Stan O' War

By MiracoloDiGigi

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By MiracoloDiGigi

From a young age, both Stanley and Stanford Pines dreamed of travelling around the world. The inseparable twins spent practically every second of their spare time adventuring, searching the beach in their hometown of Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey, for anything even remotely interesting. Treasure hunting. And, when they found the boat, which they later dubbed the Stan O' War, the dream of travelling had officially come into play. Despite Ford's intelligence, and Stan's ... personality, their dreams remained the same for years. Everything they did was for the sake of following their shared dream.

Neither twin would've thought said dream would be achieved through joining the army. fighting for their country during the second world war.

It all started while the two were walking home from school, pushing each other and screwing around on their walk. Propaganda posters were plastered on virtually everything and anything with some free space. 'ATTACK ON ALL FRONTS' was scrawled across one, while 'I WANT YOU FOR U.S. ARMY' was scrawled across another, with none other than Uncle Sam positioned above the words. They must've passed a thousand of them before they actually began to take notice of just how many there were. Their playful wrestling came to a stop, and they'd grown more serious, Stan being the first to speak up.

"I think I'm gonna enlist," Stan declared, proudly, before he glanced to his brother, who looked dumbfounded at what he'd just heard.

Stanford had never really considered enlisting. He was more focused on schooling - he'd decided recently to become a doctor. He'd already learned more than enough to be considered a qualified medic, thankfully, seeing he wasn't keen on letting his brother go out there on his own. Of course, there was no guarantee they'd be serving together in the same platoon, let alone the same company, but, he saw no harm in trying his luck. They could use more medics as it was.

"Looks like I'll be joining you, then." He stated, glancing to his brother as he did so, a smile growing upon his features. "I need to keep an eye on you, you knucklehead."

A grin quickly rose to Stanley's features, and he hooked an arm around his brother's shoulder's, pulling him into a playful headlock once more, laughing, "Wherever we go, we go together. Right, bro?" He'd have to keep an eye on the dork, one way or another, that was something he was already sure of.

A laugh escaped the smaller twin as he grasped his brother's forearm. "Yeah, yeah," He dismissed his words, playfully, "Now, let me go. We should get to the nearest recruitment office."

Stanley obliged, and he released his hold on his brother, but it didn't last long. He yanked his brother over into the recruitment office on their route home, practically dragging him inside. As to be expected, there was already a group of men gathered, many of which who hardly looked to be eighteen. The twins exchanged some nervous glances, but waited patiently in line. They gave the recruiting officers their information, and answered every question they were asked. Questions ranged for ones as simple as how old they were and when their birthdays were, to why they were enlisting, and whether they were willing to kill any Nazis. They were accepted almost without any hesitation from the recruiting officer, due to the dire need of men willing to fight overseas, and they were assigned to their training camps. Thankfully, both Stan and Ford were assigned to the same base. And, after celebrating their enlistment, the two rushed home to share the news with their parents.

And thus their adventure began.

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