Found horse

By StephanieShear

11K 135 97

Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Move On!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!

84 0 0
By StephanieShear

     New Book:)

Author's note!

   So I have a new book up its called Wild Hearts and I just wanted to tell you so you can go read it if you want to, the book is a bit different than Found horse but I think you will like it:)

   Description of the book:)

When Madison Hayes has to pack up and move away from the city of New York to the country of Texas to move in with the man she has hated her whole life because her mom is sick you can say she's a bit more than just mad, why?, well because her dad left them when she was just 2 years old and has never wanted her for 14 years never been a part of her life so yeah you can say she's less than pleased that she has to move in with him..

From the very moment she gets there all they do is fight and argue, she hated him, the country and the animals all she wanted to do is go home but..

When she finds a black stallion mustang that got driven from his herd will that change?, Madison is wild and the stallion is wild will these two wild hearts connect or will they stay strangers?, and when the stallion comes in danger what will Madison do?, What will happen when two wild hearts connect and love eachother? Will Madison ever forgive her dad or will they continue to fight? Will she ever have a relationship with her dad?

Find out in


Tell me what you think of the book if you read it Love ya'll and I hope you like it:)

   Keep reading:)


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