I'm Coming Home (Cimorelli St...

By PerfectionMyName

244K 5.5K 1.1K

Several years had past in the Cimorelli household, precise five years. A lot of things changed in this family... More

Table of Contents
Who And What They Are Now
In Sacramento (Christina)
In San Diego (Katherine)
In New York (Lisa)
In Dallas (Amy)
In Long Beach (Lauren)
In Malibu (Dani)
What's Going On?
Driving, Flying and Waiting
The First One Is Home
The Older Ones are Home and The Airport
Everyone Is Home
This I Promise You
Revealing Fellings
We're Getting Married!!!
He Did Not Just Do That?! Oh, Yes He Did!
She Hurted You
Gone, Gone, Gone
Lisa Cimorelli Style
I Can't Forgive Her Anymore
Two Pieces
Who's Pregnant?!
Which One?
Dani's Pregnant?!
You Liar
Try To Promise
Gotta Go My Own Way
Take A Bow
Giving You Up
Here We Go Again
Family Portrait
Just Try
Fix A Heart
Never Let Her Go
Falling Into Pieces
In Case
Shoudn't Come Back
Family First
So Scared
Story of My Life
Say Something
Blank Space
Mrs. All American
I'll Show You
Break Up In A Small Town
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Just A Little Bit Harder
Knock Knock Joke
Say You Won't Let Go
The Proposal

Take Your Time

1K 43 5
By PerfectionMyName

Lauren's POV

"Has anyone seen Dani?" Christina shouted at the top of her lungs. Me, Brian, Amy, Jake and Lisa were watching Divergent in the living room as Christina came in confused, "Has she gone out?". Everyone else shrugged or shook with their head as they were paying literally too much attention to the movie.

"What do you need her for? Is she in trouble again?" I gave her a playful smile.

"No Lauren, I was just wondering where she is, I haven't like seen her the whole day and it's worrying me quite a bit," she replied frowning, following by a loud sigh. Lisa gave her an annoyed look, the "don't bother me when I watch a movie" look.

"Have you tried with a phone?", asking the obvious of course, she awkwardly shook with her head and smiled, "Grandma," I quietly mumbled as I made my way to the stairs, deciding to go find Dani, who was probably in her room and Christina was just too lazy to even climb the stairs. As I ran upstairs and walked towards the door I could hear someone sobbing a little bit, so I started listening from which room the sounds were coming from. The more I listened to them, the more it sounded like Dani's, I listened to the sobs in front of Dani's room and darn it, those were her's. I knocked on the door quietly and waited for a reply.

"Yeah?", she sniffed as she answered, I opened the door and asked, "Can I come in?", she nodded, wiping her tears away and looking at the floor. I sat on the bed next to her and waited for her to calm down, as she started calming, I asked, "What's wrong Dan?".

"It's nothing, I'm just emotional, period started...you know how it goes," she gave me a small smile.

"Don't lie," I said giving her a glare, "I know you too well already," I said hugging her. She hugged me even tighter so I knew that something was really wrong, as she buried her face in my shoulder she started crying and I could already felt the wet spot on my shirt.

"Why does love have to feel so damn hard?" she now looked at me, giving me a loud sigh. I stared at her for a second and hugged once again, she started crying again quickly, "Shhhh, everything will be alright," I cooed to my younger sister. After awhile she finally fully calmed down, she was really quiet, so I wanted to confirm my suspicions, which jerk broke her heart.

"Justin isn't even worth your tears," I told her the facts, but she just kept shaking with her head.

"It was never about Justin," she kept insisting with a broken smile on her face. Then who's the one to blame this for? "You just wouldn't understand," she frowned and glared to somewhere in the distance.

"Try me," I decisively said. Her gaze shifted all around the room as her eyes finally settled on me, "I can't,", she whispered and lowered her head. "Hey, don't be ashamed of someone you like," I told her smiling, she looked and smiled at me a little bit.

"So...will you tell me?" I kept sticking to it, she looked at me, "No, I can't...not yet," she shrugged, giving me an apology look. "When you're ready," I told her and she nodded with satisfaction.

"You wanna rest?" I gave her a confused look, "Well I never need to rest," she laughed sarcastically. I stood up and walked towards the door. "Lauren?", she asked, I turned around giving her a look, "Thanks," she said smiling to me, I nodded and replied, "That's what sisters are for,".

Dani's POV

I was glad Lauren was the one who found me. When I needed someone to calm me down, I always preferred her the most. She didn't ask too much questions and wasn't pushy at all, like Christina for instance.

I don't know how she would react if I told her about Kylie, about me and her, how I felt much more than just likeness towards her, how I felt love in fact. That's not something most people would accept because we live in society that tells us, that love between a man a woman is the only normal one...but that's not true. You can love anyone you want to love.

I always wanted to think of myself as straight, as "normal", or that it was just a phase. I do think that some guys are handsome, but don't feel extreme attractiveness towards them though. I only feel that way about some girls, especially about Kylie. The first time I saw that girl it just strike me from the blue...

December 2016,
It was late in 2016, the weather in L.A. cooled down a bit as it was winter, but it wasn't Alaska winter for sure. I was supposed to meet with Allie and a couple of other friends at Starbucks, you know the place where 16-year-olds go get coffee. When I saw Allie I ran towards her and hug her, the same as I did with others, but there's one person I didn't have a clue who it was.

"Hey, I'm Kylie," she introduced herself with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Hi and I'm Dani," I said with a smile, it felt like I was staring at her totally mesmerized, that's why I quickly looked away. We didn't interact much at first, because I was too much of a wimp to even try to talk to her. I felt really hypnotized by her looks, a beautiful brunette with striking emerald eyes. As everyone hit the conversation something was really dragging me towards her, so I wanted to make the first move.

"So how long are you friends with Allie, I thought I met all of them already," I gave her a smile as I stared into her hypnotizing eyes...Dani, snap out of it!

"I moved from Nashville a month ago and I met Allie right next door, she's my neighbor," she enthusiastically told me with a little bit of an accent.

"I can totally hear the Nashville in your accent though!" I told her impressed as she chuckled.

"Ever been to Nashville?" Kylie asked me, I nodded happily and gave the dumbest and weirdest answer in my life.

"Yeah, I've been and I learned a pretty awesome pickup line there," I proudly told her.

"No kidding, I'd love to hear it," she winked at me smiling.

"Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see," I said and winked out of pure dorkiness. She threw her head back and laughed, from the moment on I absolutely loved that about her, that I didn't need to make a fool out of myself to make her smile.

She leaned towards me and whispered on my ear, "Are you flirting with me?"

I shook my head and started smiling nervously, "I am totally not!"

"Prove it and take me on a date," she said grinning.

"I'm really gonna do it," I replied determinedly giving her a half smile.

"Then you do like me!" she excitedly said and in a second I was already engulfed in her hug. I never felt more peaceful in someone else's arms before, I felt like I could stay there forever and ever.

"So I'll have to go home pretty quickly because my parents are picking me up, can I borrow your phone just for a second?" Kylie asked sweetly, I nodded and gave her my iPhone.

After a moment she gave me my iPhone back and said, "My number is in the contacts, if you need it Dani," she add and gave me one more hug, and she said bye to all of us as her parents picked her up and they drove home.

That day I met Kylie and I felt completely overwhelmed by her. I liked a few girls now and then before, but not even one girl made me feel like Kylie did. I don't really know when my feelings towards girls started but, I always felt different from my sisters. As they were obsessed by boys, abs and muscles and everything, I didn't felt like I even fit in. At the age of twelve my feelings towards girls grew stronger, it wasn't that I didn't loved boys, I just couldn't feel anything towards them, yes I found some of them attractive, but I never could develop feelings for them.

I racked my brains with this kind of stuff at the age of twelve and felt weird. The other five were obsessing over boys and I just felt like an outcast most of the time. At the age of fourteen my obsession towards boys should be bigger, so with just that I started pretending that I liked them. Pretending that I was a madly obsessed girl, which gushed over every boy that crossed my way, made me really tired of pretending. My Tweets sometimes really sounded insane, secretly I was totally mad about girls, but out of carefulness I turned everything into boy obsession. I didn't felt ashamed, I felt like a sinner who didn't belong in their own family. I don't know what my family would do if I told them, so I never really dared a word to slip out of my mouth. I was afraid that my own family would abandon me and they would think of me as a disgrace. So...that's why I never really told anyone.

December 2016,
Every day I thought about Kylie, the way her eyes met mine, the way she smiled...she gave me her number, but I wasn't really sure if it was the best idea to do it. Do I have anything to lose? Nope, so why not call then? After awhile I decided to call her, the beeping made my heartbeat faster...

"Yo, who there?" she answered the call with that voice...is that really how she answers, oh God...

"Hey, it's Dani," I chuckled into the phone, still astonished by her greeting.

"Wassup gurl?" she asked me in the most stupid, but at the same time most brilliant accent ever.

"Kylie...who answers their phone like that, oh my gosh," I started laughing.

"Cool people," she quietly replied, but at the same time we both burst into laughing our butts off.

"Hey, I was thinking about the date, though," I said into the phone unconsciously smiling. "I kind of waited for five days, but hey, I'm not trying to sound desperate here," she chuckled on the other line. "So is today at 7 p.m. great?" I asked hoping for a yes, "Well, Dan Dan, you better be there!" she replied chuckling. "But no...seriously, where do we meet?" she asked confused this time. "At the beach, be ready!" I replied finally, "Okay, Dan, see you!" she said her goodbye and so did I in the end.

It was ten minutes to seven, so I quickly looked myself into the mirror and inhaled and exhaled quickly, my heart was already beating faster when I just thought of her, I grabbed everything I needed for this and ran downstairs, "Mum, I'm going out with a friend!" I yelled from the living room, "Okay," she replied from the kitchen. I paced up my walk to the beach, so I wouldn't be a second too late. After five minutes I finally arrived to the beach a little bit out of breath and I saw her waiting there. She didn't saw me yet, but I stared at her from a far, she wore black combat boots, black leggins and a little bit over sized denim jacket, but all of that made her look like a model.

"Kylie!" I shouted from a distance, she turned around and started waving at me.

"You look absolutely stunning," she started gushing, and I complimented her back, "and you look amazing."

"Whoa, what's that huge thing on your back?" she was surprised as she saw my guitar, "This little thing? It's just my guitar," I laughed.

"So, you're gonna play me something, I assume?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"First I'm gonna take you to a very special place to my heart," I winked at her, she smiled and followed me. As we walked to the place on the beach we slightly brushed hands, I gazed at her quickly as she looked at me for a second and then blushed. We talked all the way to my special spot and after ten minutes we finally arrived.

At first she was speechless, staring all around in awe, after a second she finally uttered a word out. "Dani, you really have a gift for secret spots," she looked at me quite dreamily. She wanted to sit right on the sand, but I stopped her the right time.

"I brought a blanket with me, so we don't have to sit in the sand," I started to joke around with her, as I put the blanket on top of the sand.

"Oops," she laughed adorably and patted on the spot next to her for me to sit down. I grabbed my guitar and sat next to her, now facing her. "So, why did you choose this spot after all?" she asked me curiously. I thought for a bit and replied, "Because it's beautiful," I replied staring at her piercing green eyes, she looked down and smiled, "But not as beautiful as you are," she said and touched my hand.

"Kylie, I wanted to play you a song, it's called Take Your Time," she nodded and I started strumming the chords on the guitar.

I don't know if you were looking at me or not
You probably smile like that all the time
And I don't mean to bother you but
I couldn't just walk by
And not say, "Hi"

And I know your name
'Cause everybody in here knows your name
And you're not looking for anything right now
So I don't wanna come on strong
Don't get me wrong

Your eyes are so intimidating
My heart is pounding but
It's just a conversation
No, girl I'm not wasted
You don't know me
I don't know you but I want to

I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just wanna take your time

I don't wanna wreck your Friday
I ain't gonna waste my lines
I don't have to take your heart
I just wanna take your time

And I know it starts with "Hello"
And the next thing you know you're trying to be nice
And some guys getting too close
Trying to pick you up
Trying to get you drunk

And I'm sure one of your friends is about to come over here
'Cause she's supposed to save you from random guys
That talk too much and wanna stay too long
It's the same old song and dance but I think you know it well

You could've rolled your eyes
Told me to get a life
Could've walked away
But you're still here
And I'm still here
Come on let's see where it goes

I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just wanna take your time

I don't have to meet your mother
We don't have to cross that line
I don't wanna steal your covers
I just wanna take your time

I don't wanna go home with you

I just wanna be alone with you

I don't wanna steal your freedom
I don't wanna change your mind
I don't have to make you love me
I just wanna take your time

I don't wanna blow your phone up
I just wanna blow your mind
I don't have to take your heart
I just wanna take your time

No, I ain't gotta call you baby
And I ain't gotta call you mine
I don't have to take your heart
I just wanna take your time

"Oh gosh Dani, that was really sweet," she started tearing up, I put my guitar away and tightly hugged her. We both leaned back a little, as our foreheads now touched. I felt the burning passion inside of me to lean in for a kiss, but out of fear I was held back.

"I didn't knew you were a singer and also a very awesome one," she whispered impressed, "There's a lot you don't know about me," I winked at her and brushed my nose against her's.

"I guess this is our song from now on, right?" she said and I just nodded, I was totally paralyzed by her, we just stared at each other's eyes.

"Maybe this is a bad time to use this pick-up line, but I really need you to ask me what do I wanna be when I grow up," she chuckled awkwardly, I looked at her confused and just went with it.

I barely held my laugh, as I asked her, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

"If I could be anything, I wanna be the next thing on your lips," she seductively whispered to me. I blushed and hid my face in my hands, I heard her soft chuckle, when she lifted up my chin and leaned in to kiss me. Our lips brushed at first, but then I deepened the kiss and we kissed for quite a time. After that beautiful kiss and huge fireworks inside, I could barely catch my breath. Kylie then brushed her nose against mine and gave me a peck on the lips.

"That was actually my first kiss," I whispered to her shyly, she lowered her head and chuckled, "So it was mine," Kylie then intertwined our fingers and cuddled next to me.

After remembering all that memories, I didn't even realized that I was already crying...I wiped the tears away and smiled looking down at my heart shaped necklace that Kylie gave me as a present for my 17th birthday, as she wanted to quote Ed Sheeran at that time she said, "Now you can fit me inside the necklace I got you when you were seventeen, next to your heartbeat, where I should be!"

The only love relationship I ever considered real in all of my life, was my relationship with Kylie. It all seemed so real and perfect with her, she gave me the attention I needed and I gave her the love she longed for. The other relationships I had with boys or with Justin never felt like it felt with her. The one I had with Justin, I never really felt anything special towards him, I only dated him to appear straight. And the other time, when it came to having a crush on Brian, I never had it...it was just a stupid decision of mine to appear straight again.

The only person I ever truly honestly loved was Kylie, she was always there by my side, when I needed her. I had to hide my relationship with her in front of my friends and family, just for the sake of me. She wanted to come out, but in the end she did it and I coward out, though we had an agreement to do it both. I really like Liam too, but just as a friend somehow, boys just don't attract me and that's a fact.


Hey my loves, did you liked the chapter? Do you ship Dani and Kylie? Can someone figure out a ship name for them xD If you loved the chapter please vote for it, remember I update when I get 20 votes ;) And please also comment and give me feedback, because I really appreciate it and I get happy when someone comments on my story :D Ohh and what do you think of lesbian Dani? Do you like her? Big kiss, big hug, big love <3 Btw there's a picture how Kylie looked when she and Dani were 16, it's right next to the video ;)

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