Time of Our Lives

By TrinityHostile

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Kariann and Dakota are your two most average girls in the world. They live in the USA in a small town with fa... More

Chapter 1: The Boy in the Bush
Chapter 2: Locked in the Closet with Harry Styles
Chapter 3: Pizza and Horror
Chapter 4: Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 5: Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Chapter 6: Two Weeks Later
Chapter 7: To Be Treated Like a Gem
Chapter 8: A Boy's Ego
Chapter 9: Dark Blue Peonies
Chapter 10: Pure Minds
Chapter 11: Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 12: Yesterday's Actions, Today's News
Chapter 13: Bad to Worse
Chapter 14: Free Day
Chapter 15: In Their Own Words
Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy Direction!
Chapter 17: Friday Night
Chapter 18: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 19: Harry's Confession
Chapter 20: Cold as Snow
Chapter 21: A Day of Emotions
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Tropics!
Chapter 23: The Only One
Chapter 24: When It All Comes Down to This
Chapter 25: Tender Emotions
Chapter 27: Key To My Heart
Chapter 27: Surf's Up
Chapter 28: Graduation
Second Ending: Reunions
Third Ending: In The End
Epilogue: The New Generation

First Ending: Three Years Later

167 2 0
By TrinityHostile

*Kariann’s POV*

Stress. Ugh, I hated that. Oh, and nervousness. I was so nervous I could die. I didn’t know what the critics would think of it. Nobody’s seen the final work except for myself. Two years I completed my bachelor’s degree in Full Sail for Film. Within the next year I managed to finally complete my first movie. I was the talk of the town, even my movie.

Okay, it was more of a teen movie, but what did you expect? I was still quite the teenager in my mind set. I was only twenty-one and my movie was about a girl that falls in love with a rockstar and does whatever she can to make him love her back. Heartache and jealousy seemed to be the main character’s dose in everyday life.

Sick of it all, she leaves him all alone. It didn’t take long before the guy realized that he loved her. And get this, the moment he could ever bring himself to tell her, she gets into an accident. It really does seem like she’s going to die, but she doesn’t. She’s completely fine. He’s by her side the whole time and they slowly begin to patch things up between them.

Ah, the ending I loved. The first kiss they shared on the beach. Just thinking about the production of it made my skin tingle. My thought process to make it perfect? Mine and Harry’s first kiss. Yep, judge me if you want, but I got that son-of-a-bitch of a scene down and I thanked my cast for putting up with my strict directing.

Even so, just because I loved it didn’t mean others will.

“Calm down, Kariann!” Dakota sighed at me. “Seriously! It’s going to be great, so don’t be so worried.”

“But still…” I muttered, rubbing my forehead. I could already feel a migraine coming on.

“Kariann Taylor Young.” Dakota spoke each word slowly, hair bouncing as the car we rode in kept driving. “If Harry sees you stressing like this, he’s going to worry. Hell, he may even make you quit your career. Calm down! It’s just your first film, you’ll be making hundreds more. Not only that, Zac Efron was in it. It’s bound to be good. Speaking of whom, will he be at the premier?”

God I swear that girl knew how to keep a subject changing. Even so, there would be many other celebrities there, showing off their glam, suits, and dresses. I was wearing a simple black dress and heels, something I told Dakota to at least wear but she decided against it. She hated dressing up and since this was my movie premier and I loved her so much, I let her get away with it. She was in her usual skinny jeans, plaid shirt, and converse.

“I’m so nervous.” I said, messing with my hands.

“Don’t worry.” Dakota said, her hand on my shoulder. “I’ll be by your side the whole time. I’m just as nervous for you as you are.”

The car came to a stop. I looked out the tented windows, seeing the pap and flashing lights as celebrities came and walked about. “Ready?” Dakota asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I muttered, opening the door.

Flashing of lights erupted before my eyes. Millions of questions came flying from the paparazzi and fans were screaming. Good thing being around One Direction helped me get use to this some. Dakota did stick by my side for the longest time, easily ignoring the paparazzi that kept trying to get her attention as she walked with me.

“Hey…” Dakota started. “Did you send tickets to the guys?”

I nodded. “Yeah. I don’t know if they’ll show up or not though. I never got a reply back.”

Dakota pouted some. “I miss Lou.”

“Oh, my God! One Direction! One Direction!”

“And I believe that answers our questioning of doubt.” Dakota said, turning around in search of the guys. Our eyes settled on five nicely dressed boys as they smiled and waved at the fans. “LOUIS!” Dakota screamed in joy, running toward him.

A grin lit up the man’s face as he picked her up in his arms, swinging her around. I searched for a curly-headed boy. I finally found him, but his face was hidden behind two of the other boy’s backs. He finally pulled back from behind the group, looking over toward my direction. When his eyes landed on me, his face pulled into a slight shock. Oh yeah, it wasn’t often he saw me in a dress. He even said it before that I should wear them more often, but I refused to. I could tolerate them more than Dakota, but it didn’t mean I liked them. A smile came onto my face as we walked to each other.

“God, I missed you.” He murmured, bringing his arms around me. “And your hair… you really did cut it.”

The flashing of cameras was something that came across my vision. He pulled back, touching the tip of my hair that was barely touching my shoulders. “Oh well, you’re still beautiful.” He grinned, bending down to kiss me.

More flashing. We smiled at each other and the others came over. “No Niall?” I asked, looking at the guys.

“Bonnie had a runway in Paris.” Dakota explained, arm wrapped around Lou’s. “He stayed behind to watch.”

“I have yet to see one of those.” I sighed, looking amongst my friends.

“You’re missing out.” Louis said, grinning as he looked down at Dakota.

Those two were the only ones that’s ever seen Bonnie on a runway. From what they said, she’s pretty rocking. She really was fit to be a model.

“Oh, my God!” Dakota exclaimed excitedly. “It’s Zac Efron!”

She pointed and I just rolled my eyes at her. I worked with the guy and he was pretty good about what he did. He’s a nice man and I was actually relieved to see he wanted to try out for the main role of my movie. Louis pouted down at her. “What? Am I not hot enough?”

“Honey, Zac has been my celebrity crush since even before you boys went on X Factor.” Dakota grinned.

“That feels like a lifetime ago.” Liam noted. “How long has it been? Only six years?”

“We’ve come so far since then.” Zayn said, smiling at us.

We’ve all changed since then too. The boys have already released their fifth album and was working on another world tour. It sucked in having to see Harry leave again, but he was doing what he loved most, along with myself. We caught each other smiling at each other and grasped each other’s hands. So far, we’ve all been together and stayed best friends.

Work was hard and made all of us busy, but we somehow always seem to manage to pull everything together. We made our way into the movie premier, taking seats. I was a nervous wreck throughout the whole movie. Harry sat next to me, hand holding mine tightly. At one point, he saw how much of a nervous wreck I was and bent over to whisper to me. Immediately I felt calm. Whatever it was Harry was doing, it was doing the trick. His words replaced my nervousness with confidence. I worked hard on this movie, it was bound to pay off.

When the movie was over, critics went crazy. They had so many questions that it was starting to overwhelm me. What happened to Dakota saying she would stick by my side? Harry was in her place now and I could really use my best friend for mental support here too. “Sorry!” Dakota said, running up beside me. “Had to get an autograph.”

She held up her green book she used for autographs. Ever since we moved to LA together, she’s kept that thing with her all this time. She loved getting autographs. Why? I wasn’t so sure. Louis was stepping up right behind her, arm around her waist as the two of them smiled for the cameras. I took a deep breath, deciding on what question to answer first from the crowd. Somebody grabbed my side, making me jump. “Quit being a fidget. Show them how proud you are with your first movie.” Dakota winked.

I rolled my eyes. Harry stuck right beside me as I moved up, letting a few mics come close to my face. I loved my drama poker face, it was the only thing that was helping me keep my composure. I spoke for a few minutes before Harry was whining to leave. “Can we go now?” He asked. “I just came from an eight hour flight…”

We walked along, holding hands. “You didn’t have to come.” I said, looking at him.

We neared the car and I stepped in. Harry came in right after me. It seemed Dakota would be riding with Louis and the others. “Well, I was so excited to see your movie, love.”

The driver began to drive as he shut the door. He pulled me into his arms and I rested my head on his shoulder. “Well, either way, thank you. I know how busy you are.” I murmured, upon kissing his neck.

“Anything for you.” He said into my hair.

He took a deep breath. Suddenly, the car stopped. “What…?” I asked. We were supposed to be heading back to mine and Dakota’s place.

Harry grinned down at me before opening the car door. He held out his hand, I took it, confused as he helped me out of the car. “There’s also another reason why I wanted to come.” Harry explained as we started walking down one of the sidewalks in the park.

I’ve been in this park before, and never have I seen an overhanging canopy of flowers. “Peonies…?” I questioned.

“Do you remember?” He asked as we stopped in the center of it all.

I looked up and around at the dark blue flowers, smiling. “How can I forget?”

Harry took my hand, holding it up to his chest. “I also said that for one peony, it would represent one year that I’ve known you…”

He looked into my eyes, staring. I was having a hard time catching on with his drift. “Okay?” I asked. “So how many are there?”

“Well, good question.” He said, looking up to see. “I’m not so sure myself.”

“It’s like a never-ending patch.” I said, smiling at the flowers.

But still. What was Harry planning? Harry smiled down at me. “Yes. That’s exactly what I wanted. That’s what I want now. Kariann, I love you. I want to be with you forever. The past four years we’ve known each other, three of which we’ve been together, I don’t want us to end.”

Harry let go of my hand and slowly got down. On one knee in fact. My eyes widened, suddenly seeing what he’s about to do. He reached into his suit jacket, pulling out a velvet case. My breath caught as he opened it. I didn’t stare at the ring, because that to me wasn’t the most important part. I stared into Harry’s eyes, gleaming and the reflection of me in them. “Will you marry me?”

I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I brought my hands up to cover my mouth. Closing my eyes, I quickly nodded. Of course I would marry him. He was the love of my life. His hands took my own away from my face. I reached up, putting my arms around his shoulders as he put his around my waist. “I love you, Harry.” I said, crying into his shoulder.

“I love you too.” He said, holding me tight. “Forever and always.”

I pulled back and he bent down, our lips meeting.

“Okay, that has got to be the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.” A familiar voice broke out.

“SH!” Someone scolded.

Harry and I pulled back, laughing and smiling some. Our friends came out from either end of the canopy of peonies. “Harry… what a man.” I saw Niall walking up, her clothes were covered in dirt and grass stains. Bonnie was right beside him, catching the rest of the conversation. “He made us take an earlier flight with him to go meet with your dad to ask for your hand in marriage. From there he made us make this son-of-a-bitch, which is not easy if I may add.”

“You did a wonderful job.” Harry said, arm around my waist.

“You did that?” I asked, looking up at Harry.

He shrugged some. “He seemed excited about the news.”

Please,” Dakota said, rolling her eyes. “His main concern now is the grandchildren. He’s been wanting them since she’s been in high school.”

Laughter followed.

Harry and I stayed engaged for quite a while. The pap found out about it quickly and magazines were talking about it non-stop. Harry Styles was getting married to his girlfriend of three years. I knew lots of fans were devastated, but many were supporting. I was to be the Mrs. Styles. Kariann Styles. Hm, I actually liked the sound of it. Ah, but planning for the wedding, that was something most woman would have a heart attack over. Girls wanted the perfect wedding, but me, I just wanted to be there with Harry. I told him I didn’t care where, but I wanted it to be private. I only wanted our families and friends there. He was quick to agree.

“I can’t believe you got me to wear this.” Dakota made a face at her reflection in the mirror. She had on a deep blue dress with heels. She was a master walking in them now with the help of Bonnie teaching her how to walk in them for the past two weeks. I rolled my eyes.

“Has Louis even seen you in that yet?” Bonnie asked as she stood next to her friend.

“Well… no.”

Bonnie grinned. “He’s gonna fall in love with you all over again.”

Dakota rolled her eyes as she turned around to face me. “Either way, Kariann’s beautiful. I’m jealous.”

“To think she would be the first to get married.” Bonnie commented.

“I think Harry learnt his lesson upon waiting to do things.” Dakota said, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, Dakota.”

“Either that, or he’s really looking forward to the honeymoon.” Bonnie winked.

I gaped, feeling a blush coming onto my cheek. “Bonnie!”

Dakota started laughing. “Oh damn.”

A knock was heard on the door. “You girls ready? The wedding is about to start!” My dad called from the door.

“I guess that’s our cue.” Dakota said as Bonnie walked over to grab their small bouquet of white peonies, Dakota grabbing my own bouquet of blue peonies.

I took a deep breath, stepping out of the room to stand next to my dad. He was smiling at me. I could see the tears in his eyes. “Da…” I started.

“I know, I know. It’s just that I can’t believe I have such a beautiful daughter.” He stuck his arm out and I interlocked with his. We began walking, watching as Dakota and Bonnie stepped out first. The music could be heard playing.

I haven’t seen Harry all day, not even yesterday. The guys took him out for a small bachelor party, and I even warned him there better not be any strippers involved or I was going to kill him. The girl’s took me out, even Perry and Danielle who are still with Zayn and Liam, came with. We drunk a little, but mostly sat around and talked and had fun. It would be my last time being with them before I was to go out for my two week honeymoon with Harry to island where we shared our first kiss.

Okay, he’s definitely turned into a romantic, but I love him. “Cold feet?” Da asked, looking at me.

I smiled a little. “No, definitely not.”

“Let’s go.”

We started walking. We stepped through the doors. Everyone’s eyes fell back to stare at me. Many were smiling, some gaping. Da walked me down the aisle and I saw Harry standing at the end, eyes wide and shocked, mouth hanging. When I started to near him, he gained his composure and brought out a lovely smile. Da held out my hand whenever we stopped. Harry gave him a small bow before taking my hand into his own and led me up the small steps.

We faced each other, smiles apparent on our faces. Harry’s eyes never left my own. “Do you, Harold Edward Styles, take this woman as your wife?”

His voice was hoarse, as if he was about to cry. “I do.”

“And do you, Kariann Taylor Young, take this man as your husband?”

“I do.” I said.

The tears started to fall from Harry’s eyes, a small stream going down his face. I couldn’t help myself either, my own tears were falling also. To be here with Harry, that was all I ever needed in my life. “You may kiss the bride.”

Harry didn’t hold back, he brought his lips down to my own, our tears streaming down as one.

“Alright, we can’t have a proper wedding reception without some of us putting out a word for our lovely couple.” I heard my best friend speak through the microphone.

Louis was standing right next to her, grinning like the devil he was. “Alright, I’ve known Kariann since, what, eighth grade, right? That was when we first met, but we really didn’t start hanging out until the summer before our junior year. We’ve been inseparable since. Ask my dad, it drove him nuts. Either way, it was both of us that suddenly got to meet these wonderful boys: Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry. I guess fate really did play its part. We were only supposed to be seeing a concert they were attending in Ohio, but look at where we’re at now. My best friend is going to get banged by one of the world’s biggest pop stars later on tonight.”

The crowd was laughing. I gaped at my best friend. I couldn’t believe she just said that, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Only she was cut out for doing that. “Either way, I love you guys, you’re perfect for each other. I mean, you better be glad I love you Kariann, I wore this just for you.”

Louis whispered something into her ear then and she half-glared at him before smacking him on the arm. Louis pouted some at her. “What? I’m being honest.”

Their little spat caused the crowd to smile some. Louis smiled some at the crowd before speaking into the mic. “Well, let’s see. I could go on and on about Harry and tell the most embarrassing things about him, but I think I’ll save my breath. I feel strange standing up here on this small stage with my four mates so I’ll keep it short. That boy right there worked hard for that girl’s heart. He did a damn good job too. He’s changed ever since he fell for her, but for the better. He’s become such a grown man and… it saddens me to see my best friend get married before I do. I think I need to step up my game some.”

He winked over at Dakota, who just rolled her eyes. Did he just imply something? I thought to myself. I looked at Harry, who just smiled at me. “What…”

“Don’t worry about it.” Harry said, taking my hand in his.

“But didn’t he just imply-“

“Sh…” He ushered, holding a hand to his lips. “He doesn’t want anyone to know.”

So I was right. But he just flat out admitted to everyone in the audience he was going to ask her. As far as when, I didn’t know.

Everyone went up to speak. Niall and Bonnie, Zayn and Perry, Liam and Danielle, my father and mother, Cecil, Harry’s parents, old friends of mine and his, and a few aunts and uncles. There was so much to be said and it made me very happy to just have everyone here to speak for us. Nobody went flat out embarrassing over the two of us, which made me relieved. I was seriously going to hurt my friend’s later, but no matter.

The reception was over and that meant Harry and I would have to leave. We were the last to leave the building and as the doors opened to let us out, our family and friends were cheering, our friend’s making a joke in throwing rice. I stopped Harry before we reached the limo. He saw the bouquet in my hand and I smiled, looking back to see if everyone was ready. I closed my eyes, sent out a small prayer before opening them and chucking my bouquet backwards.

Harry never allowed me to see who caught them. He led me into the limo crawling in after me and shutting the door. “Who got it?” I asked.

Harry grinned. “Someone you’d never expect to catch them.”

I raised an eye. He laughed. “It was Niall.”

I gaped and began to grin. Oh God, I wish I could see the look on his face right now.

But somehow the thought escaped my mind as I was sitting close to Harry with his arm around my shoulders. He smiled down at me. This was just perfect. Everything was perfect. As long as Harry was here beside me, whether we fought or not, things would come together. We would be together forever. Screw the ‘till death do we part,’ even as ghost we’ll be haunting together, as spirits we would roam the heavens together, as lovers we would continue to love. Nothing will tear us apart. Nothing.

If Harry was to ever ask what to do about us or himself, I would tell him one thing. Keep being yourself. For he has changed me as I changed him, but together we would change the world around us. The world will see us as not as the couple that met by chance, but as the couple that fought to keep their relationship strong.

I love you, Harold Edward Styles. Don’t you ever forget that. 

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