The Thompsons.

Oleh yourequestedmyface

2.2K 87 77

My name is Lia Thompson. I am a pretty average girl. My school life is nothing special and my social life is... Lebih Banyak

2 Tiffs and FOOD!
3 The Beginning of Pranks
4 Pranks and Their Consequences
5 On the Run, but Not for Long
6 Sucky Parents
7 More Pranks and New Friends
8 Special People
9 Almost Caught and Plans to Meet
10 Pizza and Shower Mishaps
11 Meet and Greets With A Side of Unhappiness
12 Relationships and Brotherly Meetings
13 Blackmailing With A Side Of Ex-boyfriends
14 The Secret Is Out?
15 First Day and Full-house Prank War
16 The Beginning Of The Prank War
17 Drunk Zara Is A Loopy Zara
18 Disastrous dinner party
19 Changing For The Better
20 Meet The Parents.
21 What Just Happened?
22 Avery Benson
23 Truth Spilled
24 Housing Issues
25 Adapting and Dates
26 Miss Thompson, The Prankster
27 A Day To Remember
28 Beach Day
29 Surprises and Holidays
30 Dates and More
31 Ending on the Perfect Beginning
Happy new year!

1 The Thompsons

256 3 1
Oleh yourequestedmyface

Wake up!" I heard Nick yelling at me as he jumped onto my stomach.

"Ahh, FUCK! Nick, what the hell?" I shouted groggily. I pushed him off of my bed and heard him land on the floor with a loud thump. I heard him groan as I pulled my duvet back over my head.

"You know, Lia, Mum and Dad wouldn't appreciate that language." I heard another voice say. I pushed my covers down and peeked though my sleepy eyes to see James standing over me with a smirk.

"Yeah, well they aren't here, so piss off." I groaned again as I pulled my pillow over my face. I heard a deep chuckle and braced myself for what was about to happen. This was my usual morning routine; my younger brother, Nick would attempt to wake me up by any means possible, like jumping on me, and if that didn't work, James, the eldest of us six children, would drag me out of the bed and down the stairs to my other three brothers; Liam, Leo and Josh. I had four older brothers and one younger. James was the eldest at 20 years old, then it was the twins; Liam and Leo. Liam was the smart one of us siblings. He aced every subject in school and is now in college doing every academic subject they offered. They were 17 years old. Then there was Josh. We were closest because we were closest in age. Josh and I were both 16, but he was a couple of months older than I was. Then there was the little one; Nick. He was the youngest sibling at 12 years old. My Mum and Dad were constantly away for their work, so the six of us would stay at home, in England whilst they traveled the world without us.

"I'll give you one chance to get up yourself before I call everyone else up here to dump water on you and drag you down the stairs." James threatened. I lifted the pillow and glared at him.

"You wouldn't." I challenged him. He gave me a sneaky grin as if saying 'try me'. "I hate you." I hissed as I threw my memory foam pillow at his head. He laughed heartily before leaving my room, Nick in tow. "Why am I stuck with arseholes for brothers?" I asked myself as I picked myself up out of bed and to my wardrobe to find my uniform for the school day ahead.


"You're finally awake I see." Josh said with a smile. I glared at him.

"Shut up, arsewipe." I mumbled to him. He laughed and pulled me into a side hug.

"That bad this morning?" He asked me. He already knew the answer, but I nodded my head anyway. "Oh well, you got me now." He said as I pulled away from him with a scoff.

"And how does that make me feel better? Another stinky boy trying to make my life a misery. Yeah that sounds great." I said sarcastically with a small smile playing at my lips. He covered his chest in mock offence and I laughed at him. He smiled too and ruffled my recently straightened hair. "Hey, hey, hey! Watch the hair dickwad!" I yelled as I scurried into the living room to tidy my hair up. I heard multiple laughs as I ran in to sort my hair out. That would have been Josh and the twins. "Yeah you two can shut it too!" I smiled at them through the reflection.

"Are we ready to go?" I heard James shout from the front door. We all yelled back a yes and we filed out of the house to pile into our minivan for school or work.

Leo and I provided music for our fifteen minute journey. He would beatbox as I sang. The other boys would sing along and it would perk us all up for the day ahead.

We arrived at school so Josh, Nick and I jumped out of the minivan and James waved us off as he drove the twins to college and himself to work. I sighed as I looked up at the building ahead. The three of us walked in with our heads held high. None of us liked this school, and everyone knew it. Josh was the trouble maker, the type of boy to ditch lessons and cheek the teachers. He wasn't one to get in fights, but that didn't mean he never did. Nick was just the typical child who didn't like school, like me, but he never did any work during lessons. He wasn't naughty, just a slacker. I on the other hand didn't like school because of the bitchy girls in my year. Every school had them, so it was nothing new, but it was for me because I had never been targeted by one of them until we moved to Oak Ridge High School in England. I gave my brothers a small smile before we all split different directions to our form classes. My class was in science, Nick was in maths and Josh was in English.

I walked into the room and set my stuff down on an empty desk in the middle row of my class. I sat down on the stool and pulled out my phone from my front pocket I turned it on and began to play Candy Crush to pass the time until my teacher came in. Soon after the teachers arrival, Zara walked in and muttered a quick apology to Miss Wilson as she sat down next to me.

"Hey, Lia. How's it going?" She asked as she pulled her phone out of the hoodie pocket.

"I'm okay, thanks. What about you? How are you and Jason holding up?" I asked as I turned my phone off to pay attention to my friend.

"We are doing better now thanks. He is so much better now after seeing his mum. A lot more confident that she will get better because of how chipper she was over the weekend." I smiled at her and nodded my head. Jason's mum had been in hospital for a while from a heart attack and he had been stressing over her health, but after seeing her over the weekend and hearing the good news, he has loosened up by the sound of things.

"Good, glad to know that they are both getting better. Now, on a completely different topic, what lessons do we have today?" I grinned at her as she pulled out her lesson sheet from her bag.

"Well I have French, so that means you have Latin right?" I nodded at her. "Okay, then we have English together and History, then after that we have science, but I'm in Chem so that means you have Biology so I won't see you then. Then last lesson is Maths." I groaned and she laughed. Before we could say anything more the bell rang signaling first lesson. We hugged each other goodbye and walked off towards our lessons.


"THOMPSON!" I heard an annoying screech come from behind me as I pushed my books into my locker. Amy Jones was stalking towards me, anger written all over her. I backed away slightly as she stopped by my locker.

"Yes, Amy, what do you want?" I asked politely. I may absolutely hate this girl because of her constant tormenting, but that doesn't mean I'm going to sink to her level my making myself seem mean. I mean, I am mean, but not to her because she will just make my life worse than she already has. She looked utterly fuming, but I had no idea why. What could I apparently have done now?

"You are an absolute BITCH!" She yelled at me. I took another step back from her.

"Why?" I asked her, honestly not knowing what I had done to upset her so much. By now a few people had stopped to listen, but they were doing it discreetly because of how moody Amy was right now.

"Don't play dumb with me. You know exactly why. You slept with Mark you WHORE!" I looked at her in shock. This was a new one. I hadn't heard any rumors about that or had any funny looks this morning, so how did she think that?

"What? No, I never did and I don't appreciate you using your name on me!" I yelled at her. Where was this confidence coming from? I had never answered back to Amy before!

"What the fuck did you just say to me? My name is not whore! You are a major slut and I cannot believe that you slept with my boyfriend!" She screeched.

"I never did anything like that! Your boyfriend is an ugly fuck who is lucky to get his own mother to find him remotely attractive! Why on earth would I want to get with him?" I asked with a disgusted look on my face. She looked at me in utter loathing before throwing herself at me. She pulled my hair and scratched my face with her long nails whilst I just stood there helplessly, crying out to see if anyone would actually help me. No-one did. I pulled myself away from her and watched her breathe heavily before coming for me again. She sure was persistent! She scratched my face again, but this time it was hard enough to rip the skin and make my cheek bleed. I screamed in pain and kicked her shins until she let go of my hair. I took this opportunity to pull her hair back and grip her arm to pull it up her back. "Where did you hear that from, Amy? WHO?" I yelled in her red face. She whimpered as I pulled her arm harder.

"No-one did! I just wanted to make up a rumor so that I could fight with you!" She panted, tears running down her face.

"Well you got your fucking wish didn't you. You got your fight. You are a pathetic lowlife. I knew that you could sink low, but never this low." I scoffed at her. "You are so pathetic, Amy. I hope this here teaches you a lesson. Don't ever speak to me again or get anyone from your little gang to speak to me or my family ever, got it?" I hissed. She nodded silently. "Good." I let her arm go but I still held her hair as I pushed her face into the locker next to me. I picked up my bag that had fallen to the ground when she came at me and walked to Biology. I could still hear her whimpering behind me.

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