The Covington Boys (Slow Upda...

By Leota27

267K 10.4K 441

Mia Winston lost her mother in a horrible accident when she was only 14 years old. Having no family willing t... More

Author's Notes
Come Home
Havencrest or Bust!
A Part of My Soul
I Tried
Agony and Despair
Fear and Lust
I Can't Do This!
Piercing the Dark
This Isn't Right
Normal Human Life
Nothing But Honest
Completely Intact
Conversation Isn't Over
Bigger Problems
Full of Remorse
Neutral Ground
Imploding Misery
On The Border

Dreaded Conversation

8.9K 412 12
By Leota27

The realization that both of the boys were on their way home and would be here any minute, according to Mick, and Zack was who knows where was causing me to start hyperventilating as I fidgeted nervously in my seat.

"Have you discussed your full relationship with Zack, with the guys yet?" Mick questioned, watching as I twisted and untwisted my fingers on the table top, and how I was glancing at the door every few seconds.

Slowly I shook my head no. "Not yet."

Letting out a deep breath, licking my dry lips as I shot a desperate glance at my Uncle, who looked just as nervous as I was at this moment.

Every muscle and nerve ending in my body clenched up tight, while my stomach churned and rolled at the thought that I would have to tell Dante and Dimitri about my very real, boyfriend/girlfriend relationship I had with Zack for the last two years.

I hadn't even realized that my hands where shaking, until Mick clasped them in his big, warm, comforting grip giving me a reassuring smile.

"Just be honest with them... don't hold back details." He insisted, squeezing my hands in his. I furrowed my brow confused, I wasn't sure if I wanted to give them all the gory details. "Their Alphas... and you're their mate, they'll know if your lying to them or holding back." Answering my confused expression.

"A lot to still learn about this world I suppose." Whispering, biting my lip as fear gripped me.

I'm not ready to have this conversation, I'm not ready for them to know about Zack. And I'm most definitely not ready to give the two men I love details of my relationship with another man. Especially now, knowing how they react when I only talked to Zack on the phone, and that was just talking.

"They're coming up the driveway." Mick grunted out, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.

"I should check on Ms. Caroline." Mumbling as I attempted to stand from the table, wanting to delay the inevitable.

"Mia." Uncle Mick whispered, grabbing my wrist stopping my hasty retreat. "You need to have this talk with them... get it all out. I'll go check on Caroline." Staring me down as he stood from the table, patting my shoulder as he rounded the table and swiftly exited the kitchen.

Taking a deep, determined breath I got up from the table and headed toward the front door, mentally preparing myself for the dreaded conversation.

Just as I reached the door, both Dante and Dimitri barged through the front door, looking extremely pissed with their eyes pitch black as they flitted around the room.

"Were is he?" Dante growled, fisting his hands at his side.

Dimitri was breathing heavy as his eyes shifted around the room, inhaling deeply he snarled. "He's here... in the house."

"Who is?" gulping against the lump in my throat as they both turned their cold, glaring eyes to me.

"Mick." They snarled in unison.

"Yes... he is here. He's upstairs talking to your mother." Whispering as I moved to block the stairway, preventing them from going up to find Uncle Mick.

"Mia." They snapped, both heading toward me menacingly.

"He's my Uncle... and he's staying. For however long I want him too." Trying to sound confident as I straighten my back and crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to let them intimidate me this time.

"Damn it, Mia." Dante growled in warning, causing me to flinch back.

"He's not the bigger issue at the moment." Snapping back as they both scowled at me.

"What is then?" Dimitri demanded, stepping up next to me.

Biting my bottom lip, I looked between their piercing gaze as they waited expectantly for me to continue. Both were shooting angry glances up the stairs as they cocked their heads as if listening to Ms. Caroline and Uncle Mick talking.

"Well... uh... Uncle Mick..." I started only from them to growl at the mention of my Uncle. Raising my eye brows at them I pressed on. "He came here to... tell me that..." gulping as a huge lump formed in my throat out of nervousness and fear. "That Zack..." they both snapped their heads to focus on me fully at the mention of his name. "that he may or... may not be on his way here... To Havencrest." A loud, threatening growl rumbled from their chests.

Dimitri balled his fist to his side as his whole body shook with rage, while Dante let out a terrifying howl. The petrifying sound resonated all through the house, causing me to cower away from him in panic at his outburst.

"MIA." Uncle Mick yelled running down the stairs in a blur, swiftly pulling me behind him to shield and protect me.

"GET AWAY FROM HER." Dimitri roared with fury as he crouched, un-balling his fist to reveal long, sharp claws that were extending from his fingers, as if he was preparing to attack Mick.

"STOP... STOP IT." Screaming in horror at how quickly they both let their anger and rage over take them.

Bring myself to Mick's side and wrapping my arms around his waist, clinging to him. Terrified that if I let go they would hurt him or worse kill him. Breathing hard as panic filled my chest, I looked between their intimidating scowls as they both narrowed their eyes on how I was holding Mick close to me.

Neither one of them seemed like they were gathering control over their emotions, growling baring scary, sharp fangs. Flitting my gaze over them, I noticed that Dante also had his claws out.

They both were breathing heavy, glaring at my protect stance I had with my Uncle.

"Sweetheart." Uncle Mick whispered tensing his whole body as he took in their rage. "You need to go to them."

Snapping my head to look up at him in shock, I gasped in fear. "Why?" not sure if that was a good idea, they were mad at me too.

"They won't hurt you... but their wolves are starting to take control. If that happens they will be harder to calm down." He hissed through clenched teeth, as both of the boys snarled at us or him, I wasn't to sure which at this point.

Furrowing my brow at him as he nodded at me with encouragement. I took a deep breath, slowly pulling myself from Mick as he swiftly pulled his arms from me, backing away a couple of feet.

Hesitantly, I stepped down the few steps that I had unknowingly climbed in panic and slowly came to stand in front of the boys. Logically, I knew that neither one of them would hurt me, but I was still wrapping my head around the fact they are werewolves and now I saw how fast they are to jump to rage.

My body was shaking in panic as I stepped closer to them. They both narrowed their black eyes on me, watching my every move intensely. Before I could even get a chance to reach out and touch either one of them, they both grabbed at me and pulled me to them.

Dante gripped my right forearm, while Dimitri grabbed my waist and they both yanked my body with supernatural force into their chest. Swiftly Dante pressed me to his chest, lowering his head to the crock of my neck as Dimitri was flush against my back, running his nose along the opposite side of my neck.

They both were inhaling and exhaling deeply as their grip on me slowly loosened only just slightly, yet neither made a move to pull away from me. If possible they seemed to press tighter against me, sandwiching me between their rock hard, solid, muscular bodies.

"Don't be mad..., please." Whispering, my whole body was trembling uncontrollably and I was starting to hyperventilate, scared that they wouldn't want to deal with a mate who brought so much trouble and drama into their lives.

"We're sorry." Dimitri mumbled against my collar, brushing his lips against my flesh, sending a shiver throughout my body.

"You..., you just can't let another person... a male..., touch you." Dante grated in a tight tone, as his hand come up to brush his finger tips against my cheek.

"He's family... My Uncle. That doesn't seem logical at all." Questioning why being comforted by Mick was an issue for them.

"The thought of any male touching you, human or werewolf regardless of their relationship with you will enrage our wolves." Dimitri attempted to explain, as I shot a look of bewilderment toward Mick, who was watching our whole situation play out.

"Mom wasn't lying when she told you that werewolves are possessive of their mates." Dante groaned running his nose along my neck, "And ours had to live without you, their mate, for seven long years." He added with a snarl, I could feel his hot breath fanning across my skin, causing it to prickle in response.

"Well... that's going to make this conversation so much harder to have." speaking barely above a whisper, only to feel them both go rigid against me.

"What conversation?" Dante growled as Dimitri hissed under his breath.

"About who Zack is... to me. And our relationship." My breath caught in my throat as I bit my lip beyond nervous of their reaction.

Snarling they both started to shake. Closing my eyes I attempted to gather some courage to continue with this dreaded discussion, when a thought accorded to me.

There was no way that these two haven't been with someone else in the last seven years. As much as the very thought made my heart hurt and clench in my chest, looking between these two incredible gorgeous men. I knew that there was no way.

Taking a much needed deep breath, I straightened my posture and slowly started to pull away from them.

"So... your both saying that you... were never with anyone else? At all in the last seven years?" taking a few steps back so I could look at them both properly.

Neither would make direct eye contact with me as they nervously shuffled their feet. They were both fisting their hands at their sides as the veins on their necks popped out from how hard they were clenching their jaws.

"That's what I thought." Pushing aside the churning, nauseous feeling in my stomach. "Zack was the only one.... Ever. And it took me nearly five years just for me to feel somewhat okay with the idea of even dating someone."

"We never dated anyone.... Just...." Dimitri trailed off.

"Hooked up." Continuing for him. They both nodded. "I never did anything like that... Zack, helped me stop whaling in my depression. He made me smile and feel somewhat happy and normal. After five years of total and utter darkness." Choking up remembering what a pathetic mess I was before Zack come along.

"It's hard for us... to stand here and hear about you with another male." Dante grounded out, piercing me with his tense gaze.

"I know... but he's apart of my life and has been for the last two years." Sniffling I closed my eyes, blowing out a sigh. "He's my boyfriend and... I live with him." Finally admitting everything I had been holding back from them.

Taking a quick glance at Mick who was still standing on the stairs, hovering close by just in case, he gave me a tight smile as he shrugged his shoulders. He was waiting just like I was for their reaction.

"What does having this conversation mean?" Dimitri asked grimacing.

"What are you telling us?" Dante demanded staring me down.

"Just... I had to... tell you who he is. To me." Whimpering at how cold and distant they both started to seem. Like they where shutting themselves off from me.

"And because he may be on his way here..., to see you." Dante snarled his face contorting with fury, while Dimitri's pain filled face looked away from my desperate gaze.

My breath caught in my very dry throat as pain shot out across my heart at their gut wrenching response. This is way I didn't want to talk about Zack with them, I knew that they would hate me for not waiting for them.

For finding someone else, sniffling I wrapped my arms around myself and backed even farther from them. Feeling so hurt and conflicted about what to do? What I should be more concerned with? Finding Zack or reassuring the twins how I feel about them.

"How sure are we that he's even on his way here?" Dante barked crossing his tense, muscular arms over his chest as he took on a meticulous and completely in control stance.

Shaking my head at him, not really sure myself I turned to look at Uncle Mick, seeing that he had moved to stand next to me as the twins glared daggers in his direction, it brought a whole new meaning to 'if looks could kill'.

"He started to become erratic and aggressive... with how ambiguous Mia was being with him on the phone... He was furious the she wouldn't talk to him directly." Mick stepped forward answer their questions, even as they glowered at him.

"He was upset that I would only text him." Grimacing I wasn't sure why I added that bit of information, but I did.

"I put a few Rogues that I know and trust, on tailing him. Just to keep tabs on him." Mick continued, ignoring their looks of hatred.

"Rogues?" not sure what the word meant.

"Their wolves that don't belong to a pack, normally because they were kicked out for going against pack law." Dimitri answered eyeing the distance I had put between myself and them in this smallish foyer.

"Or they were born outside of a pack and chose to remain outsiders." Mick snipped, not liking the condescending tone Dimitri used.

"Spoken like a rogue." Dante snarled, his whole body rigid from how tense he was.

"True. Something I chose..., for my niece." Mick responded tightly, letting his calm, cool control slip. The boys growled at his snarky remark.

"Alright. This really isn't the time." Stepping between them and Mick. "To cut to the chase, the rogues or whatever lost Zack." Snapping at them, all this hostility was really starting to get to me.

"And in his unpredictable state he could come here." Dimitri simplified with a sigh, looking at me longingly.

"Are you worried about what we will do to him? If he does show up here?" Dante grunted out bluntly. "Cause you love him." Sneering out that last part of his statement.

Grimacing as tears brimmed in my eyes, loathing that was their first thought. Whimpering I shook my head at them, tears streaming down my face.

"No... I don't love him. Not like a love you two." Gasping for air while my throat tightened from my oncoming sobbing. "Looking into your faces I can't lie... I can't, so yes I care about him... I do. But I love you. I love you both so much it overwhelms me."

Tossing aside my concern with them being furious or angry with me. I quickly closed the distance between us, wrapping my arms around Dante's waist, reaching out I grabbed Dimitri's shirt and pulled him toward us, turning my head to snuggle my face into his shoulder.

"I love you... I'm sorry." Crying into Dimitri's shoulder as I clung to Dante.

Within moments they pressed themselves into me, bending their heads inhaling my smell, while they started to relax against me.

"We love you." Dimitri breathed into my hair as he stepped up closer behind me.

"So much." Dante groaned burying his head in my neck. "Your ours Mia, nothing else matters but that."

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*Short I know, especially for how long it took to update. Working on updating faster sorry. As always thanks for reading.*

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