Something New

By TheSchemingScholar

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This is a combination of different stories that I've written. The variety goes from romance to horror, vampir... More

Something New
Chapter One-Just an Apple
Chapter Two-Expert from Ivory Keys
Chapter Three-Legaci
Chapter Four-A Summer to Forget
Chapter Five-The Old Leather Jacket
Chapter Six-A Shattered Faith
Chapter Eight-Taken
Chapter Nine-Taken(Part Two)

Chapter Seven-Love and Magic Don't Mix!

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By TheSchemingScholar

Okay, this was back when I was first writing so please forgive me if it isn't up to my usual par. This is my first fan fic so... Harry Potter, woohoo!!! (This beginning part is Emma before she dies. And you're wondering-who is Emma? Read it, and the author's note blurb.)


My breathing was erratic, I couldn't get enough air. Where was Draco? Oh, oh no! What if, no! Draco wouldn't betray me, he-he-he loves me! I felt tears dripping down my face. Stop crying you idiot, I scolded myself, Who knows when your going to get water? Oh...this was really, really bad. Draco, I whimpered, Why did you abandon me?

"Hey." Draco interrupted, smiling. I guess because I was talking to a "mudblood," rudeness didn't matter. I swallowed my disgust and pasted a smile on my face.

"Oh, hi..." I replied, looking down at the floor, pretending to be shy. He hooks his index finger under my chin, slowly raising my head up until I am looking straight into his eyes.

"I'd much prefer it if you would look me in my eyes, where I can admire your parents' work of art." He purrs, trying to be sweet. But it just makes me angry. I take the fire from my stomach and force it into my cheeks, making it look like I am blushing.

"Thanks," I whisper, hoping he didn't detect the slight sarcastic note,"Your'e so sweet..." My heart is pounding and stomach is churning as he leans in to kiss me. This good-for-nothing Death Eater killed my twin sister! And yet he kisses her other half as if he and Emma never dated since the first year at Hogwarts! Despicable... But then Draco's lips brush against mine and I feel a familiar longing that comes from Emma's soul. I gasp, feeling Emma's pain, but of course that egotistical jerk thinks it's because of him and moves closer to me, chuckling against my lips. His breath is so intocicating that I almost enjoyed it. Almost.

"Um, I know I don't matter and all," Comes a sweet voice that sounds both irritated and disgusted. Not a nice mix. "but seriously, get a room!" Hermoine's voice snap me out of Emma's world and my own quickly comes back into focus. I step away from Draco, smiling 'cause I have him wrapped 'round my little finger, mostly.

"Thanks Hermit Crab." I say good-naturedly. But then Draco grabs me back  to say, "Hey, I wasn't finished." I feel his face nuzzling my neck from behind, but I can't take being in his shallow presence any longer.

"I have to study!" I whined, "please!?!?"

"Alright, fine," he whispers in my neck," You know I would do anything for you." As I am walking away, I think over what Draco said.

I wonder what you would do if I asked you to jump off a cliff???


Run, run faster!!! My mind is shrieking at me, but my legs aren't connected to my brain anymore, and I stop. He's coming-he's coming-he's coming- I am surrounded by the whispers of thousands. The thousands that he killed. My dad, not just some death-eater, not just some brilliant evil wizard, but the devil himself.



 "Gah!" The gasp slipped through my lips before I could gain control. My head was pounding, my heart beating, and fast. I couldn't hear over my pulse pounding in my ears. And I was oh-so scared.

 I hadn't had that dream since we- I mean, I, was six years old.

 I had fallen asleep in the garden, my head resting on Emma's shoulder, and her head on mine.Our dreams were entwined, as per usual, and we both woke at the same time, crying out in sadness. I opened my bleary eyes (as did she )to see a cobra, poised to strike. Of course, my mum came out and killed it with a quick flick of the wand, then pulled her sobbing little girls against her chest, whispering words of comfort. That's the day we learned about "magic wands" and the incredible wizarding world behind it, because of course, two curious twins weren't going to believe the cobra had dropped dead of it's own accord, and the wand was just a stick.

I shook my head, escaping the flashback. I grabbed my wand, looking around for a cobra, I turned to talk to Hermione, but she wasn't there. Strange, it wasn't like Hermione to sneak off in the night, unless of course she was studying. I smiled, that girl was just so crazy!

 I hopped out of bed, pulling my socks on, and padded down the stairwell. I paused on the fifth step, hearing voices. I realized soon enough that it was Hermione and Harry and that Ronald person talking, when they mentioned my dad, a small gasp popped out. I threw my hand over my mouth, hoping they didn't hear me, my eyes widened in terror as I heard footsteps coming my way, and fast.


Hermione's P.O.V.

"Oi, so what we gonna do then, Harry?" Ronald was trying to be quiet, but quiet has never really work for him. It would be really cute if it weren't so annoying.

"Yeah, Harry," I interjected."We can't just sit around and wait for Voldemort to show up." At this, there was noise on the stairway, and I remembered poor Elizabeth.

"Guys, I am going to run and check on Elizabeth, she is bound to be having nightmares about Draco, be right back." I started fast-walking toward the stairway when I heard Ron say something.

"Oi, you should ask her out, Harry, any girl from Gryffindor would gladly dump Draco for you." His words were muffled, but I understood perfectly. Harry had a crush on Elizabeth! How cute. I turned around, a huge grin on my lips.

"You like Elizabeth?" I asked, sorta afraid, because if Harry did ask Lizzie out, then there would be a whole lot more Malfoy drama.

"What! No!" He said blushing.

"You know that I won't tell her Harry, and you're a really bad liar. Just wait until she realizes that she is not Emma and just how rotten Draco is. Then you can be her shoulder to cry on." Ron and Harry just stared at me, dumbfounded.

 Ugh. Boys.


Elizabeth's p.o.v

Harry likes me? I was lying in bed, my heart pounding again, but of course, for different reasons this time. I had had a crush on Harry for forever, the only secret I ever kept from Emma. Now I find out he likes me back! Ugh! Dumb boys! I tugged on my hair, wanting to tear something apart.

This was going to make my mission a lot harder...


So, is it just me or were there too many @,$,#, and *s? Yeah, I was twelve. You just gotta let it go! And fast! Oh my goodness I'm dying laughing. What was I thinking? Okay, so I got red-head twins. Rare. Their father is Voldemort. Unbelievable. One of them dated Draco. And died. So the other one dates him to get revenge. By breaking his heart? But she is really in love with Harry and Harry loves her back. Impossible! This is better than a Spanish soap opera! Ha ha ha...whew...laughing that hard is exhausting. Here's the prologue thingy: Elizabeth was the best, no matter what anyone said about that Granger girl. But not anymore, not since her twin, Emma died. She knew that Draco had killed her, but she didn't know why. All she knew was that she was going to hurt him, hurt him worse than death. She was going to break his heart. That's so flipping epic, I can hardly stand it! Give me a sec to pass out, will you? -Charlotte

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