The last hope | a 10k/znation...

By clearlyweird

12.5K 258 20

Imagine yourself in the zombie-apocalypse. Your camp got overrun by Z's a few days ago. Everyone besides you... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

884 20 5
By clearlyweird

[Daisy's POV]

I woke up. Murphy was already up and complained, that the water tank of the caravan nearly was empty. I turned my head, sat up and rubbed my eyes. 10k was still sleeping. I crawled back to the doors and opened them, after I had put my clothes back on.

Sitting in the back, hanging my feet out the truck, I reached in my bag and pulled out a cigarette. Suddenly I felt, that someone wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my neck. 

I turned around "Good morning!" I said and we kissed. "Should I get us something to eat?!" 10k asked while he put his shirt back on. I nodded. He got off the truck and walked over to the trailer the others were sleeping in. 

[10k's POV]

I stumbled into the trailer and stood in the door. "Morning!" I said "May I grab some food for Daisy and me?"

Roberta was showering with the last bit of the water which was left in the tank. Murphy was laying on one of the beds, reading a magazine. Doc handed me some food and water. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "What's wrong?!" I asked. "Your T-shirt... You've got it on the wrong way... It's turned inside out. And you look a little destroyed..." he laughed. I also laughed "Well... That's embarrassing.". I heard Murphy quietly saying "Someone got laid that night." and gave him a 'don't you dare!' look. He just shrugged his shoulders "Just sayin'."

Doc was still looking at me, raising one eyebrow. I looked down smiling "Yeah... I think I'll go now. I'm pretty hungry!" I said and left.

[Daisy's POV]

We've been on the road again and soon would reach our destination.

 "It's a white house with a large white door!" Warren said. Doc slowed down and finally stopped "So... Here we are!". We all got off. "Hey Murphy. Show me your hands." Warren walked over to him. Murphy lifted his eyebrows "What do you want? They're clean!". "Just show them to me!" she said giving him an annoyed look. He did and she handcuffed him "They're waiting for a prisoner. I don't want them to think, that you're a Z. And I don't want you to get shot.".

The Zs noticed that we were there, and tumbled our way! Murphy was able to walk through them, without getting eaten. "Murphy!" Warren yelled while she piked a Z "Don't go in there without us!". He just held his thumbs up and entered the building.

We also ran into the building and got on the search for him. We stumbled right into an elevator. Murphy was waiting for us down there. "The Zs up there... They wanted something from down here. I can feel it... But I don't know what it is!" he said and looked around.

"Let's go search for the doctor. But be careful. We don't know what or who is lurking around here." Warren exclaimed. In the same moment some zombiefied people appeared. 10k set up his rifle and shot "3002.". I'm still wondering how he's able to keep track of how many he had already killed... 

"Watch out! Over there!" Doc pointed at another Z. 10k tried to shoot it but the bullet hit the metal pipe which the Z was hiding behind. "Don't worry! Do you remember the supermarket in Missouri?" he asked 10k. "Sure. The refrigerator thing?!" he asked back. Doc nodded and the Z came running to us. Doc slapped him a cake right in the face and 10k piked him with a metal piece. 

All of a sudden we heard a noise. "What's that?!" Murphy asked confused. "Sounds like a telephone..." I answered. Now we began searching for that thing. We found it plugged to a charger. Citizen Z had contacted us and told us to search for some data on the computer.

Minutes later... We had seen some shocking videos of an ex-worker and some animal testings they did here. We continued walking further down and found the ex-worker. They had gave him a vaccine. And this caused, that he was unable to die... He begged us for mercy, which we finally gave him, after his suffering.

I gulped "I think I'm ready to go now..." I said and the screen of a TV lit up. It was Citizen Z telling us, that the doctor was there now. The huge lab-doors swung open and a man with two guards stood in it. 

Murphy turned around "You're not Dr. Merch... Who the hell are you?!" he asked the small, bald man. "I'm Dr. Kurtz. I'm going to take care of you... Murphy." he said.  

Citizen Z was watching the whole time and started searching for Kurtzs' bio. He got alarmed, as he saw, that this man... Who was standing in front of us, wasn't Kurtz.

All of a sudden we heard a banging sound from the door behind he doctor. He turned around "That's just a Z! Give him mercy.". The door opened and a young woman stepped in "Don't shoot... I'm not dead..." she whispered slowly and walked in. 

She was pretty... But her eyes... They looked just like Murphys'... I looked at 10k. He also looked at me. As I saw, that he was looking, I pointed at my right cheek and than to the girl. She hat a bite mark on there which didn't look like a Z had done this.

Murphy took a few steps over to her. "Kill him!" he said and the girl went crazy! 

I knelt down behind a counter. 10k was just standing there and nearly got shot. "Get own!" I said and pulled him behind the counter.

Murphy ran out the room! "Murphy wait!" Warren yelled, but he didn't listen... 

Doc stood up, thinking, that the doctor was dead. He wasn't and shot Doc right away in the chest. We tried to fix him up as best as we could... But didn't knew if he would make it out alive.

The Doctor also had left and was searching for Murphy... We knew now, that he was armed and dangerous...

We had to leave this building as fast as we could. Warren told us, that she had a conversation with Citizen Z and he had told her, that there would a nuke launched and blow the lab up, if someone left without decontaminating... But Murphy didn't knew that... 

And then... A alarm signal started "7 minutes left..."... "We need to leave now!" I started panicking! 

10k picked up Doc. Warren and I piked the undead guardians the Doctor had with him, while we were trying to get out of there. We knew about the decontamination but Murphy was already out and about, so why should we care. Everyone has the virus by now... 

We reached the elevator. On the ground... a lot of dead skin... Murphy hat shed his skin. Doc wasn't doing very well, but he was joking to 10k "Make yourself some boot out of that when we're out" he said and started coughing blood. 

"4 minutes left till..." the alarm turned on again as we finally reached the outside. Our truck was gone... along with Murphy. But the Doctors car was left and the keys were also in there. We got in the car. Warren and Doc in the front, 10k and I in the back. We tried to get away before the nuke would hit this place and drove off... I looked out the window, seeing a bright light at the sky. I took 10ks' hand and closed my eyes, hoping that we'll make it out here alive...

But what we didn't know: There is no hope in the land of the undead.

[a/n: So this is my first finished book! Based on the season, with some changes. I hope you liked it and I'm going to work on a second book soon. And if you have any ideas, what I could include in my stories in the future, leave a comment or message me!    So stay tuned! :) xoxo -C.]

[The next one is called 'Rifles and slingshots'. You'll find it in my works :)]

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