Uncaged Wolf; Untamed Witch

By mollysue

251K 11.6K 394

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Subject K41, also known as Kai Moonhowl, is fighting for his life. Three years ago he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 & Important Notice
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Anyone Want Sequel Information?

Chapter 28

6.1K 299 18
By mollysue

Here's chapter 28 and NO THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER :D So enjoy this chapter 28 and please vote, comment and share!! AND ENJOY GUYS :D Thanks!!!

Chapter 28


Tea’s POV-

Within a week, the whole kingdom was rebuilt as well as other people’s homes which were destroyed by the Wolfsbane. I got to watch as creatures of all different kinds worked together to rebuild the world and it was miraculous.

After I was able to completely convince Kai that I was alive, his whole village celebrated. I ended up staying there for a night and while there Kai tried to convince me to let us fully mate.

I said no.

I still have to talk to my parents about us…

I am now fully here and staying. The gods realized that I was, in fact, important to the prophecy. I needed to stay alive so Kai would stay alive. And I was okay with that.

Today is actually a special occasion.

It’s the crowning ceremony.

The castle had been the first thing rebuilt in the kingdom and then I ordered the royal guards to help the peasants rebuild their houses. My parents didn’t agree with my order but they can no longer overrule my command because today is my eighteenth birthday.

I sighed and looked around my room from where I sat on my bed. My room didn’t have to be rebuilt since Amnita had taken care of my room while I was gone.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.” I said.

The door opened and Amnita walked in with a tray.

“Hello princess. How’re you feelin’? I bet you’ve been missin’ your favorite food a yours, am I right?”

I smiled as she handed me the bowl of Mac ‘N’ Cheese that was on the tray. She sat down on the edge of my bed and watched me as I ate my food.

“So whatch you gonna do bout them crazy parents a yours?” She asked me quietly.

“Crazy parents?” I asked, looking down at my empty bowl.

“You know for a fact that them parents a yours ain’t gonna let you and that wolf be together. So. Whatch you gonna do bout it?”

I sighed and looked up at Amnita then back down at my bowl.

“What do you mean? I-I’m not going to do anything.” I stuttered.

“Mhm I’ll believe that when pigs learn to fly themselves from here to Timbuktu.”

I sighed and shrugged.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do Amnita. I can’t just tell them.”

“Well why not?”

I looked at her.

“It’s more complicated than that. You know my parents Amnita. They want me to get married to another wizard from a separate kingdom then this one.”

She shrugged.

“Change the rules.”

“I can’t do that either. Our customs are completely against it. No one of royalty can change the laws. Only a half-blood can.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes, standing up.

“Well Galatea you came back down to this place for somethin’ and I don’t think it’s ta just sit here while your man is in a totally different world than yours.”

I watched as Amnita left my room with my bowl and my mother walked in. She was wearing an elephantine dress and her hair was extremely poofy. I stared at her. She looked like a colossal marshmallow. She smiled at me and I choked on a laugh.

“Don’t you laugh at me Galatea Maverly!” She yelled.

I looked down at my lap and stifled my laughter. She waddled her way into my closet and looked around. Waddling back out, she put an awfully hideous dress on my bed.

“Wear that to the coronation tonight.” She said.

I didn’t respond.

“We invited everyone who was invited to your funeral and they all replied back with their answers.”

“How many are coming?” I asked curiously.

“Everyone.” She answered with a chuckle.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Was there someone on the list with the name of Kai?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Yes as a matter of a fact. Kai Moonhowl?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Do you know him?” She asked.

I shook my head no.

“I just…heard he didn’t come to my funeral.” I said.

She nodded.

“This is also a masquerade so wear the proper attire Galatea.”

I nodded and my mother came to me. She moved my bangs out of my face.

“It’s sad to see you becoming queen tonight with no king by your side. When I was your age-“

“I know mother.” I said.

She sighed and walked out of my room. I stared at the dress next to me on my bed and shook my head. Hell no am I wearing that thing! The gods can strike me down if they so choose to but I am not wearing that hideous dress. I quickly walked into my closet and found the lever to open the secret closet. I smiled when the door opened and a light turned on inside.

Time to get ready.

Kai’s POV-

I inhaled loudly as I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was wearing my father’s tux -the one he proposed to my mother in to be exact- and a black face mask hung on the edge of the mirror. My hair hung in my face, hiding my eyes from view and I smiled.

I am a sexy beast!


“Are you ready son?” My father asked from the door suddenly.

I turned towards him and shrugged.


He chuckled.

“You’ll be fine. You look great. Reminds me of myself when I was your age.” My father said, walking up to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I nodded.

“You know when I was your age wearing that same tuxedo I proposed to your mother. It was at her bridal party too.”

I looked at my dad.

“Her what?”

He chuckled.

“Back when I was a teenager women were not allowed to choose who they wanted to marry. Their parents would choose a suitable man for them and both that boy and girl’s parents would meet up and discuss the dowry price.”

“The dowry price dad? You mean women were bought?”

He nodded.

“Yep. And when the woman’s parents finally agreed on a price she was sold to the man and went to live with him and his family. But I had been watching your mother since we had been little children. When I told her parents, your grandparents, that I loved your mother they laughed at me. I didn’t have the money for the dowry price.”

“So what’d you do?”

“I showed up at her bridal party and confessed my love for her. It was a good thing she felt the same way too or her father would’ve killed me.”

I nodded slowly.

“So grandma and grandpa let you guys get married?” I asked.

He laughed and patted me on the back.

“Oh no. It wasn’t that easy Kai. I worked day and night so I could pay them the dowry price they wanted. Your mother had called off the wedding with the other guy and waited for me against her parents. I thank her for that every day.”

My mom appeared behind my dad and smiled.

“And if I hadn’t waited for your father you nor Alex would be here today.” She said.

I smiled and nodded.

“Five seconds of courage is what it took to do that son. Five seconds of stupid, crazy courage.”

“But it worked.” My mother pointed out.

My dad smiled at my mother as she came to his side.

“Go have fun kid.” My father said.

“Don’t do anything too stupid.” My mother suggested.

I smiled and grabbed the mask off the mirror. They both pushed me out of my room and out the front door. I stopped when I saw the sight in front of me. The whole village stood there, looking at me. Alex was in front of all of them and I smiled at my younger brother.

“We all came to wish you luck and bless you Kai.”

The crowd mumbled in agreement.

“Go get your girl.”

A carriage pulled up in front of the house and I looked at everyone, surprised.

“This is…probably the first time I’ve traveled anywhere without walking in…a long time.” I whispered, walking towards the carriage.

I climbed up the steps and when I sat down everyone started to cheer. I smiled and looked at my parents who were watching from the front porch. I watched as my brother got in the carriage and looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

“You think I’m gonna let you have all the fun surrounded by all those witches? Heck no!”

I laughed at him as we pulled out of the village.

“I thought you didn’t like witches?”

He shrugged.

“They’re exotic bro.”

I rolled my eyes at my brother and we both fell silent. I looked out my window and blinked a few times. Am I dreaming…? I watched as we pulled up to the castle and saw that there were carriages everywhere of all sorts. People were stepping out of them wearing all sorts of different attire. I could smell the stench of magic in the air and I felt like I was about to get a headache.

“Don’t think of the stench Kai.” Tea said in my head.

I smiled as I stepped out of the carriage and looked around. The rebuilt castle looked magnificent, a perfect fit for Tea. Alex and I walked inside and looked around. People below us were dancing and talking casually amongst each other. Tea’s parents, the king and queen, sat at their respective thrones as people from other kingdoms greeted them.

Alex and I walked down the stairs and I silently thanked the gods when we made it to the bottom without people staring at us or noticing we were werewolves.

“Dude I’ll be back. I’ve got my eye on something good.” Alex said and disappeared.

I watched as he walked towards a group of girls and rolled my eyes. I smiled when I heard someone step behind me and then an arm wrapped itself around my shoulder.

“Hello Kai.”

I turned to the right and looked at Zin.

“Hey Z what’s been happening?” I asked.

I turned towards him and we had ourselves a man hug.

“Dude you will not believe what happened after you left.” Zin said excitedly after our man hug.


Just then Maggie appeared. Literally she randomly poofed herself next to Zin.

“Hi Kai.”

I smiled at Maggie.


Then I froze as a realization hit me.

“No way.”

They both nodded and I patted Zin on the back.

“Congrats Z! You beat me to it. Tea doesn’t want us to fully mate until she talks to you know who.” I said.

He laughed.

“That reminds me. Kai she’s missed you like crazy this past week. While everyone was planning the coronation she’s been hiding in her room staring at her ceiling and that picture I took of you two.”

“Where is she?” I asked, looking around.

“She’s getting ready now.”

I stopped looking around and looked at Zin.

“Watch.” He said, pointing towards the king and queen.

All three of us watched as they started whispering to one another. My acute ears allowed me to pick up their conversation and understand what was going on.

“Where is that girl?” The king growled.

The queen sighed and stood up.

“I will go and hurry her up. She’s probably just adding the last touches to her makeup. You know how she is.”

“She’s going to get Tea.” I told Zin and Maggie.

“Be prepared to hear their war. Tea hates being interrupted while getting ready for parties.”

Zin handed me a cup with something red in it and I watched as the queen walked up the stairs. All three of us watched in silence and suddenly a trumpet started playing. Everyone turned towards the stairs and I followed suit. The queen came rushing down the stairs and everyone got quiet as Galatea entered the room. My jaw about hit the floor.

Tea’s POV-

I smiled when I got to the stairs before my mother was able to tell me to go back and put on the dress she wanted me to wear.

“What are you wearing? That’s not what I gave you!” She scolded as I walked down the last few steps until I was to the balcony area above the ballroom where everyone could see us.

I didn’t answer my mother and she huffed before running back down the stairs. The guards around me made me stop and Phillip turned around from his spot in front of me.

“Mom and dad are gonna be pissed.” He whispered.

“Does it look like I care? After tonight there is nothing they can do about anything.” I whispered back.

“They can still have Kai executed.” He whispered.

I held my chin up higher and stared straight ahead.

“Let me deal with that when the time comes Phillip.” I whispered.

The sound of trumpets continued playing and Phillip walked forward, disappearing from my view as he walked down the stairs.

“Go princess.” One of the guards behind me whispered.

I swallowed down my nervousness and walked out onto the little balcony. Down below me, the whole kingdom stood silently waiting. Everyone’s eyes were on me and I almost turned around. I searched the crowd as I walked down the stairs slowly, looking for any familiar faces.

I found Alex, Kai’s brother against one of the walls around a group of five girls. Looking around some more I found prince Duke surrounded by a bunch of his manwhore friends and some of the sluttier girls here in my kingdom.

I rolled my eyes at them.

I continued looking around as I neared the bottom of the steps but couldn’t find the three people I was looking for. I landed on the floor silently and my arrival was announced. People clapped around me as I walked up to my parents. I curtsied at them to pay my respects and they tilted their heads to me. Smiling, I turned around towards the crowd who watched us.

“Let the festivities begin.” I announced and everyone cheered.

As people started to chatter with one another again I sighed in relief only to freeze as people started to come up to me to talk. It was all a blur as men and women from all over the world came up to me to talk to me about future meetings and such. This went on for, what felt like, hours and hours until I was finally freed from the torture of political gossip.

“And now ladies and gentlemen the King and Queen’s waltz!”

I looked around the room as I was slowly pushed into the center of the ballroom to dance. I sighed as the one person I’ve been trying to avoid walked up to me as the waltz started.

“Hello princess.” Duke whispered to me.

I avoided looking at him as his hands tightened on me. I looked at him evilly.

“Hello prince Duke.” I whispered quietly.

He smiled at me.

“How have you been? I heard from multiple people that you’ve been very busy lately. Rising from the dead, fighting in a war, banging werewolves…”

I faked a smile at Duke.

“Oh you don’t believe words out of other people’s mouths now do you?”

He chuckled and I inhaled as his hand slid lower down my back. If I wasn’t around so many people I’d knee him in the balls right now but seeing as how that wouldn’t go well with my parents…

“Of course not princess.”

I gritted my teeth to keep my mouth shut. Just then the part came for the spin and I was glad to be getting away from Duke. I spun out of his arms and was caught by a pair of strong arms.

“I got you.”

I smiled to myself as the person turned me around so we were now face to face.

“Hello stranger.” I whispered.

He smiled at me and his eyes shined behind his mask.

“Hello princess. Fine evening tonight is it not?” He asked me.

I nodded thoughtfully.

“It is now.”

We both smiled and continued to dance in silence. After a few minutes I asked him a question that I’ve been meaning to ask for quite some time now.

“Can I ask where you learned this dance? Seeing as how it is not from where you come from.”

He chuckled and looked somewhere over my shoulder.

“Let’s just say a certain wizard taught it to me while we were incarcerated.”

We spun around and I saw Zin and Maggie watching us with smiles on their faces. I couldn’t help but laugh when they waved at me.

“Zin taught you huh?”

Kai nodded at me and smiled.

“Yeah. We had nothing better to do and some wizard had an instrument in his cell and started to play it and well….I ended up getting a dance lesson.”

I giggled to myself and the music stopped. Kai took a step back, making sure to keep ahold of my right hand. He bowed and I curtsied. When I stood up he stayed down and pressed his lips to the back of my hand.

“Thank you princess for that dance.” He whispered.

“The pleasure is all mine sir.” I whispered back.

He smiled at me as he stood up, not letting go of my hand. I wrapped my hand through his and dragged him towards the doors that were open that led outside. I glanced at my parents and saw them watching us. My father went to get up but I watched my mother stop him with a smile on her face.

“Let them go. Maybe he’s the prince we’ve been looking for.” She whispered.

I smiled and thought about how they were in for a rude awakening when they found out exactly who this guy was. I dragged Kai through a maze of shrubs until we got to the garden area. There was a waterfall that filled up a pond and I led him behind this waterfall so we could be alone. When we got behind it I turned around so we were face to face, chest to chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. He lifted my mask off of my face and removed his own, tucking them in his coat pocket.

“I’ve missed you.” He whispered.

I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his. He smiled down at me when I pulled away.

“Even in heels you have to stand on your tip toes to kiss me.”

I rolled my eyes at him and he pressed his lips down to mine. As anyone can already tell, we missed each other.

A lot.

I automatically granted him access when he bit down on my bottom lip and I could feel his chest rumble underneath my hands which now sat on his chest. Our tongues danced together as the kiss went from passionate to intense in a few seconds. Kai’s hands slid down from my waist to my hips and then down to my butt. I pulled away then so we both could get some air. We breathed heavily, both of us smiling.

“God did I miss you.” He whispered, resting his forehead on mine.

“I know.” I whispered.

We were both silent as we tried to calm our breathing and our pounding hearts.

“When are you going to talk to them?” Kai whispered after a while.

I sighed and pulled away from him. I looked away from him.

“I don’t know.” I whispered.

He touched my arm gently and I looked at him. His eyes were softer than normal.

“After the crowning?” He whispered.

I nodded.

“That’s when I planned on it. When I give my speech about how I’m going to be a great queen and etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.”

He smiled and nodded. Just then trumpets started playing in the castle. I looked at Kai with wide eyes.

“The ceremony. It’s starting!”

He chuckled and grabbed my hand.

“Come on princess. You can’t be late for your own crowning ceremony can you?”

I rolled my eyes and he handed me my mask. We slipped on our masks before he grabbed my hand and dragged me back inside. When people noticed me they moved out of my way and I walked towards my parents who were now standing in front of their thrones. I looked at them both, curtsying to them both.

“Ladies and gentlemen please join us in a moment of silence as we pray for the king and queen and the princess.” Someone announced.

I was about to add to the announcer’s prayer all of the people who died in the past few days and their families but found my mother watching me like a hawk. I held my tongue.

After a minute the announcer started to speak again.

“As we go about our ceremony tonight please keep your voices down.” He said, making some people chuckle.

“Let the ceremony begin!”

Everyone went silent as I walked up the two steps so I was standing directly in front of my parents. I got down on one knee and watched as my mother picked up a small crown that had been sitting next to her. She held onto it as my father spoke.

“Princess Galatea, do you take this crown, to wear in honor of your heritage, to honor your people and to honor your family?”

“I do.” I answered.

“And do you promise to protect our lands, keep our people safe from harm and treat other kingdoms fairly?”

I looked up to my father.

“I do.”

“Do you swear to be honest in all decisions made affecting the kingdom, its people and yourself?”

“I do.”

“Do you promise to wear this crown with honor, dignity and pride?”

“I do.” I whispered.

My father took the crown from my mother and put it over my head.

“I, king of Maverly kingdom herby decree the new queen as Galatea Maverly.” He said, placing the crown on my head.

“You may rise.”

I slowly stood up and turned around. A full, powerful feeling surged through my body and I looked around at everyone standing in front of me. The mixture of all these people from all different kingdoms, all different lands. Even the staff of the castle had stopped what they were doing to watch me.

A shiver slid down my spine at the excitement.

“I give you, queen of the kingdom.”

Everyone started clapping and I smiled. I looked over at Kai to see that he was with Zin, Maggie, Alex, Phillip and Jackie. They all cheered loudly and I started to blush. I turned around to see that there was only one chair behind me now and neither of my parents stood behind me anymore. They were both off to the side, no longer wearing crowns. I sat down in the throne behind me and people slowly got quiet.

“Speech!!” Someone yelled, causing me to blush.

I knew it was Zin who had yelled that and he was gonna get it later. I swallowed and looked around at all the people waiting for me to speak.

“Well….hello.” I said.

People started chuckling and I swallowed again.

“I’m not exactly good at speeches or talking outloud like this in general but um…”

Everyone was watching me carefully.

“I know that…well everyone’s heard some type of story about what’s happened to me in these past few weeks and to start with let me inform you that Gregory is dead. He was killed during the war.”

I looked around to see that everyone was hanging onto my words as if they were golden.

“Another thing…well everyone knows that I was brought back to life but no one seems to know why.”

People started whispering then and I looked around for Kai.

“Let me explain. There was this prophecy that was told to me by my grandmother. It was about a witch and a werewolf who would save the world from the Wolfsbane. The prophecy was mainly for the werewolf. I played only a minor part in the prophecy.”

Everyone was now talking quite loudly and I stood up. Everyone got quiet then.

“I know most of you think I am going crazy, talking about a werewolf being important to us right? Well I’m sad to inform you that you are all terribly wrong. This werewolf killed Gregory himself and for that we all owe him our lives.”

People started whispering again and I glanced back at my parents. I sat back down at my throne which caused everyone to fall silent.

“Many of you feel that I have disgraced my family becoming queen without a king by my side.” I said, looking at the empty throne to my right.

“You all want me to marry someone who is not meant to be with me. None of the men you’ve tried to force onto me is my mate and I know this because I’ve already found him.”

People started whispering again and I glanced at my parents. They froze where they stood, shocked.

“The problem is I cannot introduce any of you to him.”

Everyone fell silent.

“Why not?” My mother asked from where she stood.

I looked towards my parents.

“Because it is forbidden.” I whispered.

My parents looked at me curiously.

“Introduce us to him Galatea. Now.” My father growled.

I looked around and just then a figure pushed their way through the crowd. Everyone watched as Kai stepped forward. He took off his mask and people gasped.

“Who is he?” My mom asked.

“Kai Moonhowl. My mate.” I said.

My parents stared at him for a moment.

“That name…you’re a werewolf aren’t you boy?” My father said.

Kai nodded.

“Yes sir.”

People started talking loudly.

“Silence!” I yelled.

Everything went quiet again.

“Who is your father?”

“Alpha sir.” Kai answered.

My mother gasped and my father started to laugh. Kai and I looked at each other questioningly and my father walked towards me. He put his hands on my shoulders.

“Galatea do not fret over the fact that your mate is a werewolf. This was meant to be.”

Kai stepped towards us.

“It was?” We both asked.

My father nodded.

“My mother, your grandmother had told me of this prophecy, telling me that it was you who would fulfill it and the Alpha’s first son. It was luck that your father and I are friends. We went to school together as teenagers. When I told him of the prophecy we both agreed not to tell you guys about it until we felt you were ready. You two had other ideas.” He said looking at Kai and I.

“It turned out fate had something better in mind when it threw you two together way before either of us had planned. We also knew that you two would end up together. That’s what both of your guys’ training was based off of. That prophecy.”

Kai and I stared at my father in shock.

“I thought you didn’t believe in the prophecy. It was just poppycock.” I said.

He nodded.

“I had to distract you from it some way or another until the time was right to tell you about it.”

Kai and I were both silent.

“You two are meant to be together no matter what the laws say. The only problem you two face now is that Kai can’t stay here. He is Alpha of his pack now. And you Galatea must stay here and lead the kingdom.”

Kai and I looked at each other. My father walked away from us and Kai grabbed ahold of my hand.

“Your father is right Tea.” Kai whispered.

I looked at him.

“We can’t be together.”

My heart felt like it was going to break.

“How are we going to do this?” I asked.

We all went silent.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Let us allow the queen to speak to Mr. Moonhowl in peace!” My father yelled.

Everyone slowly went back to what they were doing as the music started playing. Kai grabbed my hand and pulled me back outside until we got to the waterfall.

“Galatea remember how you always said you wanted people to become one? Everyone, werewolves, witches, wizards, everyone?”

I nodded at Kai.

“Yes I remember.”

“Do you still want that?” He whispered as he grabbed ahold of my hands.

I looked at him curiously as I tried to figure out what he was getting at.

“Well yes of course I do I mean…that would cause so much more peace and a lot less fighting.”

“This is our chance.” He whispered.

I tilted my head to the side.

“Don’t you see? I’m Alpha and you queen Tea. How do most countries solve a war between two kings?”

I looked up at Kai.

“Well normally the king will send his eldest daughter to be married to the other king’s eldest son kind of like a peace offering and oh my gods.”

I finally understood.

“Tea we could become like a team. Both of us would rule over my pack and your kingdom together.”

I smiled.

“That’s genius Kai!”

He lifted me up and spun me around a few times before setting me on my feet.

“So is that a yes?”

“A yes to what?” I asked, confused.

Kai chuckled and rolled his eyes.

“To us getting married.” He whispered.

I stopped for a second.

“Seriously…?” I whispered.

He nodded slowly and I could see he was starting to panic.

“I mean it doesn’t have to be immediate but…”

“I’m too young to get married!” I yelled.

He took a few steps away from me, looking hurt. I smiled at him and grabbed his tie, pulling him to me so we were chest to chest.

“Just kidding.” I whispered before pressing my lips his.

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