Last Fall

By tacitart

18.8K 699 216

Sometimes things have to fall apart completely before they can be put back together. lg x asr More

Last Fall
I Watch The Sun
Everybody Breaks A Glass
Demon Limbs
Do It Over
The Heartless
This Time
Stay Young, Go Dancing
You And I
Peace Sign
I Lost Her
Lose Myself
Fell Again
back from the dead to ask a ?

Fire Escape

1K 44 18
By tacitart

Lyndsey was beautiful.

But she was also young, inexperienced and I found that to be rather alluring. The criminal in me wanted to corrupt that, although something told me her head wasn't as innocent as her heart and my own heart was inclined to protect hers. That scared me because I didn't want to be the one to cause her the pain I wanted to shield her from. I'd been through the heartache of heartbreak before and didn't want to risk experiencing it again, but every time she smiled I knew I was in trouble. I hadn't smiled so much in so long that my cheeks were actually sore from involuntarily matching her expression.

We had parted ways with the others earlier in the day to explore a graveyard while the boys went to a skate park and Daneantha went God knows where to do God knows what. Lydnsey made up stories for the lost lives of those in the cemetery, complete with different accents and I genuinely laughed at all of them. She seemed pleased by my amusement and didn't stop until no headstone was forgotten. It was getting late by the time she was done so we left and started walking back towards the hotel but the misting rain turned to pouring. She screeched and took off running toward an abandoned building across the street with me in tow. The scaffolding had fallen and parts of the walls had collapsed. There was dust and debris everywhere. We carefully walked up rotting wooden steps to what looked like it may have been a balcony, once upon a time.

We lost track of time while exploring the vast destruction but I could tell she didn't want to leave yet and honestly, I didn't either. She climbed through a broken window and onto a fire escape. The metal was rusting and I was worried that it wouldn't hold, but it did and she convinced me to join her. By then the rain had stopped, the sun had set and the stars now shined above. She shivered from the declining temperature and I instinctively wrapped my arms around her middle and held her to me tightly.

I listened as she talked about her theories of afterlife which lead to us discussing religion, how the earth was created and what could be in space. She stared off into the sky and animatedly described planets with extraterrestrial life. I noticed how she would scrunch her nose whenever she thought too hard and run her hand through her hair to push her bangs backward every time the wind blew. Even if it didn't mess up her hair, she'd still readjust it.

We eventually bothered to check our phones and when we did, it was nearly 5 a.m. I had 102 missed calls and over 300 unread texts. I assumed Lyndsey's phone wasn't much different. I texted Sam to apologize and let her know that we were alive and well and on our way back to the hotel. There was no ladder at the bottom of the escape so we had to jump from the creaking metal platform to the dirt floor. I jumped first and held my arms up with a laugh. "We both know you're clumsy."

Sure enough she stumbled and brought me with her. Her grip on my arm tightened as she leaned her back against the crumbling brick wall for support. "Oops." She giggled. "I have the balance of a drunk baby deer."

I had thought that the color of her eyes reflected my own, but looking into them now, I realized that they were a darker hazel in contrast to my lighter. Those eyes flickered to my lips and then averted themselves to her left nervously. I brushed the back of my hand against her cheek, tinted rose from the cold air, and then rested my hands on her hips. She hesitantly brought her arms up and linked her hands at the back of my neck. My lips ghosted over her own, not quite touching, but existing in the moment anticipating what was to come.

Her eyes fluttered closed, as did my own and I pressed my lips against hers. She immediately responded by pressing back harder and arching her spine so I could move my hands to her lower back and pull her into me. I wanted her impossibly closer. She untangled her fingers from each other and retangled them in my hair. When we pulled apart the only word that was going through my mind was breathless.

She left me breathless.


We walked along the sidewalk in a comfortable silence, me kicking lone pebbles. My hands were cold and I craved the warmth from hers so I brushed my hand against her own, but she didn't seem to notice and I didn't want to interrupt her deep thought so I stuffed my hands in my pockets. That was when she broke her trance and tapped my arm. When I looked at her questioningly, she tugged my sleeve upward so I took my hand out of my pocket and she provided the warmth I had wanted.

When Sam saw us holding hands, her scowl was replaced by a grin so big I thought her face might explode. I frowned slightly when Alexa let go of my hand at seeing our friends until she slid one arm around my waist, used her opposite hand to frame the side of my jaw and kissed me slowly infront of the lot.

"ow OW!" Dane said while Alex yelled "Get it Lynn!"

I blushed and hid my face in her neck as we hugged.

"See you later Lynds." She whispered. I smiled. No one's ever called me that before.

"See you later Lex." I bit my lip and watched her climb into the driver's seat of their van, rolling her eyes as Sam freaked out. "You better tell me everything Gunnulfsen!" Sam yelled as she opened the passenger door.

After half an hour, Brian and Alex quit being annoying long enough to say that they were happy for me. I thanked them and went right back to texting as I had been previously.

L: When do I get to see you again?

A: I'll figure something out

L: Good cause I kindof already miss you

A: only kindof???

A: I'm offended

L: lol okay alot

A: Much better

L: Dork

A: Your dork though

L: I like the sound of that

A: :)

Sam had been repeatedly texting me my name in all caps, so I decided I'd finally appease her.

L: hi




L: idk just like ask your sister?

S: I tried that! She won't tell me shit.

S: Atleast tell me who kissed who

S: Or maybe where the hell you were last nigjt aghskjl you asshole we thought you guys were dead

L: It started raining so we went and hid out in an abandoned warehouse but got sidetracked exploring

S: Exploring each other? ;)

L: No samantha get your mind out of the gutter!

L: We talked on a fire escape all night and just forgot about the time

S: Okay that's adorable I forgive you for ignoring us what happened next?

L: We had to jump off the firescape to get down but I'm an awkward string bean so she went first and held out her arms and of course my dumbass still stumbled and I ended up with my back against the wall, holding onto her arm so she was right infront of me


L: We were staring at each other and I was freaking out and didn't know how to make a move so I just stood there and then she kissed me


A: why is Sam screeching what did you tell her haha

L: Nooottthhing :)))




S: Now we can double date


N: You guys alright?

L: Yeah, why?

N: I thought you were due home late last night.

L: Oh right sorry Alexa and I accidentally on purpose delayed our departure but we should be home in about 10-15 minutes

N: Just you and Alexa?

L: Wipe that smirk off your face loser

N: Seriously though how'd things go between you two?

N: C'mon I'm your big brother you know you can tell me anything

L: She kissed me this morning

N: Wait really?

L: Yeah, twice.

N: I feel like you should be freaking out.

L: I still don't really believe it happened.

L: Like part of me is saying that the past 24 hours were a daydream.

L: She's just so caring and attentive.

N: I'm really happy you've found someone like her L. She's special.

L: She really is.


One week later and it was the beginning of October. I was attending a Halloween party with the boys and Josh, who was helping me get ready. I had chosen a poltergeist inspired route and was going as Diane Freeling. I had the 65 longsleeved Jersey and added white thigh high socks with two black lines at the top each and my white hightop converse. I left my hair down and snapped a picture in the mirror hanging on the back of my door and sent it to Alexa. I wouldn't give her a clue as to what my costume was all day.

A: Omg

A: Lyndsey what

A: I'm gunna print this out

I'd shaved two lines into my left eyebrow about an hour ago (thanks to Josh for the idea) and hadn't told anyone yet. I was nervous she wouldn't like it, but Josh, being the bestfriend that he is, told me I looked badass. It was a stepping stone to me shaving my hair like I eventually planned to. I took another selfie, this time of my face, and sent it to her as well.


L: ugh I wish :(

A: For real though what are you doing the 12th-16th?

L: Nothing why?

A: I'll be in Boston visiting my bestfriend at college the 10th and 11th and I thought that maybe I could swing by and get you when I leave and you could come stay on LI with me for a few days?


A: I was hoping you'd say that

"What'd she say?" Josh asked in reference to Alexa.

"How'd you know I was texting her?"

"That increasingly familiar dopey look on your face."

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck of Dunn."

"Fight me Gunn."

"If you must know she just invited me to stay a few days at her house next week."

"Use protection."

"You know what" I laughed "get out of my room."

"I'm just looking out for you!" He exclaimed still attempting to be serious.

"Aight I'm out. See you at the party."

"Don't leave without me!"

October 12, 2012

My parents had conveniently been working alot lately so I hadn't exactly disclosed my plans of going to LI until the day of. My mom didn't fight me on it and my dad's only request was to meet Alexa before we left. She had no valid reason to say no since I'd already met her parents.

"Where are the boys?" That was the first thing my mom had said to me all week. My dad looked at me expectantly.

"Oh, um, they're not coming with. It's just me." I said awkwardly and my mom's expression turned sour.


"Why what?"

"Dont you play your little mind games with me missy. You know exactly what I'm asking."

I huffed. "She invited me. I said yes. End of story."

"Lynn I swear-" She was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Please be nice." I pleaded quietly. Normally I'd never show weakness infront of my mother, but I didn't want confrontation to screw up my relationship with Alexa before it actually started.

My heart rate picked up as I opened the door and I bit my lip.

"Hey Lynds."

"Hi." I said abashedly and stepped aside to allow her to enter.

"You have a beautiful home." She complimented.

"Thank you." My father answered for me. "You must be Alexa. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

She shook his hand with a polite smile. "The pleasure's all mine."

My mom crossed her arms and said hello, quite rudely might I add. I put my hand on Alexa's arm to stop her from saying something sarcastic, so she just nodded her head to acknowledge my mom's greeting and my mom simply gave her a tight smile in return.

"Keep an out for this one will ya?" My dad asked and ruffled my hair.

"Of course sir. I always got eyes on my girl." She assured. He seemed pleased with her response and patted her back. They joked about something but I wasn't paying attention. Her words rang in my ears. My girl.

Alexa's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Ready to go babe?" I flushed red as heat rushed to my face. She hadn't called me anything other than Lyndsey or more recently Lynds until now. My mom was practically fuming and by the glint in Alexa's eye, I could tell she was enjoying my mom's discomfort. I decided to hell with my mom, if she wanted to listen to our conversation then I would have some fun with it. My dad had already left the room.

"Yeah." I swung my bookbag over my shoulder and picked up my duffle bag and held it out toward Lex. "Baby can you carry this for me?"

She caught on to what I was doing and suppressed a laugh. "Anything for you."

I turned to my mom, cocked my head, bat my eyelashes and gave her a sweet smile. "Bye mom."

We waited until we were in the car and out of the driveway to bust out laughing. "Did you see her face?!"

"She was murdering me in her mind." Lex struggled to say through laughter and tears.

"Thank you for that." I said when we calmed down. "I feel liberated."

A small smile played on her lips. "You're welcome." She reached over and let her right hand rest on top of my thigh. "You can play music if you want. The aux cord is plugged in."

I fumbled with my phone, trying not to focus on her hand on my leg, and scrolled through my songs. "Is death cab alright?"

"Death Cab is perfect."

We stopped for food about halfway through the drive. "Don't move." She said so I sat there confused until she opened my door for me with a cheeky smile.

"Such a gentleman." I started to walk toward the cute little café but she grabbed my hand pulled me back so I was facing her.

"I have a question." I could tell she was up to something, but let it go.


She cleared her throat and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I smiled brightly at her being what many teens would consider old fashioned and actually bothering to properly ask me out even though we were technically already dating or had atleast been acting like it. "I would love to."

She kept moving my straw every time I went to drink, but I didn't complain because she would giggle at her own immaturity and I unadmittedly thought it was cute. We had ordered two dishes but shared them both and she kept stealing bites of food off my side of the plates when she thought I wasn't looking.

"Quit it you theif!" I laughed and stabbed at her fork with my mine.

"Fork fight!" She yelled and stabbed right back. Thankfully the place was empty besides us and the little old lady running the place so there wasn't any customers around to hear the clanking metal of our silverware war. Speaking of, she walked out of the back, check in hand, and we dropped our weapons. Lex took the check and shot down my protest to pay for myself.

"Nonsense." She smiled and slid a shiny card from her wallet. Oh yeah, she does live in a mansion. "Pretty girls don't pay."

"That's dumb logic." I laughed. "Like that doesn't make any sense at all."

"Shhh." She laughed as well. "I know it doesn't."

"Then why'd you-"

"Just take the compliment pretty girl."

"You two are just precious." The lady gushed. I forgot she was standing there. "You remind me of my wife and I many years ago." Woah. Plot twist.

We ended up talking to Selena, that's her name, for some time. We found out that her and her wife met as kids growing up on the same street and were kicked out of their homes at sixteen for falling in love. Somehow they had made it though and seventy five years later they were still together.

"That's remarkable." Alexa said amazed.

"Some days I swear that women is going to give me a heart attack but I wouldn't trade her for the finest diamond." She mused. "I wish you two the best of luck in your future. Come back and visit me any time."

"If we're ever passing through, we will."

She didn't unlock the car as we walked to it so I turned and waited. She smirked and walked right up to me though. "I never got a proper hello."

I furrowed my eyebrows and she pulled my hips into hers. "Oh." I said, suddenly shy.

She kissed me in that empty parking lot in a town I didn't know and I'd never felt more at home.

The first thing I noticed when we got to her house was Sam standing in the window by the door like a dog, waiting for us to come inside. I heard the click of the doorknob and saw a flash of blue before I was assaulted while getting my bags.


She had jumped on my back and was now peeking at me over my shoulder but hadn't said a word.

"Where's your boy toy?" Alexa asked her.

"Dane's inside gutting the pumpkins." She informed her. "Did Lex tell you we were gonna carve pumpkins? Cause we are. We got one for you. I'm so excited!" I couldn't help but get excited by her excitement.

We sat on the floor in the living room, Sam and Dane had already finished their couple pumpkins and went to get candles. I was still working on my skeleton hand while Lex continued being all secretive about hers.

"Not even a hint?" I tried.

"Nope. I'm almost done anyway." She put the tools on the paper towel beside her and took a deep breath. "Ready?"

"Duh." I said eagerly.

Will you be my ghoulfriend?

I read the uneven words slowly and then repeated them as a sentence in my head before they registered. When it occurred to me what she was asking, my heart swelled and I wanted nothing but to kiss her, so I did. She pulled me into her lap and lay her hands on the the bare skin at the base of my spine where my sweater had risen. I broke the kiss but stayed close enough to feel her breath on my lips.

"I'll take that as a yes." She whispered and I nodded.

I heard presumably Sam and Dane coming back so I started to move but she smiled and held me in place. "No. Stay."

"Okay." I smiled and just turned so I was sitting with my back against her front. The sound Sam made when she saw Alexa's pumpkin could only be described as something maybe a Pterodactyl would have made. She looked back and forth between it and us. "So it's official now?"

We nodded at the same time. "Yeah." Lex squeezed my knee. "You're officially stuck with me."

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