The Light in the Dark

By MintHearted

289 9 3

When the Governor survives the events which was supposed to be his last stand at the prison, he begins to cat... More

Chapter 1: Blood on the Battlefield
Chapter 2: A Familiar Road

Chapter 3: Chances

58 4 1
By MintHearted

With the woman handing Philip the plate all he could do was glance around. Something about the place continued to make his stomach flip. Whatever was off would probably be figured out soon enough, and after a moment of thought he gestured with his hand followed by a shake of his head.

"I'm not really hungry, but--" Pausing for a moment his head tilted slightly to the side. "--I am lookin' for someone. I believe they passed through here not to long ago so I'm jus' wonderin' if you've seen 'em."

At first Mary just blinked as she was clearly caught off gaurd. Most people weren't looking for others, not these days anyway. Snapping out of it her smile returned then. "Well I'm sure we can do our best to help. Who was it?"

"Rick Grimes." Philip's answer was quick, and within the following seconds the scene changed even more. With the woman's smile disappearing slowly she could only stare at Philip. It was more obvious to him then that they'd seen the group that he was looking for, but whether or not there was an actual problem was questionable. Anything could've happened, but from the clues of not seeing them around and the expression that she gave at the man's name was enough to know that the chances that something had went down was larger than not.

"Hold on a second. Let me go get Gareth." Her voice was now flat as she left her position from behind the grill and right over to the farthest building that could be seen from where he stood. This only left him even more suspicious, but if there was any hints as to where they were or what happened he needed to know. He needed to know so he could find them if it were still possible.

A single bluish-grey hue now shifted around the area as he waited for the woman to return, and when she did a man that was at least twenty years younger appeared. It was Gareth as Mary had told him that was who she was retrieving and even his own appearance seemed all to friendly, but something about him reminded him of his own facade. The one he would play like an instrument back in Woodbury, and it was that exact same one that kept everyone out of his business.

"I was just told you're looking for Rick, right?" Gareth now stepped forward so he was only a good few feet away from Philip. After a moment Philip gave a slight nod towards the others question as he continued to figure out just what was going on. As he watched the other, right behind him stood a stranger clad in riot gear. It may seem insignificant, but it was something Philip recognized. With this place being far from any prison (as far as he knew of) it was strange that they would have such a thing, even with all of the people that they have let in. "Follow me."

Just as Gareth began to walk it took Philip a minute to follow along. With the uneasy feeling never lessening he couldn't shake the urge to take matters into his own hands to find the group, but they seemed to still be in Terminus unless he was being tricked. Still, Gareth's own appearance and demenor towards Rick seemed to be realitively the same as his mother's. The same look of whatever it was written across their features, and the tone that they used as they spoke was also the same.

Now as they came to a halt just by a train car Philip couldn't help his single eye from taking a quick look at his surroundings. At first there was nothing which only left him puzzled and as his gaze fell back on the man in front of him his brow knitted together. The suspicion was now full force as they stood in the middle of absolutely nothing that would hold any value to anyone. It was just an empty piece of space to Philip, but despite it holding nothing of importance from the looks of it the area still had some purpose. Why else would he be standing there?

"Where are they?" The former Governor's voice was now demanding. His patience was being tested as they just stood there. It now all seemed like a trick, but as Gareth's hand rose with his palm facing right at him and their gazes locked it was to confusing to officially tell.

"You'll get to see him. Just be patient." Now as Gareth spoke once more the hand signal was evident as it continued to stay raised. Normally it served as a gesture for one to be calm or be patient, but in their current situation it seemed like it was anything but that. Maybe it dropped subtle hints of that, but behind it served a greater purpose. Philip may have not known them or their motives but if there was one thing he was positive about was that everyone had a motive to survive, and they'd do whatever they had to so they could get their goal. Not only that, but things like Terminus are just to good to be true. "That's all you gotta do."

Gareth's hand now closed into a fist, and not even seconds later did Philip's ears begin to register the sound of footsteps coming up close behind him. Turning on his heel to see who it was wasn't enough. Within seconds before he could fully get a chance to process what was going to happen he felt someone slam all of their weight into him causing him to sprawl onto the ground with his arm colliding with the ground to break his fall and all of air was pushed from his lungs. A grunt erupted from Philip as his body finally settled onto the concrete with his head spinning just enough to keep him down. The healing process he had wanted for his own body hadn't finished up as much as he wanted it to. His body was still a little weak from the incident, and as much as he hated to show any form of weakness there was no shaking it off this time.

Firm hands now held down his arms as another set of hands searched him for any weapons. Whoever it was had retrieved his knife and gun before he was lifted back up onto his feet. Squeezing his eye shut tight for just a split second to regain his bearings he then looked back towards Gareth as the dizziness began to pass. Any trace of friendliness gone from Gareth's face as he pointed right towards the boxcar. Whatever Rick and his group had done to these Termites was bad enough to make them think badly of Philip. Of course they could be right, but without even knowing a single thing about him the trust was immediately broken by association. Not even an explanation of the past was given, but it wasn't like Philip would tell them that. If anything it would only make matters worse.

"Put him in there with the rest." Gareth's voice was monotone as he gave the order, and immediately his goons did just what they were told to do. Philip tried struggling in their grasp but it was useless. The way they held him was just causing it to be useless. Another man then stepped up to the door to slide it open right before they tossed Philip in. With his foot catching he landed face first into the ground with a grunt.

Footsteps could be heard right by him and at first he did nothing but lay there for another moment just before pushing himself off of the ground. It only took a second before one of them opened their mouths and he recognized it as Glenn's.

"You're alive? How?" With his single eye now raised to fully look up at Glenn he couldn't help but freezing for just a moment. He wasn't surprised to see the other, but Glenn was definitely surprised to see him. Allowing him to let it all sink in Philip slowly rose back up onto his feet before those behind him had their own eyes wide. Shifting his weight as he took a step back he then turned to look all the way to his right so he could focus on the faces that stood there. The closest to him was Rick who mirrored the exact same expression onto his face. Behind him stood Michonne, Daryl, and Rick's kid. Everyone had the same expression for about a minute before anger took its place.

If looks could kill it'd definitely do the job instantly. Immediately Rick stepped up till he was nose to nose with the former Governor. It was as if he was trying to see if the man standing before him was really real or not. They all had thought that he went down at the prison and that would be the last that they would see him, but they had underestimated the man. Somehow surviving just to find them must've meant something but for now they didn't care. All they knew was that they were surrounded by the enemy and that one was inside with them.

"How did you get here and how did you find us?" Rick's tone was harsh. The last thing that he wanted was for Philip to hurt his family again and this time he wouldn't let him.

At first Philip stayed silent. Of course he could speak right away especially since he had everyone's attention, including some new faces, but he felt it was best to say nothing for now to let them all settle into the fact that he was still alive. Now Rick moved a little closer with his blue-chip eyes narrowed and dead set on the single one. It was obvious that Rick was ready to punch him as both men now tensed. Philip wasn't going to fight him back, but he wasn't going to back down either.


"You left behind a trail. It wasn't that hard 't find you." As Philip spoke Rick never budged, but the rest shifted in confusion. Now as he spoke once more he gestured towards Rick and then to the man's hand. "Ya left tracks. Your bandage on the tracks beside a sign that led 't here. How else?"

Rick was now looking down at his hand before bringing his gaze back up to Philip. It was strange how Philip had recognized something so insignificant, but while they fought at the prison he must've seen it through all of the punching he did.

"Why did you follow us? What more do you want from us?" The ex-sheriff's voice was low and rough now. His focus never wavering from Philip's face as he studied his features to make sure that he wasn't lying, but he knew that the other was good at it. It's what he did to Woodbury to some degree.

"I don't want anythin' from you." Shaking his head along with his words he was tempted to step out of Rick's way, but he knew it was better not to with everyone else surrounding him.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I'm allowed 't be." His words now caused Rick to take a step back. Not because he was satisfied by the answer, but because he wasn't sure what to make of it. His gaze now went towards his group on both sides before landing right back onto Philip.

"No, you're not." Rick's voice was flat yet it held a twinge of seriousness as he gave a shake of his head. "After what ya did to us back at the prison you don't have that right."

"It amazes me that you've done things too, but you're allowed 't do what ya want. Right? It's a free country. A free world. I'm allowed 't do whatever I want." Philip's words now matched Rick's as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side.

Now Rick was angry. Taking steps closer he was right in the former Governor's face as there was no hesitation as his voice rose up an octave. "We didn't go somewhere out of anger and revenge just to take out innocent people. Then you come here expectin' that we'll be okay with all of this?"

"Are you forgettin' what ya did? You're not entirely in the right either, Rick." Philip tried to keep his voice in control as he responded back. It was harder than he thought, but he managed. "Both men doin' anythin' 't defend their groups and tryin' 't do right by the people they care about. So if we saw it as right when we did it is it really wrong especially when there's no rules on how 't do it right anymore?"

This stumped Rick. He understood just where Philip was trying to get at, but regardless it didn't matter. Rick knew that even in todays time it was still wrong to do something like that. To come in and take someone away out of anger. Shaking his head once more he continued to stay right in front of Philip as he spoke again. "Doesn't make it right. The rules may still not apply anymore, but that doesn't mean you're in the right. We had to take people out for self defense and you did the opposite."

"I did whatever I had 't do so that I could live, so that Woodbury could live. How does that make it the opposite?" Narrowing his own eye Philip was right back in Rick's face.

"Stop! We can fight about this later. Right now we need to finish making weapons so we can get out of here." Glenn spoke up now to pull everyone's attention to him and within seconds everyone was looking over towards him. "I know he's done things, and I'm not saying it's okay that he's with us now but he's here and we need to get out."

"Glenn's right. If we don't do this now we could all be dead before morning." Sasha now jumped in as she looked around the tiny enclosure.

"So let's get this done first and once we get out of here then we can deal with him." Glenn spoke up once more as he took a step closer to the two men.

"Not with him. He could try killin' us again and I won't have that." Rick now turned his attention back to Philip who still stood not even an inch from him.

"If he tries anything we can take care of it then, but for right now we're sitting ducks. If we we don't start working now it's gonna be a lot worse than him." Glenn now turned back towards the others before taking hold of the pocket watch to start shaving off some more of the wood from one of the panels in the boxcar.

"Fine, but you stay out of our way. Got it? One move and I'll kill you." Rick made it very clear what he wanted before heading over in Glenn's direction to help. The tension was high in the air but as everyone slowly began to turn away he couldn't help but see someone else coming closer to him now out of the corner of his good eye.

Turning his attention to the left to see Tara approaching slowly many emotions could be seen in her features. Anger, sadness, and disbelief all crossed her features in a matter of seconds before she came to a stop right in front of him. Neither said anything for the longest moment as they both watched each other closely for before she took a deep breath. It was obvious she was still upset with him for what happened, but strangely there didn't seem to be any anger that was noticeable.

"What you did back shouldn't have come here." Her voice was softer than Rick's, but Philip knew that was how she was. She could get angry and fierce, but in that moment she didn't let it get that far. She knew what needed to be done and right now there was nothing that she could do about it. "But I need to know one thing." A slight pause as she swallowed harshly. "What happened to Meghan?"

For a moment neither of them said anything. Instead they looked at each other for one long moment before Philip's gaze was directed towards the pitch black floor. "She was bitten before they arrived. She was already dead." Looking back up now to see Tara's expression it was obvious she was trying to hold back any tears that she may have. Her face now crumpled she only gave a nod before wandering off to help the others. All the while Philip stood there silently watching them all with his back pressed against the door. He knew that they wouldn't want his help, and in that moment he wasn't going to argue with any of them anymore. At least not for now anyway.

The process of creating weapons took a long time. How long once again none of them could tell you, but it was a good amount of time to make something that they could cause damage with. Though they wouldn't be the best defense against guns it was better than their hands. Eventually they had made Philip create a weapon of his own though they all kept their eyes on him to make sure that he wouldn't pull anything on them as they all kept a bit of a distance from him.

"Get back against the wall and onto the floor!" A voice now shouted from outside the door causing them all to get ready. Sure they knew that this was a dangerous tactic on its own, but it at least meant that they were prepared. At first it all grew quiet again causing them to all throw quick glances between one another, but then as the top slid off of the boxcar they all directed their gaze above.

"Move!" Abraham shouted before they all jumped back to the far corners of the box. Mere seconds passed before the small device went off blocking all of their vision in a cloud of smoke. In the fog some of the people growled and you could hear them trying to fight the Termites off.

Pressed back into a corner he tried to squint through the haze, but at soon as he felt someone latch onto his right arm he swung his left hand towards them. The contact of a fist meeting a jaw caused a loud crunching sound that echoed just slightly over the noise coming from the others. Immediately then as the person that held him grunted he grabbed onto Philip's other free hand before quickly turning him around just to slam him into the wall. Pulling out a zip-tie he bound the former Governor's hands and wrapped a gag around his mouth just before the man then proceeded to drag him out of the boxcar

Stumbling over his own feet there was no time to process much before he was practically blinded by the sun and thrown onto the ground. Letting out a pained sound of his own he blinked several times to adjust to the light. Once that was settled he heard heavy breathing from beside him causing him to turn his gaze onto Rick who was tugging on the bound at his own hands right before the man that had brought him out gave him a good kick. Obviously Rick had faught back as the man had blood on his face giving him a reason to perform that very action. Turning his head to the right he saw Glenn, Daryl, and some other male that he didn't know the name of completing the small row that they had them in.

"Is that all we need?" One of the men asked.

"Yep! Gareth said only five and these are them. Let's go." Another responded before they began to yank them up and along with them. Now there was nothing that they could do, and who knows what they were going to do with them. Though whatever was coming for them was left a mystery none of them let any sort of panic show. Instead angered looks were etched onto their faces as they were brought into what was noticably a slaughter house.

Seeing a body laying on a table being chopped up into pieces caused Philip's eye to widen and his stomach to flip. It was clear as day that whatever they were grilling up at the front was a body and that he was glad that he had decided against eating it. Now turning his attention ahead just to see what looked like a trough he felt his heart beginning to pound loudly in his chest. Whatever he had gotten himself in to he wondered if he should now regret this decision. There was only a slight chance of them actually making it out of here, and part of him knew that this might've not been worth his time and chances of survival.

Once they were all over to the metal bin the men had positioned them so they were kneeling in front of it. Staring down into it just to see the drain he quickly collected his thoughts onto what they were doing. They were going to kill them right then and there brutally like pigs at the slaughter. Glancing down at everyone else it only took less than a minute before the first guy in the line, a young man with bleach blonde hair, was struck in the back of the head with a piece of wood only for his head to be brought back before being met with a blade to the neck. All of the blood spitting out of his arteries like a foutain causing everyones blood to run cold.

Panic now slowly went through everyone as the horror occurred before them. This was how they were all going to die, and now there was definitely nothing that they could do about it. With the sound of the next victim being whacked Philip couldn't help the slight flinch before he watched the dark red blood rushing down into the drain.

"Four from D and five from A." Gareth's voice then caught everyone's attention as he wrote down the details into his notebook. "Now I just need your shot counts."

"Fourteen." The first butcher said before taking down yet another survivor. Now Glenn was next, and the pained look on his face as he gripped the gag between his teeth made the moment even worse, that was until Gareth spoke.

"Your shot counts?" He looked towards the one holding the bat. Glenn then relaxed, but only a tiny bit as it would only spare him a few more seconds as they talked.

"I don't know." The butcher spoke as he watched his leader.

"Well they haven't been collected yet, so go out there and count them before they get picked up, alright?" Now before he was about to leave he recounted the men that sat before the bin only to turn on his heel to head towards the door. Just then the unknown man, to Philip at least, from their boxcar began to try and talk through his gag with something that sounded like wait caused Gareth to turn back to them. For a moment he only looked at the man and then he went over to partially kneel on the other side. Pulling down the gag a dark eyebrow rose. "What is it?"

"Don't do this! It doesn't have to end like this." The man breathed heavily now as he rushed out his words. "There's a cure and we have it. We just need to go to Washington. You just have to take that chance."

At the strangers words Philip couldn't help but feel shocked. They knew what started it all? How? Did they know all along or was this just recently discovered? Regardless of what it was he wanted to know. He needed to know. That big piece of evidence that kept Penny from being alive today and it was something that he desperately needed to know.

Gareth just stared at the man then before giving a shake of his head. Maybe he didn't believe it or maybe he did, but it was apparent that what's done is done to the Termite leader. "Can't go back, Bob." Resetting the gag back onto the man's mouth he then turned to Rick to pull off his gag. "Before I go, we saw ya burying a bag out back. What was in it?"

Silence took over the room now as almost every set of eyes darted between Rick and Gareth. After about thirty seconds he pulled out a knife and held it up to Bob's eye. "You either tell me or I take out Bob's eye so he can match your friend over there." Jerking his head in Philip's direction a few eyes narrowed, one of them being Philip himself. A few more seconds then passed as Rick then gave a nod of his head.

"A few shot guns, a couple hand guns, an Ak-47, and a machete with a red handle." Now Rick's gaze turned dark as he looked the other leader right in the eye. "That's what I'm gonna use to kill you."

That caused a slight snort from Gareth with a sly grin. He obviously doubted that Rick would kill him, and with that he gave a nod of his head before putting Rick's gag back on. "Alright." Rising back up onto his feet he then turned to walk away again. Just then the ground seemed to shift below everyone causing everyone to fall sideways. Some fell into each other and others just hit the ground. It took a moment for the everything to become still, and once it did everyone slowly began to lift their heads from their positions on the ground.

"What was that?" The butcher holding the knife asked as they slowly rose back to their feet along with Gareth.

"Hey, what's going on out there?" Gareth demanded into his two-way.

Looking up slightly Philip could see Rick working at the zip-tie with a broken piece of wood as he used his time wisely. Now shooting a quick glance back to the men to see their attention was elsewhere he worked on sitting himself back up onto his knees.

"Stay here. I'm gonna go sort this out." Gareth spoke once more before exiting the room and leaving both of the butchers to scratch at their heads while they worried.

"We need to go out there and help." One of them definitely sounded worried about the situation as his tone was a bit higher than normal.

"Gareth said to stay here. He's going to go check it out and we're not the ones that handle that stuff. Our work is here." The second one responded a lot calmer than the other one.

Now Philip could see that Rick was free and within a matter of seconds as the butchers weren't paying attention he rose up only to take them both down quickly with the same piece of wood. Relief washing over the rest of the survivors they began to pull at their own zip-ties until Rick came over to set them free. Then for just a moment as he watched the former Governor he contemplated just leaving him there, but then he let out an angry growl before releasing Philip.

Getting up to look at Rick they exchanged a look before Rick turned towards the door. "Don't. Let 'em turn." He spoke up as he continued forward. They all followed the man, but part of Philip didn't know what to do. It would be best to follow him but there was no denying that none of them wanted him there. That was until Rick turned around to give Philip another look. "C'mon. Stay within my sights, because I don't have time for this."

Taking a second he then tagged along to stick within a foot of the group as they filed into the next room. All sets of eyes began to widen once they examined all of the things inside. Body parts left to dry and tools coated in dried blood were left to sit around only making the atmosphere to the place even creepier.

"What is this place?" Daryl turned a bit to get a better look at the room as they continued on to the next door.

"Whatever it is we just need to get out of here." Rick began to head towards the back door as everyone reached for something sharp that they could use as a weapon. At first this made Philip a little hesitant. Of course he wanted protection too and to only prove further that he wasn't going to do them any harm, but he knew that Rick was watching his every move. Taking in a deep breath he reached for one of the knifes before following the others out trying not to think about it to much.

Stepping outside he then found himself to be grateful for making the choice of grabbing his own weapon. The smoke that plummed up into the air and the constant drone of the dead that approached was something that couldn't be missed. This gave a general sense as to what might've happened to cause all this mess, but whatever it was it saved their lives. Turning his head now to see the others running for shelter behind one of the train cars he followed them right over to help take out one of the Biters that lurked around it. Jerking the knife out of the rotten skull he watched it collapse to the floor as he heard screams coming from inside the container. Without a single word Glenn ripped the doors to the box open just before a man stumbled out only to latch onto Rick as he was the closest to him.

"We're all the same!" The stranger laughed before Rick worked on shoving him off. "We're all the same!" Then as he backed up just enough into the open space the stranger was tackled to the ground by a few members of the dead causing the rest of them to duck behind the safety of the boxcar. In that moment Philip found his own heart racing at the adrenaline that pulsed through his veins. Every second that they spent in Terminus constantly made him question just how much longer they actually had left. Would they make it out of this mess or would they suffer on the inside until they were just like the rest of the world.

Back pressed up against the wall and head tilted up towards the sky he took in deep breaths. Normally this wouldn't bother him, but after coming all this way with his own struggles this wasn't how he planned to die. Not today. He had escaped death more than once and he could only hope that this time would trun out the same exact way.

"Let's go." Rick spoke up before running towards a few cars that sat beside a building. The only known way for them to make it out alive was for them to use whatever they found to their advantage. They had to be quick yet quiet and resourceful. With everyone now following on his heels with them turning in every direction to make sure none of the Biters were right on them Philip found himself doing the same. As much as they may not have been accepting of his presence after what had happened back at the prison he was another person to keep watch for them. Now as they began to crouch down behind the vehicle Philip's eye scanned the surrounding area as he heard several movements taking place in an instant.

First it started off as footsteps which turned into the sound of a grunt. Then it turned into the sound of bullets being fired into the air, and his best guess was at the Biters. Before he could even process what else might be going on Rick's voice could be heard over the raging gunfire. "GO!"

Taking in a deep breath he rose back up onto his feet and ran after the others as they made a straight run towards the train car that they were pulled from. Boxcar A sat perfectly close to the fence leaving a sense of hope for Philip. It was a chance for them to get out and leave to continue on with their lives. With that sense of hope he found the strength to move faster up until a Biter reached out for him. Turning to side-step out of its way he rose up the knife that he had taken before slamming it down into the cranium. Ripping the knife free a small cloud of red puffed out from the head before the corpse met the ground with a thump. Turning on his heel then to see the others almost there he rushed after them.

Dodging every grotesque hand that reached out for him he found himself almost slamming right into the man named Bob before slowing himself down. In that same instant Rick came charging up to unlatch the lock on the door to slide it open for the other members of the former prison group to come out before Rick started firing off more rounds into more dead skulls. With that Philip took off once more after the others as they headed for an area of the fence that they'd easily be able to climb over. Turning towards another biter to take it out he found himself seeing Tara performing the task instead. Just then her gaze turned to meet his followed by a nod between the two of them.

Despite all that had happened with the two Philip had a sense of hope that maybe he could at least form a relationship with Tara again. It definitely was never his intention to hurt her, and maybe if one person could understand it was her.

Following the others once more as he began to reach the fence he made sure to help Tara over before bringing himself up over the fence. Dropping onto the soft dirt he continued to trail after the others into the forest as it was their only option to cover themselves from any remaining Termites. As he continued to follow behind the others he slowed down just as they did as they waited for everyone else to catch up. Despite the events that had just occurred and the scattered thoughts of them needing to get away there was no mistaking the looks from all sides as Philip stood a safe distance away from everyone. He knew now that they had made it out that they would come to a decision on whether or not he'd be allowed to join or stay, but Philip had already made up his own mind. If he was accepted then he would do his best to prove to them that he only means well and that he will do whatever he has to so that way he can stay, but if he is denied then he has choosen to try and take his chances elsewhere to come up with a more solid plan on how he was going to go about life later.

"We need to go back there to finish 'em off." Rick spoke up as he now joined the rest. His form dropped to the ground to dig at loose dirt only to pull out a bag with weapons hidden inside.

"They're done. That place is on fire." Another stranger, this time a young woman, to Philip now voiced her own opinion before all eyes began to drift back over to Rick.

"It's not over until they're all dead." Checking to make sure his gun was loaded Rick now met everyone elses gaze. "They don't get to live." Standing up Rick's blue hues now landed on Philip for a split second as dark brown eyebrows pulled together then moved to look over at everyone else once more. The tension that followed the look hung in the air, but Philip decided it best not to give his own input as it would only land him on a path that he didn't want ruining any chance that he may have.

Now as only seconds passed all eyes darted up immediately at the sound of footsteps crunching leaves only to see Daryl rushing over to a figure that had emerged from the trees not to far away from where they were. All eyes widening slightly at the sight of the archer clinging to the woman Philip decided to look down. His thoughts turning into a different direction on how he was going to go about everything just up until his concentration was broken by Tara's familiar voice.

"Are you alright?"

"Hm?" Now turning his attention to her with his only visible brow raised he slipped the knife into the holster on his belt.

"You don't look so good." With her hand now raised she lightly touched his forehead. For a moment she said nothing as her brow knitted together. "You're running a fever." Her voice dropped just as her hand did. Moving to stand in front of him she looked him up and down. "Did you get bit?"

At first the question caught the former Governor off guard. Of course that thought process could be easily pieced together with the world that they lived in now, but it wasn't something Philip would allow if he could help it.

"No." His voice was firm as he looked her right in the eyes. "I'm pretty sure I didn't get bit."

"Well you have a fever so either it's something else or you got bit and didn't know it." Tara's voice was now low just as Philip began to shake his head.

"None of 'em touched me, okay? I'm fine." He responded with a frustrated tone.

"Whatever, but your temperature says otherwise." Shaking her head Tara began to walk away as she saw the others walking after the grey haired woman. This left Philip standing there caught up in his own thoughts just before he slowly began to head out after her. The entire time they walked his head was constantly churning of what was wrong. He didn't feel like he was in any pain, but he had to admit that he didn't feel great. With his right hand trailing up to his stab wound on his torso he clutched at the frayed fabric for a moment before slowly raising his single eye up to see Rick running over to grab his small daughter. Just then Philip's thoughts turned to one of genuine saddness. Almost like a stab to his own heart at the sight of father and daughter coming together in pure relief and reunion. Something Philip would never have again with Penny.

Letting out a slight grunt now as he made his way over to the closest tree. Pressing his hands against the bark now as he felt himself become lightheaded he turned around to slide down to the base of the tree just to sit. What was wrong with him he wasn't even sure. Was he just overwhelmed? Or was Tara right that something was wrong? Whatever it was he didn't let himself linger on the thought to long as his thoughts clouded over into absolute nothing as his vision began to follow right into the darkness with the last thing he saw being Tara rushing over.

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