Sona's Dream

By Cao199

275 32 109

Hey guys this is my first story! :3 A young highschooler has a normal life like everyone else. But one day s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

15 3 6
By Cao199

Following it since I was a child

Had hard times to follow it

But even through those times I smiled

No matter what happens I won't quit

Fighting is the best way to full fill it

While running away is like surrendering

I won't just wait and sit

But I will go on until the ending

(Re) It is called dream

D for development

R for respect

E for effort

A for adventure

M for myself

We develop, will be respected

We show effort, make adventures

We do it for ourselves that's what dreams are

Before it was unreachable for me

Even though I still went on

And following my dreams I feel free

From America to Kazakhstan

It doesn't matter where and what people think

I won't let anyone distract my dreams

One day I will share a drink

Because that moment I will full filled my dreams

2x Refrain

Follow your dreams and it will lead to your wishes

Believe in it and the victory is nearer than you think

Fight for it because it's worth for it

The reward will be bigger than that, what you gave for it

Never mind what happens, follow your dreams

People were fascinated! They thought it was really good. I looked at the audience. Everyone looked happy and impressed. Well they did it before with the other two candidates too. It means my song was as good as theirs. Well at least in the same league. Ryan, the boy, and Lucy were called to go on the stage. I was told to stay on the stage. We stood then in a line. Ryan, Lucy then me. The juries thanked us for the great moments. They said everyone of us sang well and the song texts were good too. They said also that tonight it won't be they who will decide who will have the first place, second and the third place but the audience and the people who are watching it on their TVs. They have 10 minutes to choose one of us who sang the best song. This 10 minutes felt like hours. We were standing on the stage and watching the audience writing on their phones. Some were often looking at us and I had the feeling that they couldn't decide who to choose. I felt how my sweat run down from my head to my back or from my back to my ass. It felt really uneasy and really queasy. The announcer said that the results will be shown now. Damn! I have the feeling that I will lose my consciousness. Number shown up. Three zeros. The one before me must be the number of my supporters. And the other two must be the number of Ryan and Lucy. With a 'go' from the announcer our number began to rise. At the beginning very fast. Not long and everyone of us reached the number 2000! Suddenly mine slowed down at 2300! Damn no! Just after mine Ryan's slowed down too. 2354,2359,2360,2364,2369,2372,2379! It stopped at 2379! Ryan's number changed a little while longer and stopped at 2582. Seems like I am the last one of us. Now everyone was looking at the number from Lucy's. It was already over 4000! It stopped finally at 4170. I looked at her. She has tears from happiness. Well I can imagine it. She didn't just won but she got way more supports then both of us! Almost twice as much as I got. I was somehow very happy that I even reached the third best! But somehow I also felt very sad. I failed in the final round. I hoped that I would be at least the second one because I found my text really good. Well nothing can be changed now. The announcer gave us our prices. I got two tickets for the cinema and a medal on which is written: SONG SHOW 2015 IN STIRLING - THIRD PLACE. Ryan got 100€ and also a medal while Lucy got a ticket for 3 days to Brussel, Luxembourg and Strasbourg and a goldish medal. We had to leave the stage and Lucy had to sing her song a last time. This time she sang a lot better than before. Maybe because the pressure was not there anymore and because she is really happy.

The next I went to school again and learnt under Mister Bulga again. He said that he is really proud of me. He feared that I would fail because of nervousness. He said it was a close third. Ryan had only 200 subscribers more. I responded to Mister Bulga that he should not worry about me because as I said in my song I will not give up. Not long later I got a letter from an open air concert in Glasgow. I was very happy. They asked me to sing a song from Taylor Swift and my song 'Dream'. They asked me if I agree. Well what of a question! Of course I agree! I told Mister Bulga about this letter. He was really happy for me. We did a lot of trainings again because this time I will be on a real stage before thousands of people! I know. It will be hard.

The day arrived when I should sing on the stage. Before it was my turn I was behind the stage. I looked through a hole. The stage was huge! And there were so many people! It didn't matter where I looked, I saw only people. It's like a sea of heads! That moment I wished that I stayed home. But it was too late. And I promised to myself and Mister Bulga that I will keep on moving no matter what! And I always wanted to sing on a real stage! This is my chance to show this world that I'm been able to sing well on a stage and that I have talents for being a singer! I heard them calling my name. I went on the stage. Everyone was looking at me. I began to sing 'Dream'. They were fascinated! I was really nervous, so I couldn't look at them so I looked the sky beyond their heads. Not much because if I do then they will probably notice it. I finished my song and they screamed. I think they liked it and felt better. Then I sang Shake it Off by Taylor Swift. It went good as well. That day was a full success and it was the beginning and probably one of the main factor why I'm right now in America because soon I got a letter from an international sing show in San Francisco. Only the best on the world and only a few people get a private letter from them to participate. I searched on the Web that over 3000 people yearly try to participate but only 50 of them will been able to sing on the stage. The song context only happen twice a year - each time only 150 people will sing. So I'm one of the lucky 100 people who will been able to sing on the stage without tests!

Heeeey guys! How did ya found this chapter? Finally we are arriving at the real part! Is it good right now? Please leave a comment :3 :D

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