I Am Anonymous

By ShelbyRichardson

79 1 5


I Am Anonymous

79 1 5
By ShelbyRichardson

A/N This is a poem I wrote a couple of months ago when I was applying for college. I got into that school so I guess it's atleast decent.

Anyways...i don't like explaining my work..so If you don't get it....read it again...then if you don't get it message me and I'll explain ;)

Also...if you DO get it.....vote for it :)

I am anonymous and I can give.

I am anonymous and I can offer to undecidedly anonymous

, unfortunate anonymous, and unseen anonymous.

I remain anonymous and give an unnamed

in a named , ignored situation an identity.

I am not hero but I desire to save

I am not hero but I desire to protect the hero-less unfortunate

, the hopeless unfortunate, and the ignored unfortunate.

I remain the not hero but give a luckless

in a hapless, ignored condition a sanctuary.

This is unperfect though I relish and give joy

I am unperfected though I want for delight for lost hopeless

, mislaid hopeless,  and trepid hopeless.

I remain unperfect and give a forgotten

In an unforgettable, desperate order a light.

Identity and  sanction and light

And solution and power and knowledge

And health and life

I am anonymous and not hero and unperfect,

They are unseen, ignored,  unforgettable.

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