I Swear

By Nicksfix

2.2K 59 38

Set in 2015.. More


2.2K 59 38
By Nicksfix

November 11th, 2015 – Brisbane, Australia

It was around 10pm and Stevie was sitting alone in her hotel suite. She had just come out of the bathroom, had removed her make-up and changed into her nightie when she went out on her balcony to sit down on one of the chairs.
She took a few minutes and just looked over the city below her. It was already pretty dark outside and thousands of colorful lights were sparkling all around her, whether it was from neon signs of nearby shops, cars and planes that were rushing by or the stars and the moon way up in the sky.

She smiled sweetly, she had decided to use tonight for some creative song writing. She was currently staying in one of her favorite hotels, the one that always granted her a beautiful grand piano, and she wanted to take this night before their next show started to write some. There were so many thoughts, feelings and phrases spinning around inside of her head, and she just needed the extra kick to put them down into words.

One last look around confirmed what she already knew. She was alone. Carefully, she opened up a small red box and took out one small plastic package. She unfolded it, brought it up to her nose and sniffed at it. She grinned slyly and closed her eyes when the unmistakable smell of marijuana hit her nose. It was not like she used this stuff on a regular basis, she didn't even smoke in company anymore, only when she was completely on her own. But once in a while she liked to smoke some weed to keep her creativity flowing and it worked perfectly well for her.

She reached for a rolling paper inside of the red box, some tobacco, a filter tube and started to roll a joint, carefully working the weed into the cigarette paper as well. It didn't take her long to do it, she had smoked cigarettes and joints for the past fifty years of her life. One could say, she was pretty advanced.

Stevie took one last look at her work, then brought it up to her lips, reached out for a lighter and was just about to get going as a knock at her door disturbed her.

"You must be kidding me...", she groaned in frustration, placed joint and lighter down and went back inside of her suite, grabbing her silk robe, putting it on and going for the door to open it up.

"What are you doing here?", she asked as she saw Lindsey standing in front of her.

"Hello to you, too!", he laughed as he saw the expression on her face. He had obviously disturbed her.

"Hey.. I'm sorry..", she sighed, she had not wanted to sound so harsh, "What do you want, Lindsey?"

"Just.. come and see you?", he laughed, nervously running his right hand through his gray curls, "See what you're up to?"


"Yeah.. May I come in?", Lindsey asked, playfully rising his brow.

"Well, okay.. Come on in..", she sighed, mentally saying goodbye to her plans for tonight.

"Doesn't sound like you're happy to see me..", he said and followed her inside, closing the door behind him, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No.. No, you aren't..", she lied, "I was just getting ready for the night. I wanted to write some.."

"Perhaps some songs for the next Fleetwood Mac album?"

Stevie shot him a look in response. He knew far too well how she had no intentions whatsoever to commit to make a new album very soon, "If you came here to annoy me..-"

"No, no..", he said quickly, bringing his hands up, "I was just joking, Steves."

"Not funny."

"Oh come on, don't be so stuffy! Doesn't fit you!", he chuckled and sat down on the couch as if it was his place.

"I see you must feel right at home..", she said sarcastically and sat down opposite from him.

"And I see you're pretty bitchy tonight!"

"Lindsey..", she warned him.

"Stevie..", he mimicked her.

"Come on! Stop pushing my buttons!"

"Okay.. I'll stop.."

"Why are you here anyway?"

"I'm bored.. Thought I go and visit my nightowl.."

"I'm not your nightowl.", she instantly picked up his use of the personal pronoun, "I'm an nightowl."

He chuckled at her response. Gosh, he loved how easy it was for him to annoy the shit out of her., "My nightowl..", he said again, winking at her.

Stevie rolled her eyes, "I give up. If you decide to act like a little boy tonight..-"

"Oh man. You're really pissed at me, aren't you?"

"I just don't get why you're coming here to piss me off! You know I'm not in the best mood lately, so why add fuel to the fire?!"

"Well, honestly, that wasn't why I came here.. I'm sorry, Stevie.."

She looked up at him and when she saw his face she knew he actually meant it, "Thanks. You're forgiven.", she was smiling now, "So, why did you come here, then?"

"Like I said.. Bored out of my fucking mind. Needed some distraction. Thought of you and how well we got along on stage lately and decided to come and see what you're doing... you look beautiful by the way.", he added then, looking at her bare face.

Stevie blushed slightly, then waved it off, "No I don't.. But it's nice to see I'm still occupying your thoughts."

"Yes, you are. I like it a lot when you wear no make-up. It suits you the best."

"Lindsey..", Stevie sighed, "Come on, stop it.."

"Why?! Am I not allowed to compliment you anymore?"

"You know it's more than that. It's always more than that.", she said, looking away.

"Stevie..", Lindsey said and reached out for her hand, trying to get a hold on it but she quickly pulled her hand out of his reach and stood up.

"I must go to the bathroom.", she excused herself and left the room.

Lindsey sighed frustrated and stood up as well to get out on the balcony, desperately wanting some fresh air. When he stepped outside, he saw that Stevie had obviously sat here. He took a closer look at the things lying on the table. His eyes went wide as he realized what his bandmember had been up to before he had come by, then started to chuckle as he picked up the joint and sniffed at it, "Good stuff..", he mumbled appreciatively, took the lighter and lit it up, taking the first drag he had had in years.


Stevie had sat down on the closed toilet lid in the bathroom, face buried in her hands.

What the hell did Lindsey want from her? It had been awhile since he had come by to visit her. Actually, the last time they had visited each other regularly had been at their last tour without Christine. They had bonded again but it had quickly become too much. Way too many old feelings had overwhelmed both of them and they had dissociate themselves again before anything could have happened.

Stevie sighed. She knew she had to face him again and she was determined to tell him to leave. She didn't feel like playing 'good old friends' with Lindsey tonight.

She stood up, took one last look into the mirror to make sure she looked okay, then went out of the bathroom to find the living-area of her suite empty. She furrowed her brow. Had he left without saying goodbye?!

A noise on her balcony startled her. She stepped outside and saw Lindsey standing there with his back facing her. As he heard her approaching him, he turned around.

"Lindsey!", she shrieked as she saw what he was holding in his right hand.

Lindsey grinned sheepishly in response and took another drag, blowing the smoke right into her direction.

"You're dead, Buckingham!", she said, walked up to him and wrenched the joint from his hand, "What the fuck do you think you're doing with my hash?", she hissed, trying hard to keep her voice low.

"I haven't had any in years.. I just couldn't resist..", Lindsey chuckled.

"God! You're high already..", Stevie sighed, taking a closer look at his face, "Good stuff, huh?"

"So good!", Lindsey grinned, "Try it!"

Stevie looked down at the joint in her right hand. Why not? She had already planned to smoke the whole thing tonight, so why not now?

"This is the only exception, you hear me?", she said, looking deeply into Lindsey's eyes, "You won't tell anybody! I usually don't smoke in company anymore.."

"I won't tell!", Lindsey said, bringing his right hand to his chest, "I swear, Steves..", he slurred then, getting the giggles.

"You're high as shit!", Stevie laughed then, dragged him after her and made him sit on one of the chairs on the balcony, "Okay, we'll share this one.. Though, I highly doubt you'll need much more.."

Lindsey nodded and watched her closely as she sat down at the other end of the table, then brought the spliff up to her lips and took one long drag.

"Oh wow...", she sighed as she blew the smoke out again, "Now that's some good stuff!"

"Where did you get it from?", Lindsey asked, taking the joint again.

"Can't tell you.", Stevie mumbled, closing her eyes and leaning her head back in satisfaction.

"Oh come on, Stevie", Lindsey pushed, "It's just me. Tell me!"

"I promised not to...", she teased him, opening only one eye to look at him.

He rolled his eyes at her, she knew exactly how much he hated that and loved to play that card on him over and over again.


"Lindsey...", this time it was her mimicking him.

"Oh come on, stop it!", he groaned.

"See?! I don't like that either!", she retorted.

"But it's so much fun!", he admitted laughingly.

"That it is.", she chuckled, "As long as it is me bothering you!", she winked at him.

They remained silent for awhile, just quietly passing the joint.

"Headshot?", Lindsey suddenly asked her, showing her the short end of the reefer, "Just like old times?"

Stevie looked at him, "I haven't done that in ages...", she admitted.

"Well, we used to do that all the time, remember?", he said.

"Yeah.. I do..", she said, being two minds about giving in and just doing it or being the responsible one and saying no.

"Well.. tick tock tick tock.. You don't have much time left to think about it, Steves. It's getting shorter and shorter..", he teased her.

"Okay, just do it!", she said suddenly.

Lindsey chuckled and stood up, kneeling down in front of her, "Come here then..", he said, beckoning her with his finger, a mischievous grin upon his face, and Stevie bent down until they were face to face.

"I can't believe we're doing this..", she sighed, but grinned sheepishly.

"Shhh..", he hushed her, took the joint the wrong way round into his mouth, then took Stevie's face between his hands as she parted her lips for him and he blew the smoke right into her mouth.

She closed her eyes in satisfaction as it hit her head, and wham-bam she was stoned as fuck!

As both locked eyes again, looking at each other quietly embarrassed about their behavior, they fell into the biggest laughing fit both of them had had in years. It ended with Lindsey collapsing on the floor, laughing as he rolled around. Stevie watched him and laughed even heavier.

"Lindsey.. I can't..", she giggled, "I can't take it anymore... My belly..", she held her stomach that had started to hurt from laughing.

He laughed in response, took her hand and pulled her down next to him on the ground.

When they had calmed down a little, Lindsey lay his arm around Stevie and she snuggled closer to him as they looked up at the sky that was covered with stars.

"I'm so fucking high..", Lindsey groaned, hiding his face in Stevie's long, golden hair.

"I know..", she chuckled, "Just like I am."

She then got another laughing fit, freed herself out of his embrace and got up on her knees as tears of laughter ran down her cheeks.

"Where are you going?", Lindsey asked, watching her crawling on all fours.

"I need to pee!", she squealed, "Or I gotta soil my pants!"

He laughed hysterically as he watched her crawling inside of the bathroom, "Come back when finished?"


Somehow, she actually managed to pull down her panties, sit down on the toilet seat and release herself. She closed her eyes, feeling slightly dizzy from the weed and buried her face in her hands, taking a few deep breaths.

"Steves?", she heard Lindsey's voice calling out for her, "Steeeves?"


"Are you okay?", Lindsey slurred.

"Sure..", she groaned.

"I'll come in, okay? I come in now, Stevie."

"What?! No! Lindsey, stay out of the bathroom!", Stevie shrieked, desperately trying to get up from the toilet seat and cover herself up again, but it was already too late when Lindsey opened up the door.

"Oh..", he gulped when he took a closer look at her, standing there with her panties still around her ankles and her nightie pulled way up high, nearly exposing her private parts to his view, while she was quickly trying to pull the silky fabric of her nightie back down again.

"Lindsey..", Stevie whimpered in embarrassment, avoiding his eyes that were devouring her shamelessly, "please.. don't look at me like that. Get out!"

"I.. I can't..", he mumbled, nervously wiping his mouth, his eyes still running all over her body hungrily.

"Please..", Stevie begged, bending down to pull her panties back up without exposing too much of her cleavage in the process.

When she got up again, she was slightly startled at how close Lindsey had come, her thumps still hooked into the sides of her underwear which she had brought up to her mid-thighs by then.

"What..?", she mumbled but he hushed her quickly when his hands settled on her hips, gripping her soft flesh, slowly wandering around to her behind which he started to massage then.

"Linds.. We.. we can't.. you can't..", Stevie stuttered with big eyes, but enjoying his touch at the same time. It had been years since a man had touched her sexually and she couldn't deny how much it aroused her when his fingertips trailed underneath her nightie to touch her bare skin.

"Oh God..", she whimpered as her head fell forward against his chest and her hands let go of her panties, which quickly fell down to the ground again, and she held onto his strong upper arms instead.

Lindsey's fingertips wandered tantalisingly slowly from the back of her bare thighs up to her butt again that was still uncovered by any kind of fabric. God, how long had he wanted to do this, had wanted to touch her like this again –but he hadn't had the guts to do so. Now, with a good amount of marijuana in his blood stream all the fear of getting denied was gone.

He lowered his head and his lips found her left ear. Sensually, he blew his warm breath over it, then opened up his lips to trail his tongue around it, eventually sucking her earlobe into his hot, wet mouth.

Stevie shuddered by the sensation his hands and mouth were giving her and she couldn't help but let a small moan escape her throat. Lindsey closed his eyes in satisfaction by the sound of it. How he had missed it when she moaned like that for him.

Without saying a word, he brought his hands up further underneath her nightie, quickly noticing that she wasn't wearing a bra either.

He groaned as arousal filled his mind, the palms of his hands brushed the sides of her breasts, and her soft, warm skin crept under his touch in return. His hands went to the front, grazing her chest, getting a hunch of the fullness of her breasts, feeling her nipples hardening.

"Oh Steph..", he groaned, circling her little buds with his thumps which caused her to moan again.

Stevie kept her eyes closed, afraid that one look into each other's eyes would put a hold onto what they were doing, and clawed her long nails into his arms instead, showing him just how aroused she was by his touch. She knew they had to stop, but god, this felt way too good.

Lindsey thought for a moment about his next step. This could either ruin it completely for him or go perfectly well for his liking with Stevie allowing him to make love to her tonight.

He held his breath in tension, then grabbed her nightie and pulled it way up high over her breasts. She lifted up her head to look at him, to stare into those piercing blue eyes that had haunted her for decades by now, and when she saw the intensity, the urge to see her, feel her, glistening in them, she raised her arms and let him pull the fabric over her head and toss it aside.

He couldn't help it, he needed to take a step back, holding her hands in his, as he admired her nude body standing in front of him.

"Jesus..", he muttered, "you're beautiful."

Stevie exhaled a breath she didn't know she had been holding, hearing that he still found her attractive, still found her body beautiful, after all these years...

"Kiss me.", she demanded breathlessly and who was he to deny her as he stepped forward, enfolded her into his strong arms, and grazed her lips with his ever so gently. It didn't take long for her to part her lips and grant him entrance to the inside of her mouth, their tongues clashing in a lustful need of finally feeling each other again.

It was Stevie's turn, when her hands went underneath his t-shirt then, pulling it up over his head as well and letting it fall to the floor. She explored his warm skin, letting her fingertips run through his gray, curly chest hair, feeling his muscles contract and relax under her touch, while their tongues stayed connected and their lips moved sensually against each other.

Lindsey couldn't take it any longer, "I have to have you..", he mumbled all of a sudden, and scooted her up into his arms, carrying her outside of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where he lay her down onto the white bedsheets and hovered above her.

Tenderly, he started loving on her. Stevie was squirming and twisting underneath him while Lindsey explored her whole upper body with his mouth, leaving warm, wet kisses from her mouth to her neck. Then, he leaned forward to take her right nipple into his mouth and as his tongue flicked the tip, a shallow moan escaped her lips. While Lindsey kneaded her breasts, and contined to lick and kiss her nipples, Stevie ran her fingertips through his hair.

The strong rugged physique that she had felt earlier was now on top of her. He was more man than she had remembered, his smooth yet muscular chest and stomach, his skin still tan from the summer sun. She couldn't help herself. He smiled at her and she melted. This was how she had envisioned it, soft and sensuous.

She felt a yearning that she had surpressed for years. She wanted to feel him pressed against her. Their bodies becoming one, but her nervousness started to creep back in, as did her upbringing.

"Linds, I.. I want you", she stated boldly, "but I haven't.. I mean.. It's been so long since I.."

She didn't know what she wanted to say, so before she could say anything else at all, she began to kiss him again. Lindsey was taken by this woman. Her shyness made her that much more beautiful. The fact that she was willing to give herself to him again, made him feel all the more powerful.

Stevie's body was aching for him in ways she didn't even know possible. The sensation of his kisses sent shivers down her spine, and she felt her body calling out for him.

Stevie reached forward and grabbed the front of Lindsey's jeans. She undid the black leather belt and top button. She began to push the waist of the jeans over his hips and made sure to take his briefs off with them.

Lindsey didn't want to ruin the moment by going too fast, so he stopped her before she had fully exposed his throbbing c.ock.

"Are you sure you want to do this?", he whispered in her ear, kneeling between her legs.

Without replying, Stevie stared into his steel blue eyes, pushed his jeans the rest of the way down, and began to stroke his shaft. She liked feeling him stiffen even more under her control. The head began to glisten with a drop of prec.um, so she leaned forward and in a quick flick, licked it off. Much to her delight, Lindsey let a moan escape his lips.

She continued to stroke his length, then leaned down and took him into her mouth. She sucked on him and slid her lips up and down his shaft, ever so often flicking the tip of his c.ock with her tongue just to watch him squirm.

Lindsey tangled his fingers in her hair, and began to pull her deeper onto his cock. She loved that he was taking control of her. She was enjoying evey reaction as he thrust his pulsing length in and out of her mouth. Stevie rolled her tongue around the head, and then gulped hard as he hit the end of her throat and writhed in pleasure as he suddenly let go of the back of her head.

"God, Steves.. you're amazing.. but you need to stop..", Lindsey panted.


"Because I really don't wanna c.um, yet.", he said with a smile before he leaned forward and began kissing her again, but even more passionately this time. He couldn't believe that she had blown him. It had been so many years since he had felt her beautiful pouty lips around him and he sure as hell had missed the feeling. Stevie had always been the best at giving head.

His jeans were only half off, so he pulled the rest of them down. Stevie leaned back on her elbows, watching him undress until he climbed on all fours back onto the bed. Just like an animal, he seemed wild now, and she loved it.

Lindsey then stopped for a moment and admired her. She was laying there completely nude, her creamy skin illuminated by the orange flames of the flickering candles, she felt so unbelievably calm that a smile crept over her face.

"Do you still like what you see?", she asked, remembering how much Lindsey had once loved the way her body looked.

He reached out for her breasts and began touching them softly, "Oh God, yes. Steph, you have no idea..", he whispered softly, "I.. I need you to know how bad I want you, you know... I mean, I've wanted to do this for quite some time.. I just.."

"Shhh..", she hushed him with a smile, putting one finger on his lips, "It's okay."

Lindsey nodded slowly, then lowered his head onto her body to kiss her all over. He ran his tongue from her neck down to her inner thighs, kissing her, teasing her, coming so close to her clit without actually touching it again and again.

When Stevie didn't think she could take another moment of his torture, he began to circle her swollen bud with his tongue while slipping a finger into her entrance that was warm and slick from her arousal. She felt her whole body tense up as the initial waves of pleasure started to build.

While sucking on her clit, Lindsey thrust another finger into her. She couldn't believe how good he was making her feel. It had been eighteen years since their last sexual encounter, and even though Lindsey had always been her best, all those years of not having him had made her forget just how well he could bring her to the greatest heights of sexual pleasure.

"Oh God, Lindsey..", she moaned and raised up her hips to give him even easier access to her private parts.

Lindey was making small circles around and on her clit, when he all of a sudden stopped, looked up at her and pulled his fingers out of her dripping hole. He licked them off, groaning in appreciation, making her watch him, then brought them down to her swollen lips again to get some more of her juices and bring them to her mouth as well. She parted her lips and ran her tongue over his fingers, tasting herself on him, then sucked hard just like she had done on his c.ock minutes ago. The sensation made Lindsey even more aroused.

"Will you make me come for you?", Stevie panted as she watched him going down on her, again.

"You bet, I will.", Lindsey smirked, looking up at her from in between her thighs, then entered her with two fingers, put his mouth on her sex again and sucked hard.

Stevie cried out in ecstasy. She had already been close to orgasm, and his last action pushed her over the edge as wave after wave of pleasure overwhelmed her.

Lindsey rubbed her g-spot frantically, while his tongue flicked over and over again over her throbbing clit, and soon he was payed back for his efforts  by her coming heavily against his mouth.

"Oh Steves, yes..", Lindsey groaned before diving in once more, relishing the taste of her feminity, "You taste fucking divine!"

Stevie was panting hard when she felt his tongue cleaning up the mess between her thighs, her body jolted every now and then when he brushed her over-sensitive clit. When she couldn't take it anymore, she reached out for him and pulled him back right into her arms, forcing their eyes to meet.

"S-stop..", she quivered, "Please, Lindsey, stop.."

"Why? I didn't hurt you, did I?", he asked worriedly and stroked lovingly her cheeks.

"No.. God no, you didn't.", she said quickly, "I just.. and as much as I love having your mouth on me.. I need you, Linds. I need you inside me.. I need you to make love to me."

Lindsey grinned like a teenage boy by her words. God, how much he had longed to hear this coming out of her mouth, her big brown eyes looking up at him so needy and desperate for him to love on her.

"I'd love that, baby..", he said sweetly, his member who had softened some regaining his hardness quickly by the sweet words that had just escaped her mouth.

"Come on then and take me..", Stevie whispered, "Claim me. Make me all yours.", she lifted up her hips and ground them against his manhood, showing him just how much she wanted him.

"Oh sweet Jesus..", Lindsey muttered, biting his lower lip as he took his member into his hand and pressed it against her, bringing it up and down between her thighs, coating it with her juices and preparing her for his penetration, "You're just perfect for me, Steph.. Slick and wet, I love it.."

"Mmmmm..", Stevie moaned in response.

"Stevie, baby, do you want me?", Lindsey asked, knowing fully well what the answer would be but needing to hear it coming out of her mouth again.

"Yes, god yes..", Stevie said, squirming in excitement, "I want you, Linds."

"Good, because I want you, too.", he said as he adjusted his c.ock until it fitted snugly between her sexy, slippery lips.

He pushed, feeling the gentle grip of her flesh around him. He pushed a little more firmly, feeling his totally rigid length almost flowing into her.
It was like all the most wonderful feelings in the world rolled into one.

"Oh baby..", Lindsey groaned with delight, "Oh angel, that's lovely. You're so tight, so wam. You're wonderful."

Stevie only moaned loudly as she felt him deep inside of her, filling her. She closed her eyes and buried her nails deeply into his shoulders, feeling pleasure and pain overwhelming her all at the same time. It had been so long since she had had sex and she definitely wasn't used to the feeling, anymore. Lindsey was stretching her insides and she tried to become accustomed to his size again.

"Are you okay?", Lindsey asked then and brushed a strand of golden hair out of Stevie's face. He had noticed her facial expression and didn't want to hurt her.

"Yes, I'm fine", she said, "Hurt a little but it's okay, now."

He smiled, placed a soft kiss on her lips, then slowly and gently he eased himself out until only the head of his c.ock was inside her, then equally slowly he pushed back inside – even deeper now.

Stevie let out a long, slow sigh as he penetrated her again. The pain had subsided and the only thing left now, was pure lust and the overwhelming need to feel him.

Gently, Lindsey started to pick up some speed – thrusting more quickly into her. It was almost a paradox that she was still really good and tight inside, and yet, there was no friction because her juices were just flowing by now, making her all slippery and wet for him to take.

He picked up the pace some more – Stevie was now thrusting back at him as she became more worked-up, her hands wandered down his sweaty back to get a hold onto his butt, squeezing him appreciatively, bringing him as close as possible, so his pelvis rubbed over her clit while he was thrusting inside of her, bringing her the ultimate stimulation.

Lindsey could feel the end of his p.enis bumping against her cervix as he plunged into her, bringing forth moans from her while he brought her closer and closer to orgasm.

Their abdomens were now slapping together with the force of their movements; the bed was rocking and creaking – the very room seemed to be swaying.

"God Lindsey, this feels amazing..", Stevie sighed, locking their eyes, tears of pleasure building in her big, brown ones.

"I know..", Lindsey answered breathlessly, bringing his lips down to hers, kissing her passionately, their tongues clashing in a fiery heat while his right hand tangled in her long, blonde hair, lightly tugging at it, his left hand closing around her right breast, massaging it, "No other can make me feel like that..", he gasped.

Stevie's tears started to fall when his words reached her ears, and she pulled him closer to her, so she could bury her face in his neck, biting down onto his shoulder.

They were both beginning to pant now and sweat was beading on Lindsey's brow and across her breasts. He upped the pace once more, and Stevie's hips kept in time with him. One or both of them was going to come pretty soon.

Stevie beat him to it - suddenly he felt her body tighten and begin to shudder as she experienced her second orgasm of the night. Her insides gripped him like a vice and she went rigid.

"Oh Lindsey, oh god.. I'm coming..", she whimpered, her legs and arms wrapped around him, and he could feel his own orgasm starting to erupt.

'Think of something boring – quick!'- he thought to himself as he watched Stevie's face glowing in sexual bliss, and it must have worked because he was still there and going strong as she came down from her high.

"Oh Linds, that was so good..", Stevie panted, smiling broadly, sweat and tears glistening on her face and lips, "tell me what you want, baby.. I wanna make you feel good, too.."

"I want you..", Lindsey moaned, mouth hanging open, eyes closed, "I want you so much, Steph.."

"How do you want me, baby?", she ran her hands through his curly hair, wiping the sweat off his face, "Talk to me, Linds. Tell me what you want!"

"I want you on top.", he groaned between thrusting and opened up his eyes, examining her beautiful sex face.

Stevie grinned mischievously by his answer, "That you can have.."

He supported her by sliding his hands underneath her body, holding her tightly to himself, then flipped them around without pulling out of her. Stevie gasped in surprise by the sudden movement, then giggled and started kissing him passionately as she lay flat on top of him, his hands everywhere all at once.

"You feel so nice inside of me, Linds..", she whispered into his ear, knowing how wild that made him, as she circled her hips, "You have no idea how nice..", she added, then slowly she spread her legs, so she was straddling him, her knees hitting the matress, as she brought her upper body up for him to see.

"Uhh..", she groaned, as he hit her deeper than ever before because the new angle forced him way up inside of her. She threw her head back, so her long hair tickled his thighs and slowly started to ground against him.

"Jesus..", Lindsey muttered as he opened up his eyes and took in the scene in front of him,"You're... you're glowing, Steph.. You really are.."

"That's all because of you..", Stevie panted in response and picked up the pace some, supporting herself by placing her hands onto his thighs while she moved against him.

"I can't believe this..", Lindsey groaned as his hands made their way up her thighs to get a good grip on her butt that he squeezed a good few times, while his eyes landed between her legs and watched how his length disappeared inside of her and came back into view in a beautiful, sensuous rhythm that left both of them breathless.

"Oh god.. That feels so good..", Stevie moaned as he then brought a hand between them and cupped her sex, stimulating her clit some more by rubbing her softly.

"You like that, huh?", he smirked.

"F.uck, yes.", she hissed with her eyes closed, and he watched as she became even wilder by his touch now, her movements became jerkier, faster – she got out of control on top of him as she leaned forward, placed her hands on his chest and rode him like a mad woman.

"F.uck, you're so sexy, baby..", Lindsey groaned when her long hair surrounded their faces like a golden curtain that protected them from the rest of the world.

He let go of her throbbing pink button and took her face in his hands instead, bringing her closer to his face to take her lips in a long, heated kiss. They moaned into each others mouths and Stevie buried her long nails in his chest to mark him, "You're mine", she whispered.

"I am.", Lindsey panted, "You ruined me for any other woman when you first made love to me in that tiny apartment in LA all those years ago.."

This caused Stevie to cry, again. The passion that had always been between them was never going to die, no matter how old they were, no matter if he was married, no matter what happened – they belonged together.

"Come here, baby..", Lindsey muttered who had sensed her exhaustion, her whole body was covered in sweat, which made her skin glow even more beautiful in the flickering candle light. He held her close to his body as he switched them around once more to take her – he couldn't believe himself how long he was hanging on by now, without coming or losing his erection.

When he buried her beneath him he looked deep into her big, brown chocolate eyes and smiled down at her, tears were running down her cheeks and her bottom lip trembled slightly, partly because of pleasure, partly because of her emotions.

"You were never more beautiful than you are in this very moment, Stephanie.", he said softly, then leaned down to kiss her tears away and thrusted slowly in and out of her again.

One hand was tangled in her blonde mane, the other was softly stroking her uppy body, while he moved on top of her. Their eyes stayed locked and their noses bumped affectionately against each other from time to time, while they could feel one another's warm breath on their sweaty faces.

"No one can make love to me the way you do..", Stevie whispered eventually and brought her hands up to hold his face, carefully tracing his facial features.

"That's because I love you so much.", Lindsey answered truthfully and kissed softly her lips.

Stevie cried even heavier by his words.

"Hey baby.. Don't..", he soothed her, "Don't cry, Steph.."

"I'm sorry..", she sniffed, "I can't help it.. I just.. I miss you so much.."

And that was when Lindsey's eyes started to well up in tears, as well, "I miss you, too, Stevie. More than you'll ever know."

She sobbed, then twined her arms around his neck and whimpered lightly as she felt herself working up to another orgasm.

"Can you feel me?", she whispered into his ear while she clenched repeatedly around him.

"Yes..", he hissed and throbbed inside her in response,

"You're going to make me come again, Linds..", she said calmly.

Lindsey groaned by her words.

"I want you to let go with me. Can you do that, Linds? Will you come with me?"

He nodded in response and grabbed her so tightly that it almost hurt.

Now was the time for Lindsey to get to work. Some deep thrusts, followed by some shallow ones; some quick jerks – then slow, deep penetration, followed by a complete removal of his member – and then another full thrust until he was buried deep within her again and twitched inside her.

"Look at me. Look at me, baby..", Stevie whimpered as she felt her climax building in the pit of her stomach, her toes curling.

Lindsey brought his head up from her neck and looked at her when she suddenly went over the edge. Stevie didn't close her eyes when she let out a silent scream of pleasure and her whole body shook in lust, instead she mouthed his name and bit her bottom lip.

She looked so wanton and erotic as she writhed beneath him that he somehow just wanted to keep on giving her orgasms. But due to the arousal that her wild body was producing, he didn't have much of a chance of holding out much longer.

"Oh god..", he groaned only seconds later.

Lindsey could feel himself becoming tense and eager to unload. He continued to thrust inside of her in a more rapid pace as he started to lose control with her writhing underneath him.

And it was working – her body was starting to twitch once more and he knew she was about to come again as her inner muscles clenched around him tremendously.

He just kept pumping into her, sweat was pouring from every pore of their bodies – and Stevie was leaking juices like mad as all their limbs were almost out of control.

"Oh my god, I'm coming again..", she whimpered then and wapped arms and legs around him.

A few more rapid thrusts and they both got there.

"I'm there, baby..", Lindsey grunted, sounding a lot more in control than she did; his body rigid.

He felt himself pumping what felt like an enormous quantity of sperm deep inside of her – right up against her cervix.

"I can feel you..", Stevie shuddered, as she felt his warmth filling her.

Lindsey could virtually feel how she sucked his c.um from his c.ock – hoovering it up as it erupted.

'Oh wow, this is what sex always should feel like' – he thought to himself as he remembered that this was exactly how it always used to be with her.

He collapsed on top of her while Stevie continued to emit contented sighs and groans as she descended from her latest orgasm and finally it was more or less all over.

His deflated member slowly but finally slid from inside her, followed by a flow of their combined fluids – but he was too f.ucked to be able to do what he should have done – go down and lick it all up.

They lay together for a while, both of them still panting hard, until he rolled and moved beside her so that they lay arm in arm.

He placed a kiss on her forehead and held her warm, beloved body close to himself. For a while they didn't speak.

"You know, that I still love you, don't you?", he suddenly broke the silence.

"I know.", she said quietly and looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes again, "You know, I love you, too, right?"

"Yes, I do.", he smiled sadly down at her.

"Do you think we will end up together again? Eventually?", her voice sounded so fragile and desperate that it almost killed him.

"We will."

"You promise?"

"I swear.", he said truthfully and met her lips in another passionate, tender kiss before both of them fell asleep.


Just a one-shot! Hoped you enjoyed it.

Much love, Lara

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