Best Of Joy

By Stweet_Walker

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Michael Jackson fanfiction. Evonne Summers, a novelist who comes from a hard family life, has been living in... More

Best Of Joy
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

1K 31 10
By Stweet_Walker

I stumbled as Michael led me to a loveseat in the corner of the room. He sat me down and went to turn the music off.

I sat there. Just looking off into the past.

Michael had no idea what to do. He came and sat down beside me, just waiting for my ability to speak to resurface.

"So.. I take it you know that one?" He was adorable.

I moved my mouth in a failed attempt to speak. I just could not.

Of course I knew it. And I knew HIM, too. Or at least I had, at one time.

I had just experienced the MOTHER of all coincidences. I was in "the" little boy's house. Sitting beside "THE" little boy. I began to hypervinilate. I tried to stop in fear that he would get freaked out and ask me to leave.

He could see it was affecting me physically. He did what I never imagined him to do...touched my arm and began to stroke it, in an effort to calm me. This did not help.

Michael consoled me, let me have my moment, and a few minutes passed. I found my speech again.

I turned to look at him. I saw the light in his eyes had faded to a lesser degree than a few minutes before he'd played the record. This saddened me. He had been excited that I didn't know him. Now he was afraid he wouldn't be just a person to me anymore.

I looked at him apologetically. "Michael..."

He looked up at me and half-smiled. His shyness was back.

"Michael. I'm sorry. I...couldn't help it. This is just...a major coincidence for me. I--"

"Don't apologize. I'm very used to it."

"My mother and I used to stay up watching the Ed Sullivan Show every other night, we loved you guys so much. You guys were the only band I've ever really cared about. I'm sorry, this is just..sort of huge for me. I've spent most of my life wondering where you guys went and what became of you. But especially YOU. I never stopped wondering. And here you are. And. Michael, I swear this doesn't change anything. Please don't ask me to leave. Ple--"

"Ask you to leave? Why would I do that?" He asked puzzled.

"Well. I thought maybe now that I know who you are, well who you WERE, you wouldn't want me around. I'd be just another fan. But I'm not, this doesn't change anything, I swear. The hypervinilating was due to shock. Nothing else. Just shock. It was a huge coincidence, that's all. I swear to you."

Michael giggled and looked at his feet. "It wouldn't matter if you were just a fan." He looked back up at me. "I'd still like to keep you around. If you don't mind..." Michael said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

I about melted.

"O-Oh. Okay..." He was so charming.

He stood up from the couch, seeing that I was over my episode. Well, for the most part.

"Anything else you'd like to hear, Ms. Summers?"

"Yes, PLEASE. Show me all of them. I wanna hear all of them," I was excited. I hadn't heard these songs in about a decade.

"Well. This is gonna take quite a while. Do you have anything in mind?" Michael asked.

"Yes. Um, the name escapes me...but. Uh. It goes a little like 'Don't you know I sit aroun--" Before I could finish, he knew which one I was singing. He had it playing in a jiff.

Michael leaned casually against the filing cabinet, smiling contently and watching my reactions.

"Oh Michael, this was always my favorite song." I couldn't fight it any longer; I had to sing along.

I chimed in on the first chorus. I remembered every single word as if I'd heard it yesterday. Some things you just never forget.

            Michael joined me in the second verse. I didn't sing for long after this, though. My mind could not even function properly. His sweet, familiar voice sounded the same as it ever did. It took me to a place beyond imagination and I felt my head completely go. I was in la-la land. I could not feel my legs yet somehow I found myself dancing. And soon enough, Michael joined me in a ballroom number. I honestly did not know what I was doing, I just let him lead me. And my, he was smooth. We twirled around the room as a unit. Our legs moved as one, and we read each others' every move. My left hand and his right were intertwined in a graceful knot beside our heads, his left hand rested on my waist and my right behind his neck. I lost track of how many times I stepped on his big feet. I apologized over and over; all Michael did was laugh and smile. He had such a good sense of humor.


   The song ended with us bent in an elegant finale position; he leaned over me as I lay on his firm arm, almost horizontal over the ground. We were laughing in hysterics.

"Are....your...feet alright?!" I wheezed in between giggles.

My question only made him laugh harder and I felt his arm begin to go weak. I quickly stood up before we both crashed to the floor.

Michael just kept laughing hysterically and made his way over to the loveseat. He plopped down in exhaustion.

"Yeah, they're alright! As long as we don't do anymore dancing," he continued giggling.

My lips spluttered together in a failed attempt to control my laughter and spit dribbled over my chin. Great. Leave it to me to do something totally stupid and embarrassing in front of possibly the hottest man alive...

Why it was so funny, we had nooo idea.

He just kept laughing.

Eventually we got a grip and the giggling died down. I went over and sat down beside him.

"Whaddaya wanna do now?" Michael asked.

"You got music videos I suppose... Right?" I hinted.

"Oh, tons girl. In fact, we wrapped on my latest one about one week ago... HEY, LET'S GO WATCH IT!" He yelled with cute, childlike enthusiasm. Michael was adorable.

He grabbed my hand and ran with me out the door. Well alrighty, then...

We ran down the long hallway.

"Where are we going?"

"Movie room!"

My, my. Movie room...

We came to a stop. Michael held the door open for me, and I have to say I was quite impressed. It was just like walking into a cinema. There were rows of seats, a projector, and a giant screen. Even a snack bar. Wow.

"I'll get the film ready. Get yourself somethin’ to eat, if ya like," he smiled and went over to the projector.


What did I want. There was so much candy to choose from! I was in heaven.

I wonder if he has...? Oh my GOSH, he does!!

I picked up a box of malted mint-chocolates: my all-time favorite candy which no one else seemed to like.

"You like those?!" Michael said from behind in a shocked voice. He was good at sneaking up on me...

"Don't be hatin'. These things are good!" I scolded.

"No, no! I love those! I thought I was the only one," he giggled. Wow, we had more in common than I thought.

"Good, we'll share," I said. "Everything set up?"

Michael nodded and we sat down as the film started.

I put the box of candy between us; he grabbed a handful noisily and smacked like it was going out of style. I shushed him.

The video began with a message:

Do to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult.

-Michael Jackson


Uh. Okay...? I wondered what all that was about. I looked over at him from the corner of my eye. He was smiling contently; he loved that I was there with him. The thought made me warm inside--- I had to fight back the urge to suddenly hug him...

I watched as big, red, creepy-looking letters wiggled and squirmed on the screen. They read "Michael Jackson's Thriller".

Oh, no...

I tapped Michael's arm. "Uh, Michael?"

"Mmm?" He leaned his head toward me, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"Um, this gonna be scary?" I asked.

I didn't like scary movies, I never did.

The screen now showed a car rolling along a vacant street.

"Uhh... It might be..." Michael made a face and shifted his eyes.

"Crap. Well, just a heads-up, I might scream."

He giggled and continued chomping on the candy.

The screen now showed him and a girl sitting in the car. He explained honestly that they were out of gas and she looked at him doubtfully. She asked him what they were going to do now and the camera switched to them walking along the street. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you," the girl said. "Can I ask you something?" Asked Michael. The girl answered "What?" in a very ditsy way, I thought. He explained that he liked her and hoped she liked him the same way.

Well this didn't seem scary at all. Kinda cute, actually.

The girl replied "yes". "I was wondering would be my girl?" Michael asked in an adorably soft tone.


Then they hugged and I became jealous. The urge was back again.

Michael slid a shiny ring onto the girl's finger and she commented that it was beautiful. "Now it's official," He beamed. He went on to say he had something to tell her and the undertone suddenly became suspenseful and creepy.

Michael elbowed me. "You gonna be okay? It's about to get freaky," he warned.

I sighed nervously. "I'll do my best..."

I reluctantly watched the screen.

Michael began fidgeting to the ground like he was in pain as the girl watched in disturbed wonder. Suddenly, he jerked his head up facing the camera.

"GET AWAY!" said Michael with creepy yellow eyes and fanged teeth.

I jumped.

My hands reflexively flew to Michael's arm and I dug my face into his shoulder. He started laughing at me. "Oh, it's not that scary!!"

"Shut up, is too!! Don't mock me," I said as I whimpered into his side and squeezed his arm tighter. He only laughed more.

The gorey-sounding, creepy growling stopped and I got up the courage to look back at the screen.

It wasn't so bad now. The girl ran helplessly through the dark forest and Werewolf-Michael ran after her. Suddenly, she tripped and fell. Typical.

The werewolf leaned closer and closer, about to finish her off, when thankfully the scene changed.

I started breathing again.

Say what?

Now he and the girl were sitting in the theatre watching the movie. Michael, chomping on his popcorn, seemed very intrigued by the film, while the girl, who was obviously frightened, gripped his arm for security.

This seemed all too familiar.

The rest of the movie I watched in awe. He still had those crazy legs; they were just a lot longer now.

Michael was a phenomenal dancer; the way he moved was hypnotizing. And his imagination was obviously powerful. What an artist.

I loved how the short film had ended; you didn't quite know how to take it.

Had she been dreaming? Well no, that couldn't be it... His eyes changed back to yellow.

I loved the confusion. All in all, I had loved it. And the song was great, too! Not only was I in the presence of a wonderful, friendly, attractive man, I was in the presence of a genius.

"Wow," was about all I could say, mouth dropped and eyes wide.

Michael scooped my jaw up with his big hand and I turned to face him.

"So. What did you think?" He asked playfully.

"Michael," I began, "you have such a gift."

He pressed his lips together in an embarrassed smile. "Thanks." He blushed and looked down.

I loved his humbleness.

"So you finished this just last week, huh?"

Michael grinned ever so brightly, still loving the fact that I should know all about him, yet I didn’t.

What a breath-taking smile...

He giggled and looked back up at me, somehow leaning closer than before.

I smiled. "What?"

“Nothing. I just…” He whispered as he began leaning closer to me. I couldn’t fight the magnetic pull his perfect, plump lips had on mine.

They sweeped over mine ever so gently and I felt my head go, again. I swooned. Michael kissed me with the lightness of a feather and the sweetness of a honeycomb, careful not to alarm me or make me think he was being forward. But I knew those weren’t his intentions, I could feel it. We kissed slowly and gently, as if to say “Thank you so much, for coming into my life; for saving me from myself.”

We were both the victims of bitter, extreme loneliness. The fact that we had been brought together under the same circumstances this day could not have been a coincidence. No way. We shared something special and this was where we belonged: right beside each other. It was the start of something beautiful, I could tell.

His lips tasted like chocolate and mint…my absolute favorite. My head was still lost somewhere in space, and until I was away from him, I knew I would never find it. And I was completely okay with that. I hoped he was enjoying it as much as I was.

I soon felt his big, warm hand over mine and I gripped hold of it while my other hand found its way to his cheek. I gently and slowly caressed his smooth, flawless jaw, and then went to the side of his neck.

With every gentle nod of his head, his beautiful curls brushed my forehead and cheeks. I swooned even more, until I seriously needed some air. Finally we stopped.

Michael looked down in embarrassment. Though it was dark, I could still see him blush.

I just sat there with a stupid smile on my face, just looking at him with big puppy eyes. I couldn’t help it. I’d just had my first kiss…ever… And it was by him—my childhood crush. I was so inexperienced for 25 years old, which was just another little thing for me to be insecure about. But I’d brought it on myself with the situation I’d put my life in. I hoped with all my heart he couldn’t tell, though he probably figured that was the case. A few hours earlier during our walk, I had told him everything about my life. I explained everything. He probably figured I hadn’t been out much. But was it the same case for him? Probably not. He was a celebrity, and though I shouldn’t judge, he probably got around a lot.

But I didn’t want to think about that.

All I could think about was the way his lips had felt on mine… The way they’d tasted. How they’d made me feel. Nothing had ever felt so satisfyingly pleasurable to me. All I wanted was to taste it again.

“Michael…” I tried to sound as sweet and pleadingly as possible, to make sure he understood what I wanted. I looked at him with big, desire-filled eyes again and he immediately responded.

He stood up from his seat—a loving smile spread across his beautiful face—and held out his hand. I took it in mine and he stood me up into his strong arms. I locked my hands around the back of his neck and pressed my face into his warm, soft neck, giving it a light nuzzle. His arms locked around my waist and I looked back up at him.

He looked me deep in the eyes and I shivered. His eyes gazed down at my lips then back into mine, then once again back at my lips.

“Thank you,” Michael whispered, a crack in his voice. His chocolaty eyes began to glisten and I could feel his emotions rising. He began pecking my cheek, again and again.

Though I was almost positive what he was thankful for, I needed to hear him say it. “For what?” I whispered back, returning his tender kisses, but down his jaw line. His hand found the back of my head and began stroking my hair and my legs buckled beneath me.

His hot breath tickled, as he turned his head and whispered into my ear.

“For treating me like a person. For not caring about who I am or what I am. For just… For coming into my life.” This time, he kissed my neck. Oh my.

Now my emotions were getting me. The love that was radiating out of him was just too much—I started welling up and a tear escaped. He looked back up at me again and half-smiled, seeing my reaction. Michael wiped it from my cheek and let his hand rest there, softly on my face.

His lips touched mine again and somehow I managed to get closer to him. He tightened his arm around my waist as the passion on his lips excited mine. I ran my fingers through his thick curls and massaged his scalp, as his grip around my hips seemed to be getting tighter and tighter. Our kiss intensified and I found myself gasping for air.

And then it happened.

I shrieked as painfully cold water came from behind and drenched both of us. I heard voices chuckling hysterically.

Whoever just ruined our moment, I was going to kill slowly and painfully.

JACKIE!! JERMAINE!! WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA??!” Michael stood in front of me now, barking his head off at his two brothers, and preaching with his hands. He never told me they were so mischevious…


“Who’s your girlfriend, little bro?” Jackie laughed as he gasped for breath, trying to embarrass Michael.

Michael balled up his hands into tight fists and looked around frantically, trying to find something he could throw at them. He grabbed the box of candy.

“NOT COOL, TAKE THESE AND GET OUT,” He said chucking the box at them as hard as he could. He nailed Jackie in the groin… Enough said.

“Alright, bro!! Chill out! Just havin’ a little fun,” Jermaine defended.

“Yeah? Well fun’s over. GET. OUT.”

I was going to remind myself to never ever tick Michael off…

Jackie and Jermaine left the room, still giggling hysterically at their little prank.

Michael rushed over to me immediately, concern in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Evonne. Geez, you’re soaked…”

“Oh, I’ll be fine—“

“I’m gonna get them. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I didn’t wanna kill them with you in the room,” He laughed for a brief second, but I could tell he was pretty ticked.

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