Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

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Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

chapter 6- deal

31K 457 30
By blackdust

Hey everyone thanks again for the support it means a lot! remember to fan, tweet, comment and vote. well you know what to do. All rights are to Stephanie Meyer!

***Amelia's POV***

I can't wait till I am out of here. I don't know why I want to leave so much. I know I will never forget the Cullens. My life has changed since I have met the Cullens. I like this place a lot it feels like a home to me. They feel like the family I never had. I'm really going to miss it. But I feel like I should go not that I want to. I think because virtually all my life I have been alone. I've always been standing on my two feet. Whenever I was knocked down I would get up all by myself. I wish everything would just disappear. Or that my parents hadn't have left so I don't have to leave.

I can't remember well my life before my aunt bit me. Well she's not my aunt my mother just told me to call her that. I can't even remember what my parents look like properly. Whenever I try to picture my mom now I see Bella. And whenever I picture my dad there is no one there. I don't know if I want to see my father. I wouldn't know on what to say or do. I looked up to the ceiling. Good thing Edward is not here or tomorrow I'll have a lot of explaining to do. I think he's gone to his cottage with Bella. Doing god knows what. I'm curious what do they do at night.

Actually I'm not sure I want to know. I should really stop thinking about that. How should I occupy myself? I know! 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive 6 7 8 9 10 then I let it go again why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so, which finger did it bite? This littlest finger on my right. Yay! I'm distracted! I should sleep before the thought comes to my head again. I closed my eyes and drifted. I dreamed the same dream I have been dreaming for years. It's starting to get annoying. I watched the vampires attacking me again, again and again.

This is getting boring! You bite me and then run away. Why didn't you just suck the life out of me? I would be dead. Wait why I am I talking to my dream? Like it can hear me? I am officially a freak! I woke up but I kept my eyes closed. I felt the brightness of outside on my face. Great it's day time. I sat up keeping my eyes closed. Then I opened them. In front of me were 10 vampires and part vampires and 1 werewolf. This feels like de ja vu. But this time I know Jacob is a werewolf and why I am here. But I don't know why they are here. What did I do now? Anyone? Edward?

"Amelia are you alright?" Esme asked.

"I'm alright." I said. I feel really awkward now why does it take so many people to ask how I am? It was silent I didn't feel like singing I just did it for answers it would annoy Edward and then I would know what is going on. 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive 6 7 8 9 10 then I let it go again why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so, which finger did it bite? This littlest finger on my right. Why didn't he tell me it was annoying him? This is so unfair! I want answers! I heard something in my mind you can't go. Amelia you can't. It sounded like Edward why did this have to start again? Dude what is going on? Why are they looking at me like I've done something? I didn't do anything! At least I think I did. Wait did I? Oh man what did I do? Wait how do I know I did something? Now I am confused!

"What are we waiting for?" I said. Bella opened her mouth. Maybe it is an accusation! "It was me!" I said. Wait what did I do?

"You didn't do anything. I was here last night I heard what you were thinking." Edward said. Great I've got explanation to do. Why did he have to be here?

"What did you hear?" I said. I might as well play dumb. I remember everything I said and Edward knows that.

"I heard your feelings about us and that you don't want to leave and that it was the right thing to do." Edward said.

"Well Amelia it is not the right thing to do if you want to stay with us you can you are more than welcome to our family." Esme said. Please don't make this harder than it should be. I will leave. If I come back well...

"Listen I am going to leave. I will leave I will go now. The longer I stay here the longer it will take me to leave. So whenever my promise is fulfilled. I'm gone. If I come back well... I'll give you a deal when I go give me a week. If I come back I come back. If i don't it probably means I'm not coming back or I'm dead. Most likely dead. You can do a search party after a week. If I am within 100 miles of this place I'm coming back or dead." I said. They looked at me like are you serious? I mean what good have I done to deserve a life I've always wanted to live. I don't deserve it. I prefer suffering. Something I do deserve. I wonder what they say about my deal. I'm curious now. It was silent everyone kept to themselves. At least I think they are I could never be sure. You do deserve a better life I heard in my head. It sounded like Edward again. That's reason number two why I am going I'll go mad. "so what do you think of the deal?" I asked. That took everyone off guard. Why are they acting like it's the decision of their existence. Even Jacob I haven't even talked to him!

"I think we'll like to take your deal. It's the only way you get a say in this and I think we might do a search party." Carlisle said. Cool. I do get a say.

" I'll do that then. By the way I most likely have one condition and one alternate condition. I haven't made up my mind up on those yet. Sorry. So do we have a deal?" I said. Please deal please, please, please! The Cullen family were giving anxious glances at each other then finally everyone nodded. I offered my right hand and Carlisle gave his and we shook. They're probably wondering what my conditions will be. I don't blame then I'm curious too. They were just about to leave the room but I needed to ask them something.

" I've got a question to ask you lot." I said.

" Shoot." Emmett said. That seems to be his line.

" What makes you lot want me in your family? I don't want 'because you have been alone your whole life' I want the truth." I said. That threw them. Reneesme opened her mouth first.

" I want you in my family because you feel like the little sister I never got. I never really wanted a sister before I met you. Plus you really make me feel grateful for having my real parents." she said. I feel like a sister to her? Really? Well she is the older sister I would like to have. I waited for the next person to speak. It was Jasper.

" I would like you in this family because well you are a very peaceful person. You feel sometimes the opposite of what you are supposed to be feeling. You are nice and funny when you want to." he said. Cool he thinks I could be funny. I wonder who will be next. It was Emmett. I wonder what'll say.

" I would like you in this family because well you are a nice person and you are funny I could picture you doing pranks. And I still need you to pay for ruining my streak." he said. He really cares about his streak doesn't he? And what does he mean he could picture me pulling pranks? Jacob was next.

" I know I haven't talked to you yet so from what see I would like you to be in this family because well you are a nice genuine person. You say what you think. Well at least I think you do. Edward would be the judge of that. I think you'll make this family really interesting." he said. Wow did he really think of that of me? Bella was next.

" Amelia I kind of already think if you as family. If you are like a sister to reneesme then you'll be like a daughter to me. You are nice. You are mostly sad well you look sad. You have a beautiful smile and I love to see that on your face." she said. What she said shocked me. Me as a daughter to her? Did Edward tell her I picture her as my mother? I hope he didn't it's something I'll like to tell her in my own time. Well if I do stay here. It was Edward's turn now this will be interesting.

" I too consider you part of this family. Yes you do say what you think. And I indeed think you are special. I think you were supposed to be part of this family." he said. I did not see that coming. I wonder what I am to him. I'll ask him later even through he can hear me now. Carlisle opened his mouth and said

" Amelia I don't think you are special I know you are special. You are a very intriguing person. And you deserve a family." I wonder what intriguing means hmm... Esme was next.

" Amelia sweetie I think you deserve some real life to be with people to wake up in a house. To feel happy. To feel loved. Everyone deserves that. Especially you." she said. I still don't think I deserve it. Rosalie was after.

" I'm told to be a mean person and I do have soft spots. You are one of them. You are nice and deserve to have a family. If you did go what would you do? Plan B what if it doesn't work?" she said. Oh trust it will. Last but not least it was Max.

" Amelia you are a nice person. I know you think you are better off on your own. That maybe the case. But we think you as family. We don't want you to leave us because it us like family leaving us and you know it's not nice." he said. It's true family leaving is not nice. Wait did I say last but not least? I totally forgot about Alice.

" Amelia you are nice I give you that and you are special. I really like you and it'll be fun having you here. Mostly because I will be able to take someone else shopping. You seriously need to go shopping it will do you well." she said. Cool. Shopping. Wait I don't have any money!!!

" I don't have any money." I said.

" money doesn't matter I'll take care of that!" Alice said. Again what she said scares me. I saw a flash in my mind it was Alice she was somewhere unfamiliar. Maybe it's a shopping centre or something. She had so many bags! I snapped out of it and looked at Alice she was smiling. She looks innocent. But it's the quiet ones you have to look out for. The room was silent. Again. Why does this family have so many awkward silences? Or is it just me.

"Amelia." Bella said. I looked at her and said

"Yes Bella." Please don't ask me if i think her as a mother. Please, please, please don't say that!

"What do you think of this family?" She asked.

"I'm sure Edward has already spillt the beans." I said. Which is mostly likely true.

"He did but I think we'll like to hear it from your mouth." she said.

"I think this family is... very nice and very loyal to each other. I think you stand up for each other and have special times. Funny ones too. I think you are a very ideal family. And a unique one." I said with full confidence. This family is unique how often do you find a family with 8 vampires, 2 half vampires and 1 werewolf. Edward smiled at that I don't blame him.

"Thank you what you think of this family, I really appreciate your thoughts." Carlisle said.

"Thank you for making me feel better. So what's on the agenda for today?" I said. Everyone looked at Alice. Which I don't get because she can't see me.

"I think I'll like going shopping tomorrow. Today we can do the race and the arm wrestle." she said. Great i've got competition. Everyone left the room only Alice stayed.

"I'll like to wear the top you gave me tomorrow and you can give me something different today." I said. I would like to wear my top when I leave. Alice got up and whisked me out of the room. Again. Will she ever get tired of clothes? I decided to have a shower in the mean while Alice set me out some clothes. She gave me a pair of trousers, a top saying i am the champion. Which made me smile. And another cardigan. She also gave me a pair of trainers which fit. When I was ready I headed downstairs. I went into the family room. There was nowhere to sit apart from next to Max or the floor. I decided to sit next to Max.

"Hi Amelia what's up?" he said.

"Hi Max nothing is really up. What about you?" I said.

"The same." he replied. I never really noticed how Max looked before he had light brown hair. His hair looked good. He had hazel eyes. He was pale but not as much as the others. He looked good, well they all did.

"I like your top Alice gave it to you right?" he said.

"Yeah she did." i said.

"You are the champion I wonder what my dad and my uncle think of that." he said. He smiled at me. He's got one good smile.

"I wonder too." I said.

"So how fast do you run?" he asked me.

"I don't know I just run I don't really know how fast." i admitted.

"Amelia. You are going down." Emmett told me.

“We will see about that wait I’m having an arm wrestle against you right? I probably lose.” I said.

“How strong are you?” Max asked me.

“I haven’t really challenged my strength so I don’t have a clue. How strong are you? I probably am that strong.” I said.

“I’m alright not that strong I am part human. I am strong enough to kick a door down or swish a canon ball.” He said. That is still strong.

“Cool. Who do you think is going to win the race then?” I asked.

“I don’t know Uncle Edward is a very fast runner he’s the fastest out of all of us. I don’t know.” He said.

“Amelia dear are you hungry?” Esme asked me.

“Urr… yeah.” I said I didn’t want my tummy to randomly growl.

“Okay I’ll go get you something. Max are you hungry?” Esme said.

“No grandma I’m fine.” He said.

“Are Rosalie and Emmett your real parents or did they adopt you?” I asked. I hope he does mind me asking this.

“Mum and dad aren’t my real parents. They found me when I was a few months old. I don’t remember my real parents well but I don’t miss them much.” He told me.

“Well that’s nice of them to take you in.” I said.

“I’m lucky they did I can’t imagine a better family.” He said. Lucky dude. Esme came in with a bowl she gave it to me and inside was some cut fresh fruit. She gave me a fork and I ate. Surprisingly I finished it.

“That was nice thank you Esme.” I said. She took the bowl and gave me a smile. I wanted to smile back but I didn’t.

“Okay time for the race!” Alice said. I got up and said

“Where are we having the race?”

“Outside.” Well obviously.

“How long?” I asked.

“1 mile up north Carlisle and Jasper will be the judges to see who wins. Esme is going to be at the starting line and the rest of us will be at the finish line. ” Alice said. Cool. I have a feeling I might lose. Yeah you heard it Edward. We all went outside. Everyone started to bet.

“I bet on Edward.” Emmett said.

“I bet on Amelia.” Bella said. “Sorry Edward but I have confidence of her.”

“I bet on Amelia as well.” Jacob said.

“I bet on dad.” Reneesme said.

“Me too.” Rosalie said.

“And me.” Alice said.

“I am confident that Edward will win.” Carlisle said.

“I agree with Carlisle.” Esme said.

“I chose Edward as well he is.” Jasper said. Everyone looked at Max. I wonder who he thinks will win.

“I think Amelia will win.” He said. So it’s 3 against 8 this will be interesting.

“What does the winner get?” I said.

“If you win you can get whatever you want if I win you have to stay here for a another week.” Edward said. A week no way!

“Three days.” I said.

“Four days.” He said.

“Deal.” I said and I shook his hand. I have so got to win. She is going down I heard in my head and again it sounded like Edward. What is he telepathic? Jasper and Carlisle went ahead Reneesme and Jacob followed. Then Bella and Alice they gave me an encouraging smile and then Rosalie and Emmett. Then max he gave me a encouraging smile and a wink.  There were only me, Edward and Esme left.

“So do you think you are going to win?” Edward asked me.

“I don’t know let’s see what happens.” I replied. Esme had a little silver rectangle in her hand it vibrated. Me and Edward were standing in a line about two metres apart.

“Okay everyone is ready. On your marks, get set, GO!” Esme said. I was caught off guard I looked next to me and Edward was gone.

*** Edward's POV***

“On your marks, get set, GO!” Esme said. As soon as the words left her mouth I sped. Amelia hadn’t moved she was caught off guard. When she realized I was gone. She ran. She was thinking I can’t believe I did that. So much for going as soon as I could’ve! I need to run faster and I need speed. More speed! I smiled there is no way she could win me. I smiled and slowed down a bit. I looked behind me and I saw her. Man she can run fast. She zoomed past me. Wow is she fast or what? I tried to run faster but my legs will not let me go faster. Oh man she is going to win! Great! This is going to look bad. I reached the finish line and ducked my head with shame. Amelia was there talking to everyone like nothing happened.

“I won.” Amelia said.

“I can’t believe I lost to you!” I said. I can’t to believe I lost to a half-human, half-immortal hybrid!

“I heard that at least I think I did, did you just think I can’t to believe I lost to a half-human, half-immortal hybrid?” Amelia said. How does she know what I am thinking? She has definitely got some power.

“So Edward you lost how does that make you feel?” Emmett said. he is soo going to rub this in.

“I don’t get it she is a half-human, half-immortal hybrid. They aren’t supposed to be that fast!” I said.

“It’s alright Edward.” Bella told me. She got my hand and put it around her waist and she leaned into my chest. I sighed.

“Amelia how come you are so fast?” Jasper asked.

“I don’t know it’s just something I’ve got.” She admitted. How could she not know? I heard Emmett think. That’s something I want know.

“It’s alright I won I don’t know how I did it when are we going to do the arm wrestle?” Amelia asked.

“When we head back.” Emmett said. He is excited you don’t have to be Jasper to know that. That’s when Esme came. She just had to look to see that Amelia won.

“Never mind Edward it wasn’t meant to be.” She told me.

“Okay let’s get going times awasting!” Alice said. I wonder now who is going to win the arm wrestle. We all headed back to the house. Amelia was there first.

“So let’s get this over and done with.” Amelia said. She thinks she is going to lose. Emmett went into the forest and came back with a big boulder. He placed it on the floor. Amelia stood next to him. She looks tiny compared to him. They both kneeled on the floor and placed their arms on the boulder. Amelia looked at Emmett’s muscles and looked intimidated.

“What does the winner get?” Amelia asked.

“Again you get whatever you want and I get a rematch on the game we were playing yesterday.” Emmett said. She seemed to be alright with that.

“Okay let’s start then.” Amelia said. They both placed their hands together and waited till someone said start. Esme did the honours.

“Okay now. 1 2 3 GO!” she said. Their hands weren’t moving it just stayed in the same place. They were both trying hard. They are probably as strong as each other.

“So Amelia are you tired yet?” Emmett said. he was grinning.

“You must be kidding I’ve haven’t even started!” Amelia said. She pushed her hand down and then Emmett lost. She is officially the fastest and strongest out of all of us.

“How can you be so strong and fast?” Alice asked. Amelia shrugged her shoulders and said

“I just am I guess. I don’t really know.” I looked in her mind but it was empty. Weird.

“You what two things do you want then?” I asked. I might as well get this over and done with.

“I haven’t decided yet.” She said. Again her mind was empty. So much for getting this over and done with. Now all she’ll have to do is wait for tomorrow.  All I can say about today is her top is right ahe is the champion. 

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