Andley: Our Rebel Love Song

By OutcastLove

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Andley: Our Rebel Love Song
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Quote For Chapter 14 (2 Long Quotes + other quotes)
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Part 2
Author Note
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note 3
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Last Author's Note

Chapter 20 Part 1

700 25 12
By OutcastLove

Hey I felt in a good mood so I'm going to attempt to update XD Enjoy my minions.


Andy's P.O.V.

   I woke up and Ashey was already up. He had a piece of paper in his hand. He started to wave it in front of my face. I grabbed it and looked at it, it was the cruise activity schedule. It read:

                              1:00 pm - 3:00 pm : Free Time

                              3:30 pm - 5:00 pm : Concert

                              5:30 pm - 7:00 pm : Dinner

                              7:30 pm - 9:00 pm : Karaoke 

                              9:30 pm : Bedtime

            You don't have do to do anything here. These are just suggestions.

   I knew we were definitely going to Karaoke. It was circle. I knew by Ashley. I just hope no one recognizes us.

    Ashley and I spent most of the day in our room. We were doing cliché couple things. (A.N.: XD I don't know it just seemed cute XD)

(7:10 pm)

    7:10 pm rolled around and Ashley and I were already ready. The only thing we needed to do was touch up our make-up. (A.N.: Just because we wear make-up doesn't mean we can't kick a**). We started walking and got there around 7:20 pm.

    All of the people were amazing, but one stuck out. Her name was Lilly and she sung 'Hold On Till May'  by Pierce The Veil. She stuck out cause she sang it with so much emotion, like it was written for her. I need to find her later. I want to talk to her.

    It was now 8:40 pm and no one wanted to go. One of the staff ladies walked up to me.

                              "Hello Andy, would you like to do some karaoke?" she said and my mouth dropped open

                              "Uh... I guess," I said

                              "We've got Black Veil Brides, Kiss, and Motley Crue. Your choice," she said

    'They've got good choices' I thought

                              "Motley Crue," I said

                              "Okay. Song name," she said

                              "Smokin' In The Boys Room," I said (A.N.: Only song I know by them XD)

                              "Sure," she said

    We walked up there and I looked at Ashey. He looked confused.

                              "What are you doing?" he mouthed to me

                              "You'll see," I mouthed back

                              "Okay," he mouthed

                              "You'll love it," I mouthed

                              "Well no duh, cause I love everything you do Batman," he mouthed

                              "Kay, talk to you soon," I mouthed back

    I looked back the way I was facing.     

                              "Can you play Smokin' In The Boys Room by Motley Crue for this man standing next to me," the original lady said

                              "Yeah," the other said

                              "Wait can you please not say my name, I don't want to get recognized," I pleaded

                              "Yeah," she said

                              "Thanks," I said

    She walked up there and introduced me without saying my name. She walked back and handed me the mic. I walked up there. The music started and I mentally prepared myself.

                              "Sittin' in the classroom thinkin' it's a drag Listening to the teacher rap-just ain't my bag When two bells ring you know it's my cue Gonna meet the boys on floor number 2 Smokin' in the boys room Smokin' in the boys room Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school Checkin' out the halls makin sure the coast is clear Lookin' in the stalls-nah, there ain't nobody here My buddies Sixx, Mick & Tom To get caught would surely be the death of us all Smokin' in the boys room Smokin' in the boys room Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school Hey can I be excused Put me to work the school book store Check-out counter I got bored Teacher was lookin' for me all around Two hours later you know where I was found Smokin' in the boys room I tell you I was Smokin' in the boys room Nah Nah Nah Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school Smokin' in the boys room Smokin' in the boys room I tell you I was Smokin' in the boys room Smokin' in the boys room Teacher don't you fill me up with your rules Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school One more Smokin' in the boys room Smokin' in the boys room Nah Teacher  I'm fooling around with your rules cause everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school" I sang

    Everyone clapped. Ashey smiled. I was proud of myself.

                               "ANDY! ANDY!" everyone except Ashey chanted

                               "Ashley get your a** up here," I said and he obeyed


Okay Part 1 finished originally this was only going to be one big chapter but I'm to tired for that I have a final tomorrow. I'm just kind of done with writing right now so enjoy this and my little author notes. I hope they made you laugh. Part 2 is coming soon to computers everyone. XD. On side is Lilly. Alright I think my sanity has left me so I'm going to go. Bye!

       "Don't be afraid to be you. Most of the time, it's the best way to be. Smile like Black Veil Brides knocked on your door and plan on staying for a week. Dance to your favorite song. Sing like your going to be on American Idol. Don't be afraid of yourself, even if other people are." My friend Delenn wrote in my notebook. I <3 her. She's awesome.


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