Larry Is Bullshit

By AllisonAlderman

1.2K 36 6

It seemed like all or a giant part of the One Direction fandom, shipped Larry . The horrible pairing of Louis... More

Larry Is Bullshit

1.2K 36 6
By AllisonAlderman

"I'm so sick of this shit!' Zayn screamed, slinging his phone out of his hand to the other side of the room. It crashed against the wall, making a visible hole and possibly breaking his iPhone. Louis was on the other side of the room as he dodged Zayn's phone. He yelped in fear as he ran to the other side of the room, crouching in a corner. Zayn pulled at his hair, ripping strands out as he put his hands on his hips angrily. "Z-Zayn... it's not true. None of it is true." Louis cried out, slapping his hands to his face so Zayn didn't accidently hit him with something he slung to the other side of the room like his expensive phone. "All of these fucking edits! All of these fucking fanfictions and the fucking shippers! They make me so fucking angry. I love you Louis, but these-- these.." Zayn said, fighting back tears that began to flood his face. He slid his sweaty hand over his forehead that was also drenched in the sweat of his anger fit. He looked over to his boyfriend cowering in the corner. He didn't like throwing fits like this. Hedidn't like making Louis scared of him. He wanted to love him and be loved back. But the whole thing just made him snap. He placed his hands back on his hips as he looked over to the damage he had done to their wall. He took in that his expensive iPhone was probably just as damaged as the wall was. He sighed deeply. He walked over to the shivering boy. He had his face covered with what his small dainty hands could cover. He reached out and lighlty and tenderly grabbed his wrist. Louis jumped at the sudden touch. Zayn crouched to meet him face to face. He shivered and shook and cried. "Look baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not gonna hurt you. This whole fucking Larry thing just gets me so angry. Seeing you with Harry like that in these edits and shippers messaging me hateful words and reading you getting fucked by Harry in those stupid fanfictions just--it just.." Zayn said, looking down at the floor. Tears flooded his face, dripping down his tan cheeks and onto the floor. Some trickled onto Louis's shoes. Louis stopped shaking. He stopped shivering. He stopped fearing him. He didn't want to be scared of the man he loved. He put his hand softly on the back of Zayn's head and pushed him slowly to his thin lips. Zayn was taken by surprise but still it didn't take long for him to push back. He breathed in deeply the sweet scent that was familiar to him as Louis. He rose a bit, towering over him but not breaking their lips. "I'm sorry for scaring you," Zayn whispered, breaking the kiss for air. They crashed their lips together again as Louis snaked his arms around Zayn's neck, running his fingers through his hair as he hicked up his breaths. "I'm sorry for being a terrible boyfriend. I love you Louis." he breathed in another break. It didn't take them long at all to get back in each others mouths. "I know baby. I know you're sorry. It's okay, I'm fine really,"Louis moaned, taking a break for air. "Larry is bullshit babe. I love you and only you. Fuck Harry, I only want you." Zayn ran his hands down onto Louis's ass and grasped it. Louis let out an adorable squeak along with a deep, sexy moan. "No Lou, it's not okay. It's not fine. I don't want him near you or around you anymore. I don't want pictures of you guys on my news feed or on my timeline. I don't want to see Larry ever again. I don't want to hear about it. You're mine." Zayn whispered against Louis's thin and wet lips. He slid his hands past Louis's ass and tucked them under his knees. He took his other hand and used it to support Louis's back. He stood up, holding Louis bridal style. Louis leaned in and kissed Zayn's plump, wet lips. "You won't. Not from me or any true fans of mine. I love you Zayn." he kissed his tan neck that was covered in tiny black stubble that pricked his lips giving him a sensational feeling. "I love you too Boo, I'm so sorry for my selfish rage. I love you so much." he said, sniffing up the last bit of his tears from the rage and make up they had had. He brought him to their house's stairs and trumped up slowly every stair. He saw Louis close his eyes and hum lightly to the sound of Zayn's heartbeat that he lay his head on. He silently opened their bedroom door and closed it with his shoe behind them. Louis opened his eyes fully when he heard the small creak of the door closing. He laid him down on the bed and crawled slowly on top of him. Louis looked up at him with his adorable and wide crystal blue eyes. He looked down at him as he kissed his clean, tanned neck and jawline. Louis bit back some moans as he fumbled on the bed, gripping the white sheets under them. He lowed some of his kisses, sucking big purple marks on Louis's skin everywhere. "Y-You know the fans will ask abou-about those." Louis moaned, fumbling a little more. "Tell them it was me. Tell them it was your boyfriend Zayn. And not Harry. Tell them Harry didn't fuck you or kiss you or touch you. Tell them Zayn would kill him." Zayn said, running his hand over Louis's growing erection. "You know I can't do that. You know I can't tell the fans about us." Louis said, looking at the man stop touching his body. He didn't want Zayn to stop touching him. he loved feeling Zayn touch all over his body. His lips and hands roaming all over on every part of him. He knew he had struck another chord with him. "Look, I know. And the worst part is, that even if we did come out to everyone the fucking Larry shippers would just give me more shit with the whole thing." he sighed, crawling off Louis and sitting on the edge of their bed. Louis sat up and placed his small hand on his shoulder. "It's all bullshit babe. It's all media shit that people write to try to ruin me and Harry's reputation," he assured him, placing his other hand on his other broad shoulder and rubbing them along with his neck. He shifted where he sat back on his calves behind Zayn, rubbing his shoulders and neck and giving him little sweet neck kisses. "And they know that to the public eye we are best friends. So they send you all their Larry shit in an attempt to get you to like it." he said in between kisses on his neck and ear. Zayn chuckled, looking down at the floor at his shuffling feet. "We're partners in crime, aren't we?" he laughed, shuffling hi feet awkwardly a little, his eyes glued to their movement. Louis smiled sweetly, resting his head on Zayn's relaxed shoulder. "Yes baby. We are. No Harry, just us." he smiled. Zayn turned his head a little and kissed the older boy, laying him back down on the bed, wrapping his arms around his waist and holding him close. "There is no Larry baby, remember that." Louis smiled, kissing his nose and burying his head into the younger's boy chest. Zayn rested his head on top of Louis's feathery brown hair and breathed in, tightening the grip around his waist. "I know boo.. I know." he sighed, kissing the top of his head. 

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