No More Broken Hearts (Normin...

By laurmanizer29

9.6K 261 90

Normani thought she and Dinah were soul mates. When Dinah breaks her heart and disappears from her life, Norm... More

No More Broken Hearts Pt. 1
No More Broken Hearts Pt. 2
No More Broken Hearts...Ever


1.7K 54 5
By laurmanizer29

Normani watched on in amusement as the two ladies on stage belted out a horrid rendition of Ellie Goulding's "On My Mind". They were drunk and loud, but they were having the time of their lives. This train wreck was too good to turn away. She was in her own little world when she heard the thud of a full glass being set onto the bar top behind her, causing her to turn around on her stool.

"This one is on the house. The bartender thinks you're a cutie" Zendaya said with a wink.

Normani bit her lip to hide the shy smile that threatened to break out onto her face. "Well, tell the bartender I said thank you, but I'm not here to drink tonight."

Zendaya smiled sweetly at the woman she had grown so fond of. "That's why it's a virgin daiquiri".
Normani formed an 'O' with her mouth and chuckled. "In that case, disregard that".

Zendaya stared at Normani with a look that she couldn't really read in her eyes for a moment before she leaned across the bar and planted a sweet, gentle kiss on Normani's lips. The tenderness of it made Normani subconsciously touch her lips in an effort to make sure it had really happened.

"Thanks for waiting around for me to finish up here tonight. I know we had plans days ago, but tonight was the best I could do to carve out some time for us. I promise when we get out of here, I'll make it up to you" Zendaya said, as she lightly grazed her thumb on the back of Normani's hand.

"No worries, love. Go tend to your other customers. I'll be here when you're done" Normani said, giving her a sweet smile in return.

It had been nearly a week since Normani had met up with Dinah, and Zendaya still had no clue. She felt bad hiding that fact from her, but she'd wanted to discuss things in person. Zendaya had been so busy between her jobs and other priorities, that the opportunity to talk hadn't really presented itself. Until tonight. Normani felt the butterflies dancing around in her stomach, but she pushed those aside. Tonight she would put on her big girl panties and tackle this head on. "Que sera sera" she thought silently to herself.
After Zendaya got done with work, the two girls had decided to drive back to her apartment so they could talk in private. During the fifteen minute drive there, Normani had been trying to figure out the best way to approach the subject at hand. There really was no easy way to do this other than to just tackle it head on, and take whatever consequences may come. Normani pulled her car up in the space beside Zendaya, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves as she shut off the engine. "Here goes nothing" she thought to herself as she followed Zendaya to her apartment.

"Make yourself at home, Princess. I'm just gonna go change right quick" Zendaya said as she pushed the front door open. Normani glanced up as Zendaya closed her bedroom door, staring at it for a moment to make sure the coast was clear before she pulled out her phone to respond to the text she'd just gotten.

We still on for tomorrow?

Normani bit her lip and thought about what she was doing for a moment.

What about tonight instead?

The three dots signaling an impending text popped up almost instantly. "Same eager Dinah" Normani thought to herself with a smile as she awaited the incoming response.

"What's got you smiling so hard?" Zendaya suddenly said, causing Normani to jump and clutch a hand to her chest as she screamed loudly. Zendaya's eyes crinkled with laughter. "What the hell? Are you okay, Mani?" she questioned between giggles. "I will be as soon as my heart rate returns to normal. Why are you creeping like a ninja?" Normani joked. "Wasn't creeping, someone was too absorbed in her phone to pay attention" Zendaya said as she took a seat next to Normani on the sofa, her body facing hers, as she pinned Normani with a pointed look. "You want to tell me what's up, Princess?" Normani shifted in her seat a bit under Zendaya's penetrating stare. "The other day, I met up with Dinah for dinner" Normani stated quietly. Zendaya kept a neutral face and remained quiet.

"Uhm...hello? Did you hear what I said?"

"I did" came the whispered response.


"I saw it coming if we're being honest here. I knew you cared about her too much not to call her" Zendaya replied solemnly. "What happened?" she questioned cautiously.

Normani tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, again fidgeting in her seat. She had no idea why she was so nervous. "Nothing really. We just had dinner and talked about everything that had happened in the past. She finally told me the real reason why she broke up with me in the first place. Her mo-"

"I don't need the details" Zendaya abruptly said, cutting off Normani with a wave of her hand. Normani recoiled a bit at Zendaya's harsh tone before she attempted to speak, once again getting cut off by Zendaya. "Mani, I don't want to get in your business like that. You've asked for privacy and space to deal with all of this, so that's what I will give you. All I need to know is what this means for us? I'm prepared to lose you if that's what it's going to come down to. I just don't want to play any games with you, and I certainly don't want to get in the way of your happiness" she finished quietly.

Normani couldn't bring herself to meet Zendaya's hurt-filled gaze. She'd never intended to hurt her, but deep down she knew that someone was bound to get the short end of the stick in all of this.

Normani reached over and grabbed Zendaya's hand, staring at it a moment before lifting her eyes to meet her gaze. "Daya, I hope you know how much I truly care for and love you" she stated. Zendaya pulled her hand out of Normani's grasp, bringing a hand up to gently cup the side of her face. "But not nearly as much as you care for and love her, am I right?" Normani couldn't speak. She just nodded her head. "Well don't let any obligation you feel to me stop you from being happy, Princess. Go get your girl" Zendaya said, unshed tears glistening in her eyes. Normani felt overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. "Daya...I don't want to lose you. You truly helped to turn my entire life around, and I can never repay you for that. I hope at some point, we can at least be friends". Zendaya just gave Normani a sad smile before she suddenly leaned in and kissed her with everything she had. Normani reciprocated the kiss with just as much passion. She knew what it meant.

Zendaya broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against Normani's. She took a deep breath before she opened her mouth to speak. "I can't be your friend, Normani. I was there when you needed someone the most, and you did the same thing for me. You lifted me up and gave me hope in the fact that maybe there could be a person out there who could look past what I wasn't, and accept me for what I was. For that, I will always have a special place in my heart for you, but I'm letting you go. Go, be with her and forget about me. I was what you wanted, but Dinah is what you need. My heart is hurting, but I'll be fine. You're a remarkable woman Normani Hamilton. Go get your happiness". Normani squeezed Zendaya into a tight hug before she got up and walked to the door. "Goodbye Zendaya Coleman" she whispered with a small wave, before she walked out to her car. Zendaya watched what she thought was the woman of her dreams drive away, before going to pour herself a drink. "If happy is her, I'm happy for you"...
Normani anxiously waited for Dinah to show up at her apartment. She was still sad about Zendaya, but in her heart she knew that was the right thing to do. Dinah was always the person she had envisioned herself having a forever with, and hopefully they could still make that happen. She had just finished fluffing the pillows on the sofa for the thousandth time, when she heard a loud knock. Normani froze for a second before going over to unlock the door. She took a deep, calming breath as she swung the door open, revealing a smiling Dinah. "Hey" Normani breathed out shyly, "Come in".

Dinah smiled at her again in greeting before she walked through the door, taking in her surroundings. She turned back around and met Normani's eyes, the two having a staring contest for a moment. "Uh, s-sorry I'm late. I got lost. I-I'm not used to this part of the city" Dinah stammered nervously, causing Normani to smile at her. Nervous Dinah was adorable. "Just come here" Normani softly murmured as she walked over to the sofa, patting the seat beside her.

Dinah felt like her breath was caught in her throat. She didn't know why she was so nervous. She'd been confidently talking over the phone to Normani for over a week now, but seeing her in person again was doing things to her. Normani had always been that girl that made her heart flutter just by merely walking into the room. Seeing those chocolate brown eyes again, made Dinah feel like she was in heaven.

The pair sat side by side in comfortable silence for a moment, each woman lost in her own thoughts of the other. Dinah was fighting the urge to jump on Normani and kiss those soft lips she'd been thinking of since their last encounter. She'd glanced down at Normani's lips for what felt like the millionth time, when Normani spoke. "Dinah," she said firmly, "I want you". Dinah thought she didn't hear her correctly at first. "I, uh, sorry?" Normani smirked knowingly at the flush of red that spread ferociously from Dinah's neck up into her face. Moving so that she was straddling Dinah's lap, Normani confidently stared Dinah deeply in the eyes as she repeated herself once more. "I want you".

Dinah almost forgot how to breathe for a moment. She'd been dreaming of ways to get Normani back since she'd so foolishly let her go. Now the woman of her dreams was sitting here staring at her with such a smoldering look, and it felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Dinah reached up and gently placed a hand on the back of Normani's neck, bringing her lips dangerously close to hers. "Are you sure?" she asked, her lips ghosting Normani's. Normani nodded eagerly, keeping her gaze steady on Dinah's. "Good" Dinah said before she closed the space between them and crashed her lips fervently against Normani's for a passionate kiss. She abruptly ended it, earning a groan from Normani at the sudden loss of contact. "I want you too" Dinah said, causing Normani to smile before she leaned in and placed another smoldering kiss on Dinah's lips.

The need for oxygen took over, causing the girls to break apart for a moment, Dinah pulling back to look questioningly into Normani's eyes. "Does this mean you're all mine again?" she asked hopefully. Normani smiled, pushing a few strands of hair out of Dinah's face. "All yours for as long as you want me to be" was the honest reply. Dinah grinned cheekily. "Then I hope you planned on that being forever, cause I'm never letting you go again. You're my girl" she said sternly. "Prove it" Normani teased with a smirk. Dinah arched a brow at the beautiful woman still sitting in her lap. "Huh?" she teased with feigned innocence, causing Normani to giggle a bit. "Follow me" was the command. Dinah watched Normani walk to what she assumed was her bedroom, to which she eagerly followed.

The two women wasted no time crashing their lips together. This time the kiss was more slow, more sensual. The entire atmosphere was buzzing with the pent up sexual desire that was emanating from the pair. Normani walked backwards, taking Dinah with her until they landed on her bed, a sexy grunt escaping from their lips simultaneously. Dinah had a dangerous look in her eyes. It was a look that Normani knew all too well. Dinah was about to remind her of everything she had been missing these last couple of years.

Dinah ran a finger teasingly slow down the front of Normani's shirt, stopping at the hem. "Take this off" she demanded sternly. Normani quickly removed her shirt, tossing it haphazardly off to the side. Dinah smirked at her eagerness. Normani had always loved being dominated. Dinah leaned down and placed a trail of kisses from the side of Normani's jaw all the way down to her breasts, where she removed the bra that was keeping her from two of the best things in her world. She alternated between each breast, taking her time to get both nipples to stand at attention. Normani was sexily squirming underneath her and moaning her name. She was so sensitive, she could probably cum from that alone. However, Dinah was determined to savor every moment she was about to experience. She had missed being with Normani so much, she wasn't about to let her finish that easily.

Dinah quickly moved her attention down Normani's body until she reached her jeans, which she expertly removed along with her underwear, leaving Normani's smooth chocolate body on full display. Dinah nearly drooled when she saw how well Normani had filled out. She was no longer that pencil thin high school girl. Time had transformed her body, giving her a slim waist and thick curves in all the right places. "God you are so beautiful" Dinah whispered, pausing to take another moment to admire the body that she was about to devour.

Normani blushed under her admiring stare. Dinah always made her feel like the most beautiful person in the whole world. But she had waited a long time for this too though. She had missed Dinah's touch just as much, and craved her body as well. She ran her warm hands up the back of Dinah's shirt and pulled it up, signaling for Dinah to remove the barrier. Dinah quickly removed all of her clothing, tossing the items everywhere. It was Normani's turn to admire her former lover's womanly body. Dinah had always been a thick girl. Normani used to get lost in between her thighs, thighs that she couldn't wait to get in between. It was Dinah's turn to blush at the blatant desire she saw swimming around in Normani's eyes. "Dinah, please. Fuck me" Normani moaned out.

She didn't have to repeat that twice. Dinah happily began to oblige her request. She quickly took to kissing and licking every inch of chocolate skin she could, teasing her way to the one place Normani needed her the most. Dinah took a long lick up the center of Normani's dripping folds, circling around her clit before looking up into Normani's hooded eyes. The predatory look in her eyes made Normani practically gush. "I've missed tasting you so much" she said as she pushed two long fingers inside, brushing up against Normani's spot. The loud scream/moan that came out of Normani's mouth made her glad that Ally was gone for the weekend. "I missed making you come too. I think I should fix that now". With that, she leaned back down and continued her assault on Normani's box. She made Normani scream so loud, and cum so hard so many times, Normani saw stars. Once she could complete a sentence again, Normani made sure to return the favor, getting lost in between those sweet Polynesian thighs she had missed so much.

The pair made love all throughout the night, finally stopping just as the sunlight was seeping through the blinds. The gentle light illuminated Dinah's slightly tanned skin, making her appear to be glowing. Normani couldn't help but to smile at her person.

"Promise me something Dinah Jane" Normani said just above a whisper.

Dinah looked at her beautiful lover, her heart melting at the sight. "What's that Normani Kordei?"

"Promise me that everyday will always be like this. Just you and me. Nobody else matters as long as we have each other".

Dinah smiled, pulling Normani in for a sweet kiss. "Everyday. Every damn day. I promise it will always be just me and you. Nobody else will ever get in our way again, baby girl" she said truthfully.

Normani smiled at the sincerity. It was finally she and Dinah again after what felt like a lifetime. "I love you Dinah Jane Hansen. So damn much it hurts. Don't ever break my heart again" she said firmly, a hint of a smile on her face.

"I love you too Normani Kordei Hamilton, my beautiful queen" Dinah breathed out. "I promise, no more broken hearts...ever again. You're stuck with me for life, baby girl".

"I can live with that" Normani joked. "Now, one more round before we sleep?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows up and down mischievously.

Dinah laughed as she quickly flopped her body down on top of Normani's. "Like you even have to ask. Spread those legs, cupcake".

Normani knew she was back with the one that mattered. They finally had each other, and nothing was ever going to change that again. She didn't know what her future held, but she knew as long as she had Dinah, she had everything she'd ever need.

A/N: I'm a flop for not updating sooner, but life was crazy for a while there. Anyway, let me know what you think. Vote and comment please. Thanks for reading this and staying with me. I'm definitely going to write a couple one shots in the future.


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