She Changed

By AbbieCharmaine

5.3K 90 11

All Aiden's life did was go further downhill when his best friend Violet was shipped off to boarding school f... More

The Friends.
Everything went dark.
Them three words.
She deserves better.
She calls me daddy too.
"The fuck you saying now, bitch!"
The Great Escape.
Daddy's home.
"Do you think we should?.."
The reveal
"No comment"
Her Hero
Date night
The End

Temper, temper.

309 6 0
By AbbieCharmaine

Aiden's P.O.V

I walked down the hallways with Violet following closely behind me. She was probably going to shout at me, so instead of going to the parking lot where I had planned. I turned a corner and then propped myself up against a locker. My arms were folded and one foot was against another locked, whilst the other held me up. I was relaxed and prepared for a shouting match. Which she began.

"What did you just do!" She yelled. "You know that you could face expulsion for something like that right?"

"He should've kept quiet." I replied, not bothered about her raising her voice.

"No, you shouldn't have hit him." She said.

"He asked what I was gonna do, so I simply showed him." I explained.

"So what? Don't mean you retaliate!" She pointed out.

"You know you loved it." I winked, knowing she would get mad.

"No I didn't." She replied quickly.

"You did really." I smirked.

"Shut up. No I didn't." She denied.

"You need to stop lying or your nose is going to start growing." I told her with a cheeky smile. She checked her nose and I started laughing. "Knew you was fucking lying!"

"Shut up!" She whined and slapped me playfully.

"I still told you." I chuckled.

"Okay, I was terrified. But I did partially enjoy the Aiden I remember." She admitted.

"Of course you did, he's amazing." I said.

"Idiot." She replied.

I pulled her by her arm and she fell into me, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She looked up at me and I stared into her eyes. But then she tried to look away to hide her obvious smile. Which was soon stopped, when I placed my finger on her chin. Switching the direction of her head.

"I'm sorry for what I did back there. But honestly, I couldn't stand him speaking about you like that. I was just looking out for you." I told her, as we locked eyes.

Fuck her eyes are amazing.

"I know, thank you." She smiled sweetly, then rested her head on my chest.

I missed how close we once were. It just felt right having her back. At first I was hurt and mad at her. She had left a scar deeper than anyone else had or could. But now I just wanted to forget all the damage that had been done. I just wanted to spend time with her. But this time I won't fuck up again. I won't let my feelings go past their boundaries.

"It's cool. I me-"

"Aiden Prescott, you're under arrest." A voice cut me off.

I turned my head to the left, to see three men dressed in uniform. Violet moved off me and they cuffed me, not very nicely. Whilst telling me my Miranda rights. Also that I was being arrested for assault on that asswhole.

"Don't worry, I'll come to see you when I'm out." I told Violet, before they took me outside and forced me in their vehicle.

There's no way I'm going down.

I walked up the front yard, towards violets house. My wrists still ached a little from how tight the cuffs were. But I could still use them, so it didn't matter how much they hurt.

I knocked on the door and minutes later she answered.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I was so worried about you." She said and hugged me tight, making me wince slightly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied.

I was badly injured, but that's the price I had to pay to get out. I had friends down there, but I always had a fee to pay for getting off easy. Other times it had been drugs or small, harmless favours. This time was different. Apparently they knew the kid I beat up. He pushes shit for them. So to get him to drop all charges, they had to do to me what I did to him. Which they certainly succeeded at.

"Well something obviously did." She pushed, as she dragged me up to her room. Then made me sit on her bed, whilst she stood in front of me.

"If you wanted me in your bed, you could've just asked." I winked, attempting to go off the subject.

"Shut up and tell me where it hurts." She replied, ignoring my words.

"Right here." I told her as I looked at my jeans. Before I could stop it, she hit me directly in the balls. "Fuck!" I cried.

I guess that's what being cocky gets me.

"Now it does. Tell me." She demanded.

"No." I replied, still in pain from her hit.

"Tell me." She commanded.

"No. You just hit me. You're mean." I responded in a child-like voice.

"So be it." She said.

"Ouch, ouch!!" I cried as she kept poking me, to figure out where I was injured.

"Knew it would work." She smiled. Then pushed me on my back and lifted my shirt. "Oh... My... Gosh."

She covered her eyes for a second, shocked by the injuries. Then opened them again. She ran her fingers over my bruised torso and inspected them. Then sat me up slowly, after pulling my shirt down.

"Who did this to you?..." She asked, looking frightened to hear the answer.

"Some bad men. Now let's move off this subject." I told her and pulled her on to my lap. "I'm fine, honestly." I lied.

"Aiden, we haven't kept a secret from each other before. So we're not starting now." She said.

"Some are worth keeping." I mumbled. Then pushed her softly off my lap and stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow. Night."

Violets P.O.V

I couldn't believe he was keeping it from me. Especially after what I had seen marked on him. His bruises looked painful and horrific. I didn't understand why or how somebody could do that to him. He was with the police all day in a cell. So how did he.... The cops!

I ran downstairs and out of my front door after him. "Aiden!" I shouted.

He turned around and looked confused. I stopped running once I reached him.

"Why did you just run after me?" He asked, looking more than confused.

"Why didn't you tell me the Feds did this?" I questioned and his eyes bulged.

"How did you-"

"Find out? Well considering you've been in police custody all day. It wasn't that hard to figure out." I said with a cocky attitude, because of my awesome detective skills. "Why would they do this to you?"

"Paybacks a bitch." He smiled weakly.

"I don't get it.." I told him.

"C'mon." He said as he grabbed my arm and made me walk with him. "If we're gonna do this. We're atleast talking about it where no one can hear."

He directed me to his front yard and then into the passenger seat of his car. He then jogged around the car, until he reached the drivers seat. Then he started to drive to an unknown destination.

"Now we can talk." He told me.

"Why couldn't we talk out there?" I asked.

"Because there could've been snitches around." He answered.

"Okay, so why did they do this to you?" I questioned.

"So I don't get sent down." He replied and seemed to be telling the truth.

"Explain." I demanded.

"Well I have friends own there. In fact associates. They help me out and manage to get me off. But it's all at a price." He started. "Like last time, I got caught we stealing and the price was drugs. Well this time it was assault, as you know. So they asked the kid what would make him drop the charges against me, and he said to get me get fucked up as bad as him."

It made sense to me, why he took the beating. Also why his cop buddies done it. But what worries me the most is the fact it had become usual for them to bail him out. I couldn't begin to imagine how much he must get in trouble, or atleast caught.

This made me realize how corrupt this town was. Even the cops would let you run free if you paid a price. And all the victims just want revenge, no matter the crime. It was disgraceful how things went around here. I remembered it being bad around here, but never this bad. It was worrying that he had been living like this. Also that I found out now he sells drugs.

"Say something." He said, looking ashamed.

"I don't know what to say." I told him honestly.

"Well atleast talk about something else." He replied.

"Why did you choose this life?" I asked. "I mean your dad-"

"My dad left." He interrupted me.

"When?" I said, feeling immediately bad for bringing him up.

"Two years ago. A couple days before my 15th birthday." He paused. "He just left. Him and mum had a fight. Then like an hour after he was gone. His clothes packed, stuff all gone. It was like he was never there."

I understand why now. Why he chose this way of living. No one had the right to judge him, not even me. I knew with his dad gone, he would've had to step up. But that had to be difficult to do at just 15 years old. His mum couldn't work because she needed to take care of his younger siblings. And I know he wouldn't have let his older sibling do it.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out.

"Sorry? What've you got to be sorry for. He's the one that walked away and missed out." He said with slight anger in his tone. "I mean he fucked up right? He missed out of his kids growing up. Like Paige, she's off at collage and Wyatt's doing good in school. He's turned into a man fast. An well Imogene, she's just amazing. Just started middle school, top of her class." He continued. "I mean we don't need him. We're doing just fine without him."

Aiden stated tearing up, but didn't let a tear fall of out of his eye. Just blinked them away. I wanted to say down thing to help comfort him, but I knew nothing I could say would help. So instead I asked about Paige.

"How's Paige managing at collage?"

"She's good. She's enjoying it." He told me as he put the car into a Holt. Then parked at the side of an unknown road.

"How're you guys funding it?" I asked, then realized it was the wrong question.

"Don't you mean me?" He said. "Well drug dealings helping."

"You don't need to do that-"

"Yes I do." He disagreed. "I have no other way of getting money. I've tried 'real' jobs. But no one will take me on. This is the only was. So I'll see in a minute." He finished and climber out the car. Then he proceeded to talk towards a guy.

Was he really about to do a drug deal in front of me?

I made a stupid decision and leaped out the car to follow him. Then noticed more than one guy approaching the first. I knew it was stupid to still be catching up to him, but I couldn't just sit there and watch. When I finally reached him, I linked his arm and we walked together.

"What're you doing?" He mumbled under his breath, so only I could hear.

"Coming with you." I answered. "There are like six guys there. I won't let you walk alone."

"Fine." He said, knowing it was too late to turn back now.

We was getting closer to the guy, as he was to us. Followed by the other boys, who wouldn't stop staring at me. After a few more seconds we reached each other and stood there.

"What's up Aid?" The guy greeted, as if they were friends. "So who's this beautiful girl? Your girlfriend?" The older guy asked, whilst giving me a creepy smile.

Everything about this guy was strange and disturbing. From the way he smiled, to the way he dressed. Nothing about him seemed right. His body language told me he had no good intentions. Also the boys behind him, that stood there covered up. With not a single trace of their identity. Even their faces were covered with balaclavas or scarfs. None of this seemed safe or good.

"Yeah, she's my girl." Aiden lied and pulled me closer towards him, wrapping one arm around my waist. I reacted with a smile, not wanting to make it obvious I wasn't.

"That's a shame she ain't up for the taking." The guy said with a creepy smile.
Aiden pulled me closer towards him. He was being over-protective and I defiantly understood why.

"Yeah, she's mine." He confirmed.

"What's your name beautiful?" The strange guy asked me.

"Violet." I responded quietly.

"Violet. Such a beautiful name." He replied. "Anyway, let's get down to business."

"So why did you want to meet me here?" Aiden asked the man.

It worries me slightly that even Aiden didn't know why we was here. I assumed originally it was a drug deal, and I'm certain Aiden did as well. But the guy had proven that wasn't the soul purpose.

"Well if I'm honest, we originally came here to get you back for our guy the other night. But I couldn't forgive myself if I did such a thing in front of your beautiful girlfriend." He said and Aiden started to look relieved.

"Guess I'll see you around then Max." Aiden said and began to walk off with me. But as we walked, the group followed.

"You didn't let me finish." Max chuckled, with a hint of evil behind it.

We came to a Holt and Aiden gulped. Before turning us both to face the direction Max was in. I knew this weren't going to end well.

"I said I couldn't forgive myself, but what you don't know is." He paused. "I never forgive myself for anything."

As if that was the cue, the boys rushed passed Max and one grabbed me. Separating me and Aiden. Then the others threw him to the floor and hit him repeatedly. I tried to scream, but the guys hand was covering my mouth muffling my cries.

Max had walked a away, excluding himself from the situation. I knew I had to do something, but my screams were muffled and my arms were held behind my back. Aiden was on the floor being be's then senseless. He covered his face with his forearms and made no sound. Knowing him, that was because he didn't want to be seen as weak. So he lauded there and took his beating. Whilst I was falling apart in this strangers arms watching the fiasco.

After what seemed like hours of them beating him senseless, they finally stopped. And he was now knocked out cold, on the hard concrete floor. Making my heart clench with pain.

"I'm sorry." The boy who held me whispered in my ear. "We just follow orders." He told me, then let me go.

I fell to the floor from exhaustion, the result from crying. Then crawled over to Aiden's side and layer on the ground with him. The boys stood and watched for a minute, lowing their heads in shame. After they couldn't watch any longer, they left. Leaving up laying on the freezing concrete.

"Aiden." I whispered and held him in my arms. "Wake up."

No movement.


Not even a stir.

I sat there with him in my arms and cried more. My tears were like an endless river. I looked around at my surroundings and, realized there were no houses or buildings I could go to for help. So instead of sitting here waiting and hoping for him to wake up. I gathered up all my strength and out of his his arms over my shoulders. Then struggled to stand because the extra weight. He was so heavy and I could barely handle his weight, but managed to get him into the passenger side of his car.

After securely putting on his seat-belt, I searched his pockets for the keys. Checking his left pocket first and finding them instantly. The keys had a locket thing attached to it and my curiosity got the best of me. Resulting in me opening it and discovering what was hidden inside. On one side was a picture of his siblings, his mother and surprisingly his dad. The other was a picture of me and him when we were kids.

"Focus!" I told myself as I closed the locket.

I'll ask him about it later when he's okay, I thought.

Then shut the passenger sides door and ran to the drivers. I got in fast and prayer he would wake up soon, as I turned on the ignition. Then drove towards the nearest hospital I could remember. As I drove no movement next to me was made. Even though he was alive, he looked so lifeless. The only sign of him being okay was his chest rising up and down, as he continued to breathe.

I drove back the way he first took us and re-traced the drive, until I saw buildings in sight. Which I managed after five minutes of driving. I recognized where I had driven us and started the route to the hospital.

"Oh, fuck." A voice next to me groaned in pain.

"Thank god you're awake. We're on the way to the hospital-"

"No hospital." He whined.

"Why the hell not?" I said.

"I don't like them, just take me..." He didn't finish his sentence and drifted back into unconsciousness.

Which even though it was bad, helped my situation. So I pushed harder on the gas pedal and drove like a man man towards the hospitals entrance. When we finally reached it, relief washed over me and I parked the car.

"Don't you dare take me in there." He growled, obviously pissed off.

"It's for your own good." I told him, as I got out of the car and shut the door behind me. I then ran to his side and tried to open his door, which was now locked.

Why was I stupid enough to leave the keys with him?, I thought.

"Aiden, open the door." I said, a little mad at him.

"No." He sulked like a child.

"Aiden you need help. Doctors can give you that." I told him calmly.

"I'm not opening the door." He ignored my words.

"Aiden." I said in a warning voice, trying  not to loose my temper.

"Violet." He smiled.

"Open the damn door!" I shouted and pulled on the handle.

Keep it together, I reminded myself.

"What you gonna do?" He taunted as he reclined his seat. He was acting like he wasn't hurt anymore, but his blood and bruises proved he was.

"You ain't gonna like it." I warned him, still trying to keep my anger under-wraps. I've managed to tame it for five years. So surely I won't lose it over him.

"Do it, good girl." He smirked.

Too late.

My hand swung back and then into the center of the window, shattering it into pieces.


My hand stung and glass had made its way inside it. But I ignored it and stared at his shocked expression. Then it turned into a smirk.

"Shit Vi, if you wanted me to get out the car. You should've just asked. Damn." He smirked and he got out of the car. Pieces of glass fell to the floor as he did so and fell by our feet. Covering our shoes in shattered, sharp pieces.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Since when does someone loose their shit like that and apologizes?" He asked, confused.

"Right now. That was totally out of character." I told him, feeling extremely bad for what I did to his car.

"No it weren't. That was just another side of you." He explained. "That was the girl I new coming out to play; Now let's go inside."

Hey guys!!

Has your view changed on the characters? Or has it stayed the same? Do you think he'll be able to get her back to her old self? Or will she not let it happen? I hope you guys are enjoying it and carrying on to enjoy it.

Have a good day & night :).

Please Like, Comment & Recommend. Thank Yooohhhhh!!!!!!

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