Number 9: The Genetically Mod...

By everyday_imstumblin

1.5M 61.7K 15.8K

-Completed- [Definitely not your average Werewolf story, if you expect love at first sight - please thou sha... More

Number 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part l
Chapter 15 Part ll
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part I
Chapter 21 Part ll
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Part I
Chapter 29 Part II

Chapter 25

26.8K 1.2K 166
By everyday_imstumblin

A loud howl filled the air, snapping Victor out of his triumphant thoughts.

His lips curled in distaste as Alpha Slade was running full force towards them. Following behind him was his pack members, all looking like they were ready to send them to straight to Hell.

"Get her in the truck." He ordered his men and then felt a burning sensation within in as he used the Alpha mark to command the Rogues to hold off the Alpha.

Victor was pleased with his mindless minions. He realised that a Rogue with its human conscious was useless to him because their emotion would always make them refuse his order. So instead, while his creation was out in the world, Victor designed a new breed. One that obeyed only his words. But of course Victor couldn't hold himself by adding a little of Lycan blood into the Rogues.

It was just enough to improve their abilities without killing them.

The result was perfection. One of his Rogues could take on three ordinary Werewolves. They had a high tolerance to pain, meaning they could still fight even if they were fatally wounded. Victor especially loved the killer look in their eyes. He knew that even with the Alpha, the pack was no match for his minions.

Victor watched as the Rogues formed a heavily guarded line. No matter how much the Alpha and the members attacked or try to push through, they could not make the Rogues move an inch.

Smirking at the Alpha's frustration, Victor turned away and headed casually inside the vehicle like there wasn't a vicious fight going on behind him. He chuckled low and deep when the Alpha let out an outrageous roar.

"Wonder what would happen if I put Lycan blood in him?" he wondered out loud and sat back as the truck moved and disappeared into the woods.


Slade managed to slip through the Rogues and dashed forward - aiming straight for his mate but one of the Rogues caught up and blocked his path. The frustration and anger was overwhelming him. How could he let his mate slip through his fingers? How could he let Victor capture Nine when he promised to protect her?

How could he betray her like that?!

'Slade!' Nolan shouted through the link, snapping his Alpha out of his trance as he watched the truck get further away. He twisted his head back to see his pack losing the fight. Many were injured because it seemed like the Rogues could not be killed!

With a heavy heart, Slade rushed to help his pack. He furiously apologised in his head to Nine for not going after her. Slade put all his anger in taking out the Rogues, making sure to sever their heads or snap their spines to leave them immobile.

Fifteen bloody Rogues took highly skilled warriors much longer than expected. Slade did not like that one bit. Whatever Victor had done to the Rogues and whatever he was planning did not look good for the Werewolf community.

Shifting into his human, Slade immediately took action.

"Help the injured! Get them to the pack house and make sure all available healers are there!" The Alpha ordered and forced himself to see to his pack first but with every second that passed, Slade's anxiety increased for Nine. His body was already shaking as his instincts reacted to his mate who was not by his side.

"Slade!" Snapping his head to the sound of his Beta. He saw Ryan running towards him, his face was heavily distressed making Slade frown.

"What is it?" he asked once his friend was close enough.

"It's Dexter...." Slade's eyes widened, finally remembering that Dexter was with Nine. Ryan shook his head at his Alpha. "It's pretty bad. He barely has a heartbeat." He said grimly.

Slade shut his eyes and held in his anger. Dexter was practically everyone's friend. It was hard to hate that man. He done so much for Slade and yet he couldn't repay him.

"Just make sure he gets whatever he needs. I don't care about the cost - just save him." Slade commanded Ryan stiffly. Slade was quick to grab Ryan before he left, he looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Once everything is taken care of, I want you to alert the council. Tell them something big is going to happen and we need to prepare for it."

Gulping at the intensity, Ryan nodded hesitantly and then jogged away.

Slade took a last look into the woods. He bit his lip hard, drawing blood from his sharp teeth as he clenched his hands into tight fists.

Just hang on Nine. I'll find you no matter what. He vowed deeply and touched the mating mark on his neck. As long as he had that proof, Slade knew he had a chance.


Pacing in the dark depths of the abyss, Nine was waited anxiously for the Beast to wake up. He was still in control of their body and she had no way of switching back!

Nine was so scared.

She was terrified because she was alone.

Dexter was dead, she couldn't feel Slade...

The overwhelming pressure of emotions broke. Nine grabbed her head tightly and screamed. Her body curled inward as she sunk to her knees. Fresh, hot tears were pouring down her eyes with no signs of stopping.

"Slade! Dexter!" she cried out into the darkness.

"Help me...." She whispered vulnerably and curled tighter into her ball - rocking back and forth.

How pathetic.

Nine gasped and snapped her head up. She could feel the Beast presence but could not see him. What she could see was the Beast waking up. It was like she was on the other side of a glass, just watching herself outside her body.

So this is what he went through for years... Nine thought miserably. Now it was her turn. The worst thing is, she didn't know how long she'd be here or if she would ever be strong enough to want to take control.

From now on, we're doing things my way. The Beast growled at her.

Nine remained quiet. All she could do was watch as the Beast controlled his body. There was nothing she could do - nothing she wanted to do.

So for the first time, Nine just shut down. She didn't fight anymore.

And because of that, her presence felt a little lighter - like she was barely even there....


Just like the Beast wanted. He smirked internally at the weak human. So pathetic, it made him cringe that he shared a body with her.

Two very different souls infused into one body. In a way, the Beast did appreciate that the Moon Goddess herself, gave him a weak female. The complete opposite of him.

It would be much easier to control her now.

Finally awakening from that damn Wolfs Bane, the Beast blinked a couple of times to focus his pure bloodshot eyes.

Unfazed by the concrete walls that surrounded him - almost reminding him of the arena but much smaller. The Beast, however, was a little annoyed with the chains holding him down. Finally in his own Lycan body after so many years and standing tall and proud, only to be heavily shackled to the wall by pure silver.

How troublesome, he thought in irritation.

In front of him were a few large doors that looked extremely hard to break through. Above one of them was a screen glass and behind it were humans. Annoying humans. But the Beast only had eyes on one.


His lips curled and a deep growl rumbled in his throat. He remembered those times he went through whatever torture that bastard did to him. But he was patient. Just waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill him.

But just not yet...

"So you finally woke up." Victor said with his expressionless face, though his eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Which on of you are in control? My dear Number Nine?" He paused for a second and then uttered the true name of the ghastly beast that resides within Number Nine.

"Or are you Lycarion? The true Werewolves of this world?" Victor's lips curled and eyes shown in pure pride and awe.

In answer, Lycarion surged forward - straining at the heavy chains with his seven foot, heavily built and muscular body. His jaw wide opened to reveal his curved, sharp teeth and blood red eyes narrowed at Victor as he let out a vicious, blood curling roar that shook the glass window.

Victor let out a dark chuckle. Things were going just as he planned.

"Are you able to speak?" He asked, knowing that the Lycan had evolved within Number Nine.

Feeling a force build up in his mind, Victor dropped his guard and they were connected. But Lycarion did not speak. He just watched Victor with intense eyes.

Resuming his blank face, Victor asked through the mind link. "Is Number Nine dead?"

"No." Was his reply.

Already irritated with his response, Victor's eyes turned to slits as he harshly spat, "An evolved Lycan like yourself is only capable of short answers. How pathetic."

Lycarion snapped his jaws threateningly. "I'd watch what you say mutt. These teeth aren't just for show." His eyes shone with arrogance.

Clearly not intimidated, Victor continued on with his interrogation.

"Well I am assuming that Number Nine must be stuck deep within you, so that means she can still hear me if she went to the same place as you."

Lycarion eyed the man curiously. "You know awfully a lot about us." he stated.

Now the one smirking in arrogance, Victor replied, "Did you really think I would let my precious creation just escape like that?" He chuckled lowly. "I, of course, had her tracked. Every move she made was under my supervision. It wasn't that hard to get even pack members to help, especially since they didn't think she was safe to be around."

From within, Lycarion could feel Number Nine's wretched emotions. Rolling his eyes, he focused in on the man.

"To be honest I wasn't going to let the pack mutts keep her long but after watching her, certain things were revealed that I would not have known." Rubbing his bearded chin.

"Oh. And what would they be?" asked Lycarion as he got comfortable. Clearly what the mutt was going to say would be long and boring but might provide some useful information in the future.

"I already knew that that mutt Dexter was hiding the fact that Wolfs Bane was an affective depressant on Number Nine. But of course you figured that out." Victor mocked, making the Lycan growl. "The second would be that Number Nine could communicate through the link. That would have made things so much easier in the arena."

He sighed almost sadly.

"But soon after joining the pack, new things I learned about my dear creation. Like how she can be controlled by the Alpha mark, has the ability to control Rogues - that one is my personal favourite," he chuckled as if he had an inside joke. "But the most interesting one is that she has a mate." This perked Nine's attention from within the Lycan. "Of course he would just be a tool."

Lycarion could feel Nine begin to anger but he held her in.

"It was too easy when Number Nine decided to become one with the pack. Imagine the power I'd have over her! Just threatening to kill them would be enough to control her!" As Victor boasted and laughed, Lycarion began to shake in fury and it wasn't his doing.

Feeling pissed at the humans resistance, Lycarion made sure Nine knew her place now.

Watch it Nine. If they died it would be your fault.

That made the body shakes stop. Lycarion internally grinned.

Remember you were the one who decided to get close to them. The moment you did not want to kill, was the moment that you became weak and pathetic. Only the strong survive.

Feeling satisfied at the lack of her presence, Lycarion focused back to reality.

Victor, quickly noticing the exchange made no attempt to hide his interest.

"Oh? Was that dear Number Nine?"

Curling his lips, Lycarion replied. "You were making her angry. Maybe I should let her out to kill you?" he narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Victor easily caught his bluff. "Like you would pass up the chance to kill me yourself."

Lycarion revealed his sharp teeth in a mocking smirk.

"Never mind that, do tell me is Number Nine broken yet?"

"Broken?" Lycarion imitated in confusion. Smirking deadly, Victor leaned forward and rested his palms on the table before him.

"Want to get rid of her for good?" he asked.

Ignoring Nine's panic, Lycarion spoke up, his voice filled with deep interest.

"Keep talking."

Instead of answering, Victor shot him a snarky smirk and moved his hand to press a small button. But the effects were anything but small.

The next thing Lycarion knew, his muscles tensed and twitched as thousands of volts of electricity shot through his body. He roared out when the current ceased only to once again electrocute him. Beyond furious but helpless against Victor, Lycarion could only glare at him.

Finally releasing the button, the old master arrogantly stared down the beast.

"I'm sure you know that Lycan's need to be the strongest surpasses any creature on this earth." He stated, "The will to survive is almost...scary." Victor chuckled amusedly as Lycarion stood on all fours, breathing heavily as he listened to the dead man.

Victor's eyes held a dangerous glint in them.

"I have this theory that if a Lycan is in danger, then he would do anything to make sure he survived but for a human..." Victor's fingers slowly moved to another switch, "well, let's say that we give up easily. Especially when we have nothing to live for."

He flicked the switch and released his mindless, savage Rogues. Foam dripped from their mouths, hair standing on ends and vicious snarls emitted from their throat.

"Now, let's see if my theory is correct."

'And if it is, then the council won't stand a chance against me.' Victor thought.

Lycarion's lips curled. He faced the Rogues and slowly stood tall and proud. Eye burning red, muscles bulging and claws sharpening.

Only the strong survive.

The Rogues pounced and Nine...faded just a little bit more.



*puts on my Whitney Houston voice*

Anddddd I~IIIIII WILLL run away now.

Thank you and goodnight!!! :D :D

But before that I think Timmy is getting old...that or he doesnt care about me annoying him any more OR he had become so advanced in ignoring me that i no longer exist in his world! OR he knows that it annoys me when he ignores me! OR OR OR OR he no longer loves me....

( '༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ') *gets teary*



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