The new girl (Jerrie FanFic)

By Jerrie_For_Life

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A girl called Jade Thirlwall moves into a new school with her best friend Jesy Nelson. But when they go there... More

The Characters (a little update i wanted to do)
Chapter 1: The First Day
Chapter 2 interesting day
Chapter 3: falling in love
Chapter 4: the perfect night
Chapter 5: love is the sweetest thing
Chapter 6: Best Monday Ever
Chapter 7: Dramatic Friday
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: Fun Night And Not So Innocent
Chapter 10: A Day In
Chapter 11: Jade's Truth
Chapter 12: Nobody Needs To Know
Chapter 13: I'm Sorry
Chapter 14: I Love You
Chapter 15: My Princess
Chapter 16: Finding Out
Chapter 17: Always Be Together
Chapter 18: Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 19: Suspended
Chapter 20: Chill Out Day
Chapter 21: Police Station
Chapter 22: With The Girls
Chapter 23: One Month Anniversary
Chapter 24: A Surprising Day
Chapter 25: Sam
Chapter 27: Jade...
this isn't an update!!
Chapter 28: Big News
Chapter 29: Less Worries
Chapter 30: Home again
Chapter 31 The Station
Chapter 32 An Unexpected surprise
Part 33 a job!?
Part 34: working
Last chapter

Chapter 26: Another Day In

676 32 3
By Jerrie_For_Life

Jade P.O.V

I didn't sleep.... I couldn't sleep.... I was too scared too because I might have a nightmare.

"W-why me" I say to myself while wrapping myself in a ball "what did I do to deserve this..."


I see Perrie waking up and I hear her groan.

"Morning princess" she smiles at me and sits up.

"Morning" I slightly smile at her.

"Have you been up all night?" She looks at me suspiciously.

"N-no.." I lie.

"You have!! I can see that you have.. come and cuddle with Pezy Poo" she opens her arms.

"Pezy Poo?" I chuckle soflty.

"Yes" she giggles "c'mon, come to me" we cuddle "I love you Jade you know that? If I ever see him again I won't be as nice as whhat I did yesterday, next time I'll make him wish he was dead"

"Thanks Pez" to be honest I wish she did that, I'm glad she hurt him because that's what he deserves.

"He didn't deserve that, you do you slut" a voice said in my head.

"No problem babe" she smiles at me "we are gonna take it easy for a few days, ok? You need rest and you need to recover for what happened"

"O-ok..." I cuddle into her more and try not to cry.

"Babe, it's gonna be ok..." she knows when I will cry or not.

"I-I'm scared Perrie... I'm scared that he will hurt me. Or you. Or anyone else!!"

"Jade, if you'd seen what I done to him then you would understand. He looks like he is dead from all the blood he had on his face. We wont mess with any of us"

"I-I know it's just... I can't help but think that..." I look down.

"Sit on my lap baby" I sit on her lap and look at her "I understand ok? I don't really but you know what I mean. He won't hurt any of us. He won't be able too when I'm here to protect you" she smiles and kisses me.

"Thank you for everything Perrie" I kiss her back and hug her tight "your my world... your my life.

"Anything for my princess and your my worl too" she smiles at me and hugs me.

"I love you so much" I kiss her.

"I love you even more" she smiles at me and kisses me back.

"I love you most" I put my head on her shoulder and I place a soft kiss on her neck.

"We can argue about this all day" she chuckles.

"I know, that's the thing" I slighty smile.

I didn't have any energy to even smile right now... all of a sudden I fell asleep.


Perrie P.O.V

I realized that Jade was sleeping. Poor girl. She deserves the rest.

"Love you babe" I whisper to her, I manage to get up and tuck her in. I go downstairs to see my mum.

"Hey hun" she looks scared for some reason.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"D-did you kill the boy?"

"No, I just really hurt him" I crossed my arms "why are you scared?"

"B-because I don't want my baby girl to go into jail"

"I won't be going to jail, we had a little talk so don't worry. And anyway if I was going to go to jail I don't care, I care about Jade's happiness... not mine"

"You really love her don't you?"

"More than anything... I will do what it takes for her to be happy" I smile to myself.

"Aww" my mum smiles at me "well I'm still waiting for her to be a Edwards" she chuckles.

"Mam, not yet" I giggle.

"Speaking of her, where is she?"

"She is upstairs sleeping. She deserves some sleep for a while. She haven't slept all night"

"Bless" my mum looks hurt.

"I know.. but she sleeps like an angel, she's so perfect" my eye's widen and I realized what I just said "did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes!! Aww that's so sweet!! I never seen you like this with anyone!!"

"Well she is special to me mam" I smile and sit down by her on the sofa.

"I know, I can see that by the way your like with her" she smiles and nudges me.

"What am I like with her?" I smirk.

"Ok where do I start?" She giggles "well this is what you were like when you had a girlfriend or before you met Jade. You were uhh... can I be honest without you getting offended?"

"Go on" I chuckle.

"Ok so.. you were selfish, treated me and your dad like we were filth, rarely come home when you were out and things like that but now you've met Jade, your sweet, loving, respectful, and well... you are in love" she smiles.

"She has changed me... I love her so much and I hate seeing her hurt... I-It hurts...." I could feel a fear stream down my eye's.

"Aww babe, come here" we cuddle.

"Don't worry... I-it will be ok" I wipe my tears "I'm just scared for her that's all"

"I under-" before my mum could finish the sentence my phone rang.

"One sec mam" I pick up the phone.


Phone Call

"Hey Pez" it was Jesy.

"Oh hey Jes, what's up?" I lean against the sofa.

"Just wanted to see how Jade was that's all. So how is she?"

"S-she isn't ok... she is a mess.... she is acting like she is ok but she isn't... she haven't slept last night... I don't know what's she's going through..." I tear up.

"S-she will be ok..." I could hear her nearly crying.

"I-I hope... god I'm such a bad girlfriend..."

"You aren't!!" She yells.

"Really!?! I promised her that I wouldn't let anything happen and what happened to her!?! She got hurt and I broke my number 2 rule!!! And already broke my number 1 which is when I kicked her out!!"

"Well what did you do to Sam when you found out!?! You nearly killed him!! You make sure that she is safe from any harm and you make sure she gets what's best for her!!!" I couldn't deny that.

"T-true..." I sigh.

"Is it ok if me and Leigh come down to see you and Jade?"

"Sure, what time?"

"In like an hour?"

"Sure, see you then"

"Bye Pez!!"

"Bye Jes" I hang up.


"Was that Jesy?"

"Yea, she is coming down later"

"Oh ok then"

"I'm gonna make Jade a bacon sandwich" I get up and make myself a lettuce and tomato sandwich and I made Jade a bacon sandwich which I know she loves. I go upstairs to see Jade still sleeping "Jade" I whisper, I put the sandwiches on the desk and go over to Jade "Jade baby" I shook her softly "wake up baby I made you a sandwich"

"What?" She groans and sits up.

"I made you a sandwich" I go to the desk and grab the sandwiches, I make my way to Jade and sit next to her and give her, her sandwich "it's a bacon sandwich, I know it's your favourite" I smile at her and she just stares at the sandwich.

"I-I am not hungry..."

"You are, I can just tell" I look at her "I know it's a tough time for you right now but you do got to eat, please, for me"

"F-fine" she takes little bites out of the sandwich.

"Now I don't want anything left on that plate ok?"


"Good" we eat our sandwiches.

"Done.." I look at her plate.

"Good" I smile and kiss her "I will just put the plates in the desk because I'm lazy" I chuckle. I grab her plate and get up to put the plate of the desk. I make my way to Jade and sit by her.

*an hour later*

We hear the door open and we see Leigh-Anne and Jesy.

"Hey girlies!!" Leigh-Anne says.

"Hey guys" I smile "sit down" they sit down on the edge of the bed.

"How are you Jade?" The girls look at her.

"I-I will be ok.." she cuddles into me.

"Good" they give a sympathetic smile.

"Let's watch a movie hey!?! How about Aladdin?"

"Sure!!" The girls put the film on.


Jade P.O.V

I wasn't even watching the film... I was just thinking of what happened to me.

"Kill yourself no one will miss you I mean who would miss you!?! Your just useless" the voices in my head kept on going...

"Jade?" I look at Perrie.


"You ok?" She looks at me worryingly.

"I will be fine" I cuddle into her more.

I can't help but think about yesterday... I hate myself, I'm such a slut and I don't deserve anyone... I deserve to die...

After Sam was done with me yesterday I realized something... He didn't wear a condom.... which means im extra worried about me being pregnant.... Sam usually would put a condom on but this time he didn't.... I didn't want to worry the girls, especially Perrie... I don't know what to do anymore... What would the girls think of me? What would Perrie think of me? Would Perrie leave me? Would she kick me out of the house again? No she couldn't... she loves me too much... but then again I might not be so calm down Jade.

An hour later the movie finished and I didn't realize that my eye's are watering.

"What's wrong babe?" Perrie looks at me.

"Oh just a bit tired that's all..." I lie.


"Positive" I fake smile and cuddle into Perrie more "I love you"

"Love you too" she kisses me.

"And me and Jesy love you too" Leigh-Anne says.

"And I love you girls" I slightly smile.

"Good" we all giggle but mine was fake.

*hours later*

We've had a good laugh... well... the girls did but they helped me.

"Hey girls we have to go ok?"

"Aww ok" Perrie says "today has been fun" the girls hug us and Jesy whispers something to Perrie but I couldn't catch up on it.

"Bye girls" I say.

"Bye" they go and I hug Perrie.

"I'm tired" Perrie said.

"You want to sleep?"

"But it's only 8!!"

"I don't care, you need the rest you know"

"True" I cuddle into her "love you"

"Love you too" she falls asleep but I don't but may I just say I love being in Perrie's arms. It's my favourite place ever.


Heya Jordyn here!! I know this is short and boring but the next chapter is going to be... let's say I have some plans. I just hoped you enjoyed even though it's short an boring!! Alsp I didn't know what to put as a title tbh XD sorry. Anyways piece!! :)

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