The Making of a Monster

By CatWinchester

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What happened to Chloe in Lionel's world and how did Clark become a monster? Set around season 2 of Smallvill... More

The Making of a Monster
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

601 23 0
By CatWinchester

Chapter Five

Over the next two weeks Chloe and Clark were almost inseparable. Clark toned his more excessive behaviours down, at least while Chloe was around. He tried to coax her into accompanying him to a bar or a party but she made it clear that she wasn't interested in that part of his life. He accepted it, at least for now.

Chloe had a ton of questions for him and Clark was happy to answer them or provide demonstrations. It felt so good to be completely open and honest about his origins with someone.

At first he used his powers around her whenever he felt like it but after the first week, Chloe insisted he stop. He was a little upset at first, thinking that perhaps she was rejecting that side of him but she explained that if they kept taking risks and jetting off to far flung places, Lionel was bound to find out eventually, so he stopped using his speed and ability to fly when he ferried her about and they reverted to using their the cars.

He also came to realise that she wasn't like Lionel because she wasn't only interested in him because of what he could do. She simply liked him for who he was.

He was careful not to bring up dating again, even in a teasing manner. Chloe had been right when she said she had issues. He likened her to a baby chick. You could have it and hold it in your hand but if you held too tight...

Chloe smiled and put her hand on his arm, drawing his attention back to the present.

"You like Hairspray?" she sounded incredulous.

The first few times they had been back to the Beanery, Chloe had seemed jittery but now she she was back to her old self again. The two of them sitting together was such a frequent sight now that there was very little gossip. They were old news.

"What's not to like?" he grinned. "Tell you what, I'll get some tickets and you can come with me and see for yourself."

"Okay, this I have to see. You're on."

Clark wanted to say "It's a date," but instead just smiled and raised his coffee mug to clink with hers.

Chloe drove home that evening with a happy smile on her face.

She knew for sure now that his arrogance and flippancy were just a mask and ever since he had told her the truth he had seemed so much lighter. His smiles now felt much more genuine, even his annoying smirks.

"What's got you so happy?" her father asked as as they ate dinner that evening.

Finally her smile faltered. How did you tell your father that you were dating the son of the man who had blacklisted him?

She frowned as she realised what she had just thought. She wasn't dating Clark, she was just his friend. Wasn't she?

"Dad..." she let out a long sigh. "I suppose you'll find out sooner or later so I might as well be the one to tell you. I've been seeing a lot of someone recently and... I really like him."

"Who's the lucky fella?" Gabe asked.

"It's Clark. Clark Luthor."

Gabe put his knife and fork down.

"Clark Luthor?" he repeated.

Chloe nodded.

"Well, that's a turn up for the books." He took a long sip of his beer to buy himself some time. "When did this start?"

"A few weeks ago. But we're just friends, I swear."

"Chloe, I'm not so petty that I would hold the boy accountable for his father's actions but it's fair to say that he's done enough to merit his own bad reputation."

"I know, Dad."

"I didn't think you liked the bad boy type, Chloe."

"And I don't, Dad, honest. The Clark everyone else sees is all all bravado and underneath that is a really nice boy."

"I don't think I've ever heard a Luthor called nice before."

"Dad, I..." she wasn't sure how to tell her father what life was like for Clark without breaking his confidence. "You know Lionel, Dad. He's bad enough to work for, imagine being his son."

"Chloe, I won't stop you. Even if I wanted to, I know I couldn't, just... be careful, will you? I don't want you to get hurt."

"I will, Dad."


After dinner, Chloe was laying on her bed sorting through the most recent LuthorCorp financial reports. Unfortunately her mind kept wondering to the youngest Luthor.

As if on cue, he tapped on her window. Chloe scrambled to open it before anyone saw him hovering in mid-air.

"What, are you psychic now too?" she asked quietly as he climbed in.

"You were thinking about me?" He grinned.

She smiled back. Suddenly her expression grew serious and she took a deep breath. "Clark, I... Okay."

Clark looked confused. "Uh, did I miss something?"

Afraid she would change her mind if she hesitated, she reached up on her tip toes and kissed him softly. Surprisingly, Clark was too shocked to respond to the kiss.

A smile spread across his face as realisation dawned on him. He stepped in close to her and leaned down to kiss her again. He tried to match her soft kiss so as not to frighten her off but she was the one who deepened their lip-lock.

When he pulled away he felt lighter and perhaps even slightly light headed. As he gazed down at, he smiled warmly. She was his.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand and pulling her towards the window.


"We need to celebrate," he explained, climbing back out.

Chloe looked to the papers lying on her bed, she thought about her father, who would probably be asleep on the couch by now, she looked into Clark's eyes.

"Okay," she said, looking both fearful and excited.

He helped her out onto the window ledge and and swept her into his arms.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

Clark smiled. "Somewhere special," he said cryptically before taking off into the sky.

Much to her surprise, Clark took her to an old ruin and gently set her back on her feet.

"Where are we?" Chloe asked as she looked around. The half of the roof that covered what looked like the living room and kitchen was missing. She wandered into the next room. It had probably been a bedroom but now it was a living area. It reminded her of a child's tree house.

"I call it my Fortress of Solitude" he said, watching her.

There was a fireplace along one wall and grouped around it was an old two seater sofa, a few tables, books and comics were strewn around on various surfaces.

"How did you find it?"

"This is my mothers cottage. Adopted mother," he clarified. "Though it's just a ruin now."

"But it's only got two rooms," she said.

"My mother wasn't rich. This belonged to her parents and was left to her when they died. She would bring me here sometimes, just for a week or two. She seemed to know that I would bear the brunt of Lionel's longings for power and narcissism. Lionel didn't like it so when she died, he had the roof removed. I rebuilt part of it. I thought if I rebuilt the whole thing, he'd find out, somehow."

Chloe shivered and Clark realised she must be cold.

"I'll be back in a second," he said, vanishing.

True to his word, he appeared again a moment later, his arms laden with fire wood. He lit a fire for her as she watched him. When the logs were blazing, thanks to his heat vision, he turned to her.

She looked so pure as she stood there, a nervous smile playing on her lips. He worried that he would sully her, that he would drag her down with him and tarnish her pure spirit.

"Clark," she stepped up to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he shook his head and smiled, pushing his fears aside. He led her to the sofa, sat down and pulled her onto his lap. She squealed in surprise.

"No fair using super-speed to get me where you want," she chastised, though she was giggling.

"Well, you know, Chloe, you have powers too."

"I do?" she knew he was teasing her.

"Uh huh, you have the power to turn me into a gibbering idiot," he said, kissing her. When he pulled away she rested her forehead in his.

"Really?" she said, softly, "Because I haven't seen much in the way of gibbering from you."

"That's because I'm good at hiding it, but believe me, I'm gibbering on the inside, Chloe."

"Is that right?" She kissed him again but when she pulled away, she cupped his cheek and turned serious. "Don't break my heart, Clark."

He covered her hands with his own and pulled them together in front of his chest.

"I would never do anything to hurt you, Chloe."


In August of that year, Clark received his GED. Chloe was envious because she still had two more years of school to go and she was slightly worried about how this would affect their relationship, though she didn't voice her fears to him.

Clark wanted to go off to college but Lionel preferred that he go straight into the business by taking over the Smallville plant.

He explained to Chloe that both Lex and Tess had started at that plant and even though he was younger than they had been, he was expected to do the same.

Chloe was excited for him, seeing this as an opportunity for independence but he didn't seem quite so happy. When she waked him why, he explained that the competition between him and Lex would start to heat up now that they were in direct competition.

Chloe assured him that he could handle Lex and that she could help him in any way he wanted. She had remained vigilant on all matters Luthor related and even had a few ideas that would help him run the plant.

One of Clarks first decisions was to re-employ Gabe Sullivan, though his old position as manager was still filled.

By then Lionel had learned of Clark's relationship with Chloe and seemed thoroughly overjoyed with Clark's success. When Chloe had met him, he had been exceptionally cordial to her and welcomed her to the family. When Chloe ceased writing about the Luthor's, Lionel praised Clark.

What Lionel was unaware of was that both Chloe and Clark were working on bringing Lionel down, they were just playing a longer game now.

When Thanksgiving rolled around they wanted to spend it together but Lionel wanted Clark with him. Chloe had both Lana and her cousin Lois coming to stay so she couldn't join them.

That weekend, Clark made his first big mistake.

Lana was beautiful and as soon as Clark met her, he was captivated by her. He spotted immediately that she wasn't like Chloe. Lana lived in the past while Chloe lived in the present. Lana was self absorbed and while Chloe had her moments, she was the most giving person he'd met. Finally, while Chloe had a strong inner core, he soon realised that Lana was corruptible.

It took him five days but while Chloe, her father and Lois were out shopping the post Thanksgiving sales, Clark plied Lana with drink and had sex with her on the couch. His plan was almost faultless, except that Lois came home early. She claimed to be feeling sick but in reality she wanted some privacy to call her boyfriend.

Clark had taken an instant dislike to Lois. She was brash and uncouth, and not in a cute way like Chloe.

When she walked in on them, she ranted and raved for what felt like hours. Lana begged Lois not to tell Chloe. Clark simply left and headed to his mothers cottage with Lois's insults still ringing in his ears.

He stayed there for hours, not wanting to hear the words that would end his relationship with Chloe forever but after seven hours, he knew he had to face the music sometime. He found Chloe in her bedroom and tapped on the window.

"Hey," she greeted him with a smile. "I left you three messages, you missed dinner. What happened to you?"

He realised that Lois hadn't told her yet.

"Where's Lois?"

"Um, I think she's downstairs with my Dad."

"And Lana?"

"Lana went back to metropolis," she frowned. "She said she had a paper to finish."


"I know, weird, right?" Chloe shrugged it off and hugged him. "So what upset you today?"

"Why do you think I'm upset?"

"Because you've been MIA all evening."

"It's nothing, just a fight I had with Lionel earlier, but it's all blown over now."

"Well good," she kissed him. "If you're hungry I think I can rustle something up."

Clark nodded, knowing he needed to speak to Lois. He went back out of the window and knocked on the front door. Chloe let him in and greeted him with a hug.

"Look who finally showed up," She said, smiling as she led him into the living room.

Lois watched them closely, looking pissed.

Clark sat on the sofa as Chloe went through to the kitchen to make snacks and to Clark's relief, called her father to help her open a jar.

"Thank you for not saying anything."

Lois glared for a while before she answered. "I didn't do it for you."

"Then why did you do it?" Clark asked.

"Because she loves you and she's a good person. I will not be the one who breaks her heart."

"I know. It was a stupid mistake."

"Damn straight! And if I ever hear of you doing something like this again, I will kick your ass into the afterlife, got it?"

Clark nodded.

When Lois left, life returned to normal, except Clark was a little more distant with Chloe. She put it down to the stress of managing a plant before he had even turned even 18.

By the time Christmas rolled around he was back to normal and Chloe was happily making plans for Christmas day. She was upset when Lana said she couldn't come and visit but having Clark there on Christmas day made up for it. Lois would also be a no show as she was spending Christmas with her father and Lucy.

Clark went overboard, buying Chloe a diamond tennis bracelet, a new laptop, a $200 book voucher and her father a Tag Heuer watch, but the day was a good one. Clark couldn't remember ever having an easy Christmas before. The Luthors didn't celebrate Christmas since Lillian died but the day was always loaded with tension because of that fact.

Clark opened presents with them, drank eggnog, helped Chloe to cook the meal and after dinner, watched It's a Wonderful Life with them. When Gabe fell asleep on the sofa, Clark and Chloe went upstairs for their own celebration.

January brought his first big business crisis as Lex attempted to have the plant sold off as part of his plan to raise funds. As threats went, this wasn't a big one. Clark had actually increased the plants profitability and the board was easily dissuaded from selling the asset off.

In March Lex launched a more through attack. It started with a smear campaign against Clark in the press. Step two was some very cleverly photoshopped pictures of Clark in compromising positions with various young women which he posted anonymously to Chloe. Step three was a cleverly engineered refined meteor rock 'accident' at the plant.

Thankfully by that time Chloe had managed to infiltrate Lex's computer, though she could do nothing about the smear campaign. She was deeply hurt by the photographs but she was able to find the original pictures that were used and she was able to give Clark advanced warning of the accident so he could prevent it.

For Clark, the hardest part of that incident was discovering that his plant manager was going behind his back and working for Lex. Clark had trusted him and thought he was one of the few employees who actually supported him.

After that Clark decided to promote Chloe's father to Plant Manager again. Since Lionel believed that Chloe was no longer a threat, he agreed that it was an excellent idea.

May brought the first attempt on Clark's life.

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