That Day I Said I Like You [G...

By aibycuh

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Seulgi and Jinyoung are like cats and dogs. They fight over anything especially with food. There will never b... More

Author's Note


720 49 16
By aibycuh

Seulgi's POV

So the party that the girls were planning is a night club party. I never thought they would even think about this kind of party. No one from us cousins loves this kind of stuff.

I was too busy with my exams the whole week that they didn't seek help from me anymore, and just told me to attend and bring Got7 and Yoo Ae with me.

"Woah! I love this!" Jackson exclaimed already dancing despite not yet entering the venue.

"Me too! Oh yeah!" Agreed Youngjae in English, and also dancing beside Jackson.

Both Yoo Ae and my eyebrows went up in fascination. Youngjae is really not what he looks like. He is different from what we see him.

Jaebum and Mark oppa just laughed. While Bambam and Yugyeom are still busy talking about COC. Well, I was absent with our clan wars for a week so Yugyeom took over the leadership.

"Where's Jinyoung? He's not yet here?" asked Jaebum oppa.

"Molla!" I answered in bitterness. "He's your bestfriend. You should have known."

"He's your boyfriend though. You should have known better." and he smiled to Yoo Ae like they have this certain conivance against me.

Heol. He's not my real boyfriend.

"Then call him up." uttered Mark oppa.

I shook my head. "Nan shireo! (I don't want) I reminded him many times." and crossed my arms.

"EONNI!!!" There goes Joy, the birthday girl, screaming at the entrance and waving her hand raised up high.

"Joy!!!" I ran towards her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Saengil chukkhahae~ I'm really sorry I wasn't able to help you with this party."

She smiled sweetly. That's one thing I really love about Joy, her calming smile. "Kwenchanayo, eonni. I'm sorry we have to come and celebrate my birthday in your cramming days."

"Aniya~" I shook my head. "By the way, my birthday gift." showing her a box wrapped with red velvet paper.

She took it. "Woah! I wonder what's this. You always give be the best gifts ever!"

"Ehem." Jackson pretending to cough.


"Woah! GOT7!!" before I could introduce them, Joy already exclaimed. "You really brought them!!!" She held my hands, jumping up and down in happiness.

"I'll come even if noona didn't invite us, anyway. Let's go party!!!" Youngjae.

All of us turned to him.

Yoo Ae suddenly hit the back of his head.

"Ouch!" Says Youngjae scratching his head.

"Youngjae-ah." Yoo Ae called him with a blank expression. "You're no longer my adopted brother. I don't know you anymore."

"But noona--"

Yoo Ae just shook his head.

"Dongsaeng!" He turned to Yugyeom.

Yugyeom pretended not to hear and whistled.

"Hyung!" Turning to Jaebum oppa.

Jaebum oppa shook his head. "No more delicious food for you." And patted Youngjae's shoulder."Himnaera!"

Joy burst out laughing. "You guys are so funny! Youngjae.." then he gave Youngjae a double thumbs up. "Jjang!"

Seemed like Youngjae's spirit was uplifted that his smile became bigger again. "OH YEAH!" He shouted.

The bright colorful lights in the dark atmosphere, the artificial smoke, the crowd, and the loud music welcomed us as we entered the venue.

They rented the whole club, and paid for a famous dj. Drinks were served but strictly no alcohol for the youngsters.

Most people around are unfamiliar with me. Of course, they are Joy's friends and classmates. But one guy took my attention.

I am sure I know this guy even from his silhoutte.

"Noona. C'mon up!" Calls Bambam. We are on our way to the second floor of the club.

But that person is pulling me, and like prohibiting me not to. "Chankkaman. I'll follow." I told him.

Then I made my way towards the middle of the dance floor where that guy is dancing.

And yes, I was right. I have memorized that guy's appearance very well unknowingly that I would know it's him even if my eyes were closed.

"Park Jinyoung-sshi."

Cold as I was, I uttered his name like he is a person I am not closed with.

And as he turned..

"Seulgi eonni-da!" (It's Seulgi eonni!) Yeri was in front of him.

Now I see the picture. They were dancing together in the middle of the dance floor.

"Seulgi-ah!" Jinyoung smiling. "Since when did you arrive?"

It's like darkness invaded the atmosphere.

Anger. That's what I felt.

I zoomed out of the club without even looking back.


I heard Jinyoung's voice shouting my name just when I was a few steps away from the club entrance.

"Kang Seulgi! Wae geurae??"

No. I'm not stopping. I don't want to.

But he was so quick. He was able to take a hold of my arm and turned me to face him.

With both his hands on my shoulders he asked, "Wae? Look at me. Is there a problem?"

I refused to look at his eyes.

"Kang Seulgi. I can't read what you are thinking. Tell me. What's happening with you?"

"Nothing." I managed to reply, but uncontrollably, tears fell from my eyes.

No. I don't wanna cry. Why am I crying?

"Nothing?" He held my chin to look up to him then he wiped my tears using his thumb. "Then why are you crying?"

"Nothing." I uttered avoiding eye contact.

"Nothing?!" a pissed tone on his voice. "You walked out of the club when its your cousin's birthday, ignored me no matter how many times I called you, crying in front of me, and you say it's nothing?! How am I supposed to feel seeing you like that?!"

"Just feel fine!" I couldn't hold unto my anger anymore. "Go back there! I told it's nothing!"

"Fine?!" He let out a sarcastic chuckle. "You think I will feel fine seeing you like this?!" the tone of his voice rose up.

"Why not?! Just go, okay?!" I, as well, is shouting already. "Just leave me alone!!!"


I was put in a halt with his scream.

He looked at me with a serious face. He breathed in and out to calm himself. "Seulgi-ah. This won't be solved if we just keep on shouting at each other like this. So please.. tell me what's the matter."

I wiped the tears that kept on overflowing from my eyes. I also tried to calm down. "I told you it's nothing." I inhaled and exhaled once again. "Guess I'm just not in the right mind to even get jealous seeing my cousin dancing with you.."

I don't know where did I get my courage to say that. But as soon as I finished my sentence, it snap out of me!

I've worked so hard to control it. But it was no use.. I have openly accepted my feelings for him already. I have openly let him enter my heart. I have openly made my heart susceptible of being broken again.

And Jinyoung.. he's there looking straight at me with a flat affect.

Right. I wiped my tears as I turned my back. I just wanted to get out of here immediately.

But before I was able to get farther..


I heard Jinyoung whisper in my ear as I felt his arms locked around me.


I stopped moving. I can't even move.

This feeling..

I just want it to linger.

He turned me to face him again and gave me his usual smile, the one I like with the sides of his eyes wrinkled, "I didn't think of that well. Though Yeri is your cousin, she's still another woman."

My heart pounded uncontrollably. I guess the beat was so loud and fast that Jinyoung would hear and feel it given that we are standing so close to each other.

"I should be loyal to my girlfriend, right?" He added.

I have no answer. How can I reply with my heart making me crazy like this?

But what if Jinyoung really hears and feels it?

Will it matter now? He knows already!

Just when I had this feeling of possibility and positiviness. He said..

"I have to be loyal at least until the end of one hundred days."


Comments and votes are loved! Active reading~~ ♡♡♡

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