Time of Our Lives

By TrinityHostile

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Kariann and Dakota are your two most average girls in the world. They live in the USA in a small town with fa... More

Chapter 1: The Boy in the Bush
Chapter 2: Locked in the Closet with Harry Styles
Chapter 3: Pizza and Horror
Chapter 4: Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 5: Quit Playing Games With My Heart
Chapter 6: Two Weeks Later
Chapter 7: To Be Treated Like a Gem
Chapter 8: A Boy's Ego
Chapter 9: Dark Blue Peonies
Chapter 10: Pure Minds
Chapter 11: Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 12: Yesterday's Actions, Today's News
Chapter 13: Bad to Worse
Chapter 14: Free Day
Chapter 15: In Their Own Words
Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Mommy and Daddy Direction!
Chapter 17: Friday Night
Chapter 18: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 19: Harry's Confession
Chapter 20: Cold as Snow
Chapter 21: A Day of Emotions
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Tropics!
Chapter 23: The Only One
Chapter 24: When It All Comes Down to This
Chapter 25: Tender Emotions
Chapter 27: Surf's Up
Chapter 28: Graduation
First Ending: Three Years Later
Second Ending: Reunions
Third Ending: In The End
Epilogue: The New Generation

Chapter 27: Key To My Heart

129 5 0
By TrinityHostile

*Dakota’s POV*

I had the biggest migraine I ever thought possible. So I only had three cups of beer, just three, and I had a killer headache and I felt too sick to move. The sunlight pouring from my window made my eyelids burn and my headache even worse. I threw the pillow over my head, trying to make myself sleep.

I could hear a soft knock on my front door. I decided to ignore it. It didn’t stop the visitor, the door opened and I heard a British accent speak up. “Dakota?”

“What?” I muffled.

Each footstep the person took was light. My bed creaked some from under the weight. “Are you okay?” Louis ask.

“I have a hangover… and I feel sick to my stomach.” I said. “I’m never drinking again.”

I felt him rest a hand on my lower side, rubbing in a way that felt good but only to express his sympathy. “Want some Advil?”


“Why not?”

“I hate taking medicine.” I explained.

“Another thing we have in common. What’dya know?” Louis said, I could hear the smile in his voice. He took his hand off my side. “How about I go and get some food? It’ll help your stomach.”

He started to rise. I didn’t know what it was that caused me to do this, but I rose up from where I was sitting and grabbed his wrist to keep him from leaving. He looked back, shocked by my action. “Don’t go.” I whispered. “I just need some sleep, that’s all.”

I looked up at him. He was about to question me, but decided against it. I let go of his wrist and he sat back down, laying down on top of the covers on his back. He smiled a little at me, resting his hands on his stomach. I laid back down, resting my forehead on the side of his shoulder. He didn’t move and I shut my eyes, glad to have the light from pouring into my eyelids. It didn’t take long for me to relax against him and quickly fall asleep.

*Louis’s POV*

I knew Dakota was asleep judging from her deep breathing. She’s always been able to do that though, as far as making herself fall asleep. As long as she was comfortable, she could sleep anywhere. But still, half of her head was off her pillow and I knew my shoulder wasn’t the softest thing to press your face against. I knew, because Eleanor has told me before.

I gently moved her hand that was resting on my upper arm, maneuvering myself to where I slid my arm under Dakota’s head without trying to wake her up. A soft groaned left her lips as she muttered something and dug her head in the crook of my neck and put an arm over my side, causing me to be unable to lay on my back again. I reached up and brushed her hair back before resting my cheek on her.

I didn’t want to let this moment slip, because I knew this could be the only time this would happen. I didn’t know what would become of us, but I wanted this to last. I wanted so much more, but I knew I couldn’t force her in a situation. I wanted to make her love me, not hate me.

I just had to keep trying.

*Dakota’s POV*

I woke up, feeling a lot more refreshed. My headache was gone and my stomach has settled, though now it was growling. I felt kind of mushed and I soon figured out why. I was pulled to Louis’s chest, a position I was not expecting to wake up to. I felt Louis’s chest slowly rise, indicating he was sleeping. I felt myself swallow. Okay, I may have told him that I wanted him to stay because I wanted to sleep, but I wasn’t expecting him to stay the whole time. He could’ve left whenever I fell asleep.

I somehow managed to set my head free and slowly tried to get myself free. Only the arm that was around my waist tightened and he drew me closer, resting his head on my chest as he continued to sleep. Now I was stuck. “Damn it, Lou…” I muttered, sighing. He was making this really awkward for me.

After his arm started to relax I reached over and grabbed a pillow, moving myself and putting the pillow in my place. Louis hugged the shit out of it, digging his face into it. Jesus Christ, I thought. I got out of the covers, dying of hunger and not wanting to wake Louis up from his sleep. I ran in the bathroom, wracking a brush through my hair quickly before grabbing my flip flops and putting them on.

I quickly and quietly snuck out of my cabin, taking my phone off the dresser before I left. I sighed as I started walking down the pier. It was noon and nobody was up. I guess everyone went to bed pretty late yesterday. I tiredly rubbed my head as I found myself walking along the many-opened shops. I wondered what time I went to bed last night. I was still quite tired, but my stomach was demanding food.

“Dude, watch out-“ I heard someone say.

Before I could react, I ran right into someone. Something wet splashed over my shirt. I gasped, looking down at my wet shirt. “Shit- I’m so sorry!” A voice started.

I looked up, seeing two guys standing and gaping in shock. I swallowed, looking down at my shirt again. “Oh, my God… Listen-“

“It’s okay.” I said, grabbing the hem of my shirt and pulling it out. My stomach was sticky with coffee. “I’ll go buy me another shirt-“

“No, no, no…” The guy whose coffee got dumped on me spoke up. “I should’ve been paying attention. I’ll go with you and pay for it.”

“We’re supposed to be meeting my girlfriend.” The other guy said.

“You go ahead. I’ll meet up with you later.” He looked over at me, looking down at my shirt. “Come on, I know a nearby shop.”

I wasn’t about to move. I didn’t want him buying me a shirt, I was perfectly fine buying my own. The guy sighed, grabbing my arm and started to drag me along. “You really don’t have to.” I started as he maneuvered us around the crowds to get wherever he was taking us.

He ignored me as we suddenly stopped in front of a boxed in store with a million shirts hanging. The guy reached for the first shirt hanging that seemed my size. He paid for it at the counter and once again led me to a different direction. We ended up in front of a public restroom. He handed me the shirt. I smiled a thanks at him before walking in, stripping my shirt off and grabbing some paper towels to get them wet. I cleaned my stomach and chest and put on the shirt. I sighed at the shirt I had on before, it was white and now was covered in coffee stains. I trashed it since I knew it would be hopeless to save it.

I stepped out, surprised to see the guy there. “I am so sorry-“ He started.

My stomach growled, interrupting him. My hands flew to my stomach, my face blushing out of embarrassment. He tried to continue on with his apology, but a smile spread across his face and he started to quietly laugh. I just silently pouted and glared at him. “What?” He asked, smiling. “I never met a girl whose stomach screamed like that.”

I gaped, but I had to smile. “Whatever. Thanks for the shirt, but I’ll be going now. As you can see, I’m quite starving.”

“Wait.” He called out.

I stopped, turning to look back at him. “I’m sorry I laughed at you. I seriously feel bad about spilling that coffee on you… and to be honest, I’d rather not join Jake and his girlfriend.”

“What are you implying?” I asked.

“Can I offer you lunch? I’d like to talk to you some more.”

Holy shit, was this guy really asking me out to lunch? We just met. He offered me an expression that waited for an answer. “I’m sorry.” I said. “We just met, I don’t think we should.”

“Do you perhaps have a boyfriend?” He asked.

Boyfriend? “Well, no, but still-“

“Then there shouldn’t be anything holding you back. It’s just an outing, no meaning behind it. I know we just met, but…” He stared at me for a brief second before letting out a breath. “I don’t know. I never expected to spill coffee on a girl and not expect her to get angry. Please?”

How could I refuse? “I’ll pay too.” He added with a cheesy smile.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, but I’m paying for my own food.”

“Great!” He said, his eyes, now noticing they were a blue/green, lit up. “I know a good place too.”

“Why am I not surprised?” I asked as we began to walk.

We ended up before a small sandwich shop. I never really heard of one and therefore never been to one. I let the guy order for me, since I didn’t know what would be good. “You know, I never quite got your name.” He said, resting his elbows on the table. “I’m Aaron.”

“Dakota.” I replied, smiling.

“That’s unique.” He complimented. “There’s not many Dakota’s where I’m from.”

“Where you from?” I asked, watching as a waitress put down two lemonades.

“The states.” He answered, taking a sip from his cup. “I don’t really have a set home, since my family moves around every few years. I was born in Georgia and was raised there until I was six. From there I moved around from the East Coast to the West.”

“It must’ve been hard.” I commented.

He shrugged. “It is, but it’s not a bad thing either I guess. I got to know a lot of people and see many places. Right now I live in California and a friend brought me up here with his girlfriend for his spring break.”

“Are you in college?”

“I would be in my freshman year, but I decided to wait a year since my family is planning to move to Florida this summer. I got accepted to a university down there and I’ll be attending there.”

I gaped. “Seriously? What university?”

“Florida State.”

I smiled, happy for him, though a little disappointed he wouldn’t be at Full Sail.

We spoke some more. It was strange how well we got along and how much we had in common. We never died in silence and we somehow got around talking about our lives. “My dad always has to move around since he’s into the whole business ordeal. My mother never really cared to stay in one spot, she loves to travel, so that’s why we were often moving around. Plus, she hated being left at home, waiting on my father.”

“She must really love him.” I said through a mouthful of sandwich.

He grinned. “Yeah.”

“Better than my own family.” I swallowed my food. “My parents separated whenever I was ten and divorced. They absolutely despise each other. Well, mostly my mother toward my father. I live with my dad now and I guess she hates me too.”

“Why would she hate you?”

I stared down at my sandwich, I was so engrossed into our conversation that I accidently just slipped probably the most personal subject that involved me. “Something happened during last summer.” I said, looking up at Aaron. “I tried to explain it to her that it wasn’t true, but she wouldn’t take my word for it. We lost all contact since then.”

“I… I’m really sorry.” Aaron said, expressing his sympathy by reaching over and placing his hand on top of my own.

I shrugged, giving him a small smile. He pulled back and took a drink of his lemonade. From there we continued our lunch and talked some more.

*Louis’s POV*

I sat down on the log, fuming. I didn’t know why I was so worried about her in the first place. I knew she would be hungry the moment she woke up, yet she went on her own without waking me up. I went out to search for her, only to find her in some small café with another guy. I must’ve caught them at the right moment, because I saw his hand overlapping hers and her smiling at him with such a sad expression.

Just what was that about? I knew it was none of my business, maybe she knew the guy, yet that seemed impossible. “Louis?”

I looked up, seeing Kariann with her camera. “Yeah?” I asked.

“Do you know where Dakota is? I need to talk to her.”

I snorted. “Who knows, why don’t you ask her new boyfriend?”

Shock plastered her face. “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” She said, taking a seat beside me. “Louis, what happened?”

I told her exactly what happened and what I saw. I described what the guy looked like. Kariann shook her head. “We don’t know anyone by that description. Maybe they met by chance?”

“I doubt that. She seemed genuinely happy to be with him.” I muttered.

“Louis?” I looked at her. She grinned. “Are you jealous?”

“Yeah, right.” I said, looking away.

“You so are.” She smiled.

“So?” I said. “What does that have to do with anything?”

Kariann sighed, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “Quit freaking out about it. There’s so many explanations that could involve what happened. I’ll ask her about it, but Louis, seriously, calm down. I know you love her, but then again, you gotta realize that you’re not the only boy out there.”

I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. “I know. I just hate it.”

“Don’t worry. Whoever that guy is, he has nothing over Louis Tomlinson.”

An unenthusiastic smile came to my face. “Sure.”

She pushed a little on my shoulder before getting up and walking off, leaving me alone. I stared down at the sand, not sure what to do. From there I saw the blue bracelet I put on my ankle that Dakota has given me the day before. I reached down, letting the beads turn in my fingers. I could almost see her smile right now and the words she said to me. “We match.” I recalled earlier, even if she was with that boy, I saw the bracelet on her. Who knows, maybe I was overreacting, but didn’t I have the right. I mean, he was a stranger, but what right did I have amongst that. I mean, come on, the way we met was so much more strange. I remembered it left a bad impression with her father, but at least we came around that.

Ah, her dad. Maybe I can talk to him. Wait… maybe not, I may end up slipping about the little party we had last night and I’m sure the last thing he wanted to hear was his daughter talking to a complete stranger he wasn’t aware of. I ran a hand through my hair. I had to take care of this and I didn’t want to look like a coward by going to her father.

I stood up, ready to take action. I saw her then walking down the steps from the pier, greeting Bonnie at the bottom by jumping into her arms. I was just watching, always watching, her. The way her mouth moved as she spoke to Bonnie, her expression as Bonnie made her reply, and her reaction upon the reply. Her laughter, even from here I could hear it. And her smile, oh God her always beautiful smile, something I thought I’ve grown use to from always being with her, but always found myself getting entranced to.

Jeez, listen to me, I sounded hopeless. Since when was I ever like this?

I watched as Dakota brought her head close to Bonnie’s, whispering something to her. I saw Bonnie’s eye widened in surprise and she grabbed her friend’s arms, begging for details. I watched as they both spoke for a few minutes and I felt a hand clap on my back. “Oy, mate, what’s gotten into you? I’ve been calling your name for the past two minutes.”

I jumped, looking over to see Harry right beside me. His eyes traveled to where mine were earlier. “Ah, checking her out, eh?” He looked back at me, giving me that look as if he was going to ask something. “Tell me, Boo, have you made any progress with her?”

“Well, yeah, but it doesn’t seem like much…”

Out of curiosity, he asked what. Just to see his reaction, I told him about this morning and sleeping in the same bed. A huge grin plastered onto his face and he brought his hand up, finger lightly touching his lips. “You too?”

I gaped. “What?”

“Oh, shit, did that slip?” Harry muttered, running a hand through his hair.

I looked around the beach, finally setting my eyes on Kariann. She was holding her camera again, recording Zayn and Perry as they talked and messed around with each other, oblivious to the camera watching them.

I raised an eye at Harry.

The grin came back on. He winked at me. I wanted to know.

“A gentleman never tells.”

*Harry’s POV*

And here I am, standing before the ocean, letting the tides wash over the roof of my feet. The sensation was quite relaxing and chilling. A light breeze picked up, teasing my curls. I had my hands stuck in my pockets, kicking the water some and stared out into the ocean.

I could sense her near. I knew she was right behind me. I could always sense her when she was near. What stopped me from calling her out was the mere fact she was holding a camera and she wanted a natural shot of myself. I felt the tide cover my feet once again and splashing as Kariann brought herself next to me. I looked up, my expression not smiling nor much of any emotion.

But I couldn’t hold it in for long. She looked up from her camera, seeing my non-smiling face. She offered a small smile. I couldn’t help it. I broke into a smile. I looked back down into the lense of her camera. A thought came to mind. “Hey, can I see that?” I asked, pointing at the camera.

She looked down, perking out her lip, curious. She brought the strap over her neck and handed me the camera. I took it, bringing the camera, looking at the screen as I started to record her. “What are you doing? Are you recording?”

“Ya…” I said, smiling. “You’ve been recording us guys and couples all this time, why not just you girls?”

“Well, you’re singing the song.” Kariann replied.

“So?” I challenged. “The song is about you girls, why not show the world why we love you so much?”

She blinked and I saw the small blush touch her cheeks. She scratched the back of her neck, feeling uncomfortable. I held the camera, catching her every movement. She let out a breath, shaking her head as she looked up at me. “Seriously, Haz. Why are you like this all the time with me?”

I felt a cheesy grin touch my lips. “What’s that?”

“I try to do or say something to make you vulnerable, yet you always turn it against me. I can’t let anything you do go. Even last night…” A hand went up to touch her cheek and she looked away, trying to hide her face. “That wasn’t fair at all.”

She stared out in the ocean, the side of her face seen in my eyes. Her hand dropped from her cheek and let it fall to her side. I wasn’t sure if the camera was catching this, but I sure was. She wanted to make me vulnerable, this was it. Whenever I see her engrossed in her work, or even herself, oblivious to the world around her, I catch myself staring at her. When the world around her becomes her line of sight, she becomes my own. Always, I’m watching her, even when she doesn’t notice me doing so.

I watched as her eyes lowered to where she stared out in the ocean and her lips parted slightly, breathing in the salty air. My eyes lingered on her lips for a second longer before she slowly blinked and turned her head toward me. “Beautiful, right?” She asked, topic totally changing.

I blinked, trying to focus on her words as I stared into her eyes. I didn’t have to look into the ocean to know what I was going to say. “Very.” I breathed, a smile broadening on my lips.

She smiled back before looking back out. Why couldn’t she see it? Why couldn’t she see just how bad I wanted us to be together? The way she made me feel, I couldn’t express it through words. Right now, I so badly wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to brush back her hair and stared into those bright blue eyes that reminded me so much as the blue sky. Did she even love me back? It was one thing to acknowledge my feelings, but she never even told me how she truly felt. Sure, she got embarrassed, but… did she even want to be by my side in the way I wanted be by hers?

Already my chest was hurting. Heartache. I hated it. The waiting, it was taking so long. Could I wait any longer? Should I just give up now?

“Kariann!” I heard someone calling from a distance.

Kariann turned around, raising a hand as she waved at a jumping Dakota and Bonnie. “Come on, you two!” Bonnie yelled. “Zayn’s buying us dinner!”

Kariann smiled at her friends. I stopped recording the camera and handed it back to Kariann. She smiled. I always wondered what it was that made me stop doubting myself with her. Always, it seemed she didn’t want to be with me, but there was always something…

She reached out, quick to take my hand and started to drag me up the bank. She laughed as she yelled up at her two best friends.

That was it. Always something like this. To just be touched by her: hugging me, holding my hand, brushing my skin with her fingertips, that was it. My heart would always jump in anticipation and my skin would burn from the warmth. It killed me how she was the only one that could make me feel like this. No other woman in the world has ever made my heart feel like this.

I knew I was overthinking it, but everything that was happening now, between me and her, I was taking it for granted. I felt my hand overlap hers as we were led by Bonnie and Dakota back to the others. I wouldn’t let her go. She was too good for me. I didn’t deserve her, and God knows she doesn’t deserve me, but I would stick right by her side and treat her like the most precious gem to my treasure.

Inside that treasure wasn’t diamonds nor gold, but my heart. Locked inside that chest was my heart and she held that very key that matched the lock perfectly.  The key to my heart.


I hate to say it, but this story is slowly coming to an end. I won't guarentee on how many chapters but around 3 - 6 chapters it'll be done :) Thanks for reading directioners!

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