
By mistyskeleton

123 15 7

I am a Rebel, they say. They're right. It all started when I was a young girl, my parents died in a fire, st... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

40 4 1
By mistyskeleton

I stare at the accused men in front of me. Peter looks so aggravated and is clenching his fists. He hates these people, and I know why. It isn't the most pleasant memory of ours.

"Bronson de Reymes, Averery Ide, Jaydon Marci, Heathcliffe Boleyn, and Keaton Quincey, you all have been accused of the murders of 'The Darling Family', do you have anything to say in your defense?" My bow and quiver rattle against my back, sending chills up and down my spine. The wind whips my leather dress around and my hair out of its ponytail, making it messy and fly over my face. The sun setting splashes orange light everywhere, and on my scarlet mask.

"We didn't do it! I swear on my life!" Heathcliffe shouts, getting cornered by the people I've ordered to kill them. I still brought everyone else, even new recruits.

"Well, you already are." I spit, these men are stupid.

"You did it I watched you kill them you sick bastards!" Peter shouts.

"We didn't do anything!"

"I watched you as you killed Wendy! John! And Michael! How could you do that to them?!" Peter's turning red hot with rage. I pull my dagger out of its sheath that's attached to my waist. I wave it in front of Heathcliffe's face. The town gathered behind us watches on in horror.

"So... what do you think, guys? Die? Or live?" I ask my group of people I brought--who are actually working.

Everyone nods at each other and starts humming our death song, a send off song if you will, it's become a great trademark for us.

"Bronson de Reymes, Averery Ide, Jaydon Marci, Heathcliffe Boleyn, and Keaton Quincey, you have been charged with the murders of 'The Darling Family'. Your sentence... Death."

I hand the knife to Peter and his eyes glint with the happiness that was there while the Darling's were alive. I start to sing my part of the death song.

"Oh, Death, оh Death, oh Death,

Don't you spare these men for another year!

But what is this, that I can't see

with ice cold hands taking hold of me?

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold,

who will have mercy on your soul?

Oh, Death, oh Death, oh Death,

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold

Nothing satisfies me but your soul!

Oh, Death,

Well I am Death, none can excel,

I'll open the door to heaven or hell.

Oh, Death, oh Death,

my name is Death and the end is here...

my name is Death and the end is here...

Oh, death, oh Death, oh Death..."

Peter stands in front of Heathcliffe, the knife I lent him ready to strike at any moment. I stand in front of Keaton, my sword held in a defensive position in front me. Millicent stands in front of Bronson with a fireball in hand. Red stands in front of Jaydon, her axe ready to strike. And Merida stands in front of Averery with an arrow drawn, ready to fire.

"Let this be a lesson to you all." I turn towards the crowd of townsfolk watching intently and fearfully,

"If you wrong us, we don't care who the hell you are, you will pay for your crimes." the town nods in fear, good. They're scared.

I turn back to the charged men, and I swing my sword at Keaton, and each... executioner attacks their own criminal. I walk away from the bloody body, blood splattered onto my pale face and into my raven hair. I hear my leather boots scraping against the gravel as I walk away, back to the Dark Forest. Peter runs up next to me and hands me my dagger. I put it back in its sheath, however I still keep my sword out.

"Thanks, Snow, I needed that."

"Everybody needs revenge at some point in their lives, and you just got yours."

He smiles for once, an actual smile. Red pats him on the back, Merida and Millicent stay silent. He may not look like it, but Peter is easily one of the most powerful people here, and they're afraid of him. I'll be honest, I'm frightened of him too, I just know how to hide it well.

I hear horse hooves clopping on the gravel and neighs. Damn it, the King's Guards. I turn around and hold my sword up. The horses are white as snow, and bear the King's crest around the horses' necks, a sun.

"Look alive men! We have The Wildlings here, what could we have done to have receive a visit from you?" the captain shouts.

"These men killed 'The Darling Family', they had to be punished." Peter growls. I signal for him to calm down, and he relaxes.

"What do you want?" I ask as calmly as I can, but it's difficult to stay calm in this situation.

"We got a tip that you were here, and we've come to take you into the hands of the King."

"Not happening, Sir Rowntree."

"Oh but it will." He gives an evil grin and looks at his men, who are ready to attack us... specifically me.

"Oh but it won't. Malefic-Millicent?" She nods, unphased by me mispronouncing her name, and her gold dragon eyes glinting in the sunlight. "You know what to do." she waves her hand around and casts a spell.

"Utinam nobis esse domi!" clouds of purple, blue, and red smoke shroud us and teleport us all back to our castle. My feet land on the hard cobblestone and I exhale. I stumble and Peter catches me. Teleporting has never been right for me, I'd much rather ride Tempest, my horse. I slide my mask off, leaving my hair messier than a horse's mane.

"Thank you, Peter." I stand upright and put my sword in its sheath. I go over to the crimson wall with names written in white ink and cross off the ones we just killed.

"Five people scratched off the list, everyone! Take the next two days off! We've earned it!" everybody cheers and starts chanting.

"Down with the King! Down with the King!" I signal them to calm down, and the cheers get quieter and quieter.

"We just got one step closer! Soon, we will take down and let the whole Kingdom be free!" The chants start again, but die down quickly. Everyone goes to their assigned duties.

Millicent heads off to go train Tanith, Bellatrixa, and Mordred-Morgan's son-, the three new-and very inexperienced-sorceresses and sorcerer. Red and Jack walk out the door to train the creatures around to follow orders from everybody. Rumplestiltskin goes to the basement to work on potions and elixirs, along with Zoltan. Latxe, Merida, and Maethranal go hunting for meat. Blue, Nyx, Zanna, and Ellevette go tend to the vegetable garden. And Sybil, Ondine, Luna, and Iaria go to the lake to rehydrate their scales and get fresh water. That's just naming a few, everyone has their jobs around here.

I walk up the stairs to my chamber, this place is so big, everybody is able to have their own room. I offered to take a smaller room, but everybody insisted that I take the biggest room. I didn't want to be rude, so I agreed. I open the crimson door to my chamber and step inside.

Scarlet bedding, gold walls, the bed posts are carved into swords, a giant chandelier hangs from a hook, three different dressers, three closets, an art easel placed in the corner near the window, and candelabras are placed wherever they can go. It doesn't feel right for some odd reason. I take the belt that holds all my sheaths off and drape it on my chair. I change into my nightclothes and I walk tiredly to my bed and notice a letter placed onto the bed. I open it and start to read.

Dear Snow,

Thank you for all you have done for me. I don't think I could ever repay you. I look up to you in every way, and I sometimes even wish I was you. You brought me and Killian closer, made sure Rumple wouldn't dare to hurt me. You're like a sister to me, maybe even more, I don't know, quite frankly.

Today when I killed Heathcliffe, something felt good, like the Darling's were finally getting their justice. But it also felt wrong, like it wasn't what they would've wanted. I need one more favor from you, and then I promise I'll repay you. I need you to tell me if this is normal or not, and, if it isn't normal, tell me how to overcome it.

Your friend,


Of course I'll help Peter! Why wouldn't I? I fold the note up and set it on my nightstand. But... I'll help him once I'm done sleeping. I pull the blankets over me and lay my head down on the soft pillows. But I can't seem to fall asleep...


I hear a little creak of the door, and it sends me jumping up. I see a silhouette of a teenage boy in the doorway.

"Relax, Snow, it's just me."

"Peter," I sigh, "don't scare me like that."

"Sorry, may I come in?"

"Of course." I pat the empty space next to me on the bed. He tiptoes in and then sits down on the bed, crossing his legs into the Neverland Indian position.

"Did you get my letter?" he asks nervously.

"I did."


"Of course I'll help you Peter, you're like my brother." He smiles and rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Snow. So, is it normal to feel that way?"

"It is a common feeling amongst us. But, you need to learn to tell yourself that those men got what they deserved." he looks down at the bed and ponders my answer, or possibly a question.

"Did you feel that way? When-"

"I did, and to this day I still question that decision, but in years time, I'll realize that it was the right choice."

"Alright, this will help, and I promise I will-"

"You don't have to do anything, Peter, it's my pleasure to help you."

"But, Snow, I-"

"You don't have too, and I will not hear another word about it."


He smiles, hugs me and gets up from the bed. He walks out the door with his hands in his pockets. Killian bursts through the door like his life depends on it. He stops and starts to pant. I rush over to him, I put my hand on his shoulder and make eye contact with him.

"S-Snow, there... there was an... an attack by... by rabid wolves. We were able to stop them but..." He looks down and tries to hold back tears.

"What happened? Killian, you know you can tell me anything."

"B-Bellatrixa... she w-was mauled and... she's dying. Rumple, Millicent, Blue, Gothel, Ellevette, nobody can heal her." Oh dear God. No!

"Take me to Bellatrixa, please." he runs down the hall and I follow.

We burst into the medic room, Bellatrixa's lying on the floor, bleeding, being tended to by Blue. I kneel down next to Blue and look closely at Bellatrixa. Two giant slash marks stain her white dress crimson.
"It'll be alright, Bella, I promise." I rub her shoulder and he looks up at me. The poor girl, she's only fifteen. I hold her in my lap and she cringes in pain.

"Snow? Can you do something for me?"

"Anything. You name it."

"Can... can you sing, my mother's lullaby to me?"

"I uh... Of course."

Her mother! God damn it! She's not here, she's on a mission! What will she say when she finds out her daughter's been killed by a rabid wolf? Sage, please, don't kill me, or anybody else. The lyrics come back to me and I start to hum the first part, then start to sing.

"Dancing bears, painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song someone sings

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory

Far away, long ago

Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory

Far away, long ago

Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know

Things it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings

Once upon a December..." Bellatrixa closes her eyes and squeezes my hand.

"Thank you, Snow, for... everything..." her breathing stops and her body becomes cold.

"No, no," tears run down my face and splash onto her stone hard face. I hold her even closer to me and rest my head on hers. She was only fifteen... It's not fair! She didn't get to live her life! I run my fingers through her unbrushed, messy brown hair.

I think of her like a daughter, I've taken care of her when her mother was gone-- which is often. I normally don't get so emotional about members dying. Something inside me's snapped. I feel a hand rest lightly on my shoulder.

"Snow," they say, I turn around and see Peter concerned and worried.

"We'll clean her up for her funeral, which will happen after her mother gets back."

Gothel holds out her arms, and I let go of Bellatrixa slowly. Peter grabs my wrist and helps me up. My knees feel so weak, I fall right against him, but he holds me up. He walks me back up to my chamber. He's kind enough to put me into my bed. He squeezes my hand, gives me a tiny smile, rubs my head, and almost walks away.

"Peter?" my voice is raspy and tears are welling up in my eyes.


"C... Can you stay with me? Just for a little bit? I don't want to be alone." He nods and sits on the other side of the bed, then lays down.

"You know, it'll be alright." he consoles.

"I know... I just... I've lost so many people in my life... This... it..."

"I know." He rubs the back of my head. "Things are hard, but you still have all of us." I smile.

"I suppose I do."

"Get some more sleep, Snow, you need all the sleep you can get."


Fire blazes in front of me, and heats my face up. The red, orange, and yellow flames flicker and rise. The bricks and wood fall down. Everybody's trapped inside! I have to go help them! I start running towards the entrance that isn't in flames, but then it catches on fire. No! I have to get them!

"Snow!" I hear Peter shout out. I look up at the top of the tower, and there he is, looking out the window.

"Peter! Just fly out!"

"Snow!" He looks so scared. I shoot an arrow with a rope attached up to him. It lodges into the bricks and Peter grabs onto it. Then the tower explodes into flames. I'm horrified, I don't have anything left.

"SNOW!" somebody's shaking me over and over again. I open my eyes to see Peter next to me, shaking my shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Just a dream,"

"One hell of a dream if you ask me."

"A nightmare, at the most."

"I assume it featured me?"


"You talk in your sleep."

"The tower... i-it was burning down. E-everybody was trapped inside, and I-I tried to save you, and then you caught fire." tears run down my face and splotch the scarlet blanket. He puts his arm around my shoulder and leans my head on his shoulder. He rubs my arm comfortingly.

"It wasn't real. I'm not going anywhere for a long time, I barely age."

"But you're not immortal!" I say frantically.

"I'm not, you're right about that, but I know you would try to keep me alive. Any of us, for that matter. Calm down, I'm here if you ever need to talk." He's so calm, how? I take deep breaths.

"I know. Thanks, Peter."

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"Yes, you did. You stayed with me, and comforted me. That's more than what you have to do."

"It's not."

"Don't you dare argue with me." He smiles and rubs my shoulder. "And you're free to leave whenever you want. You don't have to stay with me for the rest of the night."

"I know." I look into his brown eyes, his blonde hair falls in his face.

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Because you shouldn't be alone. Not now."

"Peter, if you don't want to stay you should go. You need sleep."

"Bloody Hell, Snow! You need sleep too! It's not about everybody else, you matter as well."

"I know you care, Peter, but please, after a long day like today, you need to rest."

"I won't sleep until you go to sleep."

"I-I have nightwatch."

"No you don't."

"Peter, I really do." I give him a blank stare as he contemplates.

"Bloody... fine." He takes his arm off of me and walks out the door. I put on my dress, belt with swords, the scarlet mask, and my boots. I stretch my arms and walk outside to the perimeter of the castle. I see Red standing in her position, next to mine. She sees me and looks so sad. I get next to her and I can see tears in her eyes.

"Snow, I-I'm... s-so-" she chokes. "It's a-all my f-fault."

"No, no, Red, it's not." she looks up at me with her blonde hair falling in her green eyes, the red hood framing her face, and gives me a strange look.

"I never did tell you my real name, did I?"

"No, and I've respected your decision to not tell us."

"It's so strange to not hear my name. Could you... call me by it... from now on?"

"Of course, but I first need to know what it is."

"It's Naiara." Naiara... it's a beautiful name.


I hear a tree branch snap in the distance, I whip my head around towards the sound. I see a figure in the distance. Naiara and I go over to see who it is. A man with silver skin and hair, along with bright blue eyes is standing there. He's also

"Who are you?" I ask, pointing my sword at him.

"M-my name is-"

"MAGNUS!" I hear someone shout. I turn around to see Laxte running up to us. He gets to us and puts his arm on Magnus's shoulder. "How've you been?"

"Do you know this person?" I ask him. Laxte nods and smiles.

"Since I was five! Magnus here is the Almighty Genie. He can grant you anything."

"Well... there are a few restrictions..." Magnus says sheepishly. "I can't kill someone for you, bring back the dead, or make anyone fall in love with you. But other than that, be my guest!"

Damn it, all I want is the king to be dead, and for my husband and friends to come back. May you rest in peace, friends... family.

"You get three wishes! What would you like?"

"I uh... nothing." I put my sword back in its sheath and fold my hands behind my back. Magnus gives me a surprised look.

"You don't want..."

"No. Nothing that you can give me, sorry."

"Ah, I see. I wish I could help you with that. But keep things in mind..." he points to me and then he and Laxte run off to the base, leaving me and Naiara alone and baffled.

"What are you going to wish for?" I ask her

"I don't know, maybe have more money so we can get more supplies and a bigger place possibly."

"I'm already working on that. You shouldn't worry about that." she perks up and looks towards the forest.

"Wolf." she says in a monotone voice, then hunts after it in the forest. The werewolf side is getting the best of her. Another twig snaps, and I hear a howl. Tiny little tears of fabric echo through the trees, and I hear a tiny whimper. Footsteps grow closer, and I see Naiara walking up to me. Her red dress and cape are torn, but I can patch them up, it's not difficult. Scratches across her face are dripping blood slowly.

"How'd it go?"

"It took a little less time than usual to tame it." she shrugs. "But it's now under my control, and won't attack any of us." she smiles and then walks back to the castle, her shift must be done.

"Snow!" I hear someone shout. Millicent lands in front of me, folding her golden dragon wings. "I just got word that the king is hosting a ball, and you're invited."

"What? How?"

"He still believes that you're the Queen of Cryasea."

"Which I am, we left his brother in charge of the kingdom while we were here. He will step down from the throne once I go to reclaim it."

"You must go! This is an opportunity to kill the King and his daughter!"

"I know, Millicent, I will. But there are complications with me going... He expects a husband, and he certainly doesn't know what he looked like."

"I'll plan out everything, the ball's tonight, you just need to get ready. I'll see to it that Blue helps you with getting ready. And your 'husband' will meet you once you're done getting ready." 

She spins me around and shoves me towards the castle. I stumble and walk back in, Blue flies up to me immediately and then to my room, ranting about what my dress and hair would have to look like. I step into my room nervously.

Blue's already selected four dresses and is rambling to herself about what hairstyle she'll give me. A dress catches my eye, it's a gold, to copper, to purple dress with short sleeves, showing off the shoulder, and sheer fabric billowing down the sides of the dress. The hem trails along the floor as she comes up closer to me.

"Which one?"

"That one." I point to that particular dress. The other ones aren't as beautiful as this one...

A blue halter dress with no sleeves, a corseted waist, and a rounded skirt. Another one that's light pink with an empire waistline, the darker sleeves are loose, and there's many gold belts wrapped around the waist. The last one is silver with a silver belt and sun, moon, and star chains hanging from it, the sleeves are loose and would reach about my elbows.

"Yes! I was hoping that you'd choose that one!" She snaps her fingers, then the dresses that I rejected are being flown back into my mahogany wardrobe with blue magic. She blows blue sparkles off her hand, they swirl around me, then I'm wearing the dress.

"So, how are we going to do your hair? It needs to be pretty, royal looking, it can't fall in your face, and you have to be able to fight in it... Any ideas?"

"Sybil does those... waterfall braids, as she calls them, could you do those? And style it into a side ponytail?"

"Of course I can!" she snaps her fingers again, blue sparkles swirl around my hair and does the style I want. A red ribbon ties my ponytail, and it makes a bow. She pushes me in front of my full length mirror. She snaps again and a black velvet cape drapes around my shoulders.

"Don't want you to get cold on the way there!" I nod in agreement, I hate the cold. She rubs her hands together excitedly.

"I have one final detail. Close your eyes." I close my eyes, then feel something rest on top of my hair.

"You can open them now!" I open my eyes to see my silver tiara resting on my head. The jewels turn a slight blue, due to her wings.

"All set!"

"Thank you, Blue. I appreciate your help. All I need to do is slip a dagger under my dress..." I grab the dagger my stepmother tried to kill me with and use a piece of red ribbon to strap it to my right leg.

"Now you're all set!"

"Thank you, again. I won't be suspicious, do you know who's-"

"Not a clue." she folds her tiny arms and looks down at the floor, "But I could be able to figure it out."

"Millicent has it covered. She said I'll meet them when I'm done."

"Well, you're done! Go! Have fun, and get your chance. Alright?"

"Alright." she follows me out and I see Millicent waiting for me. She looks surprised, she's never seen my Queen side before...

"I barely recognized you!"

"So, who's my 'husband' for tonight?"

"C'mon, he's waiting outside." I follow her to the doors, everyone stares at me confused, and then a sense of 'I understand' comes over them. She opens the door with magic and I follow her. I see Peter and Killian talking with each other, they both look at me, and their mouths drop open.

"Bloody hell..." Peter gapes.

"What?" I fold my arms, Blue flies out fast and pouts.

"Are you ready?" Millicent asks.

"Uh... I don't have any fancy clothes." Peter rubs the back of his head and rolls his eyes.

"That's nothing I can't fix!"

Blue smiles and waves her hand, then blue magic swirls around Peter, then he's in formalwear, along with a crown, that was my husband's. It's a dark green tunic with the same color pants, along with a gold belt around the waist. His boots are still the same, and he sighs. He sure loves his boots. Killian tries not to laugh at him, and he fails.

"Be quiet, Killian!" Peter turns beet red and punches him in the arm. I stifle a laugh but then regain my seriousness. I tap at my arm and they both stop glaring at each other.

"So, how are me and Peter getting there?"

"I'll teleport you to outside of the King's castle." Millicent waves her hands and then the invitations are in my hands. Peter strides on over to me and takes my attire in for a second.

"I always forget that you're a Queen."

"I do too, if we're being honest." I murmur.

"Are you ready?" Millicent asks in an annoyed tone, rolling her eyes. Her long dark brown hair blows behind her, covering the gold horns sprouting from her scalp.

"Yes, we are." she closes her eyes and concentrates hard. She throws her hands up into the starry sky, her sleeves fall down to her shoulders.

"Ianuae Magicae eos extra castra regis!" blue smoke swirls around us, I close my eyes and clench my fists, I can feel my nails giving off a sharp pain in my palm.

We land on hard cobblestone and I stumble just a bit. Good, she teleported us to where no villagers and people are. Peter and I walk along the pathway, go over a bridge, then get to the castle.

The walls are Ivory, the doors are mahogany, and the handles on the door are pure gold. Rich royalty, the King's most likely an aristocratic, aging, animal minded snob, at the least. I take a deep breath and link my arm in his, he doesn't mind at all, he knows that he's playing the role of my husband. A man at the door opens it for us as we step in, I hand the invitation to the announcer inside the castle. The carpet is a scarlet red, along with a massive marble staircase that has gold railings.

"I present to you, Damian and Snow Haeck! Rulers of Cryasea!" I curtsey, and Peter bows. The announcer motions for us to walk down the stairs. We take small steps, as you're supposed to. My dress trails along the stairs slowly. We reach the bottom, and Peter unlaces my cape for me, then he takes it to the rack.

"Here we have Goldyve Eckhart, Princess of the Ashuzusian Empire."

A woman no older than twenty years of age walks in, her short sleeve dress is gold, with the same color corset cinching her waist. Her brown hair's loose, but the bangs are pinned back and weaved into a braid. She doesn't have a crown on her head, rather a gold headband with a small ruby in the middle. Her necklace is silver with many designs, it has three Emeralds, one far bigger than the other two, and one, tiny Onyx stone on the bottom. She stands next to us and folds her hands over one another. The announcer clears his throat.

"I introduce you to Abaddon Saitana, King of the Demons!"

A man with blue-ish skin, fiery red eyes, and a veil covering his nose and mouth walks down the stairs, tossing a ball of fire. He's covered up from head to toe, except for his eyes. The armor is gold and silver, there's three swords attached to his belt, they make a clanking sound every time he walks. Peter eyes him, and turns to me.

"We should be wary of him." He whispers. I nod and look back at the balcony.

"I am pleased to announce, Harlena Quinn, Queen of the Vampires!"

A woman with raven black hair and the same color lips enters. Her dress is short, the top part is blood red with lace, the skirt is raven black, with the same color halter. Her is hair parted over her right shoulder, and has a braided crown snaking around her head. The crown on her head looks like Black Lace, and the blood red roses stand out. The necklace on her neck is a fancy cross, a heart shaped ruby is placed in the middle.

"May I introduce, Alice Kingsly, Queen of Wonderland!"

A girl no older than seventeen walks through the doors. Her dress is less regal than most others. It's a light blue, short-sleeved dress with a white and blue corset. There are ruffles everywhere, and blue aprons on the sides over the white, ruffled skirt. There's a light blue ruffled belt, cinching her waist. Her curly blonde hair is put into a messy braid, and light blue flowers hold it together. She doesn't have a crown at all, but I can make out a hair comb with three turquoises sticking out from behind her hair.

"Now, for your hosts. Princess Hira Dever Rose Thaliea Collette Milisandia Valandor of Ibronid!"

A woman about nineteen years of age walks in. Her dress is a wine purple with a sapphire belt cinching her waist tight. The one shoulder strap is a lighter shade, adorned with pink pearls. Her long, curly blonde hair has a messy bun, showing off her curls, along with a long braided crown that wraps around her head twice. Yet the rest of her hair that's loose is still able to reach her waist. A few short strands frame her delicate face. Her crown is gold, with leaf designs wrapping around it, and the biggest leaf stands out in the middle. There aren't any jewells, but it still screams royalty. Her necklace is a simple strand of light pink pearls. Her bracelet is a simple swirl bracelet with two ivory colored pearls, the one on the right far bigger than the other. She hasn't walked down yet, most likely waiting for her father.

"And now, Wistan Valandor, King of Ibronid!"

A man about forty years old bursts in. He has a beard and mustache connecting to each other. He wears a coat with wolf fur, and the rest of it is a brown leather. The gold collar of his tunic reaches about halfway up his neck. The crown on his head is gold with sapphires, turquoises, pearls, onyxes, and rubies adorning it. There are tiny angels, the wings of them reach higher than the band, and they're each holding a book, the bible, most likely. He doesn't walk down the stairs just yet.

Wistan holds his hands up, the fur falling to his shoulders, showing the striped, copper colored long sleeve tunic underneath. The murmurs of conversations die down into ear ringing silence.

"My friends, tonight, we celebrate long lasting peace between our lands! And my beautiful daughter's betrothal!" Wistan rubs Hira's back, she looks uncomfortable. An arranged marriage, no doubt, and she most likely loves someone else. "So drink, eat, dance, socialize!" He waves for us to go do whatever. Music starts to play, I go over to the table spread out with the best choices of food divided into three tables.

I look at the first table with a dark purple, velvet tablecloth. Warm Tomato soup is scattered around in tiny, steaming hot bowls. There's four platters of Cow Marrow Pastries that are piping hot and stacked in a pyramid shape. Dark green eel platters surround a sage, cilantro sauce. Turkey legs are in the center, and put into a spiral pattern.

The second table has a velvet, turquoise tablecloth and a large pot with fresh Roast Beef Stew. Bacon broth is put into tiny, silver cups scattered around the table. Meat tiles are stacked into cubes and pyramids and rectangles. Capon pastries are laid out, at just the right temperature.

The last table has a crimson tablecloth, made of velvet. There's platters of fruit laid around, and all of it is made into very intricate designs. Lamprey is circles around its special hot sauce. There are bowls of jelly with silver spoons ready to serve. And finally, thirty apple, pumpkin, and blueberry pies are laid around wherever there's room.

"What should I try first? You're the royalty here."

"Lamprey is very delicious, the tomato soup looks amazing, and Meat Tiles are filling. So, I recommend one of each. Then eat some pie if you're still hungry. Oh, and drink some wine." The wine is a rich purple, and looks delicious.

"Sounds like a plan!" He takes a china plate and quickly grabs what I recommended. I just grab a bunch of Lamprey and hot sauce. Someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Snow White, I presume?" I turn around, and the King is standing so close I can see every detail of his crown.

"You are correct."

"How are you?" he smiles but I can see the evil in his eyes from a mile away.

"I'm fine, you?"

"I could be better, I guess. Hira isn't happy with me."

"Arranged marriage?"

"Indeed, I've tried to get her to warm up to the idea, but she isn't able to. She loves someone else."

"Well, is there a particular reason why she must get married?"

"It's a tradition in our family."

"Then you could break it if it doesn't make her happy. I don't mean to be rude, but you can't force love."

"True, true. Thank you for your help." he walks away, his robes bellowing behind him.

"Why did you help him?" Peter asks with a mouthful of food.

"I feel bad for Hira, I was in an arranged marriage, until my husband came. I don't want anyone to have an arranged marriage."

"Ah, that makes sense." He takes a swig of wine, I grab one and drink it slowly.

"Can I have the rest of that?" He points to my Lamprey, I shrug and hand it to him. He dips a massive bit into the hot sauces and shoves it into his mouth.

"You ate this stuff all the time?"

"I guess... it got old after a while, took all the fun out of eating it for special occasions."

"You're right." He sets the plate down on an empty table and holds his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" I smile and laugh.

"Of course!" I take his hand and we walk to the dancefloor.

"How do you dance?" he whispers.

"You count in three. One two three one two three... I'll show you." the dance steps flood into my memory as I start to lead the dance.

"Not that hard, now is it?"

"Is this all you have to do?"

"Yes, there are more complicated moves, but I don't think you're ready for them just yet."

"I could be able to do them, with the right teacher..."

"Everybody can do it with practice. Do you want to lead now?" he nods and takes over as leader. After a little while longer the song ends. He bows, and I curtsey. Princess Goldyve comes up to Peter; she curves her red lips into a sweet smile and flips her long, wavy, brown hair over her shoulder sassily.

"May I have the next dance?" she asks, her brown eyes are glinting in the firelight.

"O-Of course, Princess."

"Please, call me Gold. I don't really like my full name." I go back to the tables piled with food. The only other people at the tables is Harlena and Abaddon. I walk on over to them, stepping carefully so I don't trip over my long dress. I hold my hand out.

"I'm Snow, nice to meet you." Abaddon stares blankly at my hand with his fiery red eyes, but Harlena shakes it with her pale hand but then quickly then draws back. She wipes her hand on her ruffled skirt and sighs.

"Sorry, my skin burns when I touch a human." She apologizes. Abaddon nods in agreement.

"I too have this problem." I see a wave of purple coming up behind them, Princess Hira, no doubt. Harlena and Abaddon move out of her way. She stands close to me, then gathers her skirts and curtseys.

"Enjoying yourself, Snow? I don't see your husband..."

"Princess Goldyve asked him for a dance, his culture taught him to never refuse a dance."

"Ah, that's understandable."

"I don't see your new husband either." a smile tugs at my face, I wonder how easy it is to provoke her...

"He hasn't arrived yet. If he's not here within the hour, I'm going to leave and go do something that's actually fun." she sighs as she rolls her eyes.

"How are you going to do that with slippers on and guards watching your every move?" She pulls up her dress just enough to reveal leather boots far more comfortable than slippers.

"And I've been ditching guards for a long time." She smiles and goes to talk to more people. It leaves me in an uncomfortable situation... How do I talk to them?

"So... where do you live?" I ask nervously.

"In the mountains, in a dark castle." Harlena replies, examining her extremely long nails. Her crimson eyes flash to a fiery red, and she smiles. Her sharp as daggers teeth are extremely visible.

"Hell." Abaddon says while taking a massive sip of wine.

"Do you... Answer to anyone?"

"No," Harlena replies folding her arms, "people answer to me."

"I do, I'm loyal to Inilth, the ruler of Hell itself." I raise my eyebrows and then quickly calm down.

"Interesting..." I hear the doors being thrown open, it's sending a spine chilling echo through the room. It leaves everyone dead silent.

A woman with lilac skin slithers in. The bottom half of her is tentacles snaking all around, they're tracking in floods of water that pour down the stairs. On her head is a gold crown with emeralds and rubies plastered on it. In her hand she holds a sharp, golden trident. Her lips are blood red, and her short hair is pure white.

"A party? And I'm not invited? Such a shame."

"Who are you?!" Wistan yells while walking up the stairs.

"Oh honey, don't you know who I am?" he shakes his head.

"The sea witch?" he shakes his head again. 

"Ursula?!" she shrieks. He nods and cowers back in fear.

"Wh-what are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Nothing much darling... Just, your daughter." she laughs and gives a sinister grimace.

"Over my dead body!" Ursula snaps her fingers.

"Sounds like a deal to me."

People come in from everywhere, they smash through the stained glass windows. Guards try to stop them, and they all get shot. The guests start panicking and screaming. Most run for the door, but it's no use. Ursula won't move out of the way; not even for Princess Hira now. A guard drops dead next to me. I take a closer look at him, there's a sharp shell in his neck. He's pale, and cold. I take his sword, and bow and arrows.

"What are you doing?!" Hira asks, looking a little afraid.

"Saving your asses!" I load a bow and fire at one of Ursula's minions, right in his heart. He drops down to the floor. I'm not happy about saving Hira and Wistan, but there's witnesses here. Princess Goldie takes a sword and slashes a few minions. I see Alice run to grab a sword, she stabs one right through the stomach.

I grip the handle of my sword tightly. It's not my sword that I normally use, but it'll do for now. I dodge a punch and knee one in the stomach. I stab him and he falls down. I slit another one's throat, then stab the one behind me. They both fall, dark green blood leaks onto the floor. That'll be the least of their worries.

I see Hira getting cornered near a corpse of a guard. She grabs the sword and holds it into a defensive position. I thought Princesses in this land weren't supposed to learn to fight... Guess I was wrong. She stabs them and sighs. She runs off to fight a few more people.

I load my bow and shoot Ursula in the arm, grazing Wistan's arm in the process. He cries out in pain and puts pressure on it. Ursula screams and slithers towards me. I throw the bow down and kick my sword up. She hisses through her yellowy sharp teeth.

"You little minx! I'll teach you to shoot me!" Her nails sharpen into daggers and her eyes glow red. I hold my sword in front of my face, effectively blocking her attack. She screams out in rage, the sounds echoing off the stone walls.

"Me, a minx? Surely... you are a portly boil-brained skut!"

I struggle to keep her nails from clawing my face. She looks extremely offended. A dagger pierces through her neck. She cries out as the scarlet trickles down her neck. It pools onto the floor, leaving a maroon puddle on the white marble floor. What's left of the windows shatter with waves of water flooding through them. Ursula falls to the ground, I see Alice standing there, blood dripping from her dress, and a bloody dagger in her right hand.

"What?" She asks, shrugging her shoulders, "in Wonderland we don't wait around for things." I nod as all the other guests leave in fear. Wistan runs to Hira, praising her and scolding her at the same time.

"Hira! That was amazing! But you should know better than to fight." This king is getting on my last nerve. He looks at Ursula.

"What should we do with her?" he asks, rubbing his chin.

"I know some people around the area who can take away her magic and abilities. We'll drop her off on our way back. Though they would also need to keep the Crown and Trident."

"Alright." he claps his hands, "sounds like a plan." More guards rush in to chain up Urula. They lug her onto a crate, that my supposed horse will carry. Millicent, if you can hear me, send Tempest and Aquarius so we can ride them back to The Red Tower. The guards drag the case up the stairs. Peter puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, Damian, I'm fine." he smiles and laughs. He holds my cape in his hands, and offers it to me. I throw it around my shoulders and feel the velvet caressing my skin.

"That's good." Alice runs up the stairs, her blood stained dress trailing up the velvet stairs.

"Thank you, Alice. I appreciate your help."

"Why thank you!" she tosses her blonde locks over her shoulder. Goldyve walks on the other side of us.

"You know..." I think I'm making a mistake. Oh well... "Would you guys like to come with us to our home, just for a bit?"

"Sure! I'd love to!" Alice replies excitedly. Goldyve shrugs her shoulders and nods.

"Why not?" Guards open the doors for us, revealing Tempest and Aquarius waiting patiently in the moonlight. Tempest whinnies at the sight of me. The guards attach the cart to her, and surprisingly she doesn't fight them off. I go up to her and rub her head.

"Good girl." I whisper. I mount her and she snorts. Peter mounts Aquarius and she neighs.

Alice rides up on a horse with faint black lines trailing all over it. It's legs aren't white, they're raven black.

Goldyve gallops in, stopping right when she gets next to me. The white hooves of the horse skid on the grass.The horse has a few gold spots gracing its white body, but the light gold mane covers most of them up.

"All ready?" I ask.

Everybody nods and grips their leather reins tightly. I whip the reins, and Tempest starts running. Everybody follows me into the woods. I weave in and out of the oak trees. We ride swiftly, Peter and I competing to see who can get there the fastest. The wind whips my hair, I decide to take the ribbon out and let my hair down.

Wolves start running behind us, they then stop and turn the other direction. I see the red brick tower, and go even faster. Tempest stops right at the door. I'm followed by Peter, then Alice, then Goldyve. They get off their horses and stare up at its beauty.

"I think you'll like it here." I smirk and Peter opens the doors. It reveals everyone bustling about trying to get their jobs done, and have fun at the same time. Alice and Goldyve both smile.

"I don't think you'll need much training, considering what you just demonstrated." They contemplate for a second. Millicent walks up and frowns.

"You didn't take care of business." she taps her arm.

"There were witnesses!" I whisper.

"What business?" Alice asks, brushing her blonde hair out of her blue eyes.

"Our cause, I guess. We fight against Wistan and Hira. They killed so many people in this land." Goldyve and Alice widen their eyes and then their faces turn blank.

"I figured as much, he's done that to people in my land." Goldyve examines her nails.

"He's invaded Wonderland before, the end result wasn't the best." Millicent looks at Tempest, specifically the cart she's carrying.

"Who's that?"

"Ursula." Millicent looks angry and I see Sybil running up to me.

"You said something about Ursula?" she pants, her pink hair falling in her pink eyes.

"Yes, we did. She... interrupted the party. Alice here," I point to Alice, who smiles and waves, "stabbed her. I'm counting on Rumple, Gothel, and Millicent to take her powers away. And we'll be keeping the trident and crown."

"You got my crown and trident back?!" I nod, she hugs me, I stiffen up and then she lets go. "Sorry, it's just... I haven't seen these in forever." she grabs the objects and hugs them. The puts on the crown, it suits her well, and she holds up the trident. It looks nice against her long black dress. Sybil runs to the pond and jumps in without any thought or care. There's a loud splash and then we get left with silence.

"Anyways..." Millicent interrupts the silence, "I think it's doable to remove her magic. And we have enough rooms for everybody, Snow will show you to your room." Sometimes I think Millicent is the leader, she's so bossy, but in a good way.

"Follow me."

I motion them to follow me inside and up the steps. I lead them to two tiny rooms. One that's red, for Goldyve, the other one's blue, for Alice. They walk in and seem to settle in quickly. I run to my room and change back into my leather dress. I tighten up the waist and put my sword belt back on. Now I feel more comfortable, it makes me calm. I go to my balcony, and look at the night sky. I can see all the stars. My mom taught me to find pictures in the stars. I miss her terribly. I go back to the main hall and resume my duties as night watcher. This is going to be a long night.

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