Forget Me Not | ✓

By Lexy_VLover

3.2K 259 212

[previously titled as 'amnesia'] ❝i never dreamed i'd love somebody like you and i never dreamed that i woul... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 10• {last chapter}

•Chapter 9•

227 20 14
By Lexy_VLover

{Five months have passed from the last chapter}

Leon POV

It has been five months since Francesca and I had almost kissed. Five months and I couldn't forget it. Francesca obviously did, she never wasted a moment to kiss Diego, to insult me. But I couldn't retort, I knew that it wouldn't hurt her. But I felt it would hurt me.

Ever since that almost kiss, being with Vilu felt even weirder. There were absolutely no sparks. I felt nothing when we kissed. You are probably wondering why I haven't broken up with her, but I can't. I wouldn't want to hurt her. Even if it meant I would be hurting.

I check the time and see that I should start leaving. I take my phone and press call on Vilu's number.

"Hey Leon," Vilu's light voice says.

"Hey, do you want me to pick you up?" I ask her.

"Yeah, if it's fine for you," Vilu answers.

"Yep, be there in a few," I tell her.

I cut the call and grab my keys and a satchel with some stuff. I go to my car, which was parked in the driveway and start driving to Vilu's house.

I reach her house and knock on the door. In a few seconds she answers and smiles at me. 

"Hey," she says and gives me a hug.

"Lets go," I say and take her hand to lead her to the car.

We walk into the Zoom and we are shortly followed by Pablo.

"Okay guys, so who wants to sing for us?" Pablo asks and my hand shoots up.

"I have a song that I have been working on," I say and Pablo gestures to the stage.

I walk up and take an acoustic guitar {I think that's what they call it} I walk to the microphone and begin strumming. My gaze fixes on Francesca as I begin singing.

No soy ave para volar,
Y en un cuadro no se pintar
No soy poeta escultor.
Tan solo soy lo que soy.

Las estrellas no se leer,
Y la luna no bajare.
No soy el cielo, ni el sol...
Tan solo soy.

Pero hay cosas que si sé,
Ven aquí y te mostraré.
En tu ojos puedo ver....
Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar.

Francesca walks into the stage and joins me in the chorus. We begin singing together looking into each other's eyes.

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, sin tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción,
Y tallarme en tu voz.

No soy el sol que se pone en el mar,
No se nada que este por pasar.
No soy un príncipe azul...
Tan solo soy.

Pero hay cosas que si sé,
Ven aquí y te mostraré.
En tu ojos puedo ver....
Lo puedes lograr, (lo puedes lograr...)
Prueba imaginar.

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, sin tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción...

No es el destino,
Ni la suerte que vino por mi.
Lo imaginamos...
Y la magia te trajo hasta aquí...

Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, si tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción...
Podemos pintar, colores al alma,
Podemos gritar iee eê
Podemos volar, si tener alas...
Ser la letra en mi canción...
Y tallarme en tu voz

We finish, still looking at each other. Everybody applauds us and I wink at Francesca and turn to Pablo who began talking.

"That was amazing! But how did Fran know the song?" Pablo asks.

"Well-" I interuppt Fran.

"She must have heard me when I was singing in a classroom," I blurt out.

"Well it is really good! You two will sing it together at the end of year show," Pablo says and we nod.

Everybody leaves and I hold Farncesca back.

"How did you know the song?" I ask her and she simply smirks.

"Exactly what you said," She walks away.

The things this girl does to me.


"Diego we need to talk," I hear Francesca say.

Okay, this time I just happened to hear. I go near a random guy and start flipping through a magazine to listen more.

"Yeah, like what happened with Leon," Diego says and you could hear in his voice that he was sorta angry.

Wait, why were they talking about me?

"I'm sorry," Francesca apologized.

"I thought you were over him, were you just using me?"Diego asks hurt evident in his tone.

"No! I really do like you," Fran protests.

"But you like him more," Diego says and Fran  looks down. 'You love him," Diego adds.

Are they still talking about me?

"Diego..." Fran drags.

"We should just breakup," Diego says looking away.

"But Diego," Fran says sadly.

"If you say you love me, you shouldn't lie. You're lying to me and you. It's fine. We were together for a long time, but you and Leon are obviously mean to be. I'm fine with it," Diego says.

He kissed Fran's forehead and he walks away. I walk over to Fran and see she had tears in her eyes.

"Hey," I say.

"Go away. I told you to leave me alone unless we were arguing. Just leave," Francesca says and she pushes me away.

I was about to speak but she ran away. Why can't we ever talk?

Besides apparently to Diego she is in love with me. She sure doesn't show it.

I finally broke Diecesca. Next chapter will be the last one. I hope you are excited. It took me long to write this. So you are probably wondering how Fran knew the song. I will be nice this time. She knew because she had dreamt it. It's kinda like Podemos in Violetta, so yeah. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!

Lexy xx

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