The Blue Eyed Wolf.

By chickenwhisperer16

537K 19.9K 1K

Amber is the daughter of a bête, but she's different from other wolfs. Her older brother is next in line to b... More

Quick Author's Note.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Author's note.
100k Guys!!

Chapter 19.

8.9K 370 11
By chickenwhisperer16

I stand there frozen in shock.

This can't be true, it can't be!! Connors not a murderer and I know for sure he wouldn't kill his very own Luna.

" These people are dangerous and you must contact me right away if you see them. If you can not reach me, contact my bête or third. Do not engage them. Is this all understood?" Says Alpha George.

The entire pack says yes and we are let out of the pack meeting room to go on with our day.

I walk next to my family. They all seem nervous by all these people and what they were arrested for.

It however, affects me even more given the fact one of those people is my mate.

I have to talk to him about this, I have to get the true story of what happened. I have to know if it's true.

I'm so scared it is, but I know it's not, well at least I hope it's not. He said it's not and I trust him.

I'm not sure I can wait till tonight to talk to him.

My wolf hasn't said a word since it was announced what he was arrested for.

I can tell she's very angry about them accusing him for a crime like that, and deep down I'm angry about it as well.

" Amber wait up!!" Called Tasha from behind me.

I turn and look at her. " Yes Tasha?"

" Do you want to hang out today? My family is still going on and on about that guy Connor killing the Luna and I'm getting annoyed of hearing it already." Says Tasha.

" Go ahead, there's not much to do today. Just stay in the backyard and in or sight." Says my dad.

I nod and we go to my house. She borrows some of my clothes and we go into the backyard to talk.

" So Amber. You still haven't told me who the guy is you've been hanging out with at night." Says Tasha.

My eyes go wide as she says that. I look at her. " You know you can tell me anything right?" Says Tasha.

' What do I do?' I think.

' She's our best friend. Tell her it's our mate you've been seeing at night. Tell her things about him, but do not tell her it's Connor.' Says my wolf.

I look at Tasha. " The guy I've been seeing is my mate."

She squeals in happiness and embraces me in a tight hug. " I knew it was your mate."

I grin. " Ok tell me everything about him. When you met him, his personality, everything." She says after she lets me go.

I have to come up with a fake name for him so I don't give him away.

" His name is Cooper." Hey why not go with a name that seems rather close to his. Or that starts with the same first letter.

" He's very sweet and very kind. I'm not ready to show him to anyone yet so we've been meeting in secret each night. I met him a couple nights ago." I say.

Her eyes go wide. " You met him on the night of the rogue attack didn't you?"

My eyes go wide again. " I knew it. That's why you were gone so long." She says.

I sigh and have no choice but to nod.

She hugs me again out of pure joy for me.

Soon enough she has to go home and I go inside to cook dinner.

We spent most of the day talking about many things. Because of the pack meeting we didn't have to go to school today.

Soon after I finished cooking my family and I were sitting down at the table eating.

My father is going on and on about why we need to stay out of the woods unless we go for a run with someone to protect us.

My brother is agreeing with him, but mom and I just remain quiet and eat.

Soon after we eat in go up to my room and lay on my bed.

I'm still shocked at what he got arrested for.

I'm so nervous to ask him about it tonight.

I almost don't want to ask him, but I have to know what really happened.

I want to make sure that he truly didn't do it. I want to make sure I'm right.

Around midnight my family was asleep as usual.

I rush out of bed and quietly make my way downstairs and out the back door.

I then rush to the woods. As soon as I make it to the woods I meet Connor there.

He seems a bit surprised by my rush to get there.

I quietly lead him as fast as I can to where he sleeps.

" Amber, what's going on? " says Connor.

I stop and look at him. " I know." I say.

He looks really confused. " You know what? Amber what's wrong?"

" Don't you understand Connor. I know." I say again.

His eyes go wide as he realizes what I mean.

He almost looks scared. " I didn't do it Amber. I swear." He says.

" Alpha George told the pack everyone why they had been arrested and said that they escaped, he even showed us when they looked like." I say.

Connor looks even more panicked at that.

" Connor. They said you killed the Luna." I say.

" I swear it's not true. I would never ever do that. You would know if I was lying. " He says.

' He's right.' Says my wolf.

" I believe you Connor. I know you didn't do it." I say.

" Really?" He asks.

I nod and the look on his face made smile. " I need you to tell me the entire story. Everything that happened and why you were arrested even though you didn't do it." I say.

He nods. " I swear, tonight there will be no more secrets. I will tell you everything." He says.

I walk forward and hug him tight. " Thank you Connor."

" Anything for you Amber." He says, hugging  me back.

I smile. We go and sit down by the tree.

I'm finally going to know everything that happened, and what the true story behind this is.

The best part is. I know that whatever he says will be true. He said no more secrets and I believe him.

" Ok, it's time to tell you the truth." He says.

Well, this should be very interesting.

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