Book of one-shots

By fhorn4life

143 3 10

one shots of Skylox, Merome, Vikklan, Poofless, Munching universe, Etc mostly sad, heart breaking, feelz ripp... More

Skylox Part 2
#2 / Vikklan

#1 / Skylox

61 1 7
By fhorn4life

so let mai set the moooooooooooooooooooood

3rd person pov.

Adam and Ty have been together for 3 years. They live with Merome, Setosolace, and Munchinguniverse. One night, Adam went to go get food for everyone, because the rest of them were lazy and told him to do it (XD me). Adam of course, went and got McDonald's cuz why not. It was also right down the street from their house. It should have only taken 10 minutes at most. After about a half an hour, Ty got a little worried, and by that i mean, he called Adam about 20 times and left a voice mail for each call. After about 5 minutes of Ty calling Adam, Ty finally saw headlights coming into the driveway. Immediately after Ty noticed this, he ran outside............

Ty pov.

Ty- Adam! finally, I thought you got lost out the--

Adam- ...........TY! I swear this isn't my fault!

No. No, why would he do this. He wouldn't. W-Would he?

Ty- I-I..... I got t-to go.....

Adam- Ty, please.....

I could feel his rough hands grabbing my shoulders. I can't even look him in the eyes

Ty- Adam....

Adam- Ty, please i swear to god it isn--

Ty- Adam, please let m-me go

I felt the weight disappear from my shoulders. I walked up to my room and grabbed stuff i could just carry. Keys, wallet, phone, and the little box with my razor in it. I haven't used it in a while but hey, you never know( Yesh i know he casually says it, that's the point XD). I slammed the door to my room and started walking down the stairs, putting on some music.

Mitch- Ty, what just happened. Adam just ran upstairs crying.

Ty- .........................................

Mitch- Ty?

Ty- What?!

Mitch- What. The hell. Just happened?

Ty- Nothing you will ever have to worry about again.

Mitch- Ty! I just want to know what the fuck you did!

everyone was starring at us know. Jerome, looked pretty shocked. Tyler and Jason looked the same. Seto looked kinda scared and Brice looked ready to break up a fight if he had too.

Ty- Oh, so now everything is my fucking fault!

Mitch- Well I saw him come in sobbing his heart out!


I stormed out before any of them had a chance to even blink, hopping in my car and pulling out the drive. I could still see Adam kissing that bitch.


so basically Ty walked out to see Adam kissing a stranger, aka dawn but thats not important.


cue song which is Say something and look it up on youtube by Timeflies or kehls11. ok? go with it

kinda 3rd person but a mix of that and 1st person with different people :P


Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'll be the one, if you want me to.

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

Ty pov

I drove into town, looking for a random hotel. I ended up pulling into a place called "Ivory Beach Hotel". It was pretty nice the lobby

Ty- Room for one night please

?????- $220 sir

Geez. better be the best view someone has ever seen. Without any other exchanges, I grabbed my key

And I...I'm feeling so small

it was over my head

I know nothing at all

3rd person

Tyler- Adam, please open up

Adam- Why

Tyler- because we need to talk

Adam- No

Tyler- whispers can you at least let me in


Tyler- Guys, I'm gonna go in. you guys just stay out side or try and find Ty

Jerome- But Tyl--

Tyler- please?

Jason- Please hurry up then. Come one guys.

And I.... will stumble and fall

I'm still learning to love

Just starting crawl

Ty pov.

God....I Don't even Know what to do. I can't go back, I won't. He can't just can't get away with stuff like that.


I swear if that is him.....

(they are texting btw)

????- When were you going to tell Ty, you said you would break up with him so we could be together.

Ty- Who is this?

????- Sorry, i guess. wrong number

W-Was he going t-to break up w-with me?

Say something I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that i couldn't get to you

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something I'm giving up on you

Tyler pov.

When i walked into the room, Adam was already a mess. His eyes were puffy from crying, tears stained his shirt. He looked like he had been crying for days. He tucked his head in his knees and started to cry even more.

Tyler- Adam....

Adam- Its all my fault

Tyler- No Adam, It's not your fault

Adam- Yes, if I would've just c--

Tyler- No, there is nothing you could've done to stop this.


Tyler- Lets go see, what Jason needs

Adam- o-ok

And I.... will swallow my pride

You're the one that I love

And I'm saying goodbye

Hey, guys

I'm really sorry I couldn't have stayed here, knowing that no one loves me here. I've grown up with it my whole life and I'm sorry it came to this.

Jerome~ You're are one of the most funniest people I have ever met, and I want you to make everyone laugh and make them all happy when I'm gone. Please do that for me    -Ty

Mitch~ Mitch, you have helped me through a lot, even though we would fight sometimes, you would always come around. I need you to help them, help them move on, but don't let them forget me   -Ty

Tyler~ I know we weren't always friends, but i still called you my brother, because we just had that bond of siblings, you, the out-going one, and me the quiet one. Help them find more friends, to bond with more and not just stay in this little goofy bunch. And I want you to help Adam, help him find someone he will love forever    -Ty

Jason~ God, Jason, you were always the dreamer. The one who would always find your dream and make it come true, like with Tyler (you guys are amazing together). When I'm gone for good, help the others get their dreams and make them come true. Thank you    -Ty

Seto And Brice~ You guys are a perfect match, i could never imagine you two apart, like glue, forever stuck together. You guys need to teach the others a little something, to help them get through next next month or two, give them hope and something to smile about, and Seto... Thank you for being like a brother with me. Because you, me and Tyler were a unstoppable band of boys, thank you   -Ty

Say something I'm giving up on you

And Adam, god Adam. You were one of the nicest and funniest people I have ever met. I remember when we first met in 1st grade, you and Mitch were the only people that would talk or hang out with me.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

And when you first asked me out in freshmen year of high school, and I was so happy. You helped me through everything, the bullies, the depression, everything. thank you, for the best memories, the friends, a new home and family.

And anywhere I would've followed you

thank you Adam             ~Ty

Say something I'm giving up on you

Ty pov.

I was kinda hoping he would call me, tell me he cares, that he will love me forever, that he'll be right beside me. It's already been an hour, and I've gotten nothing. Not one text, not one call, nothing. Did he actually love that girl.

I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

Giving you all my love

I'm still looking up, yeah

Adam pov.


I need to find him, now

Adam- Tyler...

Tyler- I know, but we have no clue where he is

Seto- I'm going to look for him, no matter what, he was a brother to me, and I'm not letting him go this fucking easy

Adam- but h-how?

Tyler- I'll go with Jason, Brice and Seto, Mitch and Jerome, and Adam can come with me and Jason. Just look everywhere

Well I won't give up on us

Ty pov.


Ty- Adam, is th--

????- Adam loves me know. It was pretty obvious. He was right, your just a stupid, weak little fag. like always


Guess I was right

God knows I'm though enough

Ahh, my old friend. Once I pulled out my little razor, I felt like it was my home, of sorts. When i got in the bathroom, I made the first cut.

We got a lot to learn

By the time I was done, I had 10 cuts on each arm and 15 on my stomach. I felt kinda nice, like a warmth slowly spreading over my body, slowly going into a nice sleep. It was one of the best feelings I had ever had. With all the blood in the bathroom, I went over to the window, watching the view of the beach, trying my best to stay standing. Then I heard the door open.

I'm still looking up, yeah

Seto pov. (you thought it would be Adam. cute. XD)

Seto- What about that place, over there

Brice- The hotel? You sure?

Seto- Anything is worth a shot right now

~~~~~Time skip of like 5 min~~~~~

Brice- Excuse me, do you know if a Tyler Ellis checked in?

?????- Yes, about an hour ago, top floor, room 939-

Seto- Thanks!

~~~~~~time skip of 5 more minutes~~~~~~

Seto pov.

Please please please don't let him be dead.

Say something I'm giving up on you

Seto- Brice, can you call the guys and tell them we found them?

Brice- Are you su--

Seto- Yes, please?

Brice- Ok

Slowly, I turned the door knob while Brice went down the hall to call the guys.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

once I opened the door, I immediately saw Ty slumped against the glass door, slightly......smiling. But what I noticed first was the all over the floor, his arms were cut, and he was horribly pale.

Seto- Ty?

Ty- Seto! hey, what are you doing here?

I ran around, trying to find something to wrap around his arms.

And anywhere I would've followed you

Ty- Whatcha doing Seto?

Why was he so happy? He's dying!

Seto- I'm trying to find something to save you with.

Finally! bandages!

Ty- I don't need that stuff

Seto- Ty! Your dying! I'm not going to le--

Ty- NO!

Say something I'm giving up on you

Ty- I don"t n-need help

Seto- P-Please, I-I can't just let you d-die....

Ty- Seto, I don't want to be here anymore, please

Brice- Seto, there comi-..........Ty?

Ty- B-Brice.....

Brice- What d-did you do T-Ty

Just say something, I'm giving up on you

Ty- Seto...........

Seto- Ty.........please d-don't

Ty- Tell all the g-guys.......they were t-the best......

Seto- T-Ty.........

Ty- You were the b-best brother I c-could ever have..........

Seto- D-Don't leave me, p-please

Ty- ..........

Seto- Ty?

Seto- TY!

Say something

????- T-Ty?


hello my children, this is my first one shot in this book, and there will be more very soon. expect to have your feelz ripped out of your little innocent soul MULTIPLE times.

Tell me if you want part 2 or you just want to end it here

thx for reading this, blah blah blah, etc.



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