Held Tight by Someone I Know

By EtheMyst

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It's been a total of about six months sense the oh-so-rebel punk girl, Neomi Terrain (Well, Neomi Armstrong i... More

Chapter 1: Make it stop
Chapter 2: I don't want to go to school!
Chapter 3: Oakland High? Oakland Die.
Chapter 4: Sorry tears and regret sensations
Chapter 5: Adrienne finds out and no more Daddy cuddles
Chapter 6: Somewhat better than home
Chapter 7: My baby girl...
Chapter 8: Maybe you should go back to 'em, Whatsername...
Bonus: Maybe you should go back to 'em, Whatsername... (Alternate Chapter)
Chapter 9: And if this goes to plan...
Chapter 10: I thought this was gonna be easy...
Chapter 11: Time to sort this shit out...
Chapter 12: This isn't working.
Chapter 13: Dad gets...arrested?!
Chapter 14: Bail?
Chapter 15: Talk to me
Chapter 16: Nightmares and Bad Memories
Chapter 17: Oh, Therapy. Can you please fill the void?
Chapter 18: Joey comes home!
Chapter 20: Daddy's a no-show
Chapter 22: 6 Days left...
Chapter 23: 5 Days Left...
Chapter 24: 5 Days left... Part 2
Chapter 25: 5 days left...Part 3
Chapter 26: 6 Days left...
Chapter 27: We're comin' home again...
Chapter 28: Home is where your heart is...
Chapter 29: L'appel du vide.
Chapter 30: Sometimes to stay alive, you have to kill your mind.
Chapter 31: Hold me down, Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown...
Important. Please read.
Thank You!
An Explaination.
I'm Back!

Chapter 21: 7 Days left...

611 44 25
By EtheMyst

[A/N: This is superstar by sonic youth. You'll understand why I put it in here when you get to the part. Just listen to it.]

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't even think straight. How could've this happen? I need to find him. I need to find him.

I sat in the boring police station, my head in my hands as Adrienne yelled hastily at the serviceman at the counter.

I had called up Jimmy after I broke it off to the family. No one took it lightly. Not a one.

He drove the full six hours as soon as he found out, meeting us at the police station with a worried expression. We crashed into each other, hugging and me having a mental breakdown.

'Sh.' He had said. 'We'll find him. We'll find him.' He assured. I wasn't so sure.

He was now sitting next to me with an arm around my back, supporting my fragile, shooken body. Telling me to hush every now and again.

Adrienne casually walked up to us, her face reeked of exhaustion as we had all been up for five hours.

I whipped my head up in hope of answers.

"Any luck?"

"They said they would help us look for him. But, they can't guarantee anything." She said, wearily. I nodded and rested my head on Jimmy's shoulder.
"C'mon, you two. Let's go home and get some sleep." She stated as she gestured for us to follow. I sighed and looked up at Jimmy, he looked down at me, his features showing concern and worry.

"Don't worry, Neo. We'll find him." I nodded and looked ahead before we started following Adie to the car.
Jimmy and I walked across the police station parking lot, his arm tightly bound around my waist and my arms tightly bound around myself. My makeup was smudged and runny from my previous tears, leaving my face cold and messy.

"I can take her home, Adrienne." He said as we reached her car. She turned around, her bloodshot eyes showing depression and worry.

"Are you sure, honey?" She replied as her voice shook.
He nodded and pulled me closer to him.

"I'll keep her safe, I promise." He stated protectively. Honestly, if it weren't for the situation we were in, I would've gladly jumped him right now in the asphalt.

"That's fine with me." She smiled weakly. I nodded and followed Jimmy to his car. His old, beat up ford came into view as we swaggered off to the heavy machinery.
He walked over to the passenger's side and opened the door for me like a gentlemen. I had no words at this point so I just smiled at him and slid in.
He sighed and closed the door behind me.
I strapped myself in as I glared at Jimmy who was walking around the hood of the car, his hand racking through his hair shakily.

He came around and opened the driver's side before hopping in and shutting the door behind him. He strapped himself in as well and turned the ignition.
He weighed his hand down into the steering wheel and leaned back into the seat.
The car was silent apart from the rusty purr of the engine and the music on very low, almost Inaudible volume.
I could faintly hear 'Superstar' by Sonic Youth. The low volume making it sound intricate.

Your guitar,

It sounds so sweet and clear.

But, you're not really there.

It's just the radio.

Don't you remember you told me you love me, baby?

You said you would be coming back this way again, baby.

Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh, Baby.

I love you...I really do...

There song ended after a drawn out instrumental verse and it was replaced by another song, one that I recognised as Change [In the house of flies], by Deftones.

Jimmy sighed a shaky sigh and looked over at me. I looked back worriedly before he turned back, sat up and pulled out of the parking lot, speeding off onto the road.
The song intrigued my ears as I mouthed the lyrics with him, my eyes shut and my eyebrows furrowed in stress.

I took you home.

Set you on the glass.

I Pulled off your wings.

Then I laughed.

Yeah, I watched you change.

In you...

It's like you never had wings.

And you feel so alive.

I've watched you change...

My eyes would occasionally drift from closed to nearly asleep, as Jimmy sped along the suburban streets of Oakland.
I finally let sleep engulf me as the song infiltrated my ears, sending a wave of relaxation of the strung out voice.


~Jimmy's P.O.V~

I pulled up to Neo's house and swerved into the driveway, where Adrienne's car was already parked. I parked the car and put on the handbrake before turning the key to the car off. I clicked the key in my fingers as the motors of the engine slowed to a stop. The silence was deafening and Neo had fallen asleep.

Poor Neomi. I get constant texts from her and they're more often than not about Billie. Then, this happens and she looks so broken. She really does care about this son of a bitch, doesn't she?

I sighed as I opened my door. I hopped out, shutting the door behind me and went to Neo's side. I opened her door carefully as her head was rested against the window and held her up as I opened it so she wouldn't fall out. I unbuckled her seat belt and picked her up in my arms before pulling her out and shutting the door with my foot. I pushed the button on my keys to lock my car and went up the couple steps to kick on the door.
I heard some shuffling before Adrienne reefed the door open, when she saw Neo, her eyes filled up with concern.

"She's fine, she just fell asleep." She nodded in relief and I stepped into the house as Adrienne shut the door behind me. I struggled up the stairs as it's pretty damn hard to climb shit while a dead weight in your arms.
I finally reached the top of the staircase and sauntered off to her room.

Her door was left ajar, so I nudged the door with my foot and walked inside before gently placing her on her bed.

I went to her closet and grabbed a pair of baggy sweatpants, an oversized white tshirt that had a picture of a naked girl on it with a black bar over her tits saying, "DVNT" across it. I almost laughed at her choice of shirts and placed them on the bed.
I gently took off her blue tshirt and untied her docs before pulling them off and putting them beside her bed. I put the tshirt in her laundry bin before unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down, leaving her in her bra and boy-cuts.

I slid the sweatpants on her as best I could and pulled the shirt over her head. Lastly, I pulled off her socks and tossed them and the jeans in the laundry bin.

I pulled the duvet out from under her and pulled it back over her. She stirred as she clutched my padlock necklace in her hand. I slightly smiled and turned, switching the light off and left the room before pulling the door closed slightly.

I quietly ran back downstairs before going back outside to my car. I unlocked it and popped the trunk. I pulled out my duffle bag that had about a weeks worth of clothes and such in it.
When I got that call from Neo, I prepared for anything. Mom wasn't home at the time, so I left her a note. Sure, it was a shitty way of telling her, but I had no time. And mom is pretty understanding.

I shut the trunk and locked it before heading back inside and closed the door behind me.

I placed my bag on the couch and entered the kitchen where Adrienne was sat at the table, a tissue in one hand and a class of jack on the rocks in the other.

I joined her at the table, sitting down in one of the chairs across from her.

She looked at me and smiled before looking down at her drink.

"You're a good kid, Jim."

"Thank you, Adrienne." I said genuinely.

"Would you like a drink?"
I nodded and started to get up when she stopped me.

"Please, sit." I nodded and slowly sat back down. I heard clinking of glasses and the ice maker before the glass started being filled with the bitter substance.
She came back over and placed it in front of me. She sat back down and looked me in the eye.

"There aren't many like you, Hun."

"I try to stay myself."

"Don't ever stop. No matter what, don't let people tell you that you can't do something."

"Would never dream of it."

"I like you, Jimmy."

"I like you too, Adrienne."

I took a sip of my drink, the bitter distil burned my throat.

"You're really something. I mean, you drove six hours to not only comfort Neomi, but to openly help out finding Billie as well. Now, that. You don't get too much."

I smiled proudly and took another sip of my booze.

"I would do anything for this family."

"Whys that, son?"

"Because anyone who can make that girl happy," I started, pointing upstairs, "Is someone that makes me happy..."

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