My Drug

By jalisaaaaks

65.2K 996 194

Dylan O Brien, the famous bad boy at your school, takes interest in you. When you realize what things he take... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15 (THE END)

Chapter 14

1.8K 30 0
By jalisaaaaks

2 months later
Tyler has changed so much. Well actually me and Tyler's relationship has changed. My parents haven't even found me yet and I'm pretty sure they haven't sent the police after me and just accepted the fact I might be dead. I wasn't even registered into the new school there so in their book, I never showed up to that school. I actually stayed with Clara at her house because I'm afraid my mom will tell the police about me and send me back to my worst nightmare, my step mom. Me and Dylan on the other hand have smoked together a bunch of times but I never really bothered to tell Tyler. There's something about Dylan I can't escape from. It might be that he's hot as fuck or that he has a dangerous thing that me and him share, the weed.

"Y/N, I wanna show you something I learned over this weekend and it's kind of... I don't know bad boyish but it's cool that I know it I'm-" Tyler kept explains but I interrupted, "show me!" I said and clapped my hands while sitting in a criss-cross applesauce position. Yes I still use that kindergarten term. Tyler nodded nervously and turned on music. I recognized the music;
Baby grind on me
Relax your mind take your time on me
I almost burst we out laughing but I covered my smile up with my sleeve. Tyler looked at me and smirked while taking off his shirt. I stopped smiling and started drooling over his masculine body figure. He got down in push up position and began grinding his body against the floor. I watched him in lust and bit my lip. The song ended and Tyler stood back up and smiled at me, "So what do you think?" He asked. "It was... great." I said as I tugged at my bottom lip with my pointer finger and thumb. Tyler walked over to me and kissed me on the lips with passion. I kissed back and we were both kissing in rhythm. "Wait till you see how this works in the bedroom." Tyler picked me up by my butt and carried me to the bedroom of his house, while still kissing me. "Mm Tyler." I said and continued to kiss him. "I love you so much." He said while panting from the lack of breath. "I love you too." I said and we began kissing again. Suddenly, I felt his release gone and I plopped on something soft. I knew it was the bed and I crawled backward to where my head should be. Tyler climbed on top of me and began grinding on me. "Tyler..." I said as I held onto his neck. "Shh baby girl..." Tyler said and lowered himself to my stomach and then lower.

I woke up to a thud on the door and I slowly got up. I felt pain shoot up my stomach and back. Oh yea.... I thought as I remembered what me and Tyler did yesterday. "Tyler. Tyler there's someone at the door." I shook Tyler awake and he got up and put on a shirt. He walked down stairs and I followed behind him but stopped to sit on the stairs. Another thud thud thud came from the door right before Tyler opened it. "Hello?" He said with his raspy voice. "Good evening sir, I am officer Rick and I'm looking for this girl." I couldn't see what he was showing Tyler but it had to be a picture of me. "Oh she's not here." Tyler stated so calmly. "We will have to do a house check. Excuse me-" the officer was interrupted by Tyler- "oh let me put my dog away first. He tends to bite." Tyler said lying. He doesn't have a dog. "Sir please hurry." Tyler nodded and shut the door. Tyler walked up the stairs and bent down next to me and whispered "just go along with it." I nodded and he continued walking up the stairs. "Come here boy." He said and whistled. I got on all fours and climbed up the stairs and made sure to clink my nails on the wood floor to act as dog nails. He lead me to his bedroom and pointed to the closet. "That's so obvious." I whispered. "Come on boy!" He said and clapped his hands. "There's an attic in it. Climb up and sit still." He whispered and lowered the attic door on the ceiling and the ladder came down, Tyler catches it before it smacked on the floor. "Go." Tyler whispered and I climbed up quickly and he shut it back as quiet as could be. I looked around and couldn't even see anything but the moon light through the little window. I crawled over to the window and sat there. I head Tyler's footsteps descend and the front door open again. "Come in." Tyler said. I heard loud footsteps go to the back of the house. Few minutes later, the footsteps came up the stairs. I looked around the attic and saw a box of books and on top, a book stood up and it read "tyler's diary!" I smiled to myself and grabbed it. I opened it and i flipped to the first page;
Dear Diary,
Today was my first day at my new school, Avalanche elementary. It was cool looking and I was excited but these two kids called me a wimp and all I was the new kid who no one liked. Today I saw daddy beat mom again. He slammed her against the wall and slapped her. I am crying right now writing this. I'm hiding from dad. I wish I could help mom I really do but I can't. I'm not strong. All I know is I promise to never lay hands on a woman like dad does. I promise to never break a girl's heart or just use her for sex like dad does mom. Yes, I know what sex is. I'm not 2. Anyways, I promise to love a lady like a masterpiece. I also promise to never do drugs like dad does. But I have to go I think I hear d-
And then it ended. I couldn't read anymore I was devastated. I cried while reading it and I finally understood why he was protective and not so dirty and I was.. Forcing him. Forcing him to be who he wasn't.

Ok so I never do this but I want to say sorry for being so inactive and ilygsm and I'll update more often whenever I can.

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