I'm Not Like Them // l.t. edi...

By FakingBritish

18.2K 304 82

Hi, my name is Louis Tomlinson, 1/5 of One Direction. I drink blood, my eyes are red, and I'm immortal. Yes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note

Chapter 2

1.5K 32 8
By FakingBritish

Dedicated to theivorykeys for making this wonderful cover!


Chapter 2

Louis’ POV

                Harry slammed open the door, causing me to quickly pull back. He looked at me strangely, and then to Liam who looked just as surprised as him. A girl about my age with bright red hair walked in after Harry, she was probably the nurse that Harry went to get.

                “I was just seeing… um… how much you were bleeding?” I responded awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with the red head.

Liam lifted his eyebrow, “So that’s why you were trying to bite my hand?”

                I hesitated. The ginger also lifted her eyebrow watching me closely. “I was trying to stop the bleeding, I thought biting it would help!”

                I could practically hear Harry mentally face palming himself. “You are so stupid Tommo”

I stared at the floor smiling. You have no idea Hazza.

                “Now he’s smiling like a pervert at the floor, Harry he’s scaring me!!” Liam joked as he scooted away from me, holding his arm.

                Blood was getting everywhere. Why wasn’t the nurse doing anything? She seemed kind of amused… And she wouldn’t look away from me. Ever since her and Harry came into the room she hasn’t stopped looking at me. She’s probably just a fan, or it might be my attractiveness. Probably my attractiveness. I can’t help I’m so dang sexy!

                The nurse, who still hasn’t stopped looking at me, finally walked over to Liam and started inspecting his arm.

                “Your arm should be fine, it might be bruised later, but it’s not broken.” The ginger nurse said as she wrapped Liam’s arm in some kind of band aid material.

Liam and Harry sighed in relief,

                “Thank God, I thought I was a goner.” Liam said sarcastically.

                The attractive nurse smiled at Liam, but then shot me a dark look. “Don’t do it again. I know what you did to his arm and what you were going to do. Next time I will have to get more help”

                My whole body stiffened. What did she say? She wasn’t referring to Harry falling on Liam and hurting him, she was talking about me drinking Liam’s blood. She knew what I was. But how? And apparently she wasn’t the only one who knew, she said that she would have to get more help.

                I laughed warmly, trying not to show the fear in my voice, “Don’t worry, it was an accident. It won’t happen again” I said, making sure she could hear the last part.

                The nurse responded with a fake smile, “Good. My name is Lilly, if you need anything else, just ask”

                And with that she left.

“Creeper” I hissed under my breath as she closed the door to Harry’s room.

                Harry chuckled, “You could feel the tension in the room between you two”

“Do you know her?” Liam asked sounding slightly concerned.

                “No, but I want to” I replied back a bit too fast.

I wanted to know more about her, and how she knew what I was. She could be a threat. Which means I might have to kill her…

                “She was hot!” Harry blurted out breaking my train of thought.

I shrugged not really noticing. Liam on the other hand was nodding to what Harry had just said.

                “I’m going to get something to eat, want to come with?”

“Nah, I told Niall I would go see a movie with him” Liam replied looking at his watch and getting up to leave.

                “I think I’m going to take a nap” Harry said plopping down on his bed.

“Whatever” I said heading for the kitchen.

                It was a lot easier when they weren’t around when I ate, I had nothing to hide then. Liam and Niall were gone, Harry was asleep, and Zayn was probably with Perrie somewhere.  I walked over to a cabinet that was hanging over the counter and opened it. Inside of the cabinet I had secret slide door where I stored a few packs of blood. I grabbed one and opened the top. I closed the cabinet and leaned against the counter beginning to drink the delishous blood.

                “Where did you steal that from? A blood drive?” I familiar voiced asked.

“Actually it was a hospital.” I replied back, putting the almost empty bag of blood down and looking Lilly, the nurse, straight in the eye.

                “So you steal from the sick and then drink from your friends. I guess that’s another reason why I should kill you” She said coldly.

My jaw tightened. So that’s what she was, a vampire hunter.

                “I didn’t drink Liam’s blood, I wouldn’t have. I only drink packaged blood” I hissed as I lifted up the bag of blood that I was drinking only seconds ago.

                “It’s not right. You are a sick, heartless, creature that deserves to die”

“Ouch, that really hurt” I said putting my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt.

                “If that hurt you then you shouldn’t last the week” Lilly, the evil ‘nurse’ vampire hunter/killer lady said as she pulled out a wooden stake out of her back pocket.

                My eyes widened. “Now wait—I didn’t do anything! Remember? I didn’t drink Liam’s blood!”

“But you were going to. I could see it in your eyes, thirst. You were going to suck ever last drop out of him. Who knows how many others you have killed”

                My hands tightened into fists, “You’re wrong.  I was able to stop myself. I don’t kill. And never have.”

                So half of that might have been a lie… I have killed other people. But that was years ago- centuries! I swore that after she died I wouldn't kill anyone else. And I haven’t.

                But then Lilly did something unexpected, instead of stabbing me in the heart with her stake, she cut herself. And out flowed the blood…


We're already on chapter 2 and there's a cliffhanger... Actually I'm not really sure if this is a cliffhanger...

If anyone's wondering what Lilly looks like; http://gingerpawer.tumblr.com/post/49923569714

But hey! I updated, and I will now be updating this every Thursday because I finished IILWAW! Woot woot!

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      - Al

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