Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

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Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
chapter 17- practice
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

chapter 4- smile

34.7K 503 69
By blackdust

hello sorry about the wait i was out of town no computer access! i hope you like this chapter! remember to tweet, comment and vote! all rights are to Stephanie meyer! and thanks to whitecrown for making my cover you rock!

Chapter 4-smile

***Amelia’s POV***

I woke up and leaned to my left. That’s weird aren’t I supposed to fall? I opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around my thoughts still hazy. Oh yeah I remember now. I’m at the Cullens. The Cullens house. Their residence. Their home. I sound so weird. Oh yeah Edward is a mind reader he can hear me. Hi Edward what’s up? Wait what if he isn’t here? I sound so stupid! I heard someone laugh. It sounded like Edward. So he is here. Hi again Edward. I heard footsteps. I wonder who is coming upstairs. The door opened it was Bella.

“Hi Bella good morning.” I said. That sounds weird. I haven’t said good morning to anyone probably ever.

“Good morning how are you?” she said

“I’m alright you?” I said this is weird I haven’t really had a conversation like this before.

“I’m fine Edward said you were awake so I thought I’ll check on you.” Bella said.

“So Edward is here I thought I did hear him laugh I wonder what about. And I’m fine well from what I know.” I said. I looked at my arm where Carlisle put the caste. “How long do I have to where this for?”

“I’m not sure I’ll go get Carlisle.” Bella said then she left the room. I started to sing in my head. 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive 6 7 8 9 10 then I let it go again why did you let it go?  Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? The littlest finger on my right. I finished that’s when the door opened Bella, Carlisle and Edward came in.

“So Amelia how are you?” Carlisle asked.

“I’m fine how are you?” I said.

“I’m fine as well.” He replied.

“How long do I have to have this on for?” I asked. It was starting to get annoying. Edward smiled.

“For a few days since you are half human and half vampire you age quickly so you would heal quickly.” He said.

“How bad am I?” I said.

“You have scars all over your body and you have a minor head injury. You are malnourished. When someone is malnourished they have had a lack of food so their tummy swells up. So you will have to eat something soon or you would die. And I had to give you a transfusion because you were down on 5 litres of blood.” Carlisle said.

“That don’t sound like me I feel completely fine.” I said. Then my head started to throb. Ow that hurts. I put my hand on my forehand. Carlisle lifted his eyebrow.

“And now my head is throbbing.” I said. Stupid head why did you have to throb? Edward smiled.

“You’ll be alright you’ll need something cold to put on it.” Carlisle said.

“My hands are cold.” I said.

“Really?” Carlisle said. He felt my hands then he felt my forehead. “How odd you hands are cold and you head is warm. It must have something to do with your circulatory system.” I nodded I have no idea what that means and I don’t want to.

“So Amelia have you let go of plan B?” Edward asked. Oh yeah plan B.

“Oh yeah thanks for reminding me.” I said I looked at the window it was open. Great I could make a run for it. Oh man I just told Edward my plan! I better not think anything. I continuously looked at the window then at the people in front of me.

“Edward! Why did you remind her!” Bella said.

“She would’ve remembered anyway.” Edward said. “Amelia.”

“Yes.” I said.

“Don’t even think about it.” He said.

“I’m thinking about I’ll just do it.” I said.

“Edward what’s going on?” Bella asked.

“She’s calculating her chances of leaving by jumping out of the window and making a run for it. I got to say the chances are good.” He said. Thank you so much for telling everyone my plan you probably get the area secured. Maybe I should starve myself to death. And again I just gave my plan to Edward. Why oh why did there have to be a mind reader?

“Don’t to that either.” Edward said.

“Do what?” Bella asked.

“Know she’s planning to starve herself to death.” Edward said. Bella looked horrified.

“Actually I was going to run away and starve myself.” I corrected. Bella looked even more horrified.

“How can you sit there and discuss your death?” Bella asked. I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe it’s just natural.

“Yesterday you said you were going to leave after you were all better.” Edward pointed out. Why did he have to remember that? I know vampires have excellent memory but couldn’t he just pretend to forget it?

“Please don’t go.” Bella pleaded.

“Fine I’ll go when I’m better.” I said. Everyone was silent. What a awkward silence. I’ll start singing again. 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught s fish alive 6 7 8 9 10 then I let it go again why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so-

“What are you singing?” Edward asked he looked slightly annoyed. I must be annoying him.

“Some nursery rhyme I sing it when I am bored. Is it annoying you?” I said.

“Yeah it was why I came up for the first place and to ask how you were.” He said. The dude finds it annoying hmm… I let the thought pass.

“So we will go and I would call Alice upstairs.” Carlisle said. They left the room 17 seconds later Alice came in. Well danced in.

“Hi Alice.” I said.

“Hi Amelia how are you?” she sang.

“I’m fine you?” I said.

“That doesn’t matter I’ve got the cutest outfit for you! You are going to love it!” she said. Something about that scares me before I could say anything I was out of the room. I was in the same room as yesterday. She showed me a top which had the sun on it and a pair of skinny jeans they were so skinny I’m not sure they’ll fit and she gave me a cardigan. It was similar to what she gave me yesterday. She went downstairs and I got changed. Cool the jeans do fit they are even loose! After I was changed I went downstairs. It was like everyone was waiting for me. I entered the lounge Max and Reneesme were talking about some ring they stopped when they saw me.

“Hello Amelia how are you?” Reneesme said.

“I’m fine how are you two?” I replied.

“I’m fine.” Reneesme said.

“Me too.” Max said.

“Amelia I like your clothes did Alice give them to you?”  Reneesme said. I nodded. Then Edward and Bella came in.

“What’s going on in here?” Bella asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I found this ring and I wanted to see whose it was.” Max said.

“Do you know whose it is?” Reneesme asked.

“Let’s see it.” Edward said. Reneesme gave the ring to Edward and he examined it I couldn’t see it properly because his hand was covering it.

“No I don’t. Bella I don’t think it is yours either.” Edward said he gave the ring to Bella then I saw it. It looked very familiar.

“I think that’s mine.” I said. I wasn’t sure I didn’t see it properly.

“Here you go then.” Bella said. She put it in my hand. I looked at it for a minute. It is mine. I recognized the red jewel in the middle and the other diamonds perched beside it. I placed it on my little finger on my right hand.

“Thank you for finding it I thought I had lost it.” I said to Max.

“I thought it was yours because I saw you wear it when you first came. It must have dropped off your finger.” Max said. I probably had.

“Your ring is nice was it a gift or did you find it…?” Reneesme said.

“My mother gave me.” I said.

“Oh it looks nice.” Reneesme said.

“Thanks I know I said I don’t like mother much but the ring is nice. I wouldn’t like to lose it.” I said.

“It looks nice on you.” Bella said. Then we had another awkward silence. I started to sing again. 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive 6 7 8 9 10 then I let it go again-

“Could you not sing that.” Edward said. He is annoyed. Cool.

“I never told you to listen to my thoughts.” I said.

“You are singing it is very hard to ignore!” he said. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I told you when I am bored I sing that to myself!” I said.

“Don’t get bored then.” Edward said.

“How can you not just get bored?” I asked.

“Occupy yourself.” He said.

“I’m occupying myself by singing!” I said. Edward let that go. That’s when Esme came in.

“Are you hungry sweetie?” she asked me.

“No I’m fine.” I said I was fine till my stomach growled. Everyone looked at me startled. “I’m hungry now.” Esme nodded and headed into the kitchen. We all went into the family room. The rest of them were there. I sat down on the sofa alone. Rosalie came and sat with me. Everyone looked at her startled.

“So Amelia are you alright?” she asked.

“I’m fine you?” I said. I don’t know how many times I’ve said that.

“I’m fine.” She said. Everyone now looked at her staggered. Weird.

“Why is everyone like freaked out?” I asked her.

“I don’t know.” She said. She gave me a dazzling smile. She looks so beautiful.

“She’s being nice.” Edward said.

“Is that something new for her?” I asked. From what I know she’s always been nice.

“Yes it is she only has a soft spot for Max because he is her son and sometimes Emmett.” Jasper said. Oh that’s why they are acting like that.

“Oh you know you are making that sound like a bad thing.” I said. They all shrugged.

“You look sad you know. You are making your outfit look sad as well” Rosalie said. I looked at her confused. “You are wearing the sun the sun is happy and you are sad.”

“Oh. I don’t feel sad.” I said. “Hey Jasper how do I feel?”

“You feel peaceful again. It’s soothing.” He said.

“Okay then I’ve got a question to ask you lot.” I said.

“Shoot.” Emmett said. Then Esme cam in with a plate.

“Shoot after you eat.” She said.

“Okay then.” I took the plate off Esme. It was hash browns and fried eggs. I winced Esme gave me a worried expression.

“You don’t like that?” she said.

“I like it but I don’t like wasting the food you give me.” I said.

“It doesn’t matter just eat what you can.” She said with a reassuring smile. I nodded. I picked up the fork and started to eat.

“Hey Eddie what was the question Amelia was going to ask?” Emmett said.

“My name is Edward not Eddie and she wasn’t thinking of the question her mind is on mute on the moment I don’t know how she does it.” Edward said. He looked annoyed probably because of his nickname. Eddie. That could be useful.

“You ca put your mind on mute? Cool how do you do that?” Emmett asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I think because for the three months that I was looking for you guys I wasn’t really thinking I just did stuff. And Edward why did you get annoyed when Emmett called you Eddie?” I said. I ate half of my food and I was full. Like yesterday Esme took the plate and gave me some juice. I had that and gave the glass back to Esme.

“I get annoyed because ‘Eddie’ isn’t my name.” Edward said. That’s it? Edward nodded.

“So what is your question?” Emmett asked.

“What happens to vampires in the sun? My mum said not to go in the sun. So I didn’t I traveled at nighttime.” I said.

“They sparkle.” Reneesme said.

“Come again?” I said. They sparkle so that’s what happened?

“Since vampire’s skin is kind of like stone it sparkles in the sun light. We’ll show you when it is sunny.” Reneesme said. “Alice is it going to be sunny today?” everyone looked at Alice. She was having a vision or something.

“Yes but only intervals later through.” Alice said. Everyone nodded. It was silent again. I started to sing dedicating the song to Edward. 1 2 3 4 5 once I caught a fish alive-

“Don’t start that please.” Edward said.

“What is she doing?” Jasper asked.

“Singing.” Edward said.

“Hey Amelia what are you singing?” Emmett asked.

“I’m not sure what it is called but it’s about someone getting bit by a fish on their right pinky.” I said.

“Sing it.” Jasper said.

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s annoys Edward that’s why.” Emmett said.

“I think it is better if I’m the only one annoying him.” I said.

“Please.” Alice said.

“No.” Alice gave me a heartbreaking expression.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Giving you the puppy dog face.” Alice said.

“It’s not working.” I said. Everyone looked at me shocked. What did I do now?

“No one can resist the puppy dog face.” Reneesme said.

“Oh well I can. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked.

“Good thing.” Bella said.

“It’s a bad thing!” Alice exclaimed.

“It is?” I asked.

“It’s a good thing because then Alice can’t get you to do stuff you don’t want to do.” Edward said.

“Cool.” I said. “Wait Alice makes you do things you don’t want to do? I mean I know she whiskes you away when she wants you to wear something or whatever. I beginning to think she is a clothes freak.”

“Yes she does she drags you on shopping trips and gives you makeovers and she doesn’t let you wear the same clothes twice. She is a tornado that doesn’t stop spinning.” Bella said.

“In a good way right?” Alice said.

“Yes in a good way.” Bella said. Something about the way she said that seemed reluctant.

“Oh that explains it.” I said I didn’t know what to say.

“So what time is it sunny?” Reneesme asked.

“Around one.” Alice said. She says that like she’s some kind of expert but then again she is a psychic.

*** At 12:58pm***

*** Reneesme’s POV***

I can’t wait to show Amelia how we vampires sparkle she’ll probably be shocked. I can’t wait. I looked at the clock two minutes left. Why can’t they happen faster!

“If you jump anymore you’ll fall off the couch.” Jacob said. Wait I’m jumping? I stopped myself before doing any damage. I leaned into Jacob’s chest.

“Why can’t time go faster? I’m really excited to show Amelia! By the way where is she now?” I said. I looked around the room hmm… I wonder where she is gone? Dad! Where is Amelia? I asked I’m happy I don’t have to open my mouth. Having your father as a mind reader is good at times. But there are times I don’t want him to hear stuff. My dad came in the room holding my mum’s hand. Amelia came in after them. I looked into her emerald green eyes they looked sad. She is always sad. I don’t think I have seen her smile. Amelia was sitting on her own on the sofa opposite us. She always sits on her own. She was looking at her ring. I looked at the clock it was one o’clock. Finally. I got up and stood in front of Amelia. She looked up at me with confused eyes.

“It’s one o’clock it’s time to show you what we do in sunlight.” I said. I grabbed her hand and she stood up.

“It’s not going to hurt is it?” she asked.

“No it isn’t if it did we wouldn’t show you.” I said. Aunt Alice came in the room then uncle Jasper followed.

“Come on everybody times a-wasting!” Aunt Alice sang. We all went into the front garden. The sun was still covered by clouds. We all stood in a straight line. Starting with Max and ending with Grandma. Jacob was standing next to Amelia on the porch. A few seconds later the clouds unveiled the sun. The sun shone on our skin and Amelia gasped with amazement. She got off the porch and stood in the sun. her skin was sparkling as well her skin was sparkling more then mine and Max’s which was weird because we are all half vampires.

“This is amazing I can’t believe my mum never told me this! I never knew we sparkled! I mean I know Reneesme told me but I never thought like this!” she said. She was amazed but she still wasn’t smiling. Everyone laughed at her outburst. “But then again it’s a good thing I still traveled at night because then everyone would see me and know I was different.” She was examining her skin touching it.

“You are amazed yet you aren’t smiling. You know I have never seen you smile I don’t think anyone has seen you.” I said. She looked at me and then shrugged and she still didn’t smile.

“C’mon smile be a good sport!” Uncle Emmett said. She looked at him and shrugged again. 

“C’mon!”  Aunt Alice said.

“Look like this!” uncle Jasper said and he smiled at her. The corners at her mouth twitched but she still didn’t smile.

“I’ll smile in my own time. It’s only a real smile when you mean it.” Amelia said which is true. Then everyone looked at her smiling Emmett was just about to approach her but she said

“Don’t even think about it!” everyone looked at her. “Don’t tickle me!”

“How did you know I was going to tickle you?” Uncle Emmett asked.

“I don’t know but had a feeling.” Amelia admitted.

“What do you mean have a feeling?” he asked. Amelia shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t say anything through and everyone seemed to have dropped it. Emmett walked up behind he was going to tickle her anyway and she broke into a sprint. Wow she is fast for a half vampire I didn’t even see her. I looked up to the roof she was standing there.

“Whoa how did you get there so fast?” I said. She shrugged her shoulders and said

“I am part vampire.” 

“But you’re fast for a half vampire I beginning to think you are faster than my dad and he is the fastest out of all of us.” I said.

“You can come down now.” Mum said. “Make sure you don’t fall off.”

“Emmett’s not going to tickle me is he?” she asked she probably doesn’t like people touching her.

“I’m not going to tickle you. I promise.” Uncle Emmett said. It didn’t sound like a promise. Amelia jumped down and stood next to mum.

“What’s the matter?” mum asked.

“I don’t trust his words.” Amelia said her voice was quiet.

“Neither do I just keep an eye out.” Mum said.

“Alice can you next time give me a top saying how I really feel?” Amelia asked.

“Like what?” Alice asked.

“Umm… Let me think about it.” Amelia replied.

“How about a top with a sad face on it?” Emmett said sarcastically. Amelia glared at him.

“Well you are quite peaceful. So um…” Uncle jasper said.

“How about ‘my life sucks what about yours?’” Amelia said she walked up to the porch and faced us, Jacob was standing next to me now.. She shot us a dazzling smile and then went in.

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