Cross My Heart

Bởi gopaperbackwriter

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**Main character IS Ed Sheeran with a changed name!** "Nate..." I called to him after he stood up. I stood up... Xem Thêm

Introductory Warning Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 36

44 6 4
Bởi gopaperbackwriter


"Thank GOD my wrist isn't broken! I'm sooo fucking lucky. Thank GOD. Did I mention thank God? Cause....." Tabby cut me off there. I was babbling, but doing it to be purposely annoying, to keep her awake. It was around 4am, and she was driving me back from the hospital. I'd had to wake her up, and she wasn't all the way dressed, in the back seat of her car along with Paul, who was also not so dressed. They'd come out from the boredom of waiting inside. They texted me that they were tired, as I sat in the treatment room, waiting for my xray results. So they went to the car.

Guess what they obviously did while they waited? Yeah.

I chuckled to myself as I found them pretty much passed out the way they were when they "finished the act", if you know what I mean.
I woke Tabby up, and she immediately tried to cover herself, so I turned around and stood the other way until she got dressed and I heard the back door open and close. I turned around and said "nice arse!" with a cheeky grin on my face, and she laughed a "fuck you, asshole" to me from across the hood. We got in the front, and started driving back, leaving Paul asleep, naked in the back seat.

We pulled up to my flat, and I thanked her and got out. I gave her a few pounds I had in my wallet for her gas and time, which she tried to refuse, so I opened the back door and wedged the money in the crack of Paul's ass. She lost it cracking up, and took a picture with her phone. We were dying of laughter, and trying to keep quiet in the parking lot. Best pic ever.
I thanked her again, and went in, waving as she drove off to take Paul home. I offered them to stay here so I could help her get Paul in, but she said she'd manage.

Ahhhh, home. Finally. God, the hospital at night is so completely fucking bor.......I opened the door of my flat, and I could see two people curled up on the sofa, the tv (I finished my previous thought.)

It was obviously Gwen and Nate, as they were the only ones left here tonight.

I stood there and stared at them. I glanced at the tv, and it was the end of one of the Paranormal Activity movies. I looked at my phone was 4:29am.
I walked closer to the cuddle buddies on the sofa, and stood and stared some more.

Gwen was laying on Nate's lap and side at once. His legs were sprawled down along the length of the sofa, and she was behind them, squeezed into the back of the sofa and laying across his legs, with her head on a pillow over his groin. Good thing for that pillow, was the thought that flashed through my mind first.
His arm was down around her back, his hand on her side. Her one hand was under her cheek on the pillow, and her other arm was hung across his thighs with her hand hanging down off the sofa.
His other arm was back, above his head on the arm of the sofa.
They were......quite.....cozy.

I didn't like it one bit.

But I knew in my heart, that nothing bad had happened. I could just feel it.
Besides, if it had, I'm sure they would've had the sense to separate after, to make it not obvious.

Still, knowing in my heart that nothing happened between them didn't make my view any less....heart crushing. The person I loved the most in this entire world was cuddled up and asleep on my best of the OTHER people I loved most in this world.
On one hand, I was happy that Gwen felt this comfortable around Nate.

But on the other hand.....yeah. You get it.

It sort of scared me, that maybe.....maybe she could realize that there WAS other "good guys" out there in the world, and she didn't HAVE to keep me around. She COULD find another. They were out there. She was sleeping with one right this very second, in fact.
It scared me that she now would know what it was like to cuddle up with another man who was nice.
Did he feel better than me? Did she get her electric sparks like she did when I touched her? Were his arms stronger and firmer than mine? Did they make her feel safer than mine did? I knew for a fact that he was better looking, more fit, more attractive in general, than me.

These and sooo many other questions ran through my mind as I stood there, wondering if I should wake her and take her to bed, or just.....let her be?

I mean, I wanted to take her to bed. But, it was gonna be daylight soon. And she was probably gonna be hungover. And she might not be able to go back to sleep, because she'd want to know all about my hospital trip and what's up with my wrist and all......

Plus, speaking of my wrist, I couldn't carry her now, with it all wrapped up.

I stood there frowning. Looking at them both.

I knew that Nate was probably in his glory all night, because I saw the way he looked at Gwen. I'd seen it plenty of times, ever since they met. I knew in the back of my mind, that he liked her. How much, I didn't know. But I could see that he liked her plenty.

But, he was my best mate, and I had to believe that he would never do anything to hurt me.

I also had to believe that Gwen loved me so much that SHE would never do anything to hurt me, either.

I put my faith in both of them equally, and hoped for the best. That's the only way I could remain a sane, normal person, and not get overcome with jealousy. Like I could be doing right now, if I let myself. But no. I trusted them both with my entire heart, and I hoped they wouldn't shatter it into a zillion pieces. Because it would NEVER be able to fixed again after a betrayal of THAT magnitude. NEVER.

I sighed, and bent down and took off all four of their shoes quietly, then I fixed the blanket so it was covering them both. I leaned over and pushed Gwen's hair out of her face, and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, and stood back up, gave one final look at them both, and went in to my bed.
It was hard to get to sleep without Gwen, let alone, knowing she was in there cuddled with Nate.

But I soon managed to do it, out of pure exhaustion and the threat of sunlight that would soon come beaming in my window.


I felt something tugging at my foot. I opened an eye after my mind thinking back to the movies I fell asleep to, and established that I was in Gavin's flat...on his couch....and he was down at my feet, taking off my shoes. Sweet.

I moved my hand, and realized....GWEN!

Oh shit!

Gwen was still next to me, and my hand was down around her torso. I peeked down at us both, and realized I had sprawled out more after I fell asleep. I had turned to lay flat on my back, putting my legs on the couch, and Gwen's head was my groin, only on the pillow. Shit. Her one arm was over my legs, too.

I really didn't mean to get THIS comfy looking with Gwen when I fell asleep.

Gavin didn't seem to be taking it too hard, though. He knew me. He trusted me. I knew he did. And I knew he trusted Gwen. He couldn't love her that much, if he didn't trust her.
He had plenty of reason to NOT trust, though. He'd been burned before. He'd been cheated on.
He'd been hurt. Heart broken. Crushed. Hard.
I'd been there for it. For him.
I'd helped him pick up the pieces and move on.
So I knew what he was like when he didn't trust. He didn't trust his next few girlfriends, which led to the end of their relationship. But with Gwen, he didn't give any signs of non trusting. I mean, no more than a normal, trusting person would. Don't get me wrong. He's not gonna be BLIND with her. He's not gonna ignore anything he should question. He's alert.
I know how it is. I'd gone through the same thing before, soon after Gavin went through it. And....of course, Gavin was there for me.
So we both knew how much it sucked.
So the fact that Gavin just took off my shoes, and Gwen's shoes, and tried NOT to wake us up, placed the throw blanket so it covered us BOTH as we cuddled together, and kissed her and walked away...
I knew I had no real explaining to do. I knew he knew I was a loyal friend.

I also knew that he'd be questioning his worth in his head, though. And I felt bad for that. Questioning yourself is NO fun at all. It hurts. It literally hurts your mind and body.
I'd talk to him in the morning. I actually wanted to get up and go into the spare bed, but I didn't want to wake up Gwen. She'd start worrying about Gavin, and she'd never get to sleep again. Girls. Always worrying. That was why we were in this position right now, in fact. Because she worried herself to tears last night. Poor girl.

I stared down at Gwen asleep on me, some more. Taking in every single "legal" second of contact with her that I could get, but not moving a muscle.
Once again, I fell asleep with her as my last image.


All I did was become conscious, and my head started spinning. Great. This was gonna SUCK! I was stiff, and I couldn't move much, due to Gavin next to me. I was tangled up with him.
I took my hand out of the blanket and put it on Gavin's chest. I tried to snuggle my face onto him, but...something was blocking me. A pillow. I pulled it out from under my head and snuggled to his groin. From the button in my cheek, I could tell he'd slept in his clothes. My hand rubbed around over Gavin's chest, then lowered down to slip underneath the tee shirt. I needed skin contact.
I rubbed up his belly and across his chest. I trailed my fingers oh so lightly over his chest hairs and down to circle around each nipple and back to the middle to just touch and feel him. I heard him groan a little, as he started to become conscious now.
My head.......good God everything was moving, and I hadn't even opened my eyes yet.

I didn't know why I was doing this, because if I moved much, I'd probably throw up. But yet...I couldn't keep my hands off of Gavin. Especially in the mornings.
My hand trailed downwards down through Gavin's tee, and out the bottom, where my hand replaced my cheek at his button and zipper.

I palmed him and rubbed a little bit, then slid my hand to his button, and pulled it.
I heard him groan again, but then he breathed like he had fallen back asleep again.
I palmed him some more, rubbing gently, pushing down on his dick, my fingers reaching up to find his zipper while the base of my hand rubbed against him, feeling him hardening in his jeans.

I struggled with the zipper, but finally got it down, and my hand palmed his stomach and slithered down to his pubes, where I could just feel the tip of his hard dick now.

I heard a groan, then a quick movement. And then a loud gasp.

"Gwen!!" Gavin whispered loudly and sounded really alarmed.
"Gwen! Stop! I'm not Gavin! Please stop, Gwen....fuck fuck fuck......" he whispered so loudly now, there were tiny bits of voice coming through. I felt my hand being grabbed and tossed away.

He's not Gavin....wha????????? What is he sayi..........


He's NOT Gavin!!!!!!

I sat bolt upright so quick, I almost vomited. I put my hand over my mouth, and looked down to see what I was afraid to see.


"Oh my GOD! Nate!! I'm sorry! I'm SOOOOO sorry!!! Oh my God...........I thought you were.......OH. MY. GOD. I. AM. SOOOO. SORRY NATE!!!!!" I just kept saying as I scrambed to get up off the sofa and away from him.

I stumbled backward in my total dizziness, and fell so I was sitting on the coffee table, due to Nate's quick hands grabbing my arm and giving me something to stabilize myself with.
"Thanks. Sorry. I.......shit......I really wouldn't have done that if I knew it was know that, right??? I really thought I was in the bed.....with wonder it felt....different.......I'm so sorry Nate...........I didn't mean to......." I looked down at something that had gotten my attention.

Nate's unfastened jeans, and the tent that was struggling to pop up. Jeans don't allow that tall of tents.


"Gwen, no. I'm sorry. I didn't even know what was happening. I thought I was having a good dream. I didn't.......I didn't know it was you. Or I would've stopped you right away. Well, I DID stop you right away, the moment I realized......shit! I'm sorry. Don't you be sorry. I know you didn't mean it.
It's ok. Really. I was an honest mistake. I know. I would never do that to Gavin. And I know you wouldn't either. I'm just glad I woke up before it went further..." I said, out of breath now, the reality of what could have just happened, starting to really sink in now.
When I first felt what was happening, I was being rubbed. It felt fucking fantastic. Hole-E-shit.
I really thought I was having a wet dream. I honest to fucking God thought it.
But then I realized it felt....really real. So I opened my eyes, and saw Gwen's hand moving down into my opened jeans. The shock and horror and disgust that she would do this...that she would cheat on Gavin, made me instantly nauseous. But then I noticed that her eyes were totally closed. She still had a peaceful, dreamy, sleepy look on her face. She hadn't opened her eyes yet. She didn't know it was me!

The relief was SO welcome as it flowed through my mind. Oh thank GOD she wouldn't do this to Gavin. Jesus CHRIST, sweet relief, mother of God!
This would've been NOT FUN to have to explain to him.

The split second I realized her eyes were closed, I had to stop her. But I didn't want to wake Gavin this way, so I whispered as loud as I could, and as frantic as I could, and I pulled her hand away like a kid touching a burning stove.
Due to her shock upon sitting up, more relief flowed through me. Yes. She hadn't realized it was me.
She wouldn't cheat on Gavin.

Oh thank God.

..........And then the "dammit, she just almost had my dick in her hand, and I stopped it because....morals n' shit" hit my brain like a sack of bricks. In a daze as she stumbled around trying to get off of me, I laid there thinking of how it felt. How good it felt as I woke up to my dick being stroked through my jeans, and her hand just touching the tip of my dick.......then I remembered more of my "dream". I remembered my chest being rubbed. My nipples being circled around.....Oh God, Gwen.....
She had touched me in ways I had only dreamed about. I thought I'd gotten more contact than I'd ever have with her last night......and then I thought I'd gotten more contact with her than I'd ever get, by sleeping cuddled up with her on the couch all night. That all alone was more than I had ever dreamed I'd be near her.

But then.....

I was thrown out of my daze of thoughts by Gwen starting to fall next to me. I whipped my arms up and found her hand, which kept her from falling to the ground, and instead she ended up sitting on the coffee table. Whew.
She spewed out more apologies to me, and I spewed out my own apology for not waking up sooner.

When I saw her eyes flash to my groin area, I realized I must be exposed. Shit fuck shit.
I quickly pulled up my zipper and buttoned the button and grabbed the blanket and pulled it over me and sat up, putting my hands over my head in the back, face towards the floor.

"Fuck" I said one more time. It was a fuck that that had happened, and it was a fuck that I'd had to stop it.

"I'm sorry again, Nate.....I'm gonna.......go see if Gavin's home." she said awkwardly to me and rushed away.

"He is", I whispered as she disappeared.


The sun shining through the windows and the lack of Gwen by my side, made sleeping no longer something I could manage to do. I looked at my phone screen. 10:47am.
Late enough. I managed to get some sleep last night at least.

I got up and had a piss, I brushed my teeth, I went to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal, ate that, and was currently walking back to lay in the bedroom and check all my social media stuff while I waited patiently for my two lovey doveys to wake up together. I decided to check on them, see if they were still covered. Maybe me re-covering them would wake them up, then I wouldn't be bored anymore.
I got to the back of the sofa, and I peeked over it.

Immediately, my heart stopped. My hands started to shake and my mouth went dry.

Gwen was rubbing Nate's chest. UNDER his shirt. I mean, rubbing it at ALL would've been bad enough....but she was under his shirt. I could see her hand rub around the middle, then over to his nipple area, then over to the other one.....all the type of stuff she does to me in the morning.
I peeked further over, and noticed her eyes were closed.
Did she know she was doing this? Did she know it wasn't me?
I decided to stay here and see where this went.
If I had any question in my brain about what happened between them last night while I was at the hospital, this could very well clear it right up.

It didn't seem like...she'd be doing this. God, I hoped not. I thought back to try and remember the last time we'd kissed. I didn't even remember. Now, with this happening before my eyes, I cursed at myself inside, thinking that I don't remember what could possibly have been our last kiss, depending on how things play out right now in front of me.

That's the shitty thing about life. You never do know when you do something for the last time. You always think you'll do it again. But any time at all, could be that last time....

I watched silently, shaking everywhere now, filled with adrenaline so badly, I could barely stand still.
Gwen slid her hand down and out of Nate's shirt now, and continued sliding right down to his area. I kept checking her eyes. They were still closed.
She palmed Nate's area. Oh Jesus fuck.....please Gwen....don't do this......

I checked Nate's eyes. Closed also. I could tell he was still asleep. Though he did let out a sleepy groan. Gwen started rubbing Nate's dick, up and down. Then she reached up for his jeans button, and undid that. I felt like I was going to pass out. It was the most bizarre, and horrible thing to watch. And I felt bad for standing here watching it all. But....I had left them here on the sofa last night, trusting that it was just friendship. Anyone would question their own decision, especially after seeing what was unfolding in front of me at this very moment.

Gwen touching him was absolutely killing me inside. And I wanted nothing more than to stop it.
But I couldn't. I was frozen. I couldn't move. And I didn't want to move. I wanted to see if Nate woke up and stopped her. God, please stop her. This was like....the ultimate moment of truth I never asked for.
She palmed Nate some more, and I could see the shape of his penis becoming more defined now. She was making him hard. She reached back up while still rubbing, and worked on his zipper, and when she finally got it down, she reached up to his lower stomach and rubbed him there, before sliding her hand down into his pubes.
Oh my God.

My heart was breaking more and more each second, but I still held out hope....
I saw the bottom of her hand touch the tip of his penis as she ran her fingers through his pubic hair.
And he groaned more now and started moving his head a little bit.
I saw his eyes pop open suddenly, and he looked down at his lap.

"Gwen! Gwen! stop! I'm not Gavin!" Nate whispered loudly. "Please stop Gwen! Fuck fuck fuck!" Nate whispered, but getting louder and louder, so that he was almost using his voice now. He quickly reached down and tossed Gwen's hand off of his dick and she finally opened her eyes in shock. She looked confused....this was good, right?

She sat up suddenly, and I knew I had to move. I had to slink away slowly and quietly and hide. I managed to tippy toe backwards into the hall, where I could still hear them both clearly.

The last thing I'd seen was her looking dizzy when she got up, and putting her hand over her mouth looking like she was gonna vomit.
I listened carefully, hidden from view.

A slew of apologies came out of Gwen's mouth. She was shocked, and she felt really awkward, I could tell. I heard her moving around, and then stumble. She must have gotten dizzy and almost fell.
I heard her say that she thought she was in bed. With me. I heard her apologize over and over.

Then I heard Nate finally speak up, apologzing too, telling her he would have stopped it sooner if he'd waken up sooner. And then he said that he'd never do that to me. And he knew she wouldn't either.

There it was.

My confirmation that nothing happened between them last night. That when I tucked them in, and took their shoes off, I was right to trust that they were just friends who watched a movie and fell asleep. I could trust them both.

I was shaking so hard now, even though I'd been put out of my misery and suspense in that one single statement. I reached up to wipe my face, realizing that I had tears coming out everywhere. I was crying in relief.
I didn't know just how scared I was that whole time.
Holy fuck. That was fucking SCARY.

I didn't even need to hear anymore from them. I tippy toed back into the bedroom and laid in the bed, taking big, deep breaths to try and recover from the actual heart attack that I was sure I'd had now.
I kept whispering "Thank God", over and over. "Thank you God." I couldn't stop saying it.

I was still wiping my eyes, breathing deep, when I felt the bed dip beside me.
I moved my hands to look, and Gwen was sitting next to me, wide eyed, frazzled, with her mouth wide open.

"Did" she stuttered.

I sniffed once and swallowed trying to compose myself from silently crying, so I could talk.

"I know. I know Gwen. I love you..." was all I could get out right now.

"Gavin, I did something bad.....but I didn't know it......I have to te...." I cut her off by putting my fingers to her lips.

"Gwen, I......I saw it. I watched it happen. Just now. I was there. I saw it. I....."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath again, "I know you didn't mean it Gwen. I know. It's's alright. I love you. And you love me" I told her.

Gwen's mouth opened just a tiny bit, letting out a small gasp, and her eyes widened just for a second.
"You saw me.....touch.....Nate?"


"Why didn't you stop me!? Why didn't you say something? Let me know it wasn't you? Dammit Gavin! Do you know how fucking mortified I am?" Gwen was getting angry.

"I'm sorry, Gwen. I....couldn't move. I was afraid you KNEW what you were doing. I was afraid maybe something had happened last night while I was at the hospital. I came home and you were cuddled together....and I wasn't jealous. I mean...I wasn't mad. I wasn't. I promise. I knew in my heart that nothing happened between you both. But...imagine if you were me. What if I'd fallen asleep all cuddled up with.....Tabby or some other girl we knew? What would you honestly think? You'd question it, wouldn't you? It would make you wonder. I swear, it would.
But I left you guys there last night, because I didn't want to wake you. And cause I couldn't carry you to bed, with my arm wrapped like this", I lifted my arm up to show her. "I took the shoes off of both of you and put the cover on you both, and I kissed you goodnight and went to bed. Because I trusted you, Gwen.
And I'm so glad I did.
Because I was right. You wouldn't do something with Nate. You love ME.

"Of course, Gavin! I don't even know how I ended up sleeping there with him! We were watching a scary movie.....and I just remember my eyes closing. I think I vaguely remember leaning on his shoulder......"

"You probably passed out from being drunk, along with tired. Anyway, I'm sorry Gwen. You just started.....doing things, and I'm sorry....I just couldn't move....I couldn't stop watching......I was afraid that you were awake and knew what you were doing. Even though the logical part of my mind was telling me that you didn't know it was him. You thought it was me. You hadn't opened your eyes yet....
And I wondered what Nate would do when he noticed what you were doing.......I'm sorry Gwen. I got caught up in....jealousy I guess. I should have stopped you. I should have shook you, had you open your eyes, and you would have stopped. I'm so sorry baby. Please don't be mad at me. Please? Understand what was going through my head....put yourself in my shoes, please?" I begged her.

"I'm not mad Gavin. I'm just....embarrassed! Gavin, I felt his.......penis!" she lowered her voice at the end. "And I'm glad you trusted me", she smiled. "Of course I would never do anything with someone else. Not even Nate. And he's the only other guy I truly trust. He's just like you. He's nice, and funny, and sweet and kind and I feel safe around him. But even if you DIED, I'd never be with him. I never want ANYONE ever again, if it's not YOU. I ONLY want YOU, Gavin", she reassured me, her small, warm hands holding the sides of my face to make her point while she looked directly in my eyes. Her thumb caught a stray tear that started to escape down the side of my face, and she wiped it away and leaned down to kiss me.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight, kissing her frantically, as if I hadn't seen her in years. "I love you Gwen", I said between frantic kisses.

When we calmed down a little, she had her head laying on MY chest, where it SHOULD be, and my arms were still wrapped around her tightly, not wanting her to escape.
"So being near him....touching him.....cuddling with didn't......feel...better?.....than me?" I just had to ask. Call me insecure. I can't help it. Nate's fucking good looking. I'm just...awkward all around. So I have kind eyes, apparently. Yay for me. It makes Gwen love me. But I'm no dummy. Nate is a chick magnet when he wants to be. Even if she would never cheat on me, that didn't mean that it hadn't felt good, if not better, being next to him.

"Gavin. Give me a break. If anything, I was wondering why I wasn't getting sparks and chills when I touched you. I thought it was from the alcohol! Like maybe it had numbed it!
No, Gavin. He didn't feel better than you. Not even close. I'm not saying he felt bad. Don't get me wrong. I'm being honest here. He's really a great guy. And he's tender, just like you, and I feel safe like I do in your arms. He comforted me last night, and he reminded me of you. But, he's just....he's not YOU."

"He comforted you? Why? When?"

"I'm trying to think how it all happened. It's all kinda blurry. Hmmmm.....You left.....we laughed about something....OH! I didn't know he was still here after you left. He was in the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and I got totally freaked out. He came out and we laughed that an attacker wouldn't need to pee, let alone flush the toilet. Ha ha hahaha......" Gwen laughed as I sat there listening to every word of what did happen last night. I didn't know he "comforted" her. I was getting kinda nervous to hear about it.

"So then we sat on the sofa and we were talking about you. I forget what about, but I think I said you were the best guy in the world, and he said you were the luckiest guy in the world, and..." I interrupted her here, "He said that? That I was the luckiest guy in the world?"
"Um....yeah?" she looked at me, wondering why I stopped her for that. But I knew why I stopped her.
Because it confirmed to me that Nate DOES like Gwen, quite a bit. Maybe more than I thought.

"Ok, so....go on then..." I told her, getting back to her story...
"So....then I got to talking about how I wouldn't be able to ever love again if something bad were to happen to you, or like what if James upstairs would have hurt you a lot worse than just your wrist....and I got really really sad. I was the crying drunk you always talk about at parties.
I cried, Gavin. I got drunk and cried! I'm so ashamed!" she put her face in her hands, and I laughed at her and pulled her hands off and pulled her chin up to look at me. "It happens to us all, babe. Even me. I've done it a time or two, I'll have you know. We've ALL done it. So has Nate. And Paul....and besides. You were crying because you felt strongly about how much you love me. And that's not a bag thing." I leaned in and kissed her. "Go on..."

"So I was crying, so he let me cry on his shoulder, and hugged me and told me that there's definitely another good guy in the world for me to find if something ever happened or we broke up or whatever. And I told him I didn't want another good guy. Ever. It's either Gavin or no one. Anyway, I thought of you in the hospital, and how much your wrist was hurting and swollen, and I was sad that it happened to you, and I was just....a crying mess. So he hugged me and told me it was ok, and that you were ok, and I shouldn't think so much. And then I calmed down, and I told him I could tuck him in again like last time", she giggled, "or we could watch tv. He picked tv. So we watched Paranormal Activity, then another one came on and I fell asleep somewhere during that one. And then I woke up and tried to molest your best friend, and you LET me!" she laughed, giving me the evil eye, punching me in the shoulder.
I laughed too.
"Oh, and speaking of best friend, he said you are his best mate. He said you guys have been through everything together, and you're his best friend in the world. I was happy to hear that, cause it made me happy for you. Because you always say how great a friend he is, too." Gwen smiled, and I kissed her in the smile. She laughed and scrunched up her nose, and she said "Speaking of best mate.....shouldn't we go out and see what Nate's doing? I mean, IF I can manage to show my FACE near him ever again." and she gave me another evil look.

"Jeeze! I said I was sorry!" I told her, blocking myself from another possible punch in the shoulder.

We got up and went out to the living room. Nate was sitting on the chair, watching tv, scooping cereal into his mouth like he had no manners at all. He turned to see us coming, huge bite pushing his cheeks out like a chipmunk. I laughed when I saw him, and he had to try not to laugh, or he'd lose it all and make a mess.

Gwen kissed me and said "I'm gonna go get something to eat too. Want anything?"

"Nah," I told her, sitting down on the sofa across from Nate trying to swallow his too big of a bite.
"I had cereal earlier. I've been awake since early. I couldn't sleep very well without you."

Nate coughed on his big huge bite, and managed to finally get it down. He looked up at me, and sighed. "Mate, I'm sorry....I really didn't mean to sprawl out so much during the night. She was on the pillow in my lap, and I was leaning on the arm, and I must have moved in my sleep and..."

"Nate, mate. It's all good. I ain't mad at cha, bro!" I let him off the hook right away.

"You're not? Whew. I mean, I figured you weren't, or you'd have freaked out when you got home, instead of leave us there....but still. I didn't mean to cozy up too much to her, man. I'm sorry. You know I'd never..."

I cut him off again. "Nate. I know. You're my best mate. And this is why. I trust you. You know that. And I trust her."

"I know. But I have to tell you something though. It's not....bad....but it's....uncomfortable", Nate said, starting to look awkward now, looking down at the rug a lot, and not at me.

What exactly did he want to say? Hopefully it was exactly what Gwen had already explained. Hopefully there wasn't more.

"Go on..." I said, eager to hear.

"When I woke up.....I.....she.....I thought I was having a dream, but I wasn't. And she was like, half asleep, and didn't open her eyes, and she' me and shit.....but as soon as I opened my eyes dude, I stopped her. I think she was pretty embarrassed. She thought I was you. I just....wanted you to know that. Get that off my chest, ya know? I just..."

I finally let him off the hook and interrupted him with a smirk. "I know dude. I saw it all happen." I looked at him and grinned.

" did you see that?" his eyebrows scrunched and his upper lip lifted in confusion.

"I got some cereal, then I came out here to check if either of you were awake yet, and when I came up behind the sofa, she was rubbing your chest and shit. I was kinda like a deer in headlights. I just stood there in shock, seeing what she'd do next....hoping that she thought it was me. I mean...the way you two were cuddled up, you can't blame me for wondering just a little bit, ya know?
When you finally woke up and spazzed, and so did she, I quick went back to the bedroom.
It's all cool mate.
Thanks for telling me though. Means a lot, man", I stood up and walked around the coffee table to his chair. Meanwhile, he put his cereal bowl down and stood up as I reached him. We did a manly hug kinda thing, complete with pats on each other's backs and all, breaking the hug and ending with a manly nod to each other.
"She really fucking loves you man. Like....REALLY loves you. You fuck THIS up, and I'll be there to pick up the pieces....for HER this time, bruh", he joked. I punched him in the stomach lightly. "Oh I know you will...bruh", I gave him a serious but joking look that said "I know you love her, but it'll never happen, fucker." We laughed, and he sat back down to finish his cereal.
"Oh hey, thanks for being there for her last night mate", I told him as I walked to the kitchen.
"No problem G" he responded, mouth full again.

I felt better now. I'd heard the story from both parties, and I knew how much they both loved me. I felt really fucking good, actually. I loved them both. I had a wonderful, loyal girlfriend, and a best friend that would do anything for me. I had a loving family that I really should pay a visit too one of these days, bring Gwen to meet them, perhaps too. And I had a new album coming up....well, after my sprained wrist healed, that is. I had like 4 weeks to take it easy. I mean, it was my right hand, so it just strums the guitar, so I'm sure I'd cheat and play again soon, but I'd at least refrain from beating my guitar like a drum for a while.

I walked into the kitchen and Gwen was eating cereal. The apparent breakfast of the day today. Everyone was too hungover and tired to make anything substantial to eat this time, apparently.
When Gwen saw me, her eyes twinkled, and her face lit up. I walked straight to her and gave her a kiss on her closed lips that were holding back the bite of cereal she'd just taken. She had one of her school books open and was looking it over, as she usually does when we're not doing much.
"I love you Gwen. So much", I told her.
"And I love you, Gav", she told me and smiled. "Are you ever gonna tell me what happened with your wrist? I can see it's not broken, cause you don't have a cast on it, but what is it?"

"Oh, right! It's sprained. I have to wear this bandage for a while, and lay off it for a month. Four weeks. By then it should be fine. So no abusing me, alright?"

"I'll try", she said with a sexy smirk on her face. "I can't promise anything though."

I smiled at her and wiggled my eyebrows at her a few times, then walked out of the kitchen to go relax on the sofa. Nate was just walking in to put his bowl and spoon in the sink as I walked out.
He followed me out, and we lounged on in the living room as I filled him in on the boring events from last night. My boring wait in the emergency room, Paul and Tabby's illicit sex in the back seat in the hospital parking lot, me finding them pretty much naked, and the money I'd stuck in the crack of Paul's ass. Nate couldn't wait to see the picture. Neither could I.
We both checked our social media, hoping it'd be there somewhere.


There it was. Instagram DM. I grinned.
I guess Tabby had a heart, and didn't post it for everyone to see. Just a few of her and Paul's good friends. Seconds later, I heard Nate burst out into laughter. I joined in when he turned his phone to show me he'd seen the pic.
That was some funny shit.

Whew! That was a close one between Nate and Gwen. Seriously...can you imagine accidentally seeing that happening? Like...being glued to the spot by fear, but yet feeling like a creepy, jealous stalker....

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