Heart Under Construction

By iamjanessaelliot

628K 19.9K 3K

After Shay THINKS things are finally cut off with her abusive/obsessive boyfriend Dante of 3 miserable years... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
:) Part 2

Chapter 42

10.3K 409 173
By iamjanessaelliot

Updating early because I'm nice lol 😇 and it was one of my boo's birthday's on the 11th... Yassss

Y'all should message me. I love talking to my readers .

Feel free to comment anything y'all :). Y'all so cute with y'all comments :).

Carter POV
*Next Day*

I woke up in a panic after having a dream about Shay.

I quickly looked around while sitting up in my bed as I breathed hard with my bare upper body remaining soaked in cold sweat.

I put my hands over my face stressfully.

I quickly grew very frustrated.... Remembering that my nightmare was basically my actual reality.

Trying to relieve my anger, I grabbed the numerous pillows that were hidden under my thick blankets that represented me holding Shay, before I roughly threw them against the far wall.

I didn't want stupidass mothafuckin pillows.... I wanted her.

I let out a harsh breath.

I threw the covers completely off just before I stood up and walked out of my room in my basketball shorts, almost furiously.

I was about to briefly grab a jacket and shoes to go see her before I quickly remembered that Shay didn't want me anymore.

The guilt was eating me alive

The fact the she forgave me and even texted me back, when I was blowing up her phone the SAME night that I was trippin when I was worried about her after telling her I was in the streets.... Blew my mind.

And to know that I was getting oral sex from a fuckin hoe like a dumbass nigga when she was getting severely abused by the person who haunted her mentally and physically for years.... Hurt me.

AND the premonition I had in my sleep months before, made it even worse if it was even possible.

Words couldn't explain how bad I wanted her back.

It's not like she would just be my 'girlfriend' if we got back together... She and I both knew that if we got back together....

We were getting married.

And I also think that's why she was pushing me away even more was because of that.

I breathed out and slowed down my steps and movements as I looked at my keys in the bowl before the framed picture on the counter of Shay and I at her graduation.... It was one of the many presents she got me for my birthday.

We were so happy together...

As I admired us together... I realized I could see small rays of light, making it about 5:30 in the morning.

I was going to check into another hotel to be able to see her sooner, in a couple of hours anyways when I went to her hotel.

Ky and I were getting rooms at another hotel next to hers just so we could be close by.

I only got almost 5 hours of sleep but that's the most I've gotten in months.

I breathed out as I peeled my eyes away from the image.

With my forarms, I leaned against my cold, thick front door with my head down low.

I slowly ran my right hand down my face as I let out a sad breath.

I knew forsure that I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep.

This was my usual.

Shay POV
*11:36 a.m.*

I used all the muscles in my hand to try to show the lady I was ready to get my wrist cast off.

I was currently at physical therapy and Miss Rhonda was the lady that determined things like this in the Orthopedic clinic, which was attached to the physical therapy building.

She examined it for awhile as she precisely told me how and what to move while she looked at it and held it a couple times.

After that, I was waiting with my physical therapist Mike and Zechariah for her to determine if I could get it off now while she wrote some thing.

Seconds later, she was on her clipboard writing something while I eagerly sat ontop of the parchment paper before she looked up at me.

"You still have a couple more days honey" she said to me.

I let out a "held-in" breath.


I looked up at her.

"Thank you Miss Rhonda" I said smiling to her while holding my good hand out to her before she shook my it while smiling.

"Anytime sweetie" she said with a warm smile that softened my mood up.

I readjusted my sling before I stood up slowly with the help of Zechariah.

I feel like my chest is healing but just slowly.

For the most part, I think I was healing pretty well for someone who had the injuries of a high speed car crash.

I was still so tired and sore from physical therapy that I just wanted to sleep for the rest of the day.... But at the same time that's not saying much because I get tired so fast since my body is so weak and sore right now.

I said bye to Mike and everybody else at the clinic before Z and I slowly walked to Alisha's car.

Z and Alisha switched cars before she went to work earlier today so I could get in the car easier since Zechariah's Jeep, including my own car... seems to be a million feet in the air when it comes time to getting in and out of it.

But I feel like I'll be able to get in and out of it within my next couple of physical therapy sessions.

I just believe in myself like that.

I currently had on one of my old basketball warm up long sleeves and comfortable grey sweatpants.

Zechariah... Being my super concerned baby that he is.... Came to my side to make sure I didn't hit anything when he helped get in the car easy and smoothly.

Once I got settled, I was too tired to put my seat belt on and it was on my left side which was my bad side so I couldn't try even if I wanted to.

I breathed out as he gently and carefully put the seatbelt on me.

It was so frustrating to not be able to do anything for myself.

I couldn't even sleep by myself....

I had a nightmare last night and Alisha had to wake me up out of it

I breathed out at the thought as he walked around the car and to his door.

We eventually got back to the hotel and Zechariah was going to place my zip up on me before I got out so I could put my hoodie on like usual but I decided against it for this one time because I was suddenly getting hot and I didn't want to hide my face anymore.

Ky was waiting for me because today was the day that he was visiting me for a place other than the hospital.

He texted me earlier telling me that he would be waiting in the hotel lobby but not to rush.

I was extremely tired but I was too excited to see my brother

We got out and it was sunny but had a gust if cold wind... making chills go through my body.

I shivered and slowly went inside to the lobby with Zechariah.

My face was still healing with butterfly bandages... I was skeptical but it was a hour when everybody was still getting up so their was almost nobody around.... Thankfully.

I walked through the sliding glass hotel doors as fast as I could.... excited.

I see Ky in the distance sitting in a chair, looking in the opposite direction from me at the waterfall.

I squealed excited to see him and he must have heard me because he looked in my direction.

He grinned and got up as he headed over to my direction.

"Wassup sis" he said smiling once he got to me and gave me a big yet gentle, brotherly hug.

"I missed you" I said smiling into him as we hugged.

"I missed yo loud, goofy self too" he said chuckling as we separated.

I gasped and pushed my hand in his chest playfully.

He continued to laugh his goofy laugh while he greeted Zechariah.

I studied him for a second as he did that.

Alisha and Ky were in love with eachother.

I couldn't wait until they were happily together... I couldn't help but continue to smile.

At least they were gonna be happy. Fuck what everybody else was talking about.

Zechariah told me he would be up in the hotel room if I needed him so we could have a little something in the cafe section of the hotel to finally catch up.

Even though I couldn't really eat anything besides my strict diet the physician put me on, I still wanted to go.

We sat down and started talking about everything like we always did before all this bad stuff happened.

He talked about how proud of me he was for getting through this along with everything else I have been through and dealing with. He also spoke about how he admired me as a person.

We had a meaningful, deep heart to heart in all around both sides of us.

Their were a lot of points in our long conversation where it consisted of fighting back tears... I could easily tell that he was a changed person but he was still his same goofy self.

"Sis..... I know you don't want to talk about it but Carter...." He began before he started shaking his head to himself at our sad situation.

My heart softened even more at the sound of his name.

I looked down in sadness.

I knew I was in love with him way before I kissed him... The kiss was just confirmation.

I cleared my throat along with my loving thoughts of Carter.

"It's nothing Ky" I spoke softly.... My voice full of sadness with no eye contact as I played with my straw in my glass of lemon water.

He breathed out before sitting back up in his chair.

"I don't want to lecture you or make you feel bad because you already know how I am... but I'm pretty sure you have an idea of what he's going through without you in his life. I'm not saying to think about him through all this because I can't even imagine what your going through but just think about how much happier you would be with him here with you..." he said seriously before he sipped his iced sprite.

I scrunched my eyebrows a little as I looked down.

I didn't like to talk about him.

It just made my heart even more sore when other people talked about him... To me or not.

"And we're in the hotel on Santero Blvd. Room 512 is mine and Room 518 is his.... if you decide to or just want to hang out" he encouraged.

I let out a soft breath.

"You and Alisha keep telling me the same thing" I said with a small smile at how alike they were when it came to certain things as I studied his body language.

I could visibly see the look of pain and heartbreak in his eyes as his body slightly shivered with goosebumps at the sound of their names being spoken together.

He was trying to look away from me.

"It's okay" I said as I grabbed his hand.

He sniffed and cleared his throat.

I knew and was glad that he wasn't scared to show his deep emotion or how he truly felt with me...

Alisha POV
*4:17 p.m.*

I walked through the hotel with my purse and my white pencil skirt on along with grey business shirt and heels.

I was so tired from work.

Now it was time to help Shay bathe and give her her medication along with getting her food ready for her.

She was supposed to be with Ky in the cafe but Zechariah said he was going down the lobby to get her so I wouldn't have to see Ky, which was a HUGE relief.

I didn't feel like I was emotionally ready to see him.

I was going to check the cafe just in case even though I doubted they were still in there.

I looked in the cafe briefly as I walked and seen Shay sitting across from Ky.

I immediately got nervous and my heart sank. I backed away from all the glass windows and the see through entrance to the cafe.

I quickly looked over and Zechariah was walking out of the elevator.

I know it's childish but I was gonna act like I was on the phone so I didn't have to deal with him.... I wasn't ready to.

I couldn't help but look back at Ky and stare at him as he smiled at Shay while she talked to him.

Thank goodness their was a lot of people roaming around or else he would've seen me.

I could only see him from the side but of course he was looking sexy as hell and stunningly handsome as usual.

My stomach had butterflies roaming freely all over as my heart jumped around.

"Relax.... Go talk to him" I heard Zechariah gently say next to me as I continued to stare at my future.

Seeing him made me want to cry for some reason....

"Go get her" I whispered back as I continued to stare at Ky's handsome face.

Seeing him there and realizing how bad I jeopardized our relationship made me feel some type of way.

What I had done to us was my fault.

Instead of pretending to be on the phone I called my brother, Terez.

He answered as I walked about 25 feet away from the entrance of the cafe and stood against a wall next to water fountains. People were walking inbetween me and the cafe so he would be able to see me.

I cleared my through as I started to talk to one of my baby brothers to calm myself down as I could see movement from the cafe in my side view.

After a couple minutes of talking to my brother, I couldn't help but start to get teary eyed.

I was scared... But I wasn't going to deny for not one second that I wanted to be with him.

This was the first time seeing him ever since I realized exactly how in love with him I was... So seeing him was just unbearably overwhelming me with emotion.

I took a glance at them to see a very attractive female trying to get at Ky.

From a distance, I seen him very respectfully shut her down.

"Wow" I said to myself at how loyal he was being even though we weren't even necessarily on 'speaking terms'.

He has always been a very loyal person but the way I did him and how he was still not even talking to other females, reminded me how much he cared.

I tried to clear the tears in my eyes.

I seen Zechariah and Shay walking to the entrance with Ky next to them smiling as he joked with them.

My brother was on the other line talking to me as I tried my hardest to listen and not panic because I felt like they were coming over here.

I looked straight ahead at the small waterfall as I heard them laughing together.

I continued to listen to my brother as I seen Shay and Zechariah beginning to walk towards the elevator.

I decided to take one last glance as the tears finally fell down my face.

I turned my head to see walking away with his hands in his pockets....

It made chills run down my spine to watch how he carried himself so differently.

He really was in love with me the way he told me he was.

I gently sucked my lips in and tried my hardest not to scrunch my eyebrows a little as I looked down before completely turning away from him and back at the waterfall as the tears continued to fall.

I still wanted to wait until Friday to tell him I felt the same but until then, I was waiting until the time was right.

Seconds later I was about to take one last look at him, when I looked...

He was gone.

Attempting to get it together, I breathed out as I wiped my face and sniffed...

I looked at him so differently now....

Everything made sense.

All those things he was doing and saying... his actions towards me and the way he looked at me changed.

I remembered all the times when I would catch him looking at me with a certain look in his eyes.

I could never fully pinpoint what it was for some reason but now I knew exactly what it was....


Shay POV

Z was in the bathroom when I got settled in the room on the couch when Alisha came in.

She was sniffing and she wasn't on her phone anymore.

She was probably talking to one of her parents or brothers.

I knew why she was... They are all very good people to call when you need some advice or comfort, when your crying and just to talk to in general.

I instantly felt really bad.

I knew she seen Ky... even if it was from a distance and it was clear that that did something to her.

They haven't seen eachother in so long and I know they be trying to push their feelings to the side.... So to see eachother again must have brought everything back up to the very top surface.

I seen the way Alisha was looking at Ky...

I seen the look in Ky's eyes when I said her name...

They just need to be together already...

She wouldn't be crying the way that she was if she didn't see Ky.

I studied Alisha as she put her purse down on the counter next to the door while taking her heels off. She briefly sniffed and spoke with no eye contact as she went into the refrigerator.

"What do you want for dinner honeybun?" She spoke softly to me.

I picked my phone up with a plan.

"Hold on, come here I have to show you this new app I got" I said to her so she would come to me.

She closed the refrigerator and headed to me... Trying to act like the aftermath of her crying was nothin.

As she came over to me, she was looking at the ground... Trying to hide her watery eyes from me.

The lamp was behind the couch so that intensified how she was trying to hide from me even more.

I put my phone down and grabbed her arm gently.

She looked up at me.

"Come here" I said softly to her.

Seconds later, she exaggerated her bottom lip out as water built up in her eyes quickly.

She was shuttering.

She already knew she wasn't going to be able to stop her tears... that's why she stuck her bottom lip out.

She put her lip back in and sat down next to me on my good side with her head carefully in my neck as she wrapped her arm around my stomach as she cried with her legs under her.

It sucked that I could only hold her with one arm but Z came out of the bathroom and already knew what had happened.

He sat down next to her and rubbed her back soothingly... so it made up for me not being able to hold her the way I wanted to.

I held her the best I could as she softly cried.

"It's gonna be okay.... You guys will be fine and happy soon" I encouraged gently to her.

After we had our long moment, I ate my healthy dinner and now it was time for my shower.

I stripped down naked with the help of Alisha and got in the shower.

I stood in the tub as she helped me wash my body.

It was very frustrating and depressing to not be able to do anything by myself now.

Her seeing all my scars, cuts, bruises and marks left a painful personal mark inside of her and on her face.

She felt so bad for me and couldn't help it.

I didn't like her to feel bad for me but it's completely understandable for her or even a stranger to feel that way though...

It made me feel even more bad that she had to see my naked, abused body because I mean we are basically sisters.... I didn't want her to see me at such a low point but I didn't have a choice.

After my shower, she dried me off, cleaned my cuts and scrapes... After changing the butterfly bandages on my face, she lathered me in a medically safe lotion. I couldn't use regular lotion because it would throw my healing process and body off... I ain't gonna lie though, this prescription lotion made me beyond soft... It just didn't have a smell.

Alisha than carefully placed my vest back on and put warm, comfy clothes on me before redoing my bun.

I was so tired and comfy but something was telling me to take my usual night walk around the hotel.

I just love the safari theme and waterfall of the hotel.

"Hey I'm going to go on a walk" I said to her.

"What?" She said tiredly as she put my fuzzy socks on my feet.

"I want to take my night walk before I go to sleep" I said softly to her.

She stood up and breathed out.

"You don't want me to go with you this time?" She asked looking at me.

I could tell she was even more exhausted after all this loving, patient and gentle care she was giving me.

"No. I need you to take you a long shower and relax for awhile" I said smiling.

She giggled a little.

"Girl...." She trailed off.

"Are you sure? I don't wa-" I cut her worried words off.

"I'll be fine. I'll be right back" I said as I encouraged her with a smile.

We debated on it for about 15-20 before I won.

I think she was too tired to argue but she gave in because I explained to her and she already knew, how I felt like a baby. Everybody was doing everything for me, I had to be watched, etc.

... So she gave in. Surprisingly to be honest.

"Okay" she said with worry in her eyes.

"I'll be fineeeee" I sang softly to her, making her smile.

"Okay here" she said before went to her purse before coming bsck.

She put a pepper spray keychain and a room key for me in my pockets.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ohmygosh" I giggled.

"Okay" she said smiling. "Come on".

She walked me to the door and gave me directions, tips and other essentials she felt that I needed.

I laughed as we stepped out of the room.

"Okay okay okay. I'm only going to be down there with all those people surrounding me so I'll be okay" I spoke as I pointed to the lobby.

Their were multiple people walking around that just checked in.

She breathed out. "Okay" she said sad.

I kissed her cheek and hugged her.

"Thank you.... For everything" I said seriously as I hugged her.

I heard her sniff.

"Awwee your welcome sissy.... Girl you gone get me goin again" she said with a laugh before we separated.

I laughed a little.

"Okay I'll be back" I said as I started slowly walking away.

"Ight boo..... Yassss witcho fineass" I heard her say.

I giggled and shook my head before I stepped into the empty elevator.

As I waited to get down all the floors... I played with the lining of my sling.

I had on Laker pajama pants and Uggs on with my thick long sleeve... My hair was up in a bun.

I went down to the lobby and began to slowly walk around as my mind wondered.

After about 20 minutes of me continuing to slowly train my body to be active again.... I seen him waiting for me at the lobby...

Carter was waiting for me.

He was already looking at me when I seen him.

He had on a tux with my all-time favorite flowers in his hands... Looking as handsome as ever.

It was like, if it was possible, my heart broke all over again.

I breathed out as I slowly turned around and headed towards the elevator that was atleast 100 feet away.


It's not like I could speed up without hurting my chest badly.

I heard his footsteps coming towards me.

"Baby...." He said softly, getting my attention.

Chills ran all over me at the sound of him calling me what I loved to hear him call only me.

I wasn't going to say that I wasn't miserable without him because I would be blaintly lying.

"Why don't you want to stay?" He asked once he got infront of me.

I could tell he was slightly and slowly losing hope.

I stopped moving and breathed out as I looked at the ground for a second.

That.... was a really good question.

"When I see you hurting I just want to take the pain away.... So why won't you let me take the pain away?" He asked softly, looking deep in my eyes as he stood infront of me.

I looked up and in his eyes to see a mixture of unhappiness, heartbreak and pure love as he looked back at me.

My heart softened even more again.

"Baby, I will NEVER hit you" He spoke with all seriousness as I looked in his eyes for a second.

He wasn't playing around.

I had 2 conditions if he wanted to be with me.

Let me ask him the dealbreaker one so when he says he won't do it... Nobody could say I didn't try.

"I have to ask you something..." I said looked at the ground.

"If you had to chose... who would you pick" I paused for a second.

"Me or the streets" I said looking up and deep in his eyes.

He just stared at me for a second.

He wasn't serious.

... I gently closed my eyes and lightly scrunched up my eyebrows as I faced the ground with tears gliding down my face.

I closed my eyes and started to slightly nod before I spoke again.

".... Exactly" I said softly as I was about to start to walk away.

"You" He said sternly.

My heart dropped.

I didn't move as I stopped right in my tracks.

"What?..." I whispered to myself... Almost hoping I heard him wrong.

He found his way back infront of me.

"I would pick you a 1000x over the streets" He said softly and honestly to me.... His voice and body language full of emotion.

That spoke volumes because he was raised in the streets and built his own empire so that meant that he would leave the only life he has ever known.... To live a new life just to be with me.

I breathed out as I looked at the ground.

My head started getting hot and I needed to sit down.

"What do I have to do to get you back Shay?" He spoke seriously.... I could clearly see that he was trying to not let his tears fall.

His beautiful, sad eyes had a ocean of tears in them.


Why did he have to love me SO.... Genuinely much!?

"Whatever you can possibly think of... I will do" he spoke with so much feeling that it made my chest hurt....

Almost like my heart was swollen and continued thumping in my chest.

He than got down on both of his knees with the flowers still in his hands.

"Please stay" he pleaded softly as the tears were threatening to fall.

The lights reflecting off of his tears, making some parts of his eyes have flecks of whiteness reflection.

I looked away and tried to clear my throat but the lump in my throat was too big.

I looked over... Not at anything specific... to see the lady at the desk with tears in her eyes with her hands over her mouth as she watched us.

It was like right here.... Right now was the final decision.

This was it.

I looked down with my eyebrows still slightly together before I wiped my face with my hand.

I looked back at Carter...

I was so dangerously and heavily in love with him that it hurt to think about him for too long.

He was on his knees... begging me to let him love me.

I let out a soft, slow breath.

This was the only option.

"I'm so sorry" I spoke in regret as tears ran down my face.

His collection of built up tears immediately fell down his flawless complexion.

"What?" He spoke in a mix of shock, disbelief and slight confusion as his voice cracked.

"It's over" I added softly as tears covered my face before I turned around and started to walk away as quick as I could without hurting myself.

Just before I turned around I seen it.... I will never forget the look on his face....

I sobbed with my hand over my face as I let my heart swell and overflow with love for Carter.

"But I'm not him!!" I heard Carter yell after me while I knew the tears were falling down his face in his cracked voice.

I cried deeply as I continued walking.

How did I let this happen?!

As I headed up to my room, I felt a huge bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and gut.

My heart throbbed as I slowly walked to our room.

I realized quickly that it wasn't a temporary thing... This feeling wasn't going away anytime soon.

It seemed almost.... permanent.

I opened the door and they were both gone.

I seen a note for me on the counter, next to the door but didn't even bother reading it.

It was relieving because I didn't want to talk to or see anybody right now.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and just held it in my hand.

I stood next to the couch as I continued to cry.....

Why did all this have to happen?

It truly dawned on me how my mother spoke about Carter and I being together.

I stood there as I contemplated whether or not if I wanted to take the chance of being truly happy and potentially hurt with the man I've been in love with.... Or continuing to be constantly paranoid with my scarred mindset by myself while not being secure or safe....

I eventually came to my decision.

I put my hands over my face as I sobbed at the thought of my decision....

Zechariah POV

I walked around the waterfall at the Community College park across the street from our hotel with Alisha so she would calm down.

We left Shay a note and a snack because it seemed like she was really enjoying herself on her little walk so we just left.

Alisha was really upset still after taking a shower and relaxing for a second.

She was being really quiet but I got her out here and all she wanted to do was vent.

"All I can do is think about his bitchass, what he's up to and how he is" she said to herself with her hands in her sweatpants pockets.

She was calling him 'bitchass' because she was mad that she was in this situation since they weren't supposed to fall in love with eachother... Just remain Friends With Benefits.

"I just don't understand how I could have done that to him" she thought outloud to herself as I listened.

"I don't know why I started crying earlier either...." She said looking at me for a second before continuing. "I was just so overwhelmed with my feelings all at once that it was the only way to release a tiny portion of them" she added as she looked at her feet while walking.

"I know girl but it's gonna be okay" I said as I wrapped my arm around her.

"You know I hate this saying" I said with a small laugh before I continued. "But you and I both know that if it is meant to be... Than it will happen again.... And I'm 98% sure that he won't be mad at all that you didn't feel the same then because it would've been completely in-genuine at the time plus he's hella in love with you girl" I said seriously as I looked at her.

She laughed a little.

"I know b-" I cut her off with a loud mouth pop.

"Girl I don't know why you trippin!!" I said loud before I started laughing and than her too.

"Shut up Z" she said as she leaned up to me and wrapped her arm around me with her head tiredly on my tall shoulder.

We walked around as we continued to talk....

Carter POV

She chose her insecurities over me.

My heart sank even more if it was possible...

I was on the bed of my hotel room crying my fucking eyes out while I didn't even bother to pick up my heart that was shattered in millions of pieces on the damn floor.

I will NEVER be the same.

Mothafuckas think I'm heartless NOW... Sheeit 😤

I have never cried so much in the past 6 months than I have in my entire life all combined.

She picked her past over her future...

I slowly hunched my body over from sitting up on my bed and placed my elbows on my knees as I had one hand over my eyes.

I know for a fact that she knew how serious I was.... I did too.

I remember when I only knew her for a couple months... I knew what it meant when I said I wanted to make love to her....

I knew exactly what it meant....

She told me she wouldn't make love to somebody until she was married to them.... I guess saying that was my subliminal way of telling her that I wanted to marry her.

I wanted to marry her than.... and I still want to marry her now.

I could not stop crying and it was starting to fuck with me.

She didn't want me.

The woman I was in love with didn't want me.... Not to be with somebody else... But to keep herself.... To herself.

I feel like that was selfish... But at the same time it would be selfish of me to try to make her stay.

I had never felt this kind of unbearable emotional pain before except when my auntie passed away....

I felt like I was losing another person in my life again and my heart wasn't ready for it.

I wanted to call my mom but I didn't because I felt like I caused this to happen...

I should've been there for her!!

Ky was next to me on my bed.

"I'm so sorry bro" he said to me as he placed a hand on the back of my neck and moved it a couple times before he stopped.

I slowly placed one hand over my face with my elbow on my knee, my other hand on my hip with my elbow in the air as my body didn't even attempt to fight off the natural crying reflexes I was pulsating with...

I than heard a knock on the door.

I didn't pay attention to it... It was probably room service anyways.

Seconds later, I felt him take his hand off as I hiccuped and sniffed.

I was going through the basic motions of heartbreak as I continued to cry extremely hard, to the point where I didn't notice somebody infront of me minutes later.

I felt a small hand gently placing itself on mine...

Warm Brown Sugar.

I look up at her with swollen, blood shot eyes that had tears falling freely out of them.


She was crying with no emotion in her face.

"Can you promise me something?" She asked softly.

I waited for her to continue as my vision got blurry with tears... I was also in shock that she was here to really speak.

"Promise me you'll never hurt me..." She whispered with so much pain, genuine emotion and most of all....

Fright... She was so scared to take this chance.

She was willing to take that chance on me and I will forever thank her for that.

"Baby I promise" My voice cracked as I tried not to break down again.

She softly wiped the tears from my face as hers continued to fall uncontrollably.

"I love you... so much.... Hey don't cry anymore" she whispered to me as she held my face before slowly leaning in and pecking my lips twice... softly and briefly.

I cried deeply as I kissed her back sweetly and carefully.

She didn't give up on us... And neither did I.

I wanted her in my arms... So bad.

I hadn't had her in my arms in literally months... Withdrawals from her perfectly and comfortably in my arms has always been in full effect.

She couldn't get on my tall bed so I bent down and lifted her up bridal style carefully and softly before I placed her gently on my lap.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and securely as she gently wrapped her arm around my neck and laid her head gently down on my shoulder with her face in my neck.... That's when she lost it.

It was time for me to be strong again. Especially for her.

Everything she had gone through, dealt with and endured.... It was time for her to let it all out.

She cried... safely.... in my arms all night.

This.... *Scratch that*...

SHE was all I needed.

65 votes to continue :).
1 more chapter left y'all ;).

What y'all think? Y'all ain't mad at me no mo? :)

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