Choose Your Rose Carefully

By AngieTheTurtle

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Sequel to the story My ex-boyfriend is my TEACHER? >8U?, Alexis struggles to maintain her life after the deat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four (Filler :|)
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Thirteen

677 20 8
By AngieTheTurtle

Chapter Thirteen

A few days later, we were given our college applications to fill out. I always wanted to complete one with him, but I guess that'll never happen.

I put down about ten colleges, four of them abroad, and handed it in about a week later. I don't really know what I want to do with my life, studying with an undecided major would be a complete waste of money.

With a sigh, I sat up in my bed. It was another day of school, but I wasn't even in the mood to get up. There was a knock on my door, but I was almost tempted not to answer.

"Alexis, sweetheart?"

Oh great, dad. Ever since what happened, things between us has been nothing but awkward. We barely made conversation, and when we did, it was rambling. Without waiting for my response, he came in.

"I've been thinking for a long time." he said as he approached me and sat on the bed, "That what previously happened is stressing you out. Uh, you don't have to go to school for two days, but only two days. I heard they were permanently returning to school today..."

Smiling, I nodded.

"Thank you."

He scratched the back of his head and nodded. Never has dad decided to even give me a minute break from school, nonetheless two days. I'm hoping that's more than enough to get my head cleared.

"I really appreciate it." I said at his receding figure.

He closed the door behind him and I let out a satisfied sigh. I slumped back in bed and closed my eyes, ready to tackle on what's waiting for me in my dreams.


Ethan's Point of View

Nowadays, things has been hectic. I don't like how anything's going. Aaliyah won't even look at me. We're sharing a bed, yet when I wake up, she's on the floor. I once tried to our her back on the bed, but she elbowed me in my eye.

Which is why I never attended school for a little over a week.

I groaned when I called after her and she ignored me. I don't know what else to do now, but I'm getting tired of her bullshit.

"Do you think I wanted this?" I asked with a calm voice.

She didn't even spare me a glance. Annoyed, I grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards me.

"You better stop ignoring me." I warned.

"Or what?" she said with clenched teeth.

I flinched. I know she's pissed, but I didn't expect her to respond.

"I thought so." she said and shrugged my hands off.

"Do you know how many girls would love to be with me?" I asked as I took a cigarette out of my pocket.

Her eyes darted to the cancer stick and she narrowed her eyes.

"Please smoke away from me."


"Because I want you to get lung cancer and die alone."

Out of anger, I grabbed her by her shirt and pinned her against the bed.

"Oh, so you're a smart bitch now?!" I spat.

She punched me in the face and kicked me back. My leg hit the frame of the bed and I hissed out in pain. Aaliyah approached me and put her foot on my stomach.

"Never refer to me as a bitch." she said with narrowed eyes, "And if you ever try to put your hands on me again, I'll make sure that pretty face of yours is six feet under."

I smirked.

"So I have a pretty face?"

I caught her off guard and grabbed her heel. She realized what happened but didn't respond quick enough, I pushed her back on the bed and pinned her down. I started to trail kisses down her collarbone and she started to scream.

"I already took your virginity, baby." I cooed, "So just enjoy, it gets better."

Alexis's Point of View

I finished up assignments that were due today. I went from being a 98 averaged student to 86. I need to step my game up, the colleges won't accept anything.

Sending them to my teachers, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I went to the bathroom and freshened up. It was around 1 and I still felt a little tired.

About five minutes later, I went downstairs and warmed up some food. Isn't this funny? The girl who was insanely popular is now a nobody. She has no friends, nobody to talk to...

All because she transferred to her dream high school. I would transfer to a different school, but it's way too late for that.

The beep of the microwave brought me out of my thoughts and I opened it. The rice and beef's smell filled my nostrils and I smiled. My stomach growled and I patted it. I sat at the table and began to eat.

I looked over to the stairs and remembered when I slipped when I was on my way to open the door for Ethan. I remember him laughing, his smile brightening up my mood. I remember getting Chinese food with him and Jared. I remember his disgusting body gas filling my nostrils and making me avoid him. I remember us flirting and playing around. I remember me bitching at him at the amusement park two years ago and kissing him on the Ferris wheel.

I remember all the happy and sad moments between us, but I hate how hard it is to forget it.

To forget him.

I put my fork down and sighed. I didn't feel hungry anymore, but knowing myself, my stomach will start to hurt. Rubbing my temples, I picked the fork up and started to eat. I told myself that I can forget, but it's getting harder and harder. I tried the therapy sessions and they somewhat worked, but now I have to go cold turkey.

I finished my food and washed the plates in the sink. I said this many times, and now I mean it.

I'm done with them.

For the next day, I focused on eating fatty foods and relaxing. For the first time in a while, I looked in the mirror. I was surprised to see my ribs showing.

When my mini vacation was over, I woke up feeling refreshed. I washed up and decided to wear a blue collared shirt, black tights and black flats. I put my hair in a low ponytail and put lotion on my skin. I grabbed my bag and left.

I walked through the school with confidence. No swaying of the hips, no cleavage showing, just raw confidence. Anyone who decided to lay their eyes on me was met with the coldest glare they could ever get. When I passed Ethan and Aaliyah, everyone expected something to happen.

Nobody expected me to walk past them without a glance.

The day went by quickly. There were tests in a couple of classes that I was not told about. I mean, I have no friends. On my way home, I was surprised. A guy, who I recognized was in my gym classes, actually came up to me and had a conversation with me. I dropped my cold glare and replaced it with a smile.

His name is Elijah Miller. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He's about 6'0 and isn't in any sports. He's in the art club and said he wanted to be my friend.

"Aaliyah said the same thing, Elijah." I said with a frown, "Look at how that turned out."

"I understand, but I won't run away and marry someone."

I laughed and smiled. For the next couple of weeks, I hung out with Elijah and his group of friends. One day, we were walking to the park and Elijah decided to break the ice.

"I like you." he said confidently, "I've liked you since you walked through those doors. I was one of the people you bumped into on the first day. I was going to help you, but then Ethan caught your attention. Alexis, can you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked. My mouth hung agape and he smiled.

"Y-you're so straightforward..." I mumbled.

His smile widened and I returned it.

"Okay, Elijah."

He pulled me into a hug and we played for the rest of the day in the park. The next day, our relationship was spread across the whole school. I couldn't believe it. Random people in the hallways would give me a congratulations, someone even said he'll be a lot better than that asshole Ethan."

For a long time, I never thought of him. Elijah came out of nowhere and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled and kissed him back. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks.

"You're so cute." he said and pecked my nose.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ethan heading our direction. I smiled and he pulled me in for another kiss, this time it included tongue.

"I'm going to be late." I said after I broke the kiss.

He nodded and hugged me.

"I want to introduce you to my parents today. Alright, go to class, we'll talk after."

"Okay, see you."

I smiled and headed off to class. Part of the group had physics with me so it was less boring.

"Hey." I said sitting next to Riley.

"I heard about you and Eli." she said with a smirk, "He wouldn't stop talking about you and how much he wants to confess."

I blushed and smiled.

"Actually, he's really sweet."

She nodded and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't disappoint me, and if anything happens, I'm here."

"Thank you, Riley."

We both looked up front when the teacher yelled our names. This is the only class left I have with both Aaliyah and Ethan. I tried to get them all changed, but they said I'm asking for too much.

Aaliyah glanced at me and I ignored her. When Ethan saw what she was doing he turned to me. Riley laid her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"They're looking at you." she said in her usual monotone voice, "And it's annoying."

"I know, I'm not wasting my time anymore."

I looked at Riley and her dimple appeared when she smirked. I looked back up and started to write down more notes.

The next period was lunch. We all sat together at the near corner of the cafeteria. It was kind of comfy. It was eight of us, nine now that Elijah was approaching.

"Hey guys." he said and waved. I scooted over for him and he sat down next to me.


I smiled and nodded. He took out bicycle cards out of his pocket and Kim said she didn't want to play. He shuffled and spread out the cards and grabbed the chips from Kim. I grabbed mine and almost choked. Full house Q. Before I could go all in, everyone's eyes diverted behind me. Elijah caught on and looked behind me. His face when from soft to extremely pissed. I gave him a confused look and turned around.

Oh great, Ethan.

I rolled my eyes and looked ahead.

"All in."

Everyone smiled at me and we went on as if he was there. I felt his eyes burning the back of my head but ignored it.

"Haha bitches!" I yelled and started to laugh.

Everyone groaned and Elijah kissed my cheek.

"Aren't you lucky? Full house queen, I think someone spiked the cards."

Everyone gave me their chips and I smirked.

"I never knew you were so good at poker." said Ethan behind me.

We all ignored him and kept on playing.

"Stop ignoring me!" he yelled and roughly grabbed my shoulders.

In an instant, Elijah was up. He upper kicked Ethan's chin and came back for a right hook. Ethan tried to block it, but Elijah grabbed his wrist and flung him on the floor. My eyes widened at the fight. I ran up to Elijah and cupped his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I asked with worry laced in my voice.

He was breathing hard and looking at Ethan.

"It's okay baby, look at me. Look at me."

Slowly he turned his head towards me and I connected our foreheads. He protected me... I felt very safe around him.

"You're so fucking cool." I said with a smile, "Thanks for that."

He nodded and I pecked him on the lips. I looked at Ethan and gave him a cold glare. He was staring at us in shock. Security guards came piling into the cafeteria. One of them tried to take Elijah but I guarded him.

"No!" I yelled, "He defended me!"

"Then both of you come."

Ethan, Elijah, our group and I all went to the principal's office and was questioned. Ethan tried to pull some he attacked me first shit, but the principal looked at the tapes and decided to suspend Ethan.

Ethan was tearing mad. He was spewing out how much power his father has and how stupid the people in this school are. The security guards led him out the room.

"It's nice seeing you again, Alexis." said Mr. Reznov*, "I'm sorry about that."

I nodded and he looked at Elijah.

"As for you, Mr. Painter, I never knew you were a kick boxer. This may sound out of place, but very nice kick."

Everyone laughed and he smiled. We all left the principal's office. After school, I came over for dinner and met Elijah's parents.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Miller." I said with the bow of my head.

"Hello." they both said and sat at the table. Elijah pulled the chair out for me and I sat down.

He sat next to me and two girls came and sat opposite to us.

"Alexis, these are my two sisters Mercy and Claire."


They both shared a look and nodded.

"We approve." said Claire and smiled.

I returned it and we all began to eat. I was asked many questions and returned them all with confident answers. By the time dinner was over, Mrs. Miller and I had bonded. Elijah also showed me his room and taught me a couple of judo moves. When we went downstairs, I was sweating but nobody said anything. I was happy they didn't assume something was going on. I really liked Claire and Mercy. Mr. Miller didn't talk much, but he would send me a smile every now and then.

Elijah drove me home with his dad's car. Before I got out, I gave him a longing kiss on his lips.

"I appreciate everything." I said with a smile, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I want to give you a nickname..."

"Hm, h-"

"Six!" he said with a laugh.

"You will not." I said with a scoff.

He laughed and kissed me on my nose.

"Bye, Six."

I groaned and got out of his car.

"Bye, Lij!"

"What the hell is a Lij?" he laughed.


With that, I ran to my front door laughing. I went inside and heard mom and someone talking. I closed the door behind me and approached them.

"Where have you been?!" yelled mom.

"I was at dinner with Elijah and his family." I responded.

"Well guess what?" she yelled and grabbed me. 

Mom pushed me towards the dining table and I glared at her. When I looked ahead, Ethan's parents were sitting down. Both had their hands clapsed together and both gave me a blank look.

"We heard about what happened today." said Mrs. Leto, her soft eyes slowly turning dark, "And we do not appreciate it."

I was going to turn around, but mom squeezed my shoulder. I hissed and looked at her. That was the same one Ethan grabbed. I didn't realize it hurt until now.

"Alexis." said Mr. Leto.

His voice alone made goosebumps crawl on my skin, "We're asking you to leave our son a-"

"Do you really think I would talk to him after the marriage?" I snarled, "You should've seen the tapes yourself. Don't go putting unnecessary things on my shoulders."

He raised an eyebrow.

"My son is an A s-"

"I don't care." I said with a sigh, "I really do not care. Your son started it, my boyfriend finished it."

"Ah, your boyfriend." he laughed, "So you moved on? About time."

"Are you leaving?"

"I, we, planned on staying for dinner."

"That's fine with me, I already ate." 

Turning around, I headed into my room. I slammed the door behind me and slid down it.

"Fuck..." I muttered, "This fucking guy is crazy."

After about a minute, I got up and turned the light on. I turned around and felt the color from the face drain. There stood Ethan, his lips pulled into a smirk.

"My father is crazy, isn't he?" he said as he approached me.

I reached for the doorknob, but before I could open it, he pinned me against the door. I tried to let out a scream, but he covered my mouth.

"So, you have moved on." he said darkly, "How cute? Little Alexis isn't a mouse anymore."

Narrowing my eyes, the moves that Elijah taught me today flooded my head.

"Why aren't you trying to speak?" he hissed.

I loosened everything in my body. I felt myself go slightly limp and bowed my head. When he tried to position it towards him, I took the chance. I punched him on his chin. He gasped and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He stumbled back a couple of times and I opened the door.


He covered my mouth and pulled me inside of the room. I struggled under his weight and elbowed him in his stomach. He took a large gulp of air and I smacked him in the face when I turned around. This time, I made sure he fell. I ran out the door and went downstairs.

"Mom! Mom, Ethan's trying to hurt me!"

Her eyes flew to me and then she ran after me. She gasped and went into my room. I followed her and we both saw Ethan on the floor. His green eyes stared at her and she tightened her fist.

"How... dare you!" yelled Mom. 

She grabbed him by the collar and dragged him downstairs. Mr. and Mrs. Leto both got up and ran to Ethan.

"You are not welcome in my house again." spat Mom, her eyes glaring daggers, "Leave, now!"

All three of them rushed out of my house. As soon as she slammed the door, she pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered into my shoulder, "I'm sorry."

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