I'm Not Like Them // l.t. edi...

Door FakingBritish

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Hi, my name is Louis Tomlinson, 1/5 of One Direction. I drink blood, my eyes are red, and I'm immortal. Yes... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note

Chapter 3

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Door FakingBritish

Chapter 3


Louis’ POV


                Never have I smelled blood that good. Blood was once again dripping everywhere, causing my mind to running in circles. Lilly walked closer to me, she was obviously testing me. I could feel the fangs coming down in my mouth. I groaned as I tried not to let the delicious scent take over me.

                You have no idea how hard this is for me not to suck that nurse’s blood. This is like when it’s your birthday, but your mom won’t let you eat the cake yet. But it’s not just any cake; it’s the most delicious triple layered double chocolate cake ever. And it’s sitting there literally only inches away from your face. There’s one difference between that birthday cake and reality though, I can’t eventually drink her blood but you would be able to eat that scrumptious cake in less than a few minutes. If I do she will immediately kill me with that bloody stake.

                Lilly the evil nurse lady was right next to me, and she was pretty much sticking her arm in my face. I groaned even more; hiding my face in my hands.

                “It smells so good doesn’t it…” She teased

I laughed, “You have no idea. But there’s no way I’m going to drink your blood. I’m over 400 years old, you should know by now that I have learned how to control my eating”

                Lilly pulled her hand back and began rinsing it off under the sink. “You’re an old one. Most vampires don’t make it past they’re 150 birthday, they usually run into vampire hunters. But vampires can’t control they’re eating habits, they will always want to drink blood, no matter what”

                “WHAT!? Have you never watched Twilight!? The whole Cullen family lives off of animals and the never drink a humans’ blood. Except for that one part where Edward tried to suck all of the blood out of Bella—but my point is that he didn’t.”

                Lilly was obviously trying not to laugh at what I just said, instead a small smile sketched across her face.

                “Your smile is beautiful by the way” I said winking at her as I reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out a giant box of band aids.

                Lilly’s smile dropped, she didn’t even blush. “Is that some way of convincing me that I should kill you sooner old man?” She said coldly.

                “Whoa no! I was just telling the truth! And plus I’m getting you a band aid, see I think our friendship is already growing!”

                Lilly groaned ripping the band aid away from my hands and placing it on her arm. “Why do you want to be friends with the person who is trying to kill you!? Oh I see you’re persuading me… So that’s how you play”

                I snorted; yes she actually made me snort, I mean she thought this was a game!

                “No, you’re just different. I like it”

“Say that again and I will kill you”

                I shrugged, “You keep saying that but you haven’t tried anything yet, well you actually did cut yourself but I think that hurt you more than it did me”

                “I had you trembling—“

“Why did you have Loubear ‘trembling’?” Harry asked coldly walking into the kitchen, he probably just woke up from his nap (which would explain the bed head that was going in every other direction).

                Lilly’s face went completely pale as my best friend , who was in nothing but his underwear and a giant fuzzy blanket, walked right up to her, giving her the stare down. I chuckled as I leaned against the counter. This was going to be interesting.

                “You see… um... Louis and I were just talking about... erm, Saw! Yes we were watching Saw. I had him trembling!”

                Harry’s eyes flickered over to me, probably waiting for my reaction. I smirked, rolling my eyes.

I didn’t want Harry to get the wrong idea why she had me ‘trembling’, because God knows he has a dirty mind, so I just went along with Lilly’s Saw idea.

                Harry looked back at Lilly crossing his arms. “Fine. But if you try anything with Louis, anything at all, and hurt him I will come over here and kick your sorry butt. Understand?”

                Wow. I’ve never heard Harry talk to a girl like this before, he’s usually quite the flirt.

Lilly’s face scrunched up. “EW!!! No I would never do anything with a filthy creature like that!!”

                Both Harry and I’s faces hardened. “Louis doesn’t deserve you” He said coldly then left the room leaving Lilly standing there speechless.

                I chuckled, “He really doesn’t like you”

The nurse turned towards me, “I don’t care, like I said it will take less than a week to kill you, so I will be gone within the hour of your death, so there is no time to make friends”

                “I don’t think Harry would be your type anyway, you’re more like me. No friends, or at least that last, and you keep moving on”

                Lilly stiffened, “You clearly don’t know me. I have lots of friends and family”

I raised my eyebrow at her. “1) You are a terrible liar, your body language says it all 2) your voice stuttered at the word ‘family’, so you probably don’t have any 3) Vampire hunters don’t have friends because they have short attention spans and they are constantly moving around to kill people”

                The vampire hunter’s hands curled into fists, “How can you read me so easily? You’re right about my family, they are all dead. Vampire hunting runs in the family, so they were very unfortunate when they ran into a vampire stronger than them. And I don’t kill people, I would never do that, I only kill soulless demon creatures, vampires”

                “Ouch, there you go again on the whole soulless creature thing. Know what? to make up for it, would you like to go get some ice cream with me, kind of like a date?”

                The crazy, but yet attractive, vampire hunter walked up to me and kicked me in the balls, which sent me tumbling to the ground.

                “So I guess that’s a no?”

Lilly spitted on my head as I laid curled up in a ball on the ground enduring the pain. “What do you think?” She said harshly, quickly turning around and leaving the flat Harry and I’s flat.

                I groaned getting up from my position on the floor and grabbed onto the counter for support. I’ve never met someone like that before, specially a vampire hunter. Usually vampire hunters follow you around for a few days then suddenly attack you. Naturally my first reaction though is to fight back. But I don't, instead I just run. I've never actually killed a vampire hunter since her death, but they always seem to just disapear. Nice thought right? But Lilly was different, she was special. And I liked it.


Sorry about all the non stop talking between Louis and Lilly.

What do you guys with of Lilly? I completely ship Louis and Lilly. But do you think it's going to work out or will one of them kill each other first? Haha :) Answer these questions in the comments! And (yes I'm not done asking myself questions) do you think Lilly will really kill Louis? Maybe Harry might even find out... You guys did see the Larry moments in there didn't you? (Even though I don't ship Larry...)

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