I Miss You (One Shot Atem X R...

By DemyDW

11.5K 298 101

It's my very first Fan Fiction to be submitted, ever. I hope you like it. ^^ This is sort of from when Atem w... More

'I miss you' Atem X Reader One Shot

(Sequel) When She Meets Him Once Again

4.8K 137 57
By DemyDW

5 years later, you now have studied so hard at school, that you have a job with Ishizu in Egypt. You loved looking at different Egyptian artefacts and write about the many different stories, legends, or prophecies through ancient hieroglyphics. While you were asked to work on other discoveries, the one thing you've been focusing on the most was finding a way to see your lover again, Atem.
As you were working on translating some scriptures, a knock on the door was heard and you replied to the signal, letting the receptionist into your office. The receptionist spoke up."Sorry to disturb you (y/n), but you have a visitor."
"Oh that must be Ishizu wondering about the results." You replied back.
"Umm actually, it's not her, you have a different visitor, he says you both use to go to the same school."
You were surprised, who would know where I am from Domino High? You could only think of a couple guys that would know, but they only know you'll be in Egypt. You replied back with a smile. "You can send them through Cathy."
Cathy the receptionist smiled, "Okay then."
You clean your work area a bit just to make it look as tidy as possible, and then a door knock was heard again and you called them in. You looked towards the door and found yourself surprised, seeing your old and best friend Yugi show up.
"Yugi?" Oh wow, he's grown.
"Hey (Y/n), it's great to see you, it has been too long."
"You think? I mean look at you, your growing out of being cute, well not exactly but..."
"Well after a couple of years people think I'm an adult, rather than a kid in Highschool."
Both of you laughed and continued talking about eachother's life for a good hour an a half till Yugi placed his classy backpack on his lap. "Hey (Y/n), I have something for you."
You smiled. "Really? What is it?"
"Well, Idk who it's for but I'm actually unsure if it's 'the real thing'."
"The real thing? What do you mean?"
Yugi pulled out a gold box that had ancient Egyptian engravings with the same markings as familiar objects that were destroyed 5 years ago. You were almost excited and yet afraid of what lied inside that box. This could help me find... You thought, but stopped. You looked at the box, and back at Yugi, and vice versa with a questioning look. "Y-Yugi is this?"
He replied back, "A millennium item, but I don't know if it's the real thing, or what really. We both saw it, both of us that day. It vanished deep down that tomb, along with..." Yugi sighed.
You slowly nodded, not forgetting that one day when he lost to Yugi, when he had to leave, when he passed on to the after life, where he belongs.
You stood beside him, placed a helping hand on his shoulder. "Let me take a look, okay?"
Yugi looked at you and saw interest and mystery. He was certain that what ever is written inside the box, she would be able to translate it. Yugi smiled and nodded back at you.
You look at the box and opened it next to Yugi, so that both of you could see what's inside. You found some odd looking pieces sitting at the bottom and on top was a note, written on a papyrus. (NYEH HEH HEH!!) Of course, at first you found it rather exciting to see a note written in ancient hieroglyphics, but also seeing rather odd shapes in a box, it made you feel like there was something else to this mystery. So, to start off you read the old note. 'Yugi, If you find this, you will probably know who to give it to, it's my last wish.' Last wish, what does that mean? Is it like a last will or something? wait a minute, Yugi knows more about this? Then he hasn't told me everything. Wait but, how would he? Of course, his grandpa. You looked at him with a confused and suspicious look and asked. "Alright then, what's going on?"
Yugi looked surprised and almost confused, "wha? I- I don't know what your talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me, you found it, gave the note to your grandfather and then you gave it to me, is that true, and no lying."
Yugi changed his expression from confused to a cheeky grin, "Sorry (y/n)."
"Please, tell me what's going on?"
Yugi hesitated for a bit at ruining everything, so he explained the important parts.
"Those pieces inside the box is the Millennium Puzzle. Atem wants you to solve it. That's all I can say."
M-me? Why me? Is he trying to tell me something... What... You kept asking yourself in your mind, you almost looked worried. Yugi saw the expression on your face and knew that look all too well, he leaned closer and answered. "All of those questions can be told, when the puzzle is completed. However, it could take maybe 8 years like my answer, or... Maybe even longer, who knows."
You looked at him and nodded at his response and smiled, "Thank you Yugi."
Yugi stood up and stretched his arms. "Well, looks like I gotta get going, Rebecca might be a bit mad for me taking so long, just to drop this package off."
You replied, surprised, "Y-your with Rebecca, as is Hawkins Rebecca?"
"Well it's been a while since you've seen me, I've got a girlfriend now."
"Nawww!! Congrats!! Well have a great time here."
"Yea, hope you get the puzzle completed soon and not too late."
"Yea I hope so too, Bye now!"
You waved him off and after him closing the door you slowly looked towards the Millennium Puzzle. You were almost in a daze, you couldn't stop looking at it. You sighed and walk towards your left and grabbed the paperwork you were working on before. The box still full of objects was waiting patiently, but instead you decided to work on your reports so they can give you more time to figure out Atem's puzzle. That name always brings back good times, and then the bad time pop up. Just go away, leave me with good times. You fought with your mind for a few mins while sitting in your computer chair and then finished off your documents. You felt exhausted, after a long day of working, meeting a good friend, and working even more. You decided to call it a day, and packed up your things. After checking the time and realising it was 5:05pm (17:05 hours) you went towards your office door about to leave when you chose to look back at the golden box, still being patient. It would be eat to take it home with me, after all that trouble Yugi must have been through to get it here. As you quickly got the ancient box and gave your receptionist Cathy a farewell, you walked your usual and safest way home.

*-* *u* *_*...

You walked into your little and clean apartment with a kitchen all of its facilities and on the other side was your living room big enough for your (f/c) 2-seater couch. You had 2 other rooms that led to your bedroom and bathroom. You sat on your (f/c) couch and relaxed from a big and hard working day, it almost felt like so much weight is off your shoulders after working today. Darting your eyes towards the incomplete millennium puzzle, you were able to stand up and move across the room to sit on a chair and study the object before you. You opened the box once more and take out a few pieces, and placed them together, a nice fit. You continued putting pieces together but got stuck. You tried again, and again, and again, and... Again. After 5 straight hours of figuring out the puzzle, you decide to give up and wanted to get some rest for tomorrow, and that's what you did. You went to your bedroom that had a comfy double bed, that you would put you to sleep in an instant, which is what happened after getting dressed into your pjs and getting comfy. You fell asleep peacefully.

-o- zzzzz... >_> -O- ZZZzzz...
You opened your eyes and found yourself still tired, as per usual for someone that's not a morning person. You squinted your eyes from the rays of lights hitting right at your eyes. (That just sounds painful, you could've gone blind from it, but don't worry your fine. ^^') as you got up you noticed a figure in the distance, broad shoulders, spiky hair defying the laws of gravity (pfft we know who it is now author, omg.. ;;u;; ), purple cape wrapped around his neck, millennium puzzle hung low attached to a rope, the person you have been wanting to see once again was right there in front of the blinding light. You shot up from the ground and gently stepped a bit closer just to see a glimpse of his serious, but oh so genuine face. A-Atem? He tuned his face just a slight and started slowly walking into the light. You knew what this meant and you ran as fast as you could while stretching out your hand. Wait please, come back, don't just leave me here like this, what about everyone else that misses you! The pharaoh stopped, and turned his head fully towards you while you embraced him in a tight hug. You didn't want to let go, not even the slightest. "It must have been far too long for you." That baritone voice spoke as he placed two hands on your shoulders and spoke again.
"(Y/n), look at me." You slowly rose your head and noticed you were levelled with his original height. His face was just the way you lay saw it all those years ago. His smile was still planted on his charming face and spoke softly as your eyes were locked with his. "Remember this moment." He said, placing a small kiss on your forehead. His words echoed the whole time and the light became brighter as it had engulfed the both of you.

At that unforgettable moment, everything went black, and then that moment ended.

;;0;; <~,< -O- zzzzZzzZ...

You eyes suddenly open up and you looked around and found yourself back in your room. You brought your legs close to your chest and wrapped them around with your arms. The last time you've ever done something like this was 5 years ago, when you couldn't stop thinking about that day. It ha made you feel depressed for a while, but luckily you had amazing friends to support you until school was finally over. As you had done your normal routine and was ready for work, you stopped in front of your apartment door and looked towards the pharaoh's prize possession, incomplete and left apart. You didn't want to leave it behind, so you placed all the pieces back in the golden box and took it with you back to work.

You sped past the reception foyer saying good morning to your friend Cathy and through a long hallway was your own office, just the way you left it yesterday. As you sat down and looked through your bag, pulled out the box, place it in front of you on your desk, you continued solving the puzzle.

knock knock from your office door
"Come in!" You responded. Your boss and good friend Ishizu walked through the door greeting you. As you saw your good friend, you had to stop your progress which led to a dead end once again. You looked at Ishizu and smiled, "Morning boss," you said kindly.
"Good Morning (Y/n), and I thought we have talked about just saying our first names." Ishizu replies showing a small, but still gentle smile.
"I know Ishizu, I promise not to say it too often."
As you looked behind her you saw her younger brother walk in and you smiled even more, "Well well, if it isn't Marik the youngster." He sighs from the evil name.
"(Y/n) please, we have talked about that." Malik face palms and starts giggling quietly.
You walk around Ishizu, gave Malik a generous hug and laughed.
"Well, never mind about the past, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about Ishizu?" You boss and amazing friend turned around and smiled even more. "Just wanted to say good morning to you, and hoping you are alright, we have a fight to America in the afternoon for an exhibition."
"Sounds like fun, well you guys take care, I should get back to work, getting these reports done."
"Of course, and so we should be getting ready as well. Farewell (y/n)."
"Cya Ishizu, bye Malik!" You waved them out of your office, however Malik stopped before leaving and turned around, "Hey (Y/n),"
"It was good seeing you today." He smiled gently and waved, and you waved back to him as well before closing the door.
Wow, that was so nice of them to drop by, I still remember the so many memories I had with the Ishtar's and the rest of my friends. It felt like it only happened in... a.... moment... You stopped and sat down in your seat looking at the still broken millennium puzzle, but then a flash of memory caught you in a daze. (Y/n), look at me... Remember this moment.
That moment, something I just wished I had once again... WAIT WHAT?!?!
You finally got out of your daze a found yourself with a completed millennium puzzle, with only piece left to put in.
That's what my question is, the last wish he wanted. It was seeing me again, but could that mean? You stopped thinking to yourself as you slowly placed the last piece into it's slot.
The Millenium puzzle is now complete. As you held the puzzle in your hands, another bright, blinding light had engulfed you once more and you were sent to a dark mysterious room filled with doors, hallways, stairs, and more doors. This was the room we tried to find Atem, but when we tried to open a door it would lead to another door in the same room. You didn't want to leave your spot, but you had no other option then to explore a bit. Every door, every stairway, leads back to the start. Instead of looking around aimlessly, you just sat down in the open area and just looked carefully around. Try not to think too hard. You stood up from the voice, Try not to think too hard? What do you mean?
Try to remember what I told you. The same way you were able to get this far.
Atem? It must be, who else would know, it was all in a dream, and it was only us in that dream. You looked around while trying to remember the reason you got this far, and you started focusing really hard and a sudden bright light blinded you once more and the whole place was broken apart and all you could see was darkness.

;;-;; (.0.) ^(<~<^) (<_<)

As you were in darkness, you felt almost like a déjà vu, it was all too familiar, and that's when the bright light appeared from a far. You had no time to think, you knew what to do, and that lead you to running. You kept running towards the light seeing the figure you know all too well. "Atem!" You shouted, the figure slightly turn his head towards you, but you were not able to see his face. "W-Wait!" You stumbled but kept going, five years of finding ways of seeing him and it led you to this, tears could not hold for much longer as you saw him not noticing you and began walking back towards the light. "Stop!" He stopped, he must have heard you and quickly turned around and found himself tackled by you to the ground. (Lol!!) "(y-y/n)." He never thought this was coming, that in the one dream, was the last time he would see you again. You held onto him, hugging him for as much as possible, not wanting to let go. "Don't leave me again, please?" You didn't want to show him your miserable face, but his hand raised your chin so you were both locked in eachother's gaze. He still looked as handsome as he was before, with his gentle smile, it always made you full of butterflies.
"I never left you, even when you were down, and even though you couldn't see me, I was there when you needed me." Atem said before planting a gentle kiss on your lips. (Fluffing finally author Jesus!! I'm not Jesus, I am the author, also I ship you guys with him, you readers are really cute :,3 -_- ) The kiss was like fireworks, it made you feel complete and at peace. As the kiss continued something popped into your mind, a memory.

You remembered your old room back in Domino, that year when you felt so depressed and upset for losing someone you hold dear. You didn't know why but a gust of wind led you to places that almost made you feel a little more calm, at peace.

Then when you graduated and you threw your hat in the air, you didn't want to let go or leave your hat, but instead you stuck some sticky tape inside and drew an upside down triangle, it confused yourself why that shape. However, you enthusiastically threw it in the air as your days in school were finally over.

Then there was now, as you were dying to go back to Egypt and find the last few mysteries of seeing Atem once more. You got so close to the answer within a scripture that... The rest was ripped off. You got so frustrated but you didn't give up and somehow you knew, he didn't either.

END OF FLASHBACK - Brought to you by Atem parting from the kiss. Dammit ;;^;;

You slowly opened your eyes to see him still with you, at this very moment, and you had to ask.
"How did you know, you weren't even."
Atem slightly grew his grin and rested his forehead against yours.
"You should have realised by now."
You felt almost as if you had only just realised the memories shown to you was even possible.
Atem whidpered, "It was me, and I wanted to make sure your okay because, (y/n) I-" his couldn't finish off his words because you gently kissed him once more. Atem kissed back, while wrapping his arms around you. "I love you too Atem." You smiled and hugged him tightly.
"Atem, please don't leave me again." You looked up towards him, locking your eyes with his. Atem grins, "Then come with me." And from that decision, you held onto him tightly, and slowly nodded as the light swallowed the two of you to another time.

Yugi's POV:
A fast presence flashed past as I heard the signal. Atem is now happy, and so is his lover. Together. Forever.

The End

Thank you guys so much for wanting a sequel and I hope this was a longer and more enjoyable one. By the way, this is the longest story I have written in one go, since when I was in grade 6, which was 5 years ago. (Just over 3000 words)

Special thanks to people who thought of some ideas such as time travel.
And have a great day!

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