The CEO's Secret

By JazminaRazman

2.6M 77.4K 2.8K

Scarlett Jones is just an average women who is in need of new job because her current boss is harassing her a... More

Chapter 1: I Quit
Chapter 2: First Impression
Chapter 3: Meeting The CEO
Chapter 4: Psychopath Date
Chapter 5: The Trap is Set
Chapter 6: There is No Escape
Chapter 7: The Torture Room
Chapter 8: His Punishment
Chapter 9: All Is Revealed
Chapter 10: Recovering
Chapter 11: New Discovery
Chapter 12: Ricardo Giovanni
Chapter 13: Searching For a Long Lost Sister
Chapter 14: Too late
Chapter 15: His Past
Chapter 16: Old Crush
Chapter 17: Found
Chapter 18: Reunion
Chapter 19: The Truth
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chapter 21: Bad News
Chapter 22: Bonding
Chapter 23: Funeral
Chapter 24: Christmas Eve
Chapter 25: Dante's Birthday
Chapter 26: New Feelings
Chapter 27: New Development
Chapter 28: Dinner
Chapter 29: Surprise
Chapter 30: Wedding Venue
Chapter 31: Choosing Desserts
Chapter 33: Wedding Day
Chapter 34: Honeymoon

Chapter 32: Bachelor Party

38.4K 1.2K 59
By JazminaRazman

Here is the chapter I said to update yesterday! I will update the next chapter tomorrow! Enjoy reading!

Until next time!!!



Chapter 32: Bachelor Party

Ricardo P.O.V

The big day has finally arrive. By the end of tomorrow Scarlett will be my wife and be a stepmother to my son Dante. I can't wait to Scarlett tomorrow in her wedding dress walking down the aisle. This past month I have been so busy with work and helping out for the wedding so tonight I am going to relax and hang out with a few of my friends and have fun.

I assured Scarlett that I would not have strippers at my bachelor party, as I don't see the point in strippers when you only have to wait a day to do it with your wife. She looked so relieved when I said that and she also told me that she won't strippers at her party. I was relieve also when she told me that and didn't have to worry about some random guy seducing my future wife.

I promise Scarlett that we will have our honeymoon for a week and I have arrange for her parents to take care of Dante for that whole week. She was very excited and ask me where we are having our honeymoon but I told her it's a secret and that she will have to wait to find out. She pouts a little and I kiss her pout away and said that I will see her tomorrow.

She gave me a sweet smile and said goodbye and then she left for her party that will be at her old house since Bethany is there. I watch her until I couldn't see her car and then walk inside the house making sure there is enough food and beer since a few of my friends want to get drunk out of their mind. I agreed but not to drag me into it, as I don't want to have a hangover the morning of my wedding.

Scarlett will also not like me having a headache during our wedding. I am having my party at my house, as I feel very comfortable here. So I made sure there is sodas and juices for those who don't want to drink alcohol. Once I finish checking on everything I hear the doorbell ringing so I went to the door and open it to reveal my best friend Andre holding a bottle of wine grinning.

"Let's get this party started," Andre said enthusiastically while lifting the bottle of wine. I shook my head at him and said, " Come in. You're the first to arrive."

"Really? No one else is here," he questions. I nod my head and his face brightens with excitement. "That's good. That means that we can talk without other people interfering like old times," he said. I thought about it and yeah it has been a while since we were able to talk to each other alone without other people. I realize that I miss talking to him and telling him everything.

So while waiting for the rest to arrive we sit and begin telling each other about our lives. I can't believe how much I have been missing about my friend's life. For example, he found his wife cheating on him when he got home from work early one day with a man he did not recognize. So as soon as he that he threw the guy out of the house and confronted his wife.

He was absolutely devastated, as he loves his wife a lot. He didn't want to divorce her sine they two small kids that still needs both their parents so he tried to understand her reasons for cheating on him. But all she said was that she does not like him anymore, as he doesn't satisfy her anymore. He told her that he will try to satisfy her needs and not to cheat on him again.

His wife agrees and for the next couple of weeks he tried to work out their relationship but after he found her cheating on him again at a hotel he decided it's not going to work and divorced her. He also found out about how she was neglecting their kids when he at home one day hearing their one-year-old son screaming and crying so badly in the kids room.

So he went to check on him and see his wife slapping his son quite hard on the face shouting at him. Andre was so mad that he grab his wife's hand and slap her very hard on the face that she had his handprint on her face. Once he was able to speak he told his wife to pack her bags and get out of the house before he calls the police for abusing his one year old son.

She looked at him with resentment and told him that they were her kids so she had the right to scold them. He felt like slapping her again but hold himself back and told her again to leave the house immediately. Her parting words before she left was that she was going to take custody for both the kids since she is the mother and she had more rights to them then him. He told her that he will see her in court for the divorce and for the children's custody.

After she left, he did everything he could to make sure that he is going to be able to get full custody of his children. As he is sure she will never take care of his kids properly and is afraid she will hit them again.

Andre confess to me that when he ask his five year old daughter Sofia if her mother ever hit her before. Sofia looked scared and Andre had to assure her that nothing will happen to her and that he will protect her. She nods her head to his question and Andre felt like such a bad father for not noticing it. I had to assure him that it was not his fault and that he was to busy with work to put food on the table and roof over their heads to realize it.

He told how relieved he was that he has security camera everywhere and was able to videotape of her abusing the kids. He said his heart crushed when he saw how his ex-wife treated their kids. He didn't know a mother could think to abuse their own children that they gave birth to. He saved all the video to be evidence that she is not fit to have custody over the kids.

He said the custody battle took a while but at the end to judge gave him full custody of both Sofia and Dominic. While also putting a restraining order on his ex-wife so that she is not allowed to be within 1 km of the kids. He was so relieved when he heard that that he collapse on the chair in relief. His ex-wife made a commotion at the court and had to be escorted out of the court.

He told me how painful it was to have the person you love so much betray and hurt you like that. He wasn't hurt that bad with her cheating but the fact that she hit and abuse his kids without him ever knowing about it, made is heart hurt so bad with guilt and regret. From then on he always ask about what happens to them every night and whether they are ok or not.

I shook my head and I thought I got it bad when Sapphire left me that is nothing compared to what my friend went through and I wasn't there to support him in anyway I can. Now I feel guilty for neglecting him but he assured me that it's okay since when he was fighting for custody for his kids, my ex-wife just passed away from being tortured.

But I still can't help but think that I could have supported him. "I wasn't able to be there for you either when you found out the truth behind why she divorce you. I mean at least I know my ex-wife does not love me anymore but you, Sapphire still loves you so much that she sacrifice herself to protect your son. I can't imagine the pain you went through when the doctor told you about her death," he said to stop me from feeling guilty about not being able to help him. I look at him and nod my head in agreement as Sapphire did sacrifice her own life to make sure that our son does not get harm by that man.

We stop talking when we hear the doorbell ringing indicating that the other guest has arrive. So the rest of the night is spent with talking and laughing. Watching my friends getting drunk like teenagers. I just shook my head at them and made sure I collect all their car keys just incase they suddenly decided to drive home. The only ones that is not drunk by midnight is me and Andre.

He is not a fan of alcohol since he has to set a good example for his kids. "Andre if you ever need help with the kids or anything else don't hesitate to call me," I told him with determination so he knows that I mean it. "Thanks Ricardo, that's means a lot and I will contact you if I need help," he assures me with a grateful smile. I nod my head satisfied at his understanding.

Then for the rest of the night is spent making sure all the guys are sleeping on the couches or on the mattress at the floor and not some inappropriate places. After all that is done Andre and me called it a night and I went to my room to shower and sleep while Andre went to the guest bedroom.

Scarlett P.O.V

Tomorrow is finally the day I am going to get married. I have dreamed of marrying someone who loves me since I was a little girl. I wanted to love that parents have while I was growing up, as they were not afraid to show each other affection in front of me and Sapphire. Even though it can be awkward at times I still find it so sweet as even now they still love each other very much.

I hope my marriage with Ricardo will last like my parents and have more kids together. Thinking about Ricardo, I am glad that he was not going to a club with strippers but having it at our house drinking beer and catching up with a couple of friends. In return I also told him that there will be no strippers at my party since I don't like to have random naked man around me.

I don't know how other ladies can watch a man stripping down until he is naked without blushing and being embarrass. I don't feel embarrass for myself but I feel embarrass for the strippers. But I don't judge them for being a stripper since they must have their own reason for doing what they do and I have no right to judge them that they are bad people.

I am brought out of my thoughts when I feel someone shaking me. "Dude, where did your mind go," Beth ask me while looking at me curiously. I feel my face warm with embarrassment for dozing off while we are about to play the truth or dare game. I apologize to everyone for dozing off.

Then we begin to the truth or dare game. Beth is looking at with a 'what were you thinking about' face and I just shrug and focus on the game to avoid answering her unspoken question. There is only four of us since I don't have that many friends that I am close to so I just invited to other people who were my colleague to join me and Beth for my bachelor party.

I decided to do the party at my old house since I don't feel like going anywhere fancy or to at the club as I want to have a private and fun time with friends. So far all of us choose truth until Beth decides to be daring and choose dare. Catherine is the one giving the dare to Beth. Catherine dared Beth to dance with a ten-inch high heel for one minute without stopping.

I look at Catherine like she was crazy. Who has a ten-inch high heel right now and she took the ten-inch high heel from her bag and giving it to Beth. I just look at the shoe in awe and ask, "Why do you carry a ten-inch high heel?" Catherine just shrug and said, "Incase I need a fancy shoe to wear." I shook my head from the shock of seeing Catherine pulling a ten-inch high heel from her bag and watch as Beth puts on the heels to dance with it for one minute.

I am laughing so hard watching Beth struggle to dance with the high heels. I am not trying to be mean but just telling the truth even with normal shoes Beth cannot dance well. I couldn't help laughing until I am laying on the floor with tears running down my face for laughing to hard. The other two of my friends are not better. One of them is even rolling on the floor laughing.

After a torturous one minute for Beth she stop dancing as soon as the stopwatch ring indicating one minute has past. We give Beth a clap for her bravery and she gives us a tired but triumph smile. We laugh for a bit and then continued with the game with one of us occasionally choosing dare and has to do something embarrassing and hilarious that I felt my stomach cramp from to much laughing.

We decided to stop playing when we were all hungry and went to raid the fridge for all the food available. We just ate at the kitchen talking about life and how lucky I was to find someone like Ricardo and get married to him. I know myself how bless I am to have met and fall in love with a guy like Ricardo who honestly love me for who I am and not by how I look.

Once we felt almost full we decided to have dessert and Beth take the whole tub of cookies and cream out of the freezer and we all squeal. Cookies and cream ice cream are my all time favorite ice cream.

Beth gave each of us spoon to use so we sit down and eat out of the tub. It was quite a big tub of ice cream but we somehow manage to finish the whole thing. Then we discarded the empty tub into the trash bin and went to the living room to watch some movies before going to sleep. We decided to watch romance movies and that is what we watch the whole night until I could not possibly keep my eyes open.

When that happen I called it a night and said my goodnights before going to my room to have a quick shower and go to sleep. I strip out of my clothes as soon as I am in the bathroom and open the shower. Then once I am done showering I close the shower and then I grab the towel that is hanging on the towel rack and dry myself as best as I can with the towel.

After that I walk to the toilet mirror and grab my hair dryer and begin to dry my wet hair. 15 minutes later I finish drying my hair making sure everything is dry then I switch the hair dryer off and made my way to my closet to choose a pajamas to wear tonight. As I get dress I couldn't help be so excited for tomorrow since it's my wedding also because tomorrow I will be going on a honeymoon for a week with Ricardo to who knows where.

Ricardo was persistent in not telling me where is the location saying it's a surprise and I have to wait until tomorrow to find out. When he said it's a surprise it made me even more curious about it but he was stubborn so I gave up and just hope that it's going to be at a beautiful place. I couldn't help but to giggle as hopefully by the end of the honeymoon I will no longer be a virgin.

I blush very hard every time i think of making love with Ricardo. I am also scared that I will embarrass myself since I have no idea what I am suppose to do. That's why I did my research and my face did not cool down the whole when I saw the videos and guide about having sex. I don't think I will be able to do those things but decide to trust Ricardo, as he will know what to do.

Besides that I am not worried at all, as by tomorrow I will be a wife and a stepmother to Dante and we can be a family. I thank god everyday for blessing me with a wonderful family that loves me as much as I love them. From tomorrow onwards I will build my new life with Ricardo and Dante. Hopefully I will give birth to my biological kids in the future.

As they some say the more the merrier. I talk with Ricardo about having kids and he agrees to have kids with me. I was so happy when he agrees, as I always wanted to have my own children and experience being pregnant and giving birth.

Me yawning brought me out of my thoughts and the fact that I am about to pass out from exhaustion came to my awareness so I switch off the bedside lamp and snuggle into my warm and comfortable blanket, thinking that I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come and then I fall into a deep sleep.

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