Pregnant and Rejected

By Loverboy100

275K 8.2K 1.3K


I need your help
What Happened??
Payback is a bitch.
Good to be Home
He's woken up!
Not in the mood.
Shit is getting real
HEAT (pt.1)
You guys....
Heat pt. 2
I can't feel him
Mother Mayhem
OKAY.... I Need Help

What have I done?

16K 502 111
By Loverboy100

Their may or may not be mad feels in this chapter. I'm sort if some of you get a little pissed at me for this chapter also.

I hope you enjoy! !

Nana at the top☝ or side

Tatiana's POV

Throwing open my hospital door after recovering from my high, I stop coming face to face with my brother and the man that put me in a comma. Seeing Andrey immediately dampened my mood. I'm pretty sure my face told how unpleased I was to see his face because the smile that was there when he seen me immediately went down the drain and was replaced with a frown. Glancing toward Trell I lift one eyebrow with the frown still on my face. Holding up his hands he says "I told him not to come " He glanced at the intruder "He still followed me here anyway" He breathes hoping I wasn't upset with him. Shrugging I step out of the door way, I let them walk in.

I guess my search for now I suppose. Closing the door with o sigh I walk back over to the hospital bed and sit down. Look at my brother I smile.

"So how's Timmy, Andy, and Alex" I question Trell. His face instantly lights up ant their names.

"They are doing good. I mean Alex wants to come out of the basement and meet the other kids, but I keep trying to tell him that that is not how the pack runs. He just can't seem to grasp that he is an omega and can't play with the wolves who are regular ranked." He huffs out making me frown.

"I don't know why he doesn't get that he can't play with the regular kids." I sigh "I've been telling him since he could talk that, that isn't allowed" I keep going rubbing my face.

Cutting his eyes at me he growls "You know why he's like that and sooner or later Andy's going to be the same way. You know they both have alpha wolves and they are going to start showing themselves real soon pups or not" He says.

Rubbing my forehead I nod. I know he's right but I can't let them get involved with these kinds of people.

"What are we going to do Trell? We can't have our kids around these people especially not Timmy and Andy. Alex is okay he only has a beta wolf, but I can't have my kids grow up here. I don't want them to think that it's okay for them to beat people because there ranks are lower or because there weaker. I refuse. If I have to raise them I'm a basement then so fucking be it." I hissed out. I could feel the hatred for my pack burning through my vain's and spreading like a wild fire.

The growl from the corner of the room had both me and Trell snapping our heads there. Standing there was a fuming Andrey about what I don't know.

"What's got your panties in a fucking bunch" Asked Trell.

"What do you mean 'What'?."


I was so fucking pissed off right now it didn't make any since. My mate and little brother have kids if I heard correctly. Then my mind snaps back to the little boy from the omegas part of the house. A little boy with caramel colored skin, a big black curly afro, and chocolate colored eyes that were rimmed with black. He told me Trell was coming to visit his mommy, which I now know is Tatiana.

"When where you going to you had a child mate? Brother?" I ask swinging my head from one to the other.

Looking at each other Aja and Trell both rolled there eyes before answering. "First off it wasn't a secret, that were both cataloged into the database the minute they were born." Says Trell. "Second, even if they weren't we wouldn't have to tell you seeing as we have no relation to you what so ever." Finished Tatiana with a bored look on his face.

"No relation? I'm your fucking brother Tati (Tah-Tee). How does that equal no relation?" I questioned.

"What have you done to prove that we were brothers other than come out of mom?" He asked. I was speechless. "It's okay Andrey I'll wait." He continues, looking at me like I was skum. " I didn't think so" he finished turning back to my mate.

Okay, let's try a different approach. "Okay how many children do you have and how old are your children? " I ask taking in deep breathes. Trell glanced at me then to Tatiana. I could tell they were talking telepathically. After a moment Tatiana nodded and turned to me.

" I have two children Timmy and Andy, while Trell has only one and that is cute little Alex. Timmy's a whole 2 year's old, Andy's a good 10 months old, and Ales is 3 years old." Tatiana explains looking me up and down, like this was common knowledge.

"Okay, okay how exactly do your kids have alpha and beta wolves?" I ask, which was probably a stupid idea because He looked at me like I was the stupidest person in the world.

"The get it from their fathers obviously. " Trell jumped in rolling his eyes making my wolf growl. He did not like the disrespectful behavior from our mate.

"Punish mate." He growled scratching at the wall blocking him from taking over. "Punish mate now!" He yelled making me wince.

"You need to calm your little doggy tits because he hasn't excepted us yet." I remind him

"He doesn't have to. We can force him." He says pacing in my head happily at the idea.

"I am actually repulsed at the idea, and at the moment ashamed to call you my wolf. I can't believe you would think of forcing our mate like that." I tell him my voice laced with disappointment and disgust toward my wolf. Soon, after make my thoughts toward him known I cut off our mental link blocking him.

Coming back to reality Tatiana and Trell have gone back to talking to each other.

"Who are their fathers?" I ask making then turn in my direction once again.

Tatiana looked me up and down before replying in a curt voice "None of your business".

I'm not sure what happened after that. I was being held down by like four different warrior wolves and my half brother and soon to be Alpha was in the door way starring at the corner like it held his life line. Turning to see what he was looking at I gasped. There in the corner of the room was Tatiana and Trell. Trell had this look of horror on his face and Tatiana was holding his face with both of his hands. I could see blood pouring out of his had and hitting the floor like rain. Peeking out of his hands were the bottom and top of that looked to be four long scars. It looked like it started at his scalp on the right side of his face, and ended at the base of his chin on the left side.

Oh, god please no. Please no, no, no, no. How did this happen?

"He kept disrespecting me. I am tired of it. He is omega. I am higher than he. How dare he disrespect me a better wolf, I am stronger, I am beta I refuse to be disrespected by anyone, especially not a lowly omega." My wolf growled laying just under my skin, ready attack said omega again.

I couldn't look away from my baby brother. Oh, my god what has my wolf done? I couldn't move my eyes away from the gruesome sight even though my brain was yelling at me to. Starring at him for just a little longer my eyes were finally able to move, and they slid over to my now angry mate. He was now crouched down in front of Tatiana and his eyes were flickering from an angry chocolate brown to an even angrier shimmering gold. His eyes then snapped toward me and in that moment I could tell his wolf had won control. I was almost positive he was going to attack me, so imagine my surprise when he tackles one of the warrior wolves on my back.

All it took was that one warrior wolf's weight to be lifted off my back, before I ,or my wolf, was up and making his way toward Tatiana. I was completely helpless as my wolf made his way toward a still bleeding Tatiana. Though I could tell it wasn't bleeding as bad any more, it was still bleeding. Reaching out a hand and raped it around his neck and squeezed slightly. Tatiana's head shot up and removed his hands from his face,only to rap them around my wrist. Tatiana was releasing choking sounds as he looked into the eyes of my wolf.

Leaning in close enough for me breathe to fan over Tatiana's face my wolf pulls back his teeth and growls "Listen here you pathetic omega. I am a beta. I am in every way better than you. I am tired of tour smart ass mouth. I will not put up with it anymore you here me? You will give me the fucking respect I deserve. Do you understand me omega?" He asked looking at the weaker wolf.

The gashes on Tatiana's face was almost healed but now he was turning a pale blue. My wolf seemed satisfied by the fact and squeezed a little harder. Now turning purple Tatiana's eyes started watering still trying to take in the air I new he needed. Slowly he stopped struggling and he soon went limp in my hand making me wolf smile as he dropped his brothers limp body to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" yelled a deep baritone voice. My wolf started to shake but only slightly seeing as he was technically a alpha wolf, but not alpha. Turning around away from the possibly dead omega, my wolf faces his biological father.

Only now do I see how destroyed the once tidy hospital room was. Warrior wolves littered the floor. The bed that was once in the middle of the room was now on its side in the corner. The two chairs that were one occupied by Trell and we were now broken and laying in pieces around the room. My wolf wasn't concerned about any of that though. Right now he was facing one of the only wolves that could kill him. And, said person was looking mighty pissed off.

"I know you fucking heard me. What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On?" He said his voice low this time, threatening. His eyes start to scan to room, first my mate -whose wolf was still- standing by the unconscious beaten warrior wolves, then over to the tipped bed. His eye then zeros in on the blood were the bed once lay, following the trail of blood until his eyes landed on the unconscious omega. My wolf's eyes followed his alpha and fathers gaze.

Big mistake.

There on the floor lay Tatiana still unconscious. The scars healed but incorrectly and left big angry scared welts. I could tell that the pack doctors could make it look less gruesome, but they'd have to reopen them and stitch them back together properly. Just looking at it though I could tell it would scar. Not as bad as they were now, but enough that if people looked -and they would - they could tell that his scars came up a little off his face like baby mountains. His was also bruised and he had an angry looking purple, blue, and yellow mark stretched completely around his neck, with a little blood coming out of the wholes my claws made. He looked so beaten.

Looking back towards the alpha my wolf took a step back almost stepping on Tatiana. My wolf was afraid. I could feel it. Then again I don't blame him for being afraid, the alpha was a scary man when he angry, and right now he was livid.

"Why is their an unconscious beaten omega with scars on his face on the floor?" He asked. I could tell he was barely on to his wolf. I could taste his anger seeing as it was thick in the air, suffocating I thought.

My wolf didn't answer all he saw was an angry alpha/father and his mate on guard in the corner of the room ready to attack his alpha if it came to that.

"He was being disrespectful." stated my wolf upset that his alpha was angry with him "I told my human to tell him to stop letting his disrespect us, but he didn't listen. I had to show him that I am a fucking beta. That I was above him on every now level. He needed to be tough a lesson." My wolf said trying to defend his actions.

The alpha was still angry, it still floated in the air heavy like cigarette smoke, but not as mad not as suffocating. Something new was in the air what I wasn't sure but it tasted better than anger. A look after understanding crossed his face. Sighing loudly he walked over to us making my wolf go rigid and mate straighten in alarm. Stopping once he was on front of me he lifted his hand and I prepared for the blow. It never came though, the only thing that came was was a hand on my shoulder. Opening my eyes I didn't even realized had closed, my wolf looked up at his father confused. Sighing again he looked around and shook his head.

"I can't really be mad at you." He says turning his eye to my mate "the beta power in your wolves are starting to wake up" He continues turning his attention back to me "I thought I had a couple of more months before this happened, but I think your mate rejecting you made it come out early" He informed my wolf. "I do..." He was cut off by an angry growl. Turning our heads we see my angry mate looking at the alpha like he was crazy, like he couldn't believe that he had said such an absurd thing.

The alpha liked a little pissed at being upset. He didn't do anything but send him a sharp glare, shutting my mate up quickly.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted, I don't think you should be around any of the low ranked wolves." He stated looking me up and down sighing....again. I of course bristled at the idea. Why not? There was no place you could go in that you could go in the pack house without seeing an omega except for the bathroom. Hell, not even my room was a safe zone seeing as they came in and cleaned it every two days.

"How the hell is that supposed to work?" My wolf growled "Omegas are everywhere in the house all the time" He says voicing my thoughts.

Alpha had a thoughtfully ok on his face before answering " You will take one of the cabins in the woods and tour mates going to. I can't trust him around the lower ranked wolves either. Right now your both unstable and from what I hear the omegas are currently terrified of you both." He stated looking past me out the window.

Turning around I see an elderly lady, maybe about 70-80 years old. I could tell she was an omega from her smell. She smelled of food and laundry detergent with a hint of floor cleaner. I could also tell she was ab omega from the tattoo that was exposed on her wrist. She had long white hair hair that was pulled back into a loose pony tail, her arms and neck were wrinkled the slightest bit, and her facial features were soft, motherly like if you will. And, on those motherly like features was a look of pure unadulterated fear. She was looking down at Tatiana with a look of horror on her face. Looking away from Tatiana her gaze slid upward toward me, then to alpha, and then my mate. After seeing my mate her face went through a series of emotions shock, then anger, then fear and disappointment. The look was so raw that I almost wanted to cry. Turning my gaze to my mate my breath stopped. His wolf had this look of horror on his face as he looked upon the elderly woman. Who was she?

"Nana" He whispered, reaching for the window like he could grab her. The elderly woman shook her head the look of disappointed never leaving her face. My mate took another step toward the window his face desperate. "It's not what you think, I - it wasn't me that did it I swear. It wasn't me, look at me Nana, LOOK AT ME!" He yelled, voice pleading for her to understand as she took steps away from the window and closed her eyes as he moved closer to the window. I know she heard him seeing as the windows were cracked, she was a werewolf, and the only thing separating us was a piece of class. Tears started falling out of her closed eyes and it made me and my wolf uncomfortable and made a sharp pain go through my chest.

She turned around walking away and that only made my mate scream louder, banging on the glass now, thank goodness it was so thick or it would have been shattered.

"NO. NANA COME BACK IT WASN'T ME. IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR. DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME! NANA I'M SORRY." the lady only ignored him and my mate started crying. Who was this woman. Was she so important that my mates wolf would cry out to this woman like an abandoned child? What he said next spruced me, my wolf, and apparently my dad to because he let out a surprised gasp.

"MAMA, MAMA, DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME I'M SORRY. I'LL MAKE IT BETTER PLEASE DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME. MOMMY!" He screamed his voice leaking with desperation for the woman who took care of him since he was a pup to come back. That's why it pained me and my wolf to see her cry, he was someone of great importance to my mate meaning she was now of great importance to me.

The woman paused at hearing my mate call her mama. Turning only slightly to look over her shoulder to look at my mates wolf one more time and what I saw on that woman's face broke my heart. Her tear stained face was morphed into one of sadness, one I new all to well. That was the look my mom gave me right before she passed out, before she left me, before she abandoned me and Tatiana. Turning back around she left leaving my mates wolf here in his sorrow. Turning away from the window his eyes snapped to us that to Tatiana on the floor. It was like he had only just realized that the boy he supposedly thought of as family was on the floor beaten and bruised.

A strangled cry left his lips before he quickly crawled toward us making us move out of the way. Sitting on the floor he dragged an still unconscious Tatiana on his lap rocking them back and forth crying. "I'm so sorry Tatiana. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" He chanted into Tatiana's ear while rubbing his head. After rocking for a while a look of realization crossed his face as he races out if the room with Tatiana in his arms. My wolf of course, only to be stopped by alpha. My wolf wasn't even angry he was confused.

Alpha scrunched up his eye brows "I think it's best you stay way from Tatiana Andrey." He says making me look at him with what I am sure was an even crazier look.

"What do you mean stay away? He's my brother and he's hurt." My wolf explains upset. Alpha shook his head and backed away from us.

"Who exactly gave him those injuries?" He ask raising a brow at me. My wolf didn't respond "Exactly, I can't trust you around lower ranked wolves right now. You couldn't even keep yourself from attacking your brother. Your own flesh and blood. I want you and Trell to pack tonight when the omegas turn in for the night and I want you out the house before they wake up and start their day. Do you understand? " He asks waiting for me to nod before he left me and my wolf alone in the trashed hospital room.

My wolf was still in control and his thoughts were all jumbled. He was trying to comprehend what has happened today. After a while he finally got his thoughts under control and replayed everything that has happened today.

Then it hit hi like a brick wall.

He hurt his brother.

He chocked his little brother.

His mate was crying over that brother.

He has to leave the pack house because he can't be trusted.

He was a fucking monster.

And for the first time since his father was killed and mom put into a comma he cried and he didn't care who saw him and what they thought.


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