Souled Out ➳ Lauren Jauregui

By arianagrandefandom

354K 14.3K 8.4K

"What Daddy's Little Girl Wants, She Gets." Copyright © 2015-16 by arianagrandefandom More

// important note //


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By arianagrandefandom

I got into a pair of shorts and a old tshirt before going into my worst nightmare.

Although, the girls seemed nice enough, it could always be a trick. I have such a hard time trusting people.

I stepped onto a different level to see the two big black doors that lead to the movie theatre in the far distance. After a few moments of deep breaths, I calmed down enough to start moving towards the doors.

My hand barely grazed the giant knob when the door swung open, hitting me in the side to fall on the floor. A sharp, temporary pain caused a soft "Fuck." to leave my mouth. I'm usually not that sensitivI but with the recent beating from Donny, it hurt a little bit worse than normal.

"Fuck, Mani." Camila complained, rushing to my side with Ally. "You should watch out."

"I didn't know she was behind the door. If anything, this door is a hazard." Normani replied.

"You okay?" Ally in asked, trying to bend down to check me out, but I nodded before she could get any closer and stretched my hand out. Ally met it and used all of her muscles to pull me up on my feet.

"Just being over dramatic." I joked, partially lying.

"Okay." Dinah laughed, walking out behind the other girls to grab my arm and pull me further into the familiar theatre. "Let's start this night."

"C'mon, Dinah. Quit it." Ally whined, following us after shutting the two big doors. "I don't think her Dad would like us partying with his only daughter."

"Then why the fuck are we here if he doesn't want us having any fun? He basically asked Lauren if she wanted any alcohol or weed and he would supply." Dinah retorted with her hands on her hips.

"He said that?" I asked curiously, not thinking my Dad would ever be willing to encourage such habits.

"Um," Ally nervously coughed, "Let's not talk about that now. Just set up a few shots."

"No, no." I quietly begged. "I really shouldn't. How about we-"

"Y/N." Dinah groaned, "Trust me. You just take two shots and we will watch a movie. Then we will see how we feel. But you are taking these two shots. You seem too tensed."

"I'm so happy we finally get to do this." Camila smiled, grabbing her filled shot glass. "We always talked about drinking together, but we were always on a tour bus."

Dinah filled the last shot glass and handed it to me, "Take it."

I sighed and grabbed the glass. Dinah picked up her shot and tapped it with mine before a quick tap on the table she was using and a swift pour down her throat. I followed her lead and let the strong, disgusting drink burn it's way down my throat.

"Ready for another?" Dinah smirked, and I nodded in response, watching as she took my glass and refilled it along with the other girls.

As soon as I received mine, I took it down just as I did to the first one, and and the theatre doors bursted open.

I hurriedly put down the glass and
turned to see a curvy figure at the doorway.

"So, you weren't going to invite me to the party?" Lauren rasped from the doorway. Her hair was up in a pony and she was in some sloppy sweats and a sports tee. Her feet picked up as she hurried over to the table in between Ally and Normani. "Where's my shot?"

"We've already done two." Dinah glared at the older girl who didn't even notice.

"Then let's do another. I want some." Lauren smirked, innocently staring into Dinah's eyes.

Dinah reluctantly began filling a few more glasses and handing them back out. After downing mine, I watched as Lauren took her shot like a pro and softly exhaled after it was over. Reaching out, she grabbed a red solo cup and a bottle of Malibu to start filling it up to the brim. "So, what's happening in here besides alcohol and conversation?" Lauren asked curiously. "I'm talking to you, girl."

"My name is Y/N." I quietly replied back to her.

"So, you're not even gonna answer my question?" She softly chuckled before sipping her cup of Malibu. "Why do you have everyone gathered in here?"

"I told her to come watch a movie with us tonight." Normani spoke up in a harsher voice than her regular tone.

"Oh, a little bonding moment." Lauren laughed. "I guess I'm down to hang."

"You're not allowed if you're gonna be mean." Camila defensively told the biggest Cuban.

"I'll be on my best behavior." Lauren gritted, clutching her cup.

I turned my attention away from Lauren to look at Dinah and softly whisper, "You wanna make me a drink?"

A sly smirk formed across that Polynesian's face, "That's what I like to hear. Go pick a seat and I'll bring it to you."

I nodded and quickly walked by Lauren to softly push passed her and make my way to the large row of seats. I took a seat in dead middle where I knew I'd get the best view of the movie. Well, whatever movie we were watching.

Camila hurried over to sit down in the first empty seat on my right with a bag of popcorn on her lap and a cup of soda now in the holder. "Apparently your Dad bought out the new Seth Rogan movie."

"Uncle Seth is in a movie?"

"Your uncle is Seth Rogan?"

"Wait," I stopped her. "Is he kinda chunky with clunky glasses and a jewish fro?" She nodded. "Yeah, that's Uncle Seth. I didn't know he acted. I thought he was just Daddy's business friend."

"You call him your uncle?"

"Well, I've known him since I was ten." I laughed. "Dad gave him a job, I think. Or he invested in my Dad's businesses. I don't know. He just comes by every New Years and smokes a lot of weed."

Camila gasped, "I'm so excited to see this house during New Years."

"What's happening New Years?" Ally asked, trailing Lauren behind her.

"Nothing." Camila laughed, "You'll see." Camila grabbed my arm in excitement and asked me. "Do you and your Dad decorate this house with cool things during Christmas?"

"This place would look gorgeous with all those lights and wreathe things." Dinah exhaled happily, handing me a drink before taking a seat.

I shook my head, "We never decorate. We haven't celebrated Christmas in a long time."

"Oh, no." Ally gasped, taking a seat beside me, signaling Lauren to sit
beside her. "That's gonna have to change this year. I want every inch of this house to scream Jesus."

"Please don't do another Manger-Pa-Looza." Normani groaned, sitting beside Dinah to hand her a bag of popcorn.

"A manger-what?" I asked curiously.

"We had a little mansion for two weeks during Christmas last year. Epic bought it out for us." Normani explained, "And Ally kept going out to little stores and found so many plastic mangers. She bought one every single day until Christmas and sat them all over that house."

"I just didn't want y'all to forget the meaning of Christmas." Ally responded before giggling at her own actions.

I took a sip of the alcoholic beverage and swallowed down the burning contents. "So, when's the movie starting?"

"Daddy's little girl can't be patient for five minutes?" Lauren scoffed, keeping her attention towards her phone.

"Lauren, I swear." Dinah snarled, from the other side of the aisle. "Say something snotty one more time and we will throw hands."

Lauren didn't respond. She just kept scrolling on her phone and eventually leaned against Ally.


In the middle of the movie, Camila began complaining, "I can't keep my attention. This movie is too long."

"It's still got 30 minutes." Dinah responded after crunching her soggy-buttered popcorn.

"Camila's right, guys." Ally frowned. "This is funny but I can't keep concentrated while sipping on Dinah's bartending work."

"You will never hear that sentence again." Normani solemnly spoke. "Camila-is-right. That sounds so weird."

"Oh, shut up." Camila giggled, making Normani laugh.

"We should play a drinking game." Lauren suggested, taking a sip of her solo cup.

"Which one?" Ally asked curiously.

"Let's just do never have I ever since I'm sure 'girl' over there hasn't really had many chances to do things. So, she won't get too drunk." Lauren mocked me, turning her body to fold her legs.

"My name is Y/N, Lauren." I spat at the slightly tipsy girl down the aisle.

Dinah obviously wasn't paying attention to the group because she blurted out, "Oh My God! I HAVE THE BEST ONE. Get ready to drink." I sat back in my seat and waited for her to continue with her 'never-ever'. "Never have I ever twerked on top of a car."

"Wow," Camila laughed. "That was the best one? I thought you would've went with something a little more juicy."

"Like what?" I smiled over at the slim girl.

"Um," She thought for a moment, tapping the side of her cup with her index finger. "Never have I ever kissed a boy. See? Juicy enough."

Everyone groaned and took a sip, except me.

"Are you telling me that you've never kissed a guy?" Camila smirked, grabbing my hand in excitement.


"But why?" Normani exclaimed in confusion. "You're actually kinda hot." Then she noticed what she said which made her eyes widen a bit. "In the least sexual way possible, of course."

"So, she's not appealing sexually?" Lauren asked taking another sip. "How does that make sense?"

"No, I mean." Normani cleared her throat. "For someone else, she'd be fire. I just have a certain person on my mind so I can't really say 'hey, y/n. wanna fuck?'"

"Are we done with this conversation?" Ally asked, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Anyways, you're 17." Camila responded, "I just thought you would've kissed a boy by now."

I shook my head in response which allowed Camila to sit back in her seat and wait. I began to feel a little more uncomfortable as the game went on.

"Never have I ever kissed a girl." Lauren mischievously spoke from the end of the row.

All of the girls once again took a sip of their drink.

Now, being as though I am a fan, I couldn't help but have a huge smile form on my face.

"At least we now know how to make her smile." Normani chuckled in the seat in front of me. Soon, she turned around and looked at me. Her dark skin was glowing and almost unreal to see up close. "I'm actually kinda curious. Which one of us do you ship?"

"Mani, quit." Lauren whined.

"I wanna know, too." Dinah scoffed. "You better be on that Norminah ship because it's about to set sail." She winked towards Normani in a flirty way and whispered. "Hey boo."

"Now, if I told you who I ship this early in your stay, there'd be no mystery in living here." I joked, taking a gulp of the gross alcohol into my mouth.

"She ships Dinally. It's obvious." Ally joked, reaching her hand out as far as she could so she could meet Dinah's and they could high five.

"What about Normila?" Camila whimpered beside me.

"I thought Normila was dead." I responded.

Camila gasped along with Normani to pull the darker girl's head close to her chest in a defensive way, "Normila has never been dead. It just sunk a little, but now it's slightly afloat."

"That's not what your meet and greets said." I sassily told her.

"Ooo," Normani smirked. "Look who's getting feisty. I guess someone is feeling a little more comfortable with us now."

"She shouldn't get used to it." Lauren mumbled, getting onto her feet to stomp out of the room in a huff. Slamming the theatre door to make a dramatic exit.

The girls and I were quiet for what seemed like an eternity until Camila decided to speak up, "Well, that was awk-ward."

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