She Changed

By AbbieCharmaine

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All Aiden's life did was go further downhill when his best friend Violet was shipped off to boarding school f... More

Temper, temper.
The Friends.
Everything went dark.
Them three words.
She deserves better.
She calls me daddy too.
"The fuck you saying now, bitch!"
The Great Escape.
Daddy's home.
"Do you think we should?.."
The reveal
"No comment"
Her Hero
Date night
The End


299 8 0
By AbbieCharmaine

(The next day)

Aiden's P.O.V

I woke up with my arm over Violet as she slept on my chest. She had stayed over my house the night, since we wasn't out the hospital until gone twelve. I still felt pretty bad for making her loose her temper yesterday. It surprised me at how quickly she lost it. If I knew she was going to react that bad I would've just got out of the car and listen.

She had to have stitched in her hand because the glass had cut through it. Once they saw my condition they also took care of me too, even though I repeatedly told them I was fine. The nurse also called the police because of my attack and they arrived before I had the chance to sneak out. Luckily for them I couldn't leave violet, so they got the chance to speak to me.

The police questioned me about the attack and all I replied with was either, "I didn't see them", or, "No comment." Meaning they had no evidence to take the case any further, which was a good thing. I didn't want anyone in my business, especially Violet. I regretted bringing Violet to that meeting last night. If I had known that was going to happen, I would've made sure she had no clue of where I was going.

My phone buzzed besides me, indicating I had a text, separating me and my thoughts. I lent over and grabbed my phone managing to not wake her up in the process, then began to read the text.

{From: Max}

Sorry about last night Aid, it's all business son. Friends?

I read the text silently, then replied. Making sure to watch my words as I did so.

{To: Max}

Yeah, just business right. We're cool.

Even though I had claimed we was cool, we defiantly wasn't. I could never trust him again the way I did, it was too risky now.

He continued to text me about meeting to buy of me, and I said yes. But this time I wasn't going to go alone or with Violet. Whilst I thought about who I would bring along, he texted me again and my anger started to rise as I was reading it.

{From: Max}

So how's your girlfriend? I heard the poor thing was crying her eyes out last night. I'd love to meet her again so I can apologize.

Fucking creep.

I kept my emotions to myself as I replied, not letting him get the reaction he wanted from me.

{To: Max}

She's fine, just was a little upset. And maybe you will.

I lied in the text, he definitely wasn't ever seeing her again. Even if my life depended on it, that creep wouldn't get to touch her.

"Who won't?" She said, sleep laced in her voice.

"Max." I answered, making her head turn upwards to look at me.

She was so beautiful even though she had just woken up. Her blue eyes were slightly dimmed from tiredness, but still stood out and were mesmerizing. Her lips were partially dry, but that didn't stop me from wanting to kiss them.

Keep your feelings hidden, I reminded myself.

"You're done with him now, right?" She questioned, whilst smiling at me.

I stayed quiet and didn't reply. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want her knowing the truth. Whenever she looked down on something I did, it made me feel ashamed and I have no idea why.

"Right? " She repeated, her smile dropping slightly.

"No." I admitted, waiting for her reaction.

Here comes the feeling.

I looked down at her and I was certain the sadness was visible in my eyes. Hers read disappointment and worry, but she hadn't said anything yet or moved. She lied on my bare chest looking at me,  like she was trying to figure out what I was thinking. I looked down at her and bit my lip nervously, waiting for a response.

"Why?" She asked calmly and it caught me of guard.

"Because business, is business." I told her and her eye's filled with an emotion stronger than the disappointment that was already there. I immediately felt like a jackass. "I won't go and meet him alone, I promise."

"Yeah, you're right. Because i'm coming." She declared.


"Yes." She said and shifted her position so she could look at me directly.

Her new position was not good for me in anyway. She was now sat on top of me, with her ass directly on top of my crouch. It wasn't that it hurt or didn't feel right, it was that it felt too right and tempting. What made the situation even more un-bearable was her lack of clothing. She wore a tank top which hung low, putting her breasts on show and having a major effect on me. Also shorts, that I had lent her. Even though they was my size, they were riding up. Leaving her thighs exposed and the urge to remove them.

"Does that mean I win? " She asked, after a few minutes of me not replying.

"Hmm." I replied, not paying much attention to what she said.

I bit my lip out of habit and stared at her with desire clear on my features. I hadn't noticed before but my hands had made their own was to her hips, which I was now squeezing lightly. My feelings were growing and my mind was racing with things I wanted to do to her.

"Aiden, are you oka-" She was cut off as I flipped her over, so I was now on top. My arms rested either side of her for balance, and my body against hers.

"I'm perfectly fine." I told her with a smirk on my face and my voice husky.

"You don't seem it." She replied, looking nervous.

"I'm perfect baby." I confirmed, my voice getting deeper and my mind getting dirtier. Her eyes bulged at the word baby, making me smirk once more. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"" She stuttered.

"Are you sure?" I whispered in her ear and I lent closer to her. She shuddered underneath me and raised her head a little, exposing her neck.

Don't do it idiot!

I didn't listen to my thoughts, which I probably should off, and started kissing. I was now only properly leading on one arm, because my other hand cupped the side of her face.

She let out a small moan, letting me know she was okay with it and it made me want more. I got deeper into it and started sucking on her neck. She moaned again and my fingers were now tangled in her hair and I was now grinding into her.

"Aiden." She said and I stopped, then looked at her.

She was flustered and looked like she wanted more. So I guided her head with my finger and lent in for a kiss. The kiss was amazing and we deepened it. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip asking for entrance, which she gave me almost instantly. Our tongues fought for dominance and she grabbed my hair in retaliation.

"Aiden, can I borro- Violet!" Wyatt barged into the room, making me stop what I was doing. "I didn't know I was interrupting something..."

"Get the fuck out!" I shouted and threw the nearest object I saw in his direction, which happened to be an ashtray. He used the door to shield him and it dented it, then shattered in tiny pieces on the ground.

"What the fuck was that!" My mum yelled up the stairs, then started to climb up them.


"You're gonna get bitch slapped." Wyatt chuckled, making my anger rise. I jumped out of the bed, making sure the duvet still covered Violet who sat there horrified.

My attention had gone of Wyatt and was more on Violet, finding something to cover-up the huge hickey on her neck. I rummaged through my drawers and found a hoodie, then threw it to her. An she pulled it on in rapid speed, before my mum reached the top of the stairs. I looked down at myself and noticed my trackuit bottoms were sagging. So my boxers were half shown from the front and back. So I pulled them up quickly, letting them rest on my hips.

"What happened!?" My mum exclaimed as she entered the room, with Wyatt acting like a child behind her.

"Nothing." I lied and once I heard my voice, I groaned internally.

Great, I sound like fucking batman.

"What's wrong with your voice?" She eye'ed me up, crossing her arms as she did so. Then noticed Violet in my bed and said. "Ohh, hi sweetie..."


"Hey.. Mrs Prescott." She replied quietly.

"Was you two about to.." My mum trailed off.

Kill me now.

We both stayed quiet and said nothing, that's was when my mums smile turned into a glare. "I'm going to take that as a yes then."

"They was." Wyatt piped up from behind her, with a smug smile.

Here it comes..

"Okay." She replied, glaring at me.

Wait for it..


Called it.

"I'm eighteen! I can sleep with someone if I want to! Not that I was going to, Wyatt!" I reminded her and glared his way. Even though I would love to, I know we wouldn't have.

"Not to me you're not! No sex in my house Aiden, understand?" She told me in a strict tone. To anyone else, even my dad, I would've fought back. But I knew my mum weren't to be messed with, unless I wanted to be thrown down the stairs. So instead of arguing, I admitted defeat and nodded.

"Good, now get ready. You've got school." She said, then exited the room with him following closely behind her.

Little bitch.

"So... that was awkward.." Violet said, after a few seconds.

"Tell me about it." I groaned and ran my hands through my hair. Then shut the door firmly, and walked back over to the bed. I got in and rolled on top of her, positioning myself in the same as before. "Now, where were we?"

She placed a finger on my mouth as I leaned in, making me stop. "No." She said bluntly. "What was that anyway?"

"Us kissing." I stated the obvious.

"No, not that."

"You moaning?" I teased with a smirk. Her cheeks heated from my words, which was the reaction I was looking for.

"I..I didn..t mean that either.." She stuttered.

"I know what you meant, i'm just messing with you." I told her, then she waited for me to say something else. "Kiss me and i'll tell you."

She blushed even harder and I lent in, the connected our lips. My hand cupped her cheek and as it deepened hers returned to my hair. The kiss was nothing like the one before, it was slow and passionate. Our tongues moved together and it felt amazing. Her lips were so soft, and she tasted so good.

Wonder what she tastes like down there...

She pulled away, but before her lips were fully gone I but her lips and lightly pulled her hair. She proved she enjoyed it, by pulling my too. Then I re-gained self-control by letting her go. I looked at her with lust-filled eyes and stared.

"There's your explanation." I bit my lip and then got off her. I wanted more but I knew I shouldn't, so I left it. Then distracted myself by getting ready for school.

Fuck I want her.


It was now lunch and I was outside the front of the school smoking. Since apparently it was illegal to do it inside the premises. I was still thinking about this morning and how it felt. I hadn't seen her since earlier and I was wondering is she was avoiding me.

"Hey stranger." A girls voice spoke, snapping me away from my thoughts. I turned to see it was Esme and smiled.

"What's up?" I replied and hugged her.

"Where you been at?" She asked.

"Around." I shrugged.

"Well, we've missed you." She told me, talking about her and Layla.

"I missed you too." I lied. I hadn't really thought about them since Violet came back. "I've been busy catching up with an old friend."

"Yeah, I know. Wyatt told me and I saw her. Violet, right?"


"Why don't you introduce her to us?" She suggested.

"Alright, let's go." I told her and stubbed out my cigarette. 


"Yeah, you scared or something?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes at me and laughed. Then linked my arm and followed me inside the building. The real reason I was taking her to see Violet was so I could. As we walked through the school halls Layla had found us, and linked on to my other arm.

"Two hot chicks? Damn it's my lucky day." I joked and they giggled.

"You know you would do it again, if you had the chance." Layla winked and she was right. She was a pretty good fuck. Not bad or amazing, just good and Esme was the same.

I met these two a few years back, after Violet had left. We met in a club, just a few minutes from here. The first I introduced myself to was Esme, then Layla. They had been friends for years before I met them and both wanted to come home with me. An of course I wasn't going to say no, so I gave them a night to remember. Then our wonderful friend with benefits deal blossomed from there.

We found Vi stuffing her face in the cafeteria with Luca besides her. I don't know why, but jealousy ran through me.

"Hey." I greeted, interrupting Luca as he spoke to her.

Violet's P.O.V

"Hi." I replied to Aiden, who was latched on to by two girls.

They were both stunning, the girl on his left had brown eyes. But they defiantly wasn't dull like others I had seen. Her hair was long and dark brown, an it flowed down to half way down her back. Her face looked unbelievably symmetrical, and she had a perfect pout. Matched with a small nose. She was stunning to say at the least.

The other girl had light brown hair and green eyes that shone out. Her hair was also long and styled to perfection. I had to admit, I felt a little jealous.  considering what happened earlier today. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It felt amazing at the time, but I knew it was wrong.

"This is Esme." He snapped me out of my train of thoughts and indicated she was the girl on the left. "And this is Layla." He said, turning his head to the girl on the right.

"Nice to meet you both, i'm Violet." I smiled and they returned it.

"Mine if we sit down?" He asked.

"Go ahead." I said.

He let go of the girls and they sat next to each other, but he had other ideas. He lifted me up and placed me on his lap. I felt nervous at his touch an tried not to let it show.

Luca started a conversation with the girls and I listened in. Until Aiden wanted to have one of our own.

"I missed you on top of me." He whispered and breathed down my neck.

I put my head down a bit, not really wanting to talk about it. The part that made me more nervous was he heard me moan for the first time and loudly at that. I probably sounded terrible and I was scared he might say something.

"We should do it again." He said seductively, and I shifted on his lap.

"Guys excuse us for a minute, me and Aiden have to talk." I told them as I got up, and dragged him with me by his hand.

As we walked down the halls, there was an empty classroom. So I pushed him inside it and then followed him in. and told him to sit down. But because he never listens, he lent against the teachers desk with his arms folded.

"Tell me what happened earlier." I demanded, wanting to know if he felt the same as me.

"You and me." He said, moving closer and I backed away. Until I hit a desk behind me, forcing me to stop. He placed his hands on the desk either side of me and lent down, so our noses were touching.

"What about us?" I asked, blushing because of his actions.

"Just us baby." He shrugged and bit his lip.

Why does he have to be so goddamn sexy!

"Well, why did you do it?" I questioned.

"Cause I wanted to." He smirked and moved close, bushing his lips against mine.

I wanted to kiss him so bad. But then if I did I would-

My thoughts of contemplating on kissing him were cut short, when he crashed his lips against mine.

Fuck it.

I kissed him back and it wasn't slow like earlier's, no way. It was fast and hungry, as if we wanted each other right now. He slid his tongue into my mouth then lifted me up, with his hands firmly on my ass. He pulled away and let me down for  a minute. Then threw all that was on the teachers desk on to the floor.

I gasped and he smirked.

"What?" He said as if he was innocent. I had no words for him because the mood he managed to get me in once again.

He walked over to me and lifter me again, then layed me down on the desk. "Now this should be fun." He winked as he started kissing my neck like before.

He had put me under some kind of spell and put me in pure bliss. I had never down this before, but I had caught on to what everyone was raving about. He started on a sweet spot that made me quiver and want more. And when he sucked it, I lost all self control. As he carried on a moan slipped out.

Then another.

And another as he started grinding into me.

"Aiden." I moaned as he carried on. He began to remove his shirt and was basically sat on top of me. With one leg in between both of mine.


"Aiden Prescott!" An authoritative voice shouted and he turned his head, his shirt now on the floor along with the documents.

"Hey Sir." He said with a cocky attitude. "We're kind of busy. Mind taking your class in a different room?" 

"No I will not do that! Now you and your girlfriend off my desk!" The teacher yelled, making me jump a little.

Aiden got off me and put his shirt back on, earning himself a few wolf whistles from the students.

The students!

The bell must have rang and we hadn't even noticed. I quickly jumped off the desk and ran to my classroom. All the students behind me began to laugh, but I didn't care. I needed to get to class.

"Wait up!" He called behind me. I carried on running towards my class, but he caught up and ran with me. We continued to run, not saying a word to each other.

Well this is awkward.


Later that night I was sitting in Aiden's bedroom with him, Esme and Layla. We had been here since school finished and it had just hit nine O'clock.

"So how many guys have you been with?" Esme asked me.

These girls were so open about their sex lifes, it baffled me. Esme said eleven guys and she was only eighteen, which was bad in my books. Then there was Layla who nearly doubled her number with a whooping seventeen, which matched her age. It secretly disgusted me that they had been with so many guys at their ages. On the other hand they told me they had been with Aiden, which annoyed me a lot. Apparently they was both classed as his fuck buddies.

"One." I said obviously lying. Aiden looked pissed off as soon as he heard it, and I couldn't understand why.

"Liar!" Layla caught me out and took another swig of her drink.

"You're gonna think i'm too innocent." I admitted.

"Oh my god! You're a virgin!" Esme exclaimed. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks as I started to get embarrassed. Aiden's head shot up from his phone and he smirked, then winked at me.

"Don't be embarrassed sweetie. I wish I saved it." She reassured me.

"You would still bang me." Aiden chimed in, and jealousy took over me.

"Of course baby." She winked, using the pet name he called me earlier. Which pissed me off, but I tried not to show it.

"Let's go." He smirked and flipped her on her back, then started pretending to kiss her neck. She giggled loudly underneath him and my jealousy got the best of me, making me stand up.

"It's getting later guys, so i'm gonna go." I told them.

"Why?" He replied, stopping what he was doing.

"Because it's late." I lied.

"I'll walk you to the door." He decided.

"Okay." I said not really wanting him to. Layla stood up and hugged me, well suffocated me. Esme sent a glare my way when no one could see. To be honest I felt to give one back, but I didn't. Instead Aiden walked me out the room and to his door. I went to walk away and he pulled me back, then turned me around to face him.

"Did someone get jealous?" He smirked as he put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"No." I lied.

"You're lying to me." He said in a strict tone.

"What's it to you anyway? You've found my replacements." I said and looked down to the floor. He guided my head upwards with his finger and looked at me with sad eyes.

"You, could never be replaced." He told me, and I averted my gaze back to the floor. So he done the same thing. "I'm serious Vi, no one can ever take your place. Because I will always L.. care about you."

"Okay." I said. I wondered what he was going to say before he paused.

"I'll see you later." He said and looked at me like he wanted to do something.

"I don't understand you. One minute you hate me, next minute you're all over me." I blurted out.

"What?" He replied, and I just walked away. Leaving him standing on his doorstep confused. Then walked into my house and shut the door.

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