Breaking Impulses - Book 2 of...

By ScreamingAtTheSky

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Book Two in the Spoken Dead Series - It has been six months since the St. Alan's incident, but Horizon didn't... More

Chapter 1 - Dry Tears.
Chapter 3 - Doctor, Doctor.
Chapter 4 - Numbers.
Chapter 5 - The Fool and the Monster.

Chapter 2 - Forewarning.

266 13 2
By ScreamingAtTheSky

Breaking Impulses - Book 2 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 2 - Forewarning.

Adam was utterly shocked that this strange, unknown woman knew his name. Through the fuzzy clip, Adam could see that this woman, Lucy, had boy cut, bronze almost brown hair. Her skin was tanned, and she looked moderately healthy. Her eye's were grey, like they held a storm within them, this added to her look, which displayed intelligence. However, her face was extremely bruised, and her nose was bloody, and most likely broken at the time of this recording.

The video as jittery, and shaky and the surrounding area seemed to be moving at a fast pace. She was driving. Ever so often, Adam noticed that Lucy would look back, and curse under her breath. She looked scared, and there was self loathing pasted on her face, but Adam wondered why that would be.

"Adam." Lucy spoke to him again, though the pre-recorded video. "I'm guessing you are confused how I know you, but I learnt of you through your sister." Those word made Adam freeze in his computer chair. He leaned eagerly towards the small video player. She knew his sister. Did she know what happened to Leigh? Could she help Adam let go? Lucy looked back again, and the camera began to blur slightly. Lucy cussed a couple more time, until she drove slowly down a passage way, where the light was dim. She stopped the car and grabbed the camera, pointing it to her face. "I know where you are, and you aren't safe." Lucy's head shifted side to side. "They will come for you, and I'm sure you already know this, but-but..." Lucy stumbled over her words, which caused Adam's computer speakers to glitch.

Adam watched as the woman, on this mysterious video, began to cry. He never liked to see people crying, it reminded him too much of Leigh, and the state he had left her in. Adam began to get anxious when Lucy left the camera rolling for a few moments while she cried.

Adam slammed his fist down onto his desk and growled, "But what? Come on!" He felt himself lose a piece of his sanity then.

Although, a few moments after he had demanded something from a computer screen, Lucy began talking again. "I did something stupid and bad, very, very bad." He voice cracked both times when she said bad. "I didn something that could endanger everyone and ensure they win, once again." Adam was unsure who 'they' were, but he had a good idea. An idea, which scared him. "I don't know you, but something I do know is that the choice I made will make you hate me, regardless to the fact if you know me or not." Lucy looked at camera, her deep silver eye's reflecting the area around her, making them almost seem white. "But, right now I don't care. You're important, Adam and you are on the list. So, you have to run from Pitsview, before they come for you, or deploy the attack they have been plannin-"

The video froze. Adam stared at the screen in shock and began pressing trying all he could to get it to start work in a frantic frenzy. However, he then discovered that the whole screen was frozen. Adam cursed and tried rebooting the main frame of his computer, but once the screen was shut down, it would not restart. The, Adam tried all of his computers and they had the same effect. He couldn't figure out what was happening. Until, a small symbol appeared al the screens of all his computers. A spiral, with two over lapping triangles. One green, one red. It was Horizon's logo. Adam searched through his head trying the find out what situation this would happen in, but then the pieces clicked together.

Lucy had told him about an attack that was going to him Pitsview, and Adam knew that this attack would wipe out everything. All mobile signals, internet connections. All data related to Horizon within the small cities gates. Adam gasped and snatched to yellow memory stick from his computers USBport. If anything as lost from this memory stick, it would be a struggle to recover, but Adam had his way with technology. He also grabbed the small note from his desk, which had been attached to the memory and contained various series of numbers written on it.

Lucy had told him he need to get out of Pitsview, and if you include all his sign's, by God he wasn't going to ignore her. He stuffed the memory stick in his snug jeans pocket and folded up the note in and that followed the memory stick. He jogged overLeigh's boxes and looked through them for something of her that was greatly important to him. He dug around for a while, until he found one of Leigh's atheletic's medals. It was a gold. He removed it from the box and ran his thumb over the top.

Then, he quickly placed the medal around his neck, hiding it under Leigh's hoodie and his shirt. Adam left Leigh's boxes and was just about to walk out of his room, but then he saw his father's golf clubs out of the corner of his eye. He then remembered that if there was going to be an attack, he would need some defense, not to mention that the golf clubs were the only weapon-liked thing that he had. That, and the fact Adam really, really liked the golf clubs.

Adam half-skipped his way over to the golf clubs, which were still in his fathers green over-the-shoulder carry back. He pulled out a silver wedge, then placed the bag on his shoulder. He turned around to see one of the people he had seen in his apartment building, making their way towards him. However, there was something different about them this time.

Blood covered the young mans face, and one of his eyes was half shut. The other eye, however, was a pure white and looked almost prosthetic. He was slightly hunched over, making a few other parts of his face darken.  Although, Adam could still see the mans mouth, that has a gape and has concealed blood dripping from it constantly. The bloodied boy began walking towards Adam, hunger visible in his white eye. He was dragging his foot, with was bent at a odd angle, Adam then remembered hearing that some one in there building had fallen down some stairs earlier this week. Adam then proceeded the notice the there was in fact a cast still covering the leg. Well, partially, because a lot of it had cracked and the leg seemed mangled. Despite this, he still came at Adam.

Adam raised his weapon, in a slight panic. "Stay back." He commanded, not really wanting to hurt anyone. Never-the-less, the man continued to drag himself forward. "Stay back" Adam repeated, clutching the weapon tighter, as the man got within rage. Adam squeezed his eyes shut, as the man opened his mouth, widely, to reveal bloodied teeth. Ready for the kill. Adam was confused, but still was scared. Then he felt Lucy's warning message through his mind, and that was followed by the information he discovered that meant the end of his normal life.

Adam gasped and opened his eyes just in time to see the man lean over him. He froze, but then tried to him him with the golf club he still held in his hand. Adam failed, but continued to try and push the man away. Fortunately, he had pushed him with enough force to make him stumble back, but not fall. Surprisingly, a man with a shattered leg has quite sturdy. Adam raised his weapon, and tried to take a swing, closing his eyes again as he did.

Adam heard a loud bang, and thought he had hit, causing him to flinch. He opened his eyes slowly too see Jasper stood in front of him, holding a small, silver pistol. The barrel of the gun was pointing straight at Adam. Instinctively, he dropped his weapon and raised his hands. This situation was all to familiar to him.

Adam's eyes then fluttered to the floor and he saw the man, who was just trying to attack him. laying there, mangled, bleeding pools dark, concealed blood over Adam's bed room carpet. He gaped him horror, then turned his attention back to Jasper, who tutted and walked over to Adam, stepping over the now dead man on Adam's carpet.

Jasper strutted over, picked up Adam''s wedge off the floor, and then proceeded to drag Adam out of his bedroom. Adam began to struggle in Jasper's grasp, beginning to hyperventilate. Jasper pushed Adam onto the living room sofa, and stood over him.

"What the hell?" Adam hissed, finding his voice for the first time. He shifted, uncomfortable, in his seat, because of the golf bag on hid back. Jasper glared at him, and then opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off by his phone. Jasper grabbed his phone from his pocket, and clicked open with a very unfriendly greeting.

"You have got to be kidding me." Jasper growled into the phone, jaw clenched. "Look, he said he would tell me befor- Hey! Don't talk over me, Damian, I'm the one in charge now." Adam listened to the one sided conversation, trying to make sense of it. "What do you mean?" Jasper suddenly snapped, making Adam cringe. Adam could her someone talking rapidly on other end of the conversation. Suddenly, Jasper snapped the phone shut in a huff, and then pelted his phone at the wall, making it break into pieces.

"Jasper!" Adam shouted to his friend, who then stopped glaring at the wall where his phone smashed and then looked at Adam. "What is going on? Why did you just kill that guy?"

Jasper stared at him in shock, and then said "You don't know, do you?" Adam didn't respond and Jasper just shook his head, but then continued "That's no right. You wouldn't be here, if you didn't know something you shouldn't."

"L-look," Adam stuttered, and could feel a sweat gather at his brow. "We have to leave." He then lifted his hand to wipe the sweat away. He was really nervous now. Jasper sounded and seemed different. He was no longer calm and collected.

Jasper narrowed his eyes and then agreed, "Yeah, we do." Jasper then walked over and grabbed his gun off the counter, and another small black bag. He then turned back to Adam and said, "Come on. We'll take the car. We can floor anything the gets in our way."

Jasper turned for the door, gun raised. Adam couldn't help wonder where Jasper had gotten a gun, but for some reason, he still trusted Jasper, despite seeing him kill that man. Adam gathered himself off the sofa, and came to the realisation that he was going to be leaving the city that he had called home for the past three years.

Adam followed Jasper out of his apartment. The sun was setting, Adam usually found spring sunsets peaceful, but today's was different. The streets were tinted in a luminous orange, however the blood splattered on the ground made Adam shiver. It was like his nightmare's come to life. The blood. Blood everywhere.

Adam felt Jasper garb his wrist, numbly, and pull him down the apartment building fire escape stairs. The building was old and it gave off an eerie feel. Adam almost fell down the stairs, and ontop of Jasper because he was being pulled down that quickly.  

Once they were at the bottom of the stairwell, Jasper and Adam jogged over to Jasper's car. Adam in the passenger seat, Jasper driving. Adam didn't know where Adam had learned to drive but the other time he had gone some where and Jasper was driving, he almost emptied his stomach. Knowing this, Adam put his seat belt on, still with the gold clubs on his back, and dug his nails into seats.

Jasper started the car and they began roroll out of the parking lot. Jasper was looking around a lot, and kept tabs on his gun. Alway's keeping it in his lap, with the safety off.

Adam looked out of the car window and saw someone stood in the shadows, watching them. The person was moderately tall, from what Adam could see, and had there head slightly bowed. Adam also noticed that the person had a thick head of hair, that was extremely long. He was fascinated by this person, and tried to look at their eyes, but they were cloaked in the shadows.

However, just before the sun set completely he could see their black, white-tipped sneakers that the individual was wearing.


Hello there! How're you? Did you like the new chapter? Please vote, comment or even become a fan!

Oooooo! This are heating up now! We had a little bit of Action in this chapter, didn't we? But, if you are feeling deprived, don't worry, there is more on the way! :D And, who was that at the end...?

Anyway, the picture on the side is of Jasper, who is played by Cameron Bright! And the song is All We Know by Paramore. I think it kinda suits this chapter, and I couldn't find much else that did -.-

Thanking you for reading, voting, commenting and supporting my little story altogether! I love you guys!

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