Little DEAD Riding Hood?

By Kaitlyn1723

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Tatiana Aethelu (or better known as "Little Red Riding Hood") is now 20 years old. She goes to the Harvest Fe... More

Chapter 1: That Day Roles Around Again
Chapter 3: A So Called "Engagement"
Chapter 4: Saved From Kyöpelinvuori, Brought To Neflheim
Chapter 5: His Majesty's Possession
Chapter 6: What He Sees
Chapter 7: The Love Of My Unlife Loves Me Too
Chapter 8: Restraining Order
Chapter 9: His Endless Attacks
Chapter 10: The Escape Plan
Chapter 11: The Dagger
Chapter 12: It's You!
Quick Author's Note
Chapter 13: The Past Resurfaces
Chapter 14: Breaking And Entering
Chapter 15: Assassination Attempt
Facts Challenge
Chapter 16: Another Angry Ex
Chapter 17: Hel's Declaration

Chapter 2: One Destined Dance

125 8 8
By Kaitlyn1723

  I woke up the next morning to the sound of cooking pans hitting the floor. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. When I made it down, I saw my mother picking up the cooking pans off the floor.
  Her long brown hair was pulled up and back in a messy fashion. Her green eyes looked red and tired. I could tell right away that she had been up all night, baking.
  Every year, the women of the Aethelu family are given the great responsibility of cooking all the food for the festival. My mother had done this for as long as I could remember, but never once had I seen her stay up all night to cook. I quickly ran to my mother's aid and began picking up pans.
  "Tatiana!", my mother looked shocked,"Why are you up this early?"
  "Never mind that!", I said as not to worry her,"Why did you stay up all night? The festival isn't until tonight. You have plenty of time!" I could hear the concern in my own voice.
  "Well, this is the first year I get to help you prepare for the festival", my mother said as she purposely avoided my gaze,"I didn't want to be cooking when it came time to prepare."
  I stared at my mother for a moment. I didn't realize it was such a big deal for her. Soon I spoke up,"If it's that important to you, why don't you let me finish the cooking? I mean, I am a woman of the family and you can't help me prepare properly if you're really tired. So go to bed and I'll wake you up when it's time. Okay?"
  My mother was hesitant, but she finally nodded with a smile. "All right. All you have to make is the cake and the ham."
  "Perfect", I said as I watched my mother climb the stairs. I was surprised the noise hadn't woken up Evelyn. I quickly washed the pans that fell on the floor and got started on the ham. I put it in a pan and covered it in honey. Then, I put it over the fire in the stove.
  I was about to get started on the cake when I realized that there wasn't enough sugar to make the cake, frosting, and decorations.
  I wrote a note in case my father or Evelyn woke up while I was gone. I grabbed my hood, basket, and some money. Then I headed out to the market place.
  It was crowded as usual. I made my way to the sugar stand.
  "Excuse me, sir", I politely greeted the clerk,"I would like to purchase...ten pounds of sugar, please."
  "That sounds like an awful lot of sugar for one lovely girl." I turned to face the owner of the mysterious voice. When I did, I found a man standing there. I could tell by looking that he was very strong and definitely not foreign. His blue eyes said he was kind.
  "Pardon?", I was confused by his remark,"Maybe I'm just stalking up. And who says it's only for me?"
  "Well, that could be true, but I don't see a man with you", he said. He was quite observant.
  "I do not have any such relationship", I cleared up the misunderstanding.
  "Nor I. Would you, by chance, be going to the Harvest Festival?", he said. I could see the curiosity in his eyes.
  "I am, but I have promised my presence to a man my friend will introduce me to", I responded casually.
  Wait...that sounded really strange...and a little fake like an excuse! Dang it!
  "Well, miss, he is a lucky man", his eyes looked into mine,"Could I ask you for a small favor?"
  "Of course! I see no reason why not", my words came out smoothly.
  "Would you save the first dance for me, miss?" The way he asked was calm and questioning, but his eyes were pleading.
  "You have my word, but how will I know it's you?" That small detail bothered me.
  "Stand in the center, under the light, without a partner and I will be there." He said this with a smile and leaves.
  His smile sure is beautiful..Wait! What am I thinking?! I just met him!...huh! The sugar!
  I turned back to the clerk and purchase the sugar. Then I headed home and baked a beautiful cake.
  By the time I finished, it was almost 4 o'clock. I realized I could open the box now and remembered that I had to wake up my mother.
  I hurried up the stairs to my mother's bedside. "Mother. Wake up, it's time to get ready."
  At the words "get ready" my mother jumped up. I could tell she was feeling refreshed. "Is it time?"
  "Yes, mother. It's 4 o'clock", I told my mother as we headed to my bedroom. Once inside, the first thing I grabbed was the box. My mother watched silently as I placed the box on top of my bed.
  I stared at the box for a moment and then, hesitantly, I opened the box. A bright light poured out as soon as the lid was lifted. It decorated the walls like sunshine. After a few moments, the light faded away. I pulled out the dress and my mother and I both stared in aw.
  This is amazing!!!
  The dress was beautiful! It was a strapless, navy blue gown with a black ribbon to tie around the waist. It had a black diamond design and sparkled in the light. We both smiled at each other.
  "Well, don't just stand there", my mother urged me,"Put it on!" I did as my mother said and quickly change out of my usual dress and into the beautiful gown. It hugged my curves above my hips and hung from my hips to just down below my ankles. I thought it suited me rather well. My mother, obviously, did as well. She was staring at me with a look full of emotion, a big smile on her face. She looked like she was about to cry with joy.
  She removed her hands from her mouth. " look so beautiful!" She grasped my hands as we both smiled.
  "Thank you, mother...but there are still a few more things to do before I am ready", I said with a smile and led my mother to two stools. I sat in front and she sat behind me.
  We sat for awhile as my mother did my hair. Once she was done, my mother walked me to a mirror. My brown hair was curled, like always, with beautiful flowers artistically inserted here and there. My brown eyes blended well with the dark color of the dress. I was gorgeous in my own way.
  "Oh my! It's passed sunset! Get your shoes and hood. It's time!", my mother said as she hurried out of the room. I quickly put on my shoes and red hood. Then, I went downstairs.
  When I got down, I was greeted by my father, mother, and sister. The first to speak was my father.
  "Tatiana", he smiled as if recalling a fond memory,"You look beautiful."
  "Thank you, father", I smiled and turned to my mother,"And thank you, mother, for helping me."
  She smiled. "It was my pleasure." Then I turned to Evelyn.
  "I suppose you don't look as bad as usual", she unfolded her crossed arms,"but it's still good. No one can deny that." I hugged her. Evelyn did have some good things about her, at times.
  Just as we were saying goodbye, there was a knock on the door. I quickly went to answer it. On the other side was, of course, Suzette. Her red hair was pulled back half way and she wore a green, frilly dress. We both stood in shock. She was the first to break the silence.
  "You look wonderful!", she gushed. It was easy to tell she was pleased. "And the dress turned put beautifully!"
  "So did yours!", I commented. The sky was dotted with stars now.
  "You missed the first half of the Harvest Festival, but you're just in time for the Harvest Moon dance. Come on, the first dance is about to start!" At Suzette's words, I quickly say goodbye to everyone and hurry to the center of the festival, where the light hung.
  I almost forgot that I promised that man from the market place the first dance.
  "Why are you going so fast? Ashton is this way", Suzette pointed that out, confused.
  "I'm sorry, Suzette. There's something I need to take care of before you introduce me to Ashton's cousin", I explain, not slowing down.
  "Fine. Meet us by the well by the market place when you are done." Suzette gave this final command before she separated from me, but I still didn't stop.
  I made it to the light and stood beneath it. There is, at least, 3 feet of space between me and the closest person. Then the music began to play. It was a couple's song, of course. I wait a few minutes before doubt creeps into my mind.
  Maybe he isn't coming or changed his mind...what if he didn't mean it?!
  I heaved a sigh and started to walk away.
  "Where are you heading, miss?" I turned around at the sound of the familiar voice and found the man I had met in the market place.
  "I was beginning to think you weren't going to come", I said has he took my hand and we began to dance.
  "I told you I would come, didn't I?", he questions me.
  "You did. I'm sorry I doubted your word." I apologized, averting my gaze. He lifted my chin, so I would face him.
  "There is no need to apologize", he said as he stared into my eyes,"I was running late. I should apologize."
  "No. I'm sure you didn't mean it", I said with a smile,"By the way, I never got your name. My name is-"
  "Shh!" He put a finger to my lips. "I believe things will be less complicated without names."
  "What do you mean?" He confused me.
  This just got a little strange...
  "I am leaving after this dance to travel across the country", he said with a sad smile. "I do not wish to get attached to anyone, or anyone attached to me, before I leave."
  "Oh", I said. I didn't understand, but I accepted it. We danced with true smiles in silence for the rest of the song.
  "Well, miss, I must depart", he said,"Thank you for that wonderful dance."
  "You're very welcome", I said,"Good luck with your trip." He nodded his head in response and left. After watching his silhouette disappear, I headed for the well by the market place, in a daze.
  When I arrived, Suzette came up to me. "Where were you? We waited quite awhile." I could tell right away that Suzette wasn't very happy with my actions. I didn't pay much attention to it. My mind was consumed by the events of the dance. Watching the man leave had left a strange pain in my heart. I didn't know what was going on. But I still had a promise to keep.
  "It doesn't matter", I told Suzette in a quiet voice,"It won't interfere with anything in the future, so where is this cousin of Ashton's?" I wasn't completely convinced that it wouldn't interfere, but I knew it wouldn't soon. Suzette grasped my wrist with a smile and led me to the two men. One was Ashton and the other was tall with golden eyes. His hair was as yellow as the sun. When our eyes met, I unconsciously looked down.
  This man has a very heavy aura about him. He must be important.
  "Tatiana, this is Ashton's cousin, Irving", Suzette said. I could see the joy in her eyes.
  I looked up and made eye contact. "Hello, Irving. I am-"
  "Tatiana Aethelu, I hope." He had cut me off before I could finish.
  For a high class man, he seems rather rude! Have Suzette and Ashton noticed?
  When I looked their way, they were just staring at each other. I sighed, realizing there was no way they would notice anything.
  "Yes", I said,"I" I didn't know what to do next.
  "How about a dance?" Without giving me a chance to respond, Irving grabbed my arm and pulled me to a crowd of dancing people, so we could join in.
  Sheesh! Again with the rudeness! This guy's unbelievable!
  We spent most of the night dancing as I faked a smile and listened to him go on and on about himself.
  Irving Badrick was a business man. He was looking for a village to "set up shop" in. That was when he called my name,"Tatiana."
  I looked up, having been snapped back to reality. "What is it, Irving?" I tried my best to hide my irritation.
  He spoke confidently,"I plan to stay here and we will be married!"
  "WHAT?!", I was shocked,"When was this decided and by whom?"
  "By me! Since the moment I saw you, that was the plan!" He seemed more arrogant than before.
  "Should you not have asked my approval first?" It was the first I had heard of marriage. And I had just met him.
  "It would be a waste of breath",he said,"I know you would have said yes anyway. We will be married in two weeks." I stared at him in shock. I would have protested if I could have found the words. It was late, anyway.
  I hesitantly spoke,"'s time I head home, Irving. I'm going to say goodbye to Suzette and be on my way." At those words, I felt a strong grip on my wrist. It was Irving. I looked up in shock. His face said he was angry, but his eyes were emptily pleading. "Irving, please let go."
  "Not yet." He said those words and kissed me. "Farewell, my beautiful bride." I looked at him in shock, turned around, and quickly ran away.
  When I found Suzette, I was out of breath. "What's wrong, Tatiana? You're as pale as a ghost! Where's Irving?" Suzette was clearly concerned.
  "Nothing!", I got a little defensive,"I mean, nothing's wrong. Why would there be? I just thought it was late, so I'm heading home. Bye, Suzette." I began walking away.
  "Um...okay. Bye." I heard Suzette from behind me.
  That was close! Way to go, Tatiana! That was definitely suspicious!
  When I got home, everyone was already in bed. I went straight from the door to my bedroom. I changed into my nightgown and took the flowers out of my hair.
  As I was lying in my bed, I thought over the events of the night. Irving's warm kiss remained on my lips. As I dozed off, I began warming up to the idea of marrying him.

What's up guys! This is my first author's note so I'm gonna do it like I see em done. I hope you like the story and trust me if you read farther it gets better. Plz leave some advice about my writing for me and vote plz! Thanks!

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