The long story of herobrines...

By katralivingthelife

564 42 25

Diamond is destined to live a hunted, dark and sad because her dad is Herobrine More

New places new danger
Character pick
Walls, Inns and spys
Not a chapter
Im sorry
Houses, news and potions

The begaining

183 11 11
By katralivingthelife

This is my first book so feel free
to criticize me and give me
helpful comments goodbye for

Peace out
Herobrine sat on the couch waiting for his wife to come out because his daughter was just born. His wife came out with a bundle in her arms. What should we name her, Steve said she should be called emerald, she said. She will be called diamond, he replied.


                  2 years later

Herobrine was talking with his wife until he heard a laugh, and a 2 year old girl with shining black hair and bright grey eyes. She'll get your eyes eventually, her mother said. I know, Herobrine replied with a pained smile. Diamond, said Herobrine. Yes daddy, replied diamond. Just then notch appeared behind Herobrine. Go to your mom diamond, said Herobrine. Hello brother, notch said. I haven't seen you for how long..... Oh know I remember 10 YEARS, why the sudden visit because I'm pretty sure it's not thanksgiving BROTHER!!! Herobrine replied. Oh I'm sorry I didn't call first, notch said. Why are you here notch, Herobrine said. Just to say you don't deserve her oh also just to pick up a package, replied notch. Notch grabbed diamond and teleported away. I WILL FIND YOU NOTCH! Screamed Herobrine.

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