Billionaire's Indian Bride.

By frozenelssa

1.7M 58.9K 3.1K

He had pinned her between the wall and his lower body, the only thing which was maintaining some distance bet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 36

29.6K 1K 83
By frozenelssa

hey Guys.... here is a new update and happy diwali to you all and your families. may it be prosperous to you all. so i have updated my profile and you guys would like to take a look at it cause there is a surprise for you all. also i need your help. can any one help me set a facebook page for this book cause i recently found out that i am pathetic about it so plz someone help.


Both of them finished their breakfast in record time and Nisha jumped out of her seat and pulled Nick along with her as soon as he kept down his glass.

"Come on, I can't wait any longer. I want to see her expressions. "

Nisha giggled as she dragged Nick to his study.

"Wait Nisha, who is this person, and why we are going in my study."

Nick asked her as she opened the door of study and dragged him to the table,

"oh she is my sister and we are not meeting in person, we are going to talk to her on Skype, now sit."

She answered him while pushing him in his chair. She opened her laptop and connected them to Skype.

"How do you know she will be free right now? We might not be able to connect at all"

Nick asked her teasingly and pulled her down on his lap making her yelp in surprise.

"Ohh...she will be there. "

She replied breathlessly, tilting her head back as Nick placed the butterfly kisses on her sweet spot near her neck,

"Ummmhmmm.... I don't mind at all sweetheart, take your time. I am ready to sit for a whole day with you on my lap. "

Nick whispered in her ear as his hands started drawing small circles on her thigh, making her shiver. He lifted her chin up with his index finger  and tilted his head down to kiss her but when they heard the scream they jerked back. Nick  looked at the screen with frown on his face only to meet the shell shocked beauty. the girl on the screen had very prominent features with sharp nose,high cheekbones small yet plump lips. she  looked like she had just got out of the bed. 

" Ohhh my god, i am dead and gone to heaven. The Nisha Joshi is sitting on a man's lap wearing his shirt and making out shamelessly. this is too good to be  a dream."

The girl on the screen screamed in delight making Nisha blush in crimson red. Nick started laughing at her reaction and tighten his grip when Nisha started squirming in his arms. 

"Oh stop it D. Stop embarrassing me. i want you to meet Nick. and Nick this is Divya Raje a.k.a D"

Nisha introduced them with a small grin.

"Hello , Nice to meet you Ms.Raje. So you are Nisha's cousin sister?"

"Oh no formalities please Mr. Watson call me D and i am not her cousin. we like to introduce each other as sister but in reality we are best friends. we know each other since we were kids, went to same school, same college just different professions. "

she replied with a smile.

"Ohh D call him Nicolas. No need for Mr.Watson n all"

Nisha replied sweetly before he could utter a word and he smirked at her reply. she did not like her friend calling him Mr.Watson. 

"So when you guys are getting married?"

D asked them enthusiastically. 

" Its not fixed yet D but i hope soon. we first have to take permission from Nisha's parents. Then only we can decide."

Nick replied with a smile. Divya looked at them for a moment, lost deep in thought.

"hello, earth to D!"

Nisha waved her hand in front of screen snapping D out of her thoughts. she smiled at Nisha Mischievously before snapping at her,

"Nisha get out. I want to talk to Nick alone. " 

"What ?"

Nisha replied with a surprise, but Nick had a fair idea about the conversation that was going to happen.

" Its fine sweetheart. I want to talk to her too. why don't you go get ready for work. I'll come in 5."

Nick lifted her gently from his lap but the look on her face told him that she did not like this idea. He saw the emotions passing through her coffee brown eyes, he could see the the disbelief and insecurity?. Before he could ask her Nisha walked out of the study. He sighed and turned his attention back to screen only to find thoughtfully observing D.

"You really care about her, don't you Nicholas?"

"Yes I do. How did you know."

"Its written on your face. look I know she can be difficult at times, well almost all the time but don't give up on her. I can see that she trusts you a lot. She cares for you too, she won't accept it but its been for the first time in years i have seen her so happy with someone. I know her for almost all her life and you are the second person who calls her with endearment and she likes it. When she told me about your agreement, I was very angry  but now she that she is happy I will support you guys. But if you hurt her Nick I will personally make sure that you pay for it.  She had a hard life Nick, nothing we can go through I don't want her to suffer her again."

"I know D , she has been through a lot and i might have seen the glimpse of it also. I know why she is so conservative in a way she dress and sometimes behave and trust me I have no intention of hurting her."

Nick replied sincerely.

"So she told you the reason. Wow she really did trust you."

"Why you don't know? I thought you guys are best friends."

"yes we are but she never shares everything. And about that reason only she knows about it and now you. She is crazy Nick, in our whole 15 years of friendship i have hardly seen her cry . She thinks that crying is a weakness, she developed this bad habit of bottling everything up inside her. She would shut down herself to everyone who hurts her and once those walls are up you can't get through no matter what. So don't break her trust Nick cause she won't forgive you , ever again."

"I understand D and i will never break her trust, I intend to spend my whole life with her."

"Good to know that. Now we have that cleared, how about a surprise for her?"

"Yes why not. Actually I was thinking if you could help me a bit. I have to attend this charity function tomorrow and I want Nisha to come with me but I don't think she will agree , can you help me with that too."

"Sure I have a perfect plan for us."

D replied happily and soon they got busy planning their mischief. 

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