That Girl.

By _enigmatic

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Those long legs, perfect curves and slim body, that’s what every girl wants. Those smouldering eyes that can... More


chapter one.

593 45 13
By _enigmatic

A lot of people are happy when summer comes around, no school work, no teachers and no homework. For me, I was happy because I didn’t have to hear people whisper, stare and I know I shouldn’t be complaining but having people stare and whisper isn’t what I want when I walk to my locker or just down the hall.

I’m not even sure if any of them know my name. I’m just ‘that girl’ to most of my school, the people I sit with at lunch don’t really know me, people just want me around because I’m a pretty girl. The only person who does know me is Lexi and that’s only because we grew up together. She’s the only one who doesn’t see my beauty, instead she sees the chubby five year old and I’m really glad about that.

I heard the alarm going off again, closing my diary over I tucked it back under my pillow and stood, straightening out the shirt. Summer was over, time to face the whispers I told myself glancing at myself in the mirror. Running a finger over my lips, a small sigh escaped and I shook my head. Summer was over and I was still the same.

Grabbing my jacket and school bag, I opened my bedroom door heading down into the kitchen. My mom had left a few days ago for the Bahamas, I hated staying home alone however my dad had cheated on her a while back and he was trying to fix his mistake by reliving their newlywed years. It was quite romantic, if he didn’t cheat on her it would have been really romantic.

I grabbed my purse putting it into my bag before tugging my coat on. Looking out the window a small pout formed onto my lips at the sight, it looked like it was going to rain. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to stall time I guess, and when I glanced at the clock I realized that I was already ten minutes late. Grabbing my keys, I walked towards the garage and slipped into my car.

My parents wanted me to have nice, flashy, things. I would have been fine with a second hand car, I told my mom that and she nearly doubled over in pain. That was the last time I told her that she didn’t have to buy me flashy things and I honestly think she enjoys buying me all these things.

In a way, I’m just a doll for her to dress up. She would buy me clothes, even if they weren’t my style and beg me to wear them at least once. I usually tried to wear them around the house that way I wouldn’t have to wear half of the outfits in public. She was always obsessing over me, I had to wear the right things, speak a certain way and stand politely.

She just wanted me to be perfect and it was hard. I’m only seventeen years old, I’m not meant to be perfect or beautiful. I’m just meant to be me, I couldn’t even be myself because no one cared about what I had to say I’m a pretty face and clearly everyone thinks that I cannot be anything more than just a pretty face.

Pulling up to Darksen Prep, I parked my car quickly and rushed towards the doors. I must have missed my first alarm while writing in my diary, I was hardly ever late so hopefully the teachers wouldn’t mind too much. I knew  the school was going to be crowded by new students and new students meant one thing. More people to call me that girl.

I tugged my bag onto my shoulder, searching for my phone in it. It was like a black hole, I’d put something into it and then it would disappear. I bumped into someone, both of us falling onto our backs and I groaned lifting my head, I grabbed my bag looking over the guy who was wearing sunglasses inside. I must have stood there for at least five minutes when he raised his hand.

“It’s not enough that you bump into me, now you aren’t going to help me up?” A grin took place on his face as he looked around and I slipped my hand into his. He jumped to his feet, not even needing my help, and shook my hand. “I’m Ash.” He stated and I nodded.

“Serena,” I replied looking him over, he had a better skin tone than me and for the first time ever, I think I got a little jealous. He was only two shades darker than me however it looked good on him. “Sorry about bumping into you... I wasn’t looking where I was going.” I dragged a hand through my hair and smiled as he laughed.

“S’alright darling.” Ash informed me as he moved by me patting my back.

I shook my head, hurrying down the hall towards my class and I stepped inside quickly apologizing so I didn’t have to stand in front of the class for too long. I made it to my seat, hearing the whispering starting already and I sighed quietly. One day without having to hear what people thought of me would be paradise.

I grabbed my books, opening them up to the page when someone sat down next to me. Looking up, I saw Levi, Lexi’s twin, however he rarely came to classes or even school. He looked at me, flashing a smirk and then he just leaned back in his seat not doing his work or paying attention.

He was, what some girls would call, the bad boy. His dark hair was always messy, his piercing blue eyes that girls would gush over went well with his pale complexion and his tattoos only added to the bad boy look he had going on. But I had known Levi for a long time, he wasn’t a bad boy. He just decided what he wanted and didn’t take no for an answer, he was just a normal eighteen year old. I guess normal has been made into something else these days.


A/N: These chapters will be short because this is just a side project for me to work on. (: 

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