My OTP Oneshots

By SeaSorcerer

177 1 7

Now, I'm warning you before it's too late: I haven't watched past season one episode four of Gravity Falls... More

BillDip #1 ~Someone Familiar~

167 1 7
By SeaSorcerer

I've already told you a million times, that I have not seen much of this show... so viewer descretion is advised, for cringe-worthy moments will be seen in my BillDip oneshots...

~Dipper's P.O.V~

I was looking out the window, my head against the glass, watching the trees and wilderness speed by in a blur of greens, browns, and greys.

The scenery started to slow down as we approached my sister, Mable, and mine's stop, Gravity Falls, Oregon. (Or is it Origon?) "All passengers getting off for Gravity Falls, please dismount the bus..." the male driver sighed as the rickety old bus came to screeching stop.

"Well, here we are!" I said happily to my twin sister, who stood next to me.

"Race you to the shack!" Mable bolted in the direction of our Grunkle Stan's gift shop, the Mystery Shack, paying no mind that I hadn't started following yet.

"Mable! Mable wait up!" I called after her, even though I knew she couldn't hear me. Great, so I have to chase her? I could've sworn I heard someone say, "Well, you better start..." just as I bolted in her direction. But I just shook it off as my mind playing tricks on me. (Are you sure you should do that Pine Tree? *stifles laughter*)


Mable and I were sitting in the attic, in other words, our shared bedroom, talking about the kind of things we might encounter this summer.

"Do you think we'll have to deal with Bill again?" Mable asked, curious about what I thought. I quickly responded. "I hope not. He is such a pain, not to mention a danger. And he gets worse everytime we see him." I shuddered at the thought of him, and quickly changed the subject. "So, who are you most excited to see this summer?"

Mable thought for a moment before responding with "Everybody!" I chuckled at this and said, "I hope we get to see Wendy to be honest, even though she doesn't work here anymore, I would still like to be friends with her!"

Mable and I kept talking, but had no idea who or what was watching us from the roof.

~Bill's P.O.V~

I laughed slightly when I heard what Pine Tree (*snickers*) said about me. "Oh, don't worry you two, you'll be seeing me a whole lot sooner than you planned, even if you don't know it's me!" With this I jumped off the roof, not making a sound, and landing on my feet.

Quickly, with the snap of my fingers, I was able to get into more, less-suspicious clothing. (He normally wears what he's wearing in the picture above. Yeah, not normal... Not to mention, his yellow suit would kinda give it away, if the eyepatch didn't... and just imagine that the eyepatch is black, not gold...)

After this was done, I walked into the shack, knowing it was open and walked up to the counter. I did a silent victory in my head when I saw that no one was at the front desk, that said, one of the twins would have to come down.

I grinned as the footsteps of a sixteen year old boy came down the stairs, and then a girl the same age. Two more victories for me! I thought, widening my grin.

"How can we help you sir?" The bubbly young girl asked.

"Oh, I was just looking around!" I smirked when I heard Pine Tree's thoughts.

He sounds familiar... he was thinking. Oh, I'm more familiar than you think I am!

I started to act like I was looking at the items on display, but I was really looking at Pine Tree and Shooting Star (Okay, first of all, if you don't understand what the nicknames are for, what kind of a Gravity Falls fan are you? I don't even watch the damn show and I know why they have those nicknames!), trying to see what they were doing, or thinking.

They weren't thinking anything interesting until I rechecked Pine Tree's mind once more. H-he's kinda cu- Oh what am I saying? He then looked away quickly before anyone had a chance to look at his blushing face.

I found my own face heating up at this and tried to stop it, but the blush creeping onto my face kept going.

~Dipper's P.O.V~

H-he's kinda cu- Oh what am I saying? I thought while sitting behind cash register, and turned away as I felt a blush work its way onto my face.

I flicked my gaze over to the man and saw that his face had a tint of red aswell. But as I was watching him from my strange angle, he straitened up and walked out of the gift shop, which made me slightly dissapointed. (I am physically cringing from my own story...) Maybe he'll be back tomorrow... I sighed and stood up.

Just as I put my left foot on the first step, I paused and turned to Mable, "I'm gonna go upstairs, tell me if anyone else comes."

"Okay bro bro!" And with that, I continued walking up the stairs, and into mine and Mable's room.

As soon as I stepped in, I felt like I was being watched. I didn't stop moving, but my pace slowed as I approached my bed and sat on the blue blankets covering it. I layed down, and as I did, I pulled out journal 3, and started looking through it's pages, not really looking for anything specific.

When I came to Bill's page, the feeling intesified and instictively, I moved my gaze up to the triangular window above my bed. I saw movement, but it could've just been a bird. It probably was just a bird... I reassured myself, not getting over that feeling I had.

"Are you sure it was a bird?" A voice came from the window. That sounds like that guy from the shop! And how'd he know that?! I started getting freaked out a little, and got way more freaked when the face of the blond from the shop appeared in my window. Startled, I fell out of my bed, earning a burst of laughter from the man.

"That, Pine Tree, has a simple answer!" He smirked as he opened the window and hopped down into my bed, then onto the floor beside me. I scooted away from him, holding the journal close to my chest.

"What do-o you w-want from me B-Bill?" My voice was shakey as I stumbled with my words, causing the demon to laugh again. He started approaching me, causing me to back away from him, but my back soon hit my nightstand. Fear coursed through my body as he whispered in my ear, "It's you I want! And I know you think I'm cute with this new look!"

This made me blush a dark red, and calm down a little. Bill giggled. It was kinda unsettling to be honest, but he was right. The next thing that happened shocked me more than probably anything I've ever seen or done...

He kissed me...

On the lips...

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