I Fell In Love, But With A Ba...

By XxMaskedWriter

9.9K 149 34

Danielle Thomas is a 17 year old high school girl she is smart, pretty, and friendly. She is 5 ft 6, have bru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
[Author's Note] important

chapter 16

320 10 9
By XxMaskedWriter

Hey Guys,

Thankx for reading i have over a thousand reads :D 

but i would really love some more votes and hear your feedback 

This Is dedicated to all the people who keep reading,voting and commenting.. thanks for making this book known :D 

anyaysssss...Time to get reading here's a next chappie 

Pic of Enrique ----------->> 



Daddy. Daddy. I could here Emma screaming. I could hear her screaming but i can't find her.

"Emma baby, where are you, answered daddy." I cried out i kept searching for her hoping i would find her. Gusto take her from me. I swear when i find Em I'm going to kill him.

"Daddy. Helpp! Ahhhhh!." I heard her screaming out and crying, tears were now flowing down my cheeks, i scream out in frustration, so many rooms where the hell is her. i ran up some stairs and open some doors.I heard some one laughing and then a scream. then the place get eerily quiet

"Emma baby come on answer me please." I shouted, nothing can't happen to her, Me her and Dani was suppose to have a life together. A screamed then erupt my thoughts.  Then a manic laugh followed it. I ran to the last room and i saw gusto. I grab him by his collar.

"Where. Is. Emma?" I said vainly

He just laughed. "you should of join my gang, Enrique, but this is what happens when you disobey me,i hope you love the colour red cause i do." He smirked at nodded his head to something in the corner I look over there, my heart drop, i let go Gusto and an to my baby over in the corner

"Em baby." i shake the almost lifeless body 

"D-dad." She whisper, something in me tell me she is going to live.

"Yes Baby, daddy's here, I'm going get you out of here okay, Daddy loves you."

"i Wuv-." She began then she stop, i put my ear to to heart, it was beating, i put my hand to her mouth she wasn't breathing. i gasp 

S-she's Dead! 

I jump up from my bed and run to the door and pushed open Em's room. She bolted up and rubbed her eyes 

"Daddy?" She murmured her voice thick with sleep 

"Yes Baby, i just came to check on you." I said closing the door, i walked over to her bed and climbed into her bed 

"Go back to sleep, i'll stay until you fall sleep okay?" he whispered to her 

She nodded and climb onto my belly and stuck her finger, i didn't bother to pull it out i was too sleepily. In two twos me and her fell asleep.

i laid awake thinking about that dream, i don't ever want to lose Em, i look at Em's sleeping face, she looked like her mom, i sighed i missed her mom, i loved her she gave me Em. I have to train Dani tomorrow, learning her to fight will be something i smiled, i like her ... allot, Em seems to like her too, and my mom loves her. tomorrow i am going to ask her on a date, i mean it's the best thing to do right i like her , i kiss her, i chuckled i like her lips on mines, when she kiss me i fell jolts of electricity running through me and when i near her i get butterflies, wait butterflies? that too girlie oh i know bees!, yes when i near her i get bees buzzing in my stomach, i smiled i can kiss her whenever i want to and hug her and comfort her and - wait i need to get some sleep and stop thinking about Dani although i cant stop thinking about her, i think i should sleep now.


"Hey Chloe" i said entering her house with Lil on my heels . Lil begged me to come over here to see Emma and play with her and of course i say yes because there's a advantage to this situation. I'll get to see Enrique.

"Hey Dani, Hey Lily bear." Chloe smiled and ruffled her hair 

"My name is Lily not Lily bear." Lil said pouting and rolling her eyes. Chloe and i laughed 

"Feisty." Chloe chuckled "I'm making breakfast want?" 

"Yes please i'm starved." Lil said rubbing her belly i laughed 

"Okay make some for me and her.want any help?" i asked hoping she'll say no so i can talk to Enrique 

"Nah i'm good, go find Enrique i know that what you really want to." 

i started to blushed and i try to hide my hair from her."Don't blush, now go." she laughed 

i laughed and grab Lil's hand and pulled her upstairs, i opened Enrique's door he wasn't in there hmm strange i wondered if Em's in her room. I shut his door and walked to Em's room and i saw Em playing with her toy set, 

"Lilyyyy!." she said and run over to where we where 

"Em." Lil laughed 

"Hey Dani, can Lil come and pay with me peas?" I chuckled at her pronoucation of play and please she'll get it one day 

"Sure. Where's daddy?"

"over there sleeping." She pointed to her bed and i nodded and walked over there, He was sleeping so peacefully, his hands where sprawled out and his hair was messy i smiled down at him, he looks so good sleeping but i preferred him awake a smiled mischievously makes his way up to my face

"Hey guys i'll be right back." I said and she nodded and walked out of her room and into Sarah's room, she was awake.

"Hey babe." I said as i got in there

"Hey doll."

"I need to borrow your makeup things." i said laying down one her bed 

"Sure...Where are you going though?" she said handing me her kit 

I stifle a laugh " Me i'm not going anywhere, this my dear friend is for your brother, he want his make-up done."

"My brother? Enrique you sure?" she asked skeptical

"Yip....Well i decided he wants one, he's sleeping." i said smiling 

"Well go, he's a light sleeper, so be careful." she said laughing 

"Sure. Thanks, i'll be going." i said heading out the door but before i leave she called me back "Hey Dani?" 


"You like my brother?" 

What! Do i like her brother?, i mean he smells good and make me laugh and i feel happy around him and be myself around him so the answered with the truth. 

"Yeah i do." i said blushing

"Good, i thinks he like you too." She said smiling 

"How you know?" i said fully interested now

"I know my brother, now go before he wakes." She said pushing me out and laughing 

I laughed." no pushing woman i'm going." I walked down the hallway and couldn't stop think about sar saying her brother likes me, i mean is it possible? i mean he's always talking to me  and teasing me, he walked me home and makes me sit next to him. could it be? i discarded the thought and entered his room. the girls where playing dress up and the dolls are their babies, i smiled and make my way over to a sleeping Enrique and began my work out art...i applied face  powder softly carefully not to wake him up, the i put on some blush then i went for some eyeshadow when i finished the last eye he moved i held me breathe, please don't wake up please don't and he didn't i blew out a breath of air and began working on the lip stick i got a red red colour, i applied it o the top then the bottom and then he moved and the lip stick drew across his cheek and his eyes opened oh shit shit shitty shit i dare not moved my hand in case he fell back to sleep


Oh dear God help!."you can't see me i'm invisible" i said reminding me of a song 

He chuckled."oh yes i can. What are you doing?" He asked 

i dropped the lip stick " Nothing pssh why would you think i would do something pssh." 

"Hmmm.. Em Baby can you come here?" He asked. Shit please don't asked her what i did please don't say Em please

She walked over and began to giggled."Daddy why do you look funny?"

"What do you mean princess?" 

"You have make up on your face." she said giggling again 

"Oh do i, thanks princess you can go and play while i talk to Dani" 

She laughed and ran over and point to Lil and Lil laughed 

"So Dani? what is make up doing on my face?" 

"Pssh why did you asked me? i don' t know" i said looking away hoping he wouldn't know i'm telling him lies 

"Dani, i know your telling lies, you better run i'm counting to 3....1"

Shit he's coming after me run Dani run 


I got up and  run hard and he came after me i ran downstairs and he start chasing me, shit! i ran outside and he just right on my heels when i got outside to the back yard that's when he caught me, he ran into me and pull me down so i was straddling him then he start tickling me 

"Hahaha En..Ri..Que... S-Stop." i cried laughing, then he spin us around so he was the one straddling me, he stop ticking me and i shut up and look up at him he was slightly smiling and looking real stupid with the make-up on


"Yes?" My breathing became rapidly 

"Go out on a date with me, tonight." he said 

"i don't go out with boys ho have make-up on their faces." i said laughing 

he chuckled."so if i wipe this make-up off and i ask you'll go?" he said still staring at me with a smirk on his face


He got up."Don't move i'll be right back." he said getting up and running to a hose. i got up and dust off the back of my jeans, he came back with smudge eye shadow and the some lip stick on his mouth 

"So Danielle Mckenna Thomas would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked politely holding my hands

"You still have make-up on your face." i told him and he groaned "But yes i'll go on a date with you." i said smiling. then he take me and spin me around and around oh gosh i'm going barf

"Enrique put me down or i'm going regret it and say no." and with that said he put me down instantly and i wobbled and tried to keep my balance but i must of look like a drunk man walking until he held me steadily

"better?" he asked smirking 

"yeah thanks.I'm going home and come back.what time is the date?" 

"be ready by 7." 

"yeah ok, tell Lil i'm coming back soon." i said feeling nausea 

"Okay. Don't forget me you date 7 ." he said smirking 

I chuckled."Okay bye baby daddy."

"bye babe." and with that i walked home, and opened my front door i saw suitcases, 3 suitcases to be acute 2 big ones and a small one 

"Uh, mom why are there 3 suitcases at the door ?" i called walking to the living room 

"remember me and Lily is going to visit grandma because she's sick and someone needs to take care of her so we'll be at grandmas for 2 months the least and Ben is going back to Cali to sort out some  things, Dani i told you this last week."

"Right i forgot, so where am i going.?" i asked because she still hasn't said 

"Well your staying with Chloe." she said searching for something 

"oh." i for one isn't arguing with that, i want to stay with Chloe and Sarah and Em and then with Enrique plus he asked me on a date so tonight so my first date will be in his house. i smiled 

"What are you smiling at?" my mom said smirking at me, yes smirking.. and leaning on the door with her arms fold

i chuckled nervously."nothing, i must go bye." i said and ran out the house and into Chloe's 

"phew, that was close." i mutter to myself and went through Chloe's cupboards looking for something to eat, which by the way i found. i found some ham, cheese, already fried bacon which i'm guessing is Enrique's because he's the only one who hasn't eaten, some lettuce and mayonnaise and i began making a sandwich after i done made it i decided to make lemonade so i went in the fridge got some water when i turn back round  my sandwich is gone

"b-but." i said frantically looking for it, then i heard a familiar chuckle. 

Enrique. then he came out from hiding "looking for this?" he said holding my juicy sandwich in his hand 

"Enrique give me my sandwich." i said eying him slowly 

"why should i? plus this isn't yours well the things you made it with aren't. This big juicy sandwich" he said looking at it with hungry eyes

"Enrique holder put down the sandwich now, or you never have no more children." i said glaring at him 

he smirked."babe, i know you want to touch it." 

I rolled my eyes."trust you to turn it around."

Then he took a huge big and hand it back to me."here babe." he said with his mouth full and all of the items are spitting out 

I grab it ."Disgusting." and i walked upstairs to go to Lil. i wanted to spend time with her before she leave

"Hey lollipop." i said sitting down with her and Em

"Hey Dani, want to pay with me and M?" she asked smiling 

"sure, first bite this so something will be in your stomach, here Em bite this." i said making sure they bite it 

"Come now, pay dress up." Em said and pulling me


"do you take daddy to be your wife?" Em ask me 

after Em pull me to play Rique came up shortly and Lil and Em wanted to play marry so here we are at a make shift altar that Rique build 

"say yes you idiot." metri said 

Yup Demetri was here and Sarah and Chris, Lily decided they should come 

"i think they enjoying this to much." i mumbled under my breathe and rolling my eyes 

"tell me about he." he said clearly he is not enjoying this either 

"daddy? yes or no?" Em asked impatient

"Yes i'll marry Dani." he said loudly "but i'll divorce her after," he said low so only i would hear.

"Dani do you want to marry daddy?"

"hey kids look that person looks like Dora." i said pointing behind them and they look back behind them

"babe you divorce me i'll twist them off." i said grabbing his balls and twisting them and then let them go

"Eep." he whispered holding his balls

"daddy what happen?" Em said turning  around 

"Oh nothing is round with him, and my answer is yes i'll marry your daddy." i said smiling sweetly

"Good now kiss the Dani." Lil said smiling evilly 

"No." Me and Enrique said together 

"yes." Sarah, Metri and Chris yelled 

I glared at them."Daddy please kiss her on  the lips." Em begged

He looked at her and sighed " Fine, i'll kiss Dani." 

"W-What!." i asked 

"Come on lers get this over with." he said leaning in.

I couldn't say nothing my breath ketch in my throat as he moved in he looked in my eyes i saw lust and happiness in them then he moved in and capture my lips in his, when his lips touch me i felt love in my stomach i felt like i was on top of the world and nothing could hold me back i didn't felt no fireworks and all of that fairytale shite.. i felt good. He moved his lips slowly with mines and i like it but when he pull back i miss that and i wanted it back, his hand lingered in my cheek and stroke it smiled and i felt like it was only me and him i heard a cough and i looked at the door where i heard the cough my eyes widen please tell me they didn't see that 

"Well that was interesting." my mom said 

"told you so." Chloe said 

"Mommy." Lil said running to her 

"Come on we have to go." Mom told her her

After Lily said her goodbyes, Sarah and Chris went downstairs and Metri went out after his booty call so that leave me, Enrique and Chloe

"Mom we're going on a date tonight, can you keep Lil?" Rique asked

"Oh no i'm sorry i have a business meeting to go to you'll have to take her or stay home." Chloe said apologetically

"Okay mom no problem, there's this Carnival in town we'll go. Is that okay with you?"

Is that okay with me? seriously i love carnivals. " Hell yes." 

He chuckled." Fine go and get ready meet you in an hour?" 

"Yeah sure, see you then." I smirked at him and walked out getting ready for my date..


I know i know you most of hate me for not uploading but i'm sorry i was sick with the cold and i had an interview to see if i can get into this cooking school with pray for me guys thanks 

Soooo... love this chapter??

What do you think about the date??


Enjoy :) 

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