But even if she had've eaten, which she would've not have been able to hold down, her appendix would've still been about to burst." Dr. Manns said to Shaley's family.

"Oh..." Jenny mumbled to herself.

"Dr. Manns, his long will it be before you get he into scanning and testing?" Shane asked as he crossed his arms, brought up one arm and chewed on his thumb nail, nervously.

"Right now." He then walked out and two make nurses came in and wheeled Shay away.

"If she needs surgery, which she will... Her immune system won't be as strong." Manns said as he watched the nurses take Shay down the hall.

"Jenny sighed as Shane turned to the doctor.

"How'd you and mom meet?"

"Oh, I live across the street. My son goes to school with Shaley."

"Oh." Shane mumbled and then realization hit him.

"Oh!" He snapped his fingers. Manns and Jenny looked quiet amused, as of the two small girls looked confused.

"Your son... He-- when Shay passed out, he carried her in. Da-- darn it, what was his name?" Shane corrected himself from cursing in front of his mother, and then mumbled the last to hisself.

"Caiden. And when did Shay pass out?" The doctor asked as concern etched his features.

"Early to day... Why?" Shane inquired.

"I heard that she's on anti-depressants?" Manns asked ignoring Shane's questioning.

"Uh, yes. After her father-- she blames herself." Jenny stumbled over her words.

"What did you do when she passed out?" Manns asked.

"Uhm.. I stabbed her epi-pen in her chest, why?"

"Just wondering. Come on, lets go check and see how she is." Manns said and led Shane, Jenny and her two children down the hall, and into the surgery prep room.

Shay was on the bed with these nurses taking off her pants.

"Uh, what soupy think you're doing?" Shane asked the nurses. They chuckled as did Jenny and Manns.

"Son, it's fine. They have to prep her. She can keep her sports bra on, but her pants and underwear must come off." Manns said.

"Well... Advert your eyes." Shane told them. They nodded with slick smiles on as they finished pulling down her yoga pants off.

Shane turned his head as they began to pull off her underwear.

"The sheets over her." Manns said into his ear. Shane turned to see the sheet pulled up to her waist line. He breathed out a sigh of relief.

The nurses began to sterilize her side with alcohol pads.

"What are they doing now?" Shane asked Manns.

"Their scanning her. It'll show up on the screen in less than twenty seconds an if she needs surgery, it'll only take about theory minutes or so." Manns explained. Jenny and Shane nodded.

Shane and Jenny watched as the red headed male nurse drug over a white machine thing. He then raised it up and portioned it over her stomach.; while the black haired one went through the corridor to hit the button three times.

A picture of her stomach showed up on the black screen, her liver, her stomach, appendix and more showed up. The nurses moved the scanner and took one more shot and then her appendix showed up on the screen.

Her appendix was throbbing, like a pulse. There was a few zig zagged lines through it.

"Dr. Manns, she's going to need surgery." The black haired one informed Manns.

Manns nodded and turned to Shane and Jenny."Okay, I'm getting ready to take her into surgery, in which I'll be performing.. So, you guys can go wait in the waiting room. I'll be back to get you after the procedure is done."

"Surgery.?!." Anna croaked. Jenna rubbed her back while their mother nodded to Manns. Shane smiled down at his two sisters and turned back to Manns.

"Yes Dr." Shane said. The doctor smiled an left through the double doors as Jenny, the two girls and Shane turned and took a seat in the waiting room.


'Beep'..... 'Beep'..... 'Beep'.....

Shay's eyes fluttered open, to be closed again.

'What the heck?' Sh thought to herself as she tired to pry her eyes open once more, just to be blinded by the bright light and shut tight.

Her body felt numb, it felt limp; as her head felt heavy on her neck.

With one more try, she willed for her eyes to snap open. She blinked repeatedly and soon her vision came to.

White. That's what she saw.

White walls, white curtains, a white TV.

Her eyes continued to roam as they stopped on a white leather couch. The only thing that popped out was her mother and pink shirt that Jenny wore; as Jenny was currently snoring softly.

Shay opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out; just a squeak.

She wiggled her fingers, toes, then legs and arms and it felt like the blood had came rushing back as her body wasn't as sore or numb.

"Mom." Shay croaked lowly; more of a raspy whisper.

Jenny mumbled and sat up. It's a wonder she even heard Shaley.

"Mom.?" Shay tired again, a little louder. Jenny yawned and rubbed her eyes and soon looked to Shay.

"Shay!" Her mom squealed and ran over to Shaley's bed. Jenny gave her daughter a light hug.

"How you feeling?" Jenny asked as she fixed her shirt.

"Not good."

"Well, Shane and the girls went to get--" Jenny began but the door opened and then fumbled in her other three children with cups and bags in their hands.

"Shay!" Anna yelled as did Jenna. They dropped their items onto the side table and took off running towards Shay. Before they could reach her, Shane scooped them both up in his arms.

"You can't jump on her, she still has stitches in you dummies." The girls giggled at Shane.

Shane tossed both eight year old and ten year old onto the white plush leather couch, them giggling immensely.

Shane went and kissed shay on the forehead.

"How yah doin' kiddo?" He faked a slight country accent. Shay chuckled before wincing at the sudden pain in her lower right side.

"Ow." She mumbled.

"You're feeling, 'Ow'?" He mocked her. She turned to glare at him, but something, or shall I say someone, caught her attention at the door.

"Caiden?" She mumbled. Shane and Jenny turned to see what she was stunned about and their eyes widen partly.

Caiden stuck his hands in his front pockets and smiled at them, or well Shay, sheepishly, as a slight blush formed over his cheeks. "How are you feeling.?."

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